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<br /> � n.Ail Nturc ndvonery tl�nm 8�ueticlury tu Tn�star or other Qnuce aUllgatlans uf Trust�r a� Aeneticlury under any
<br /> pramfasoi�notr,cantrnrt�attarwtty,or o�hre ovidenw aF dc6t ex�uteti by'T'n�sta�In ft►vor af Bcneticiary exc�:utrd
<br /> ,_ � uiter this SCCUi�iS► I115lt11fllENit �YhCIItE'�11i IM1 IIi18 SCV'it��ly I[lSINAICAI 19 e�££CIIICUJIy [CfC(E11CCt�. IP mnn: than ona
<br /> per�nn eign� lhid Secueicy tnstn►mcnt. c:�ch Trustor ngrcrs thnt thle Sccurlry tns�rumcnt �vill sc�cure ult IUtu�e
<br /> � : 1. ativanc�s end iWtutn o6U ations Ihat aru�iven to oe incuttccl hy uny an�ar nct�rc'frtistur.ar any�uto or aa�m'Trustot f-".--
<br /> . .. � uttd othore, AII Nturo a�van�rs nna u11►rr[Utuc�obliguticros ar�setured b thle Secerity I�.gtcument even thougf�all
<br /> ar p�tin iit�y'�t yet be e�v�+u�1.All fhiur�utivu�es ond other l�turc ablt�g nttun9 nrc:sccured Ay if miede un thu date :�,
<br /> ' at thie Securtty In3trumenl. Nothipg in t!►ts Secu�ity Inatrument eha!(cunstltute a c�mmimuz►t tn nwk�uddidanal ot
<br /> ll�ture ln�or�dvunce9 in twy nmoant.Any sach cammttntent must h�ngrrecl to in u sepnrate wNtlnA �
<br /> ;;. ����' C.All ubllgndons'ilrusto�o�ye to BeneBelnry.�vhich nwy tater culsa,ta the extent not prahibited by law including
<br /> � . .,- but not limlted to� Hnbtlit�c9 Cor uvecdrotta relaling ta uny d��pasit nc�;ount agceement betwcen �'r�atar un�
<br /> Hcreflctnry.
<br /> D.AU udditional sum9 tufvanc�d aad e�penses incurred by Beneficlnry for incuring. re.�ervin�ur athervuise ptotecting
<br /> ! � thc R�ropedy and ita vulua and nny at�ter swne udvunccd und expcnses incurrod by�eneficiary undcr the terms af thls -
<br /> Socurity[astrua�ent.
<br /> � � 'lY+is Secu�lty lnstn�ment will nat scxure any athcr debt if Bcneftclary fuiis ta give nny rcquirc�d natice of tha dght of _�
<br /> �- tescisslon,
<br /> � ' S. PAYM�NI'i5.Trustar�tecs ihat Wl paycueata under tha Secured DeDt wiU 6e pnid when duu vnd ia uu,urdauce wlth 1!►e --
<br /> ,, � term9 of the Secured Bebt and thta Secutity Instnunent, _
<br /> 6. WARRANTY OF TITI��. TNSiQI Wa1T8A18 1IlAl TIU8l0! 18 OL WIII bC I&1VAI�I3/ 6�.� �TN&�tCeB'�IA lfU��WI powerhof _ --
<br /> e F
<br /> � S�t�;.z��ry Insuument und hos thE riaht to irr�v�ben¢w�ttbet d�@x�cePt f i enc�umbrapi�vS recard.
<br /> ' � s�ta.'lyuator also wamwta thnt tho Property �--
<br /> � 7. PR10R B�CURITY I1V'1'EItES"l'S. With ceSard ta any otAe�mottgoge,deed af uust. seceirity ogn°ement or other lien ic
<br /> pro Tcuetor agras; -
<br /> docwneut that created a prlor securlty interesE�1 encumoraace on the PertY� -
<br /> � A.To mako ali paymente when due aad ta p�rform or comply with all wvcnants. _
<br /> ^ B.To prompQy dellver ta Braeiictary any notic�that Teustar receiv�v fMm the holder.
<br /> C.Nat to s�low tu►y mudificAdon or extonaion of, nor to rec�uest uny tUture advpnc.,�s►uider uny nato or p,,e�nent
<br /> socured by the lien document wfthout Beneflclary's prinr wrltten consent. �
<br /> , ����j 8. CLAiM9 AGAiNSI'TITI.E.'I'�ustor�vill�ay all taues,assessmente���y�u,��tor toII�roxiv�ido to Be�nefici�ty� __
<br /> ueilitles.nnd oil'+�r cf�r�es rdating�o the epeny when duo. Benef{ ' � N
<br /> m�+i•�af aU notices thnl sucb umounts ara due-and ths receipte evldencln�'Y�ustor e payment.Tcustur wHl defend tiqo to
<br /> �8 p�,operty q�ainst any clalmv thnt wauld impair the lien of thia Srxurity lastroment. Tiustor ugt+eey to �?qn ta
<br /> Bc:nERci .asrequested by Heaeiiclary any dgh�e.claJmv or defenses T�uator msy dnve agNnst purtics who supptp�nbor
<br /> � , � or materi�a to nt:�intaia or improvc ttte�rOpecty.
<br /> � Q. pUE ON SAI.E i�R ET�t�i3��e+iiL'i�.�tct�Y ss�a�;.st 3ts��de�?e��e entire baluncc ak chc�Socured Debt co .
<br /> be immediatel due und p�yublo u u tlee crea?ion of�or contmct or the crRauon af,unY lieA,em�1'��►��leab�lo.�'[Uia
<br /> - I &�Se v,q the property.7�ia rl t Is e�i►bJect to the restrlctians imposed by fedecal luw(12 C.P.R. S91)�av upP
<br /> . 1 O��fSF1191 Ah811 !UA W��1���oP��3+�sh�11 remafn in effect until thc Secured Debt is puid in tull aad tbio Securlry
<br /> -��•�°--= iasuuratent is�rir�.
<br />.:-�,.i,,,i 10. PROPERTY��'�I7'iON. AL'I'�1tATIONS AND INSPEGTION. 'ilustoc wlll keep the P[operty in g���n�d�itlopi
<br /> and malce all that �fru�ator wi�ll k�eyPrupertY f'rce of�R�zasnw�eeds aad grusses.Tcusior egrer..w Wat�he
<br /> � dcicrtorndon of�e Propetty �
<br /> nan�ro af the oecupancy anQ use wlll not substantlNly chango without 8enet�ciary e prior wrttten conscut• 'I�„t�siai�w111
<br /> permft uny change in any licenso�rptrl�tiv�e co ee ca�ni�r�send��tioAiehABnlnBs�t'elfiYuc e oi,e�d af�anY laconsen�. e to the
<br /> . damsg
<br />.p notity Heneficiary of all demmt . P �8
<br />-.":.`1!�i.� Ptoperty.
<br />.`u�::;�'� Benofiaiary or Benoflciary's agente mqy.at E,�.*isaflaiary's option,enter tho Property at any reasoanhiz Q�for tho tupo 8
<br />- p� �spoctin8 tho property. Heasficlsry sdall glve 7'custor aatic�at the time of a: b0fard an �. octionspec
<br /> ; ;'„ �ti,c�abla�+uipose for the kis�pection, Aay iaspection of the Propeny shall bo entk+ely for Bcno�clary's fse�rc t aad
<br /> L' �istvr will ia uo way�ely oA Seneticlury's inap�ction.
<br /> �� 11. AUTIIORI'll'11�VtD P�RFOR1V�.thout a ttlgor�,�perfom�i or�cau�se t�h�e n 4�t eY�rFora�ed.�Tiuswrpa�pointei Beaetialary a�x
<br /> �":�. lnst�urnent� �ie�e�vlary y,
<br /> Sar ormanea Beueflclary a dsht ta orm for
<br /> :�,:�.,ti.� aitomey in f8ct Ro aign'itiustar's nama ar p�y u�►y aanount ucce��arY ' 3� h
<br /> «>����5 '�i,ator aha11 aot cmuto an o�+i�gation to�orm, and 8cneficfary's fatlure to perfoma wi�1 not preclude 8ene cia�y from
<br /> -�!��;t;�, ermsqiela uny oY B:neftciary's ather rigfite under the taw or this Securiry�st�� q��5��o��°�i���fi��•s
<br /> --=���..�, is dliscon�nued ar not carrled an in a repsonable manaer,aeneRciary may �• P
<br />-�u',::.: security laterest ia tha Property�iacluding ac�mpl.tion of the coastructloa.
<br />' .: .Y34 S
<br /> ' 12. A89I�NMEPl7'OF LEASl�B AND RI%A17B.'i�ustor ircovocably grante, coaveye and sella t�o Tn�atee. iu trust far t o
<br /> ' (�aflt of Beneflciary. as ad�lidanal socurlty ail the dght,dtle aad interest in and ta nny nnd aU existiag or i�tara leases.
<br /> � ' �,�eS�ses�aud auy o�aer written ar verbul agteements tor th�use and occup�aY of any portlau af the Pcoparty,f��e,4ing
<br /> any extenatona renew�e����lone or eubstituuons of sueh aBreementa(all coferred w as"Leasea")aud ce+a¢.��ussue9
<br /> - _— and pmflte (c� referrai to as "Rents"). Tcuetor wi11 prampUy pr�vide 8eneficiary wlth mw a�d��t copfes of all
<br /> . e�ating and�an:Leases.Trustor rtu�y cndtect,rECeive.en,�oy end uso the R��ate so long av'i'�ustor is not in dofaWt under
<br /> r tho tern�v of�ir.5�uritY Iustrumeut.
<br /> � � _ _ n the recordinB of ebla Deed of Trust a�d thnt Beneticlary ie
<br /> _ � Tnistox e�k�o�tadges that a�ts a�si&ament!s p!+rfe�c�e�upo
<br /> � entiQ�to aotity any of Tr��:or's tensmts to m�lce aya�ent of,�storduuad Trustor a carants und�m�ako de�mead that al� `
<br /> � Heueficlary agrees that anlq ar�default will Beneflc� c�atlfy _
<br /> 3 Poture Renta be ald direcUy ta Beaeficiary.On recefvin�notice of defaWt Trustor wi�➢endorso as.d�deW1i11 no�o�ommin8l�e �-
<br /> �,,:��= any payaaent of�eata in Trustor's possess�oa and wiii receive any Rent��A uust for Aeneficlury
<br /> `•.�� �he Reata wlth nny other funde. AnY amounta collecta!wl cab el al�dlocd t/enani t w Trustar�.t�c�e�rs to�maia��ta9n and --_
<br /> •,t wnnanta that no d�fuult e�lsta under the I.e�ses or any app �
<br /> require any tenant to camply wiW We termv of the LcASes and applicablo luw.
<br /> 13. LEASERO�.DSi CONDOASWIUMS• PI.AMVED UMT DEV�LOg1NENT9. Truator agrees to comply wltt� tt►e '.
<br /> , � .; provielans of nny leaso 1t thi�Secw'1ty,�s�,�n�i of 7nist�ures duties�tu�de�i�pthe c�ovenant�by-�awa or rcg a iona�af trhe `
<br /> pinnued�alt devetopment. wil �
<br /> condomidum or planned unit developmEnt. -
<br /> F
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<br /> ' _": — _
<br /> C190�flanxers tiverom�,ine..6�•C�aw�MN It•800�a�J7•7�11 fdnl RF•CT•N8 tOq7l07
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