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<br /> u�vnor a4 eho pn��rcrty� (hI a tronnfar intu un intcr vivc�q tru.9t in �vhich tn� lia�ru�vcr ie c�nd remnine n beneticiury ond
<br /> whiuQ doea �ot rolato tu a tran�tor nt eighte nt urvupancy in tho pruperty, ur (U ony othcr trun�tcr or dispasition
<br /> - d�crf�i ia reguletivns pre:tc�ibed by tho Fedvral liomo Luon Honk HuueA, I�i)Pi'Ut�Cf Aht1U co�rso tn be eubmitted
<br /> �_ intarm�tion eequi�ed by l.ettder w ovnluntv the tcangferco as if e new Inun��orn tx+ing madu tu tho teanofarca. Hattower
<br /> '' I tvill contln�so tu ho ob8goted under tha Noto ond thfa Ueed pt 7'rust unlrss l.enci�r releatiea I3orrowar tn wridnR. _
<br /> , i U l.ender dnt�s not agrco ta nurh eale ar transPor. Lender moy deciura ait at thn r,umu c:ecured by� thtA A€cd at'I'eu�t __
<br /> �� - to bo immediataiy duo nnd p�yutsic�. i4 I.end�r cxerCirx;t n�uh nptian ta�ac��elemt�, �.en�9hai1 mall Horro�rer natica nt _
<br /> „ ±, accolaration in acca�danra with parag�aph 12 heceot. Such notice shall pruvidr� a pertad at not lass than 30 duyA from
<br /> �_. tho dnto th� notice IA m�iled ar deliv�ted Nithin �vhirh Burro�ver �tay pay tAo Rums cleclared duo. !f Harro�vor toile ta -
<br /> z_•-��.3 pay �uah aume prior ta tho axpintttnn af ouoh periad, I.ender mny, without fu�sher naticc+ ae damand an Horrower,
<br /> wE� invoka any rome.�dte9 parmitted by parc+grap h 1 7 horea P.
<br /> NQN�UIVItiA1tM GOVBNANT9.Borrowor and I.�ender turthar cavenent and agrcs os to11aw�:
<br /> ' 17. Accolor�tion; lton►odioa. Csxccpt ae provided ia par�graph 16 horeot� or �s otherwise rcqulred by 1a�v�
<br /> � upon Ho:aa�vee'e breaoh of sny coven��t or a�teomont at Borrower in thie Dead a! Truat� inaludiug
<br /> HoreoAVr'e t�ilute to psy� by tba end o!ten (10)c�load�t d�ys atter t6e d�te thay aro due� �AY 8UH1NH BCOUtCd _
<br /> � , � by t4�ia 1?�ecd o!Truat�Lendor prior to accelaration s6��1�ive natice to 8orcower�e provided in para�raph 12
<br /> ti hansot epcoityis►{: (1)tho breaUh; (2)t�o�ation rcquired to ouro auoh breach; (3)a dete, nae lnss thia 20 d�ye _
<br /> � ' tram tho daie t4o natice is m�ilod to Borrower, by wdioh euch brosch muAt bo ourod; 4nd (4)th�t talluro to
<br /> � uure eush brasch uu oc betaro the date specitiod in tbe naiico m�y�tesult in accaleratiom ot the aume seaurod _
<br /> by t61s Dced oi Tr�st �nd s�le at the Praporty. Tho notico ah�ll turther intorm Hor�o�ve� o! tho ri�ht to
<br /> �� rolnstato�ttor aCCeler�tion ead tde �igdt ta briag court action to�ssort tAa aoneYiatanaa oP�dct+�olt or�ny
<br /> , ,� other deteaso a!Bonawer to acceleratioA and ssle. It the bre:cd ia mos aurod an ar botoro th�dato epeoltied
<br /> � i�4ho natico, Loader� st Lnader's option, msy deol�re sll ot t�s auma securad by thde Dead af Truet ta be
<br /> ��� immedlatoly duo aad psyable �vithout tucther dom�ad and cnt,}s� invako the power o! �te and �ny ather
<br /> romediea permittad by �ppiicable I�w. l.ender shsll be eatltled to coltect all coate and expensos iaourted in
<br /> • pureuint the romodioe provided!a tbia pars�rsph 17 to the ariout permitted by�ppliasbla law.
<br /> I!Loador invokoa tho pawor of sa1e� Lendor or Trnat�o ah�1D mail copioa of�aatd�a of salo in the �nsnnor
<br /> prascrlbad by�pplicablo l�tv to Botrower�nd 4a t4e athor persans presoribod by�ppl3cablo law.Truatce ah�ll
<br /> �� .� �ivo notice at sale by public advortisoment �or ihe time snd in tho msnuer presr��lbed 6y +�pplioablo 1Rw�.
<br /> � � Trustee.without dem�nd on Botrowor� ah�ll so11 tho Pcoperty at pnblio�uction ta tha didbeat bldder!or cash
<br /> �` ' at tho timno and plsco�nd uader the terms desigaatesl in the aotice ot sale in ono at m�re pstcele and iA auch
<br /> � ordar ae Trusteo m�y determiao.Truateo may rostpona sate oi a11 or any psrsel ot tha Property to any l�ter
<br /> _{�� � �� e,,;�Q �ISiQ b; p��4� anm�a�ncoment �t 1ha ti�ns� �nd place o! any proviaunly sohoduled satx.
<br /> �� I.eader or Lender's doal�pae m�y purc�ase the Property at auy sato.
<br /> ��a'�t�� Truatee shall deliver to the pweheser Truatoe's deed conveyin�tha Pro�orty sa aald withaut aay covoasmt
<br />��;-�'.;fs�'=; � or �apraaty, e:pressed or ImDliad. Tho reaitals in the Trustae's deed s3�a91 bo prtma taoio ovidoaco o! the
<br /> `"y�:��a trutb af tho atmtomaats mada theibin.Trustee sha11 epply the proceoas�a t!ae saio iu t6a.fotio..ins�aor: (.j
<br /> �� _°��' to�il retaoaablo cosle aad oxponsoa ot the saln� inoludiag� bu8�aat lim�ited to, reasaaable Truatoo'e tees�ad
<br /> '-�«�� attorneye' [eoe�nd casta oi titla evidenco; lb)ta�U aume aesv�d by this Daod af Truot;�Ad(c)tha e:cess, if
<br /> �;•--� �Ay. ta tho pareon ar parsone leg�lly entitled thereto.
<br />:�.r:�� l6t 8onowar's Right ta Reinstate. Notwithstandir�g Lendar's acceleration o� cho euma secured bp thia Deod oi
<br />,>�,. c,,.. •
<br />�;���,�-T�. Truat dud to Harrowat e breach, Borrower shall have the dght to havo any proceedin�bo�utt by Londer ta entorce t e
<br />:':�;��`: De�d nf Tcust disconttnued at any tima prior to th�ear lier to oacux o 4(i)t he t i f t h d u y b o i a re t h a s a l a o i t R�P ro p e r s Y
<br /> ._,;:�$�,� pursuans to tha puaar ot eale cantained in t�ia Dced at Trust or(ii),�try ot a judgmemt enfara�ng thla Ik.�d ai Trtx.,�C iF:
<br />,;.�;;�1�~- (a) Bormwer paya Londor ai1 aume which��uld be then duo under tihiA Deed of Trust and tha Nato had ao accoleratia�
<br />-���� occurred; (b) Bonower cur�a asd brauches�f sny uthes v�venante or ogreemeats ti�Barcower conwined iee chie DEed af
<br />`'`^�'�� Trust; �a) Borrowor paya aED reasanable axpanses inrwred by Lender and Trustea in entaraln8 the cu�enants and
<br /> ``s=`"'`� agreoments ai Barrower coatained in thie Deed of Truat,and in entorcln�Lender's and Tru�tea's remodta�as pravided
<br />�=:,"-��`.,� ;n paragraph 17 here�t�inoluding,but not limited to,reasoneble attorneys' #ees to tha extent permittad by appllaablo taw;
<br />;=°°'.�_�� ead (d) Borrower takea auoh aotion es Lender mey reasonably cequire to oagura that tho lio� ot thia Dr,ed of Tru�t,
<br /> :�5��::�� .
<br />°:;�:;�� I,ender a interest in the F'roporty and Aorrocvar'a ob1i��„i-on to pay the sume seoured by thin Ueed af Tcust ehsll contlnue
<br />_�„�:�, unimpuired. Upon euoh pn5e•ia�nt and oure by Borro��rs, thie Deed of Truss and the ablig�tiot�se�uresd hereby �hall
<br /> � romain in fu11 i�a+a and ofPect as iP na arceleration had ocourrad.
<br />�•;:�;k';1=� 19.Assi�ortn�er,R �a!Roats; Appointaou•ant af Reaeivor; LOflt1P..! �Q PQA8088�QA. Aa add�t�onal r�eaucity �e���'r�s.
<br />.�;:;i'�'., - Borrower hereby ar�lp�s tv d.ender tha re:acs pf tha Property� pro��a�led that Borrawer shall.psior to aoceloratian u.�a3Yer
<br />�;_,:;;�;,;j ` paragraph 17 hareot oc ab»�s�ment ot the Property.hova the d�ht to collect and retain auch resite as tr��becomo dua
<br /> i.-==-: end payable.
<br /> �''''��: Upon acceleradon under para�rephy 17 harec�f or abandonment oi tha Prapesty� l.endor, in person, by egont or by
<br /> `� � judlaislly appoirnted roceiver�ahall ba entitled to antar upan�tehe p�seaeion of and monoga tho Pmporty ead to co1L�c�
<br /> tha reneo of thr FmFerty includinQ thase past dua. All rentt�collectocl by Lendor or tho recelver ahall be appHod ii�t ta
<br /> �; paymsnt af tha ca�w af managomant of tho Property und coliectiun of rrer►ts, inoluding, hut nat lirn3.e�to. sa�iv�t'e
<br /> , �' {eeA�premiuma on receivor'A bonda and reasanahla attc�rneys'fees,�nd then to the aume secured by this II1�ed of Truat.
<br /> l.undor end the reoeiv�r et�o11 be liable ta account only tor those ren¢s actually rece9ved,
<br /> i�;;.,• � ZQ.�Role�se. Upon puympnt at ail sume secured by this Deed o4lruat, end,it thla D�sed ot Ttust secures a Ravolving
<br /> . LoAn Agreement, Bnrrocvor requests l.endar to releasa thle Deed of Tr��at,Lender aha11 cau�thie Doed oi Truat to ba
<br /> ,.,� celBased without chargo w Harrower.Harrawer ahall p�Y all coste at recordatlon,it any.
<br /> 21.Substituto Trustee. Lendor� at l,onder's option, may irom timo ta time eppaint a eucce�or trustev to any
<br /> Trur�tee appolnted homunder by an lnsttument recnrded ln tho county in whlch thie Deed oi'ftust fe recorded. Without
<br /> � conveyance ot the Property� thv euccesEUr trustea ehall aucceed to oll the title, power ond dutia9 confarred u�n tha
<br /> ' Trusuo here�n and by appltcabta lew.
<br /> 22. Requaet tor Noticos, Hnrrower reyuests that copies of the notice ai deYAUlt and natice at eale be sent to
<br /> � . Barrower's address which le tho Praperty Address.
<br /> 04-08•99 DOT NE00789�
<br /> . .. OHIOIfL1l I�������„�„�.�'����1
<br />