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<br /> 14. DE�AULT.Ttustnt wlll bc In drfautt il nny piuty abll�t�tcd an�hc$rcurcd net�t i'alla t��mnke{�aymc»t�vhrn dua,'1'niatar
<br /> wlll bc In defuult If n 6rrnch aicu�a undcr thc ternt�at thla Secu�i�y instniment nr�ny�thet dcwuntent excv�ut�d fur ihr
<br /> purpose of ccsaling srcuring or gunrantying tha 5c�;�r�.Yi Dcbt. A gaad tu11h belleF hy iieni�flcivey iha� [knrflctory pt any .
<br /> --• �}`^ fime ia lnsecticm�'���t t�1ce�.�qlqli Il Nso conaYd►uta�s�t eve t o�dc ault��h1 nr that thc prusprtit of nny puymcat ur
<br /> , tho volue of tltc�pe�y ►mA8
<br /> 19. REMEDICS UN Dki�Atil.�. in svm�iastanrc�s. fecEert�l and stasti ln+s� \k1II [tEQlllil L�l't��4I�Y l0 41fUYWl`�I�NStl1T�YIIII �
<br /> notice of the dght t� cu�+e ��r othcr naticcs and mny��stnblish time �ch��dules far famclasure aetions. Suh r+:t tu thesc =
<br /> � Ilmiuuiana, if any Neneflcinry mny mti�lerate tAe 5ecured Debi wid furc�•lose tMe Sc�:udty Inslrwmnt ��a a mm�ne� !
<br /> ��;�'� provided by law it�[Yt�stor ie ln dctautt. _
<br /> ^ � � At the option af Beneflcituy Wl or any ptut uf thonBmcd feea and rhara��a. nccrued lntcrest and pNnclpul ehnti became
<br /> � 1mmMl�to1y due and pt►yAb�o, ntter giving natta:e ie required by law. upun ths occurrenco of a deinult ar tima _
<br /> therenft�r.ln additian,Hrncfteiury shnil bcz entUtr�d to nil the cemedies provided by imv� the term9 af the 5ecurc�l�ebt, �
<br /> thia Sccurity Inst�ument and nny rel�ted dacumenta�including without 1{mitatton,tho pa�ver eo seri Wn Propeny. �,
<br /> � "i If there ta u defnult, Trustee ehull,in addition ta Any other pctmittad thocequest of the Beneflcinry. advertlsa �°
<br /> �,a r�nd sell th0 Prope»y,av n whole ar tn scparatu piucela nt pubtic aucdun to ihe hlghcwt hlddet far cash nnd canvc,y ahsolatu _
<br /> ti�l�:t�ec nnd cktrc ot ntl rl�hi,tltic imd intenwt uC 7'�usta�nt Kuch�h�u i+nd pinec av'frust�ti d�si�;ncuux.T�uytcc ahall �1tvc
<br /> " � �pli� luw in eff�8at�the�ti�mo of t�he pc�opa�sed a�ulo�o�d a description of tl►o property to be sold as eequired by ths
<br /> U�on anle af the property and to tho eMe�it nat pmhibltod by law Truetee shall makc and delivex n dced ta tho PropertY
<br /> , � � h�7d which conveys ubsoluto tltlo to t�e gurahuser. uad Nter i��st payiag u11 fees� chargcs and C09I8� eh�ill pA`�y t�`
<br /> �,;`:�;. ►Funeficiary u11 moneys �ch':�nccd for rcy�.4irs� uuces, iasur�nca, liena, assessmeats and prior e�acumbrancea and i
<br /> ` J���.,. � ah��reon, and the priac�1pa� a�nd Interest on the Secured Debt� puying ehe surplua. If any� to 't'Netor. Beneticinry may
<br /> `??jv`' ia ��u�chtue the PcopectY.'!ho a�citais in nqy�leed of wnveyanc�shull be priAa faal�evidened of tde facta set fonh thereia.
<br /> • "� p�l cemedirts wn diatlact,cumuludve�ur,����t exclusive�and tha Bae:t�clnry is entlAed ta a11 remtdies pravided at luw or
<br /> equity,wbez�ier or aot expressly set fort�."TAe�eceptnnce by Beneflci,��ry of uny sum in puymemt rr partlnl p�yment on the
<br /> Sesured Debt atter tho balance lo due or ia uccelerat�d or After fore�tosure praceedin8s nie t'L►cYi shnll not oonetitute a
<br /> � wuiver of Beneftci 's d t to requlro complete cute vf uay eaiating default. By nat eaercisiag swy remedY c+a 7lrustor's
<br /> dof�►ult,8eneficl does no wu#ve Beneficlary's tl�ht�a luser canstder tho ovent u defuult if it contWues ar happens again.
<br /> 16. EXPL�NSESi ADVANCI�;S ON CO�.NANTB; AT't'O1tNEY8' F��Si C01,4ECT[ON CQS'I'b. Bacept when
<br /> pmhibitat by�law�Tru�tor age�es to pa} .il1 of Beneffni�uy e expenses if T�ustor breAChes any'�avenaat In t1�ie S�cwitY
<br /> Ipatrua�ent. Tniator wlll ulso pay on den�and tu►y�arna�snt incurrod by Benoficituy for i��gntere�t�s�+m�,��r�i ar
<br />`'ii';, athenuise pratecti� the Px.�Ky�d Ben�ficlary e sa��.a�ty iaterest.'ihese expeu.���vill bear i tf► dato o thp
<br /> >-_� ������s a�he highest intecest rute ici��iect as pmvlded in th�ac�nv�.c of thd Secwed Debt. ��
<br /> ' � to poy all casts and ex�nses incuned by &neficiary in coiiectin,�. euro�.�.� ��� ����''s �� �
<br /> ,�`.,,.:.�. re�nodies uu�tej this Secur,ty lnstn�ment.Tttis un�ouat muy include.AW3�s not i�m��e��to, attomoys feea� oourt ooste,an�
<br /> ,.,--.- athe: te �1 eapenses, 71da Secucity lattcument ah�ll remaiu in e�.'�.t until �l�ased. Tcustar agrees to pay for aay
<br />-`�,:,_�
<br /> QR�n,uA nf such release.
<br /> ` 17. F.NVIRONMEN1�Ai. LAWS AND HAxARQOUS SIJBbTANC@:9. As used in thia sectlon� (1) 6nvimtunenlul
<br /> �,°x meuns, without limitstlon the Comprehensivo 8nvironn�entai R�sponse�Campenaudpn und i.iabllity Act(CERCLA�42
<br /> - U.S.C. 9Q01 et seq.)�anc�ul� ath�r fe�Yral� stato cuid lacal lawa� regulntions�ordlnances,court ordere, uttcr�,�y go�nc��
<br /> . . .�; a�pinions or inteipretive lettcre conccr�uw^�,�cho publtc health,ss�ffety.weifare,emironmenlluwntor icantamiannt�which has
<br /> Haxardous Substence means nny tofii�:. e�diaactive or haznrdous matedN� wusta� po
<br /> -- churactedatics which reuder the eubsit�n�e dungemus or potentially daagemus to the public heulth� es;fery� welfere or
<br /> =,�tiY:�; environment.Tho tera►indat��,wlthout Umftation�an substnnces defittal as "haztu'doue materlul." "�oxie eubstanoes."
<br />_s�_y� "hazardoua woato"or"haam�Vaus aubstanco"uader any�aviraamcutal Luw.
<br /> `:-�'"� Trustor representa�warrAwis and agrees tl�at:
<br /> A.E�ata pnsvlously disclosed u�s�acknowledged in writi�,g c�r�enQSafa�Y. no Hazt�doua Subatance is or�vlll be
<br /> '� �,� 1aca;a;�, srored or releused an os nw the Pro�rty. 'Il�ta t�.�n��rm doe9 ttot apply to emall quantities oF Hazardc��.a
<br /> �:� Substances tbat are generally reco�ai�d to be;, prlate for thc namnat use and mainteuuace of tAe Pmperty.
<br /> •� 8.Bx t a.v previously disclosed ana aclrnowledfi�n wd�to Hcneficlary.'Pcuatar and every tennnt httve been�an',
<br /> t ' und�aU cemala in tLll compliance with uny applicable Bnv ronmenwl Law.
<br /> C.Truatar ehall immediatcly notity Beneficlary if a ar tbrec+tened relcusa of A Hn��rdaua S�bstenor u'►�cu+re on�
<br />��-;" � undor or nbout the Aroperty or t�here ie a vlolatlau of any Bnvkanmental Law canceraing tha Property, la aucb an
<br /> � event�Trustor eha11 take a11 necessa*Y re�dlal uction ira a�ccardance with any Bavironmental Law.
<br /> .�,�:;�;""F p,Tcustar sAall immedlately aaUty Beneftclary in wd�u9 soon as'Ituator has reason to beliove thero!s auy pending
<br />_., or threatened invea��atian, claim. or procctding re atinS ta tha celease �r tlu�utenod releaso of any Hazardous
<br /> ��..;" , Subswaca or the viv��dan of any Envixonmentel Law.
<br /> • � 18. CONUEI►�tA�'ION.Trustor will aivc Beneflclary prompt nodce of uny pend'�g w�threatened prlvate or publio
<br /> • eY►ddes topac�haso or take nny or all of the Properry through const�:�ation,emineat domain,or uny ather mc,uns.T�u3tcra
<br /> suthorizea Bcaoticiary to interveae in Trustar'e name!n any of tC.e z��ive descdbed actions or claimv. 7Yustor assigus¢a
<br /> w Beneticlary tho procceda of any award or claim for damages conaected wlth a oondemaatian or other taking of all or amy�
<br /> purt of the Praperiy Such procceds ah�ll be considered pt�+mente aad will be applied as provided iri ti�as S�curlty
<br /> lasttument.7bis assignment of procee�la subjest to tho temtv of any pdor martgage,deeil of trust.secunzyr�tee�t or
<br /> ` otber 11cn dacument.
<br /> _ �'-�., 19. INS[11tA1�ICE.1Yustor shall keep Fraperty lnsurcd ogainst las�by 8re.flood.theft tmd other hazards aad dska raasonubly
<br /> � assoclated wIW the Property ctuo ta!ta typo nnd lacaHan.Thia insucunce shall be maintalned in the amouAts und for the
<br /> � � perlods that Beneflclary requima. 71te lnswancc caxrler providla the lnsurnace ah�ll be ehasen by Tcustar uubjeet to
<br /> <r•" Beneficiary�8 Appt�OVA1� which ehaU aot be wueusonably withhel�. if Trustor fafle to malntaW the coverage descdbed
<br /> � � abave.Beneftciuy mny�at Beneticlery'o option,obteln wvera�e ta protect Beneflclary s rights in tho Propetty accordinR
<br /> to the termv af this Securlty Instn�men�•
<br /> °� '�� " p�l►nsuruncopo1lcies and renewnla ehall be acceptublo ta Beneflciary and ahoi!inalude a standsud"morigoge clause"nnd.
<br /> where epplica6le "la;a puyee clause." Ttustor shall inunediatcly aotif Byeneficlary of cancclladon or temdnsulan of the
<br /> Msurae�cv. Benef�clary s�hall buve the righa ro hold the polictes urtd renewxls. If Beneficiary requires. 'IYuatar sha11
<br /> in�lla e natice tothe lncu Cra aace ra�rrier aui d�Aeaeiiri�y B�eue�ary maY irwke Proaf af loss�lt noim d�toinuredlutely by
<br /> T�ustor.
<br /> IpeDe 3 0l 41
<br /> Q10D{OW�n�6Y�t�ms.tno.flt Ctpd.MN It•806�01•75011 Pam H4 GT�HS 10�71/B1 ^—
<br /> . �
<br />