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<br /> l►nlcs.g 1Andor ond A��rcu�vcr��ti�o��viso ug�te� �ti wridns, any aPplicatic�n nt�+nn�ecd�� u► principnl �holl nut oxtend ur ��
<br /> � pustpano tho dtio dAte uf ttto munthly pa��monea�etormd tc�(n parnprophe 1 nnJ 2 or�hunpe the nmuunt ot thv pAymenta. —
<br /> : - It uador puragrnph iSi the Pr�pe�ty le urquired by I.ond�r, �urcuwes'a rfgl►t ta uny (nsuran¢e paliCDes and �rc�ceecls ---
<br /> _ - -�:.
<br /> ' - rc�ult�ng trom damngo ta tl►a 1'roperty priat to tho ecquiridan shall pn5s tc�l.encler to tlw�xtant at the auma�cs:ured by __
<br /> � tMs Security 1nHtrumvnt immedlutely prior to tha ncquisitinn, -�
<br /> - - - b.Reesaevrtipn and ti9aiptoahacw uf Ffoperty; Les�bofda; i'�ndc��+iniuns; �lenne 1 [Tnit bevelopmonte. �
<br /> �,a. Bor�a�ver eholl keap tho Prnpo�Ky in gaod repair ond ehnll not cammit �vnsto or permit impairmont�r detarfurotlon at __
<br /> � the Prapvrty �nd ehnll comply with tha provtsions of any ic+asa iP thia Ueed a� Tru.�t ia an n tessahald, tt thie D;:ed af _ _
<br /> _�� Trust in on a unit in n candamintum ar e plonnad unit dev�lopm�nt, H��rro�vcr eholl pertarm ell at Barrawtlr's �;.
<br /> �_ -�.+.; abliIIationa unddr tho deola�ution nr co�enantA cronting�r gavorninp tha cana��minium Qr planned untt davelopmemt,the � _
<br /> � ' ' by-lawa and re�ulatlanfl a4 the condominium uc plAnned unic d�volopment,and constituent doaumonta. -
<br /> # 7, Prateotion at Laadar'a Soourity. lf Horrawe�� taile to pertorm the cavenant�and ngree�nente contnined in thte
<br /> D e e d a t T r u v t, a r i t a n y a c t t o n o r p r a c e e d i n g i
<br /> s cammonced whiah matorinlly atfecte I.endar'H intorest in tha Nmpvrty� �.�
<br /> � then I.endor, ot Lender'A aptipn,upon notice ta Aa�rowor, may muko such ap�taroncea,dieburFO suc h euma, Ina lu d ing
<br /> �� � reAS�nuble uttarnoya' fee.9, nnd tekc�euch actian as te necessory t�protect l.ender'a interest, lt l.endor required mortgago
<br /> ` insurunce a9 u candition a4 making thr loan seeured by thin Devd aq Tru.nt,Burru�ver ehull�ay tha promiume required to
<br /> �� ` mnintoin Aueh inau�anco in aiteot until su:'► time aa th� requirament tar auch insuranco termin�+tes in accardnnce with
<br /> � Aarmwar's and I.onder's wrltten agrnemrnt or upplicublo luw. A�y amaunts diebursed by Lender purauant to thia
<br /> , � p�,n�rnph 7� with intecest thereon, at the oppllaAble contr�at rHte, eholl be+.-omo additional lndebtedneqs ot Borrower
<br /> s:cand by thie Deed at Trust, t►nlec9 l�rrrotiver nnd l.ender aIIceo to other terma at payment� auoh amaunts ehail be
<br /> ' payable upan notice from l.endar ta�.-�ss�zwer requesting pnymant thoreot. Nothing contained in thia paragraph 7 shall
<br />• require I.ender to incur any espense ar 2.�?:�any aattan horounder.
<br /> . 8, Inspoatian. Landnr may make or causa to be mudo rc�.s�nablo entrtes upon and inspeottana of the Pro�7ay�,
<br /> pro�ided that L.endor ehnll give Botta�ver not►cn prtor t�a Any such inspeatinn epeolfying reusanuble cause t�.rrtor related
<br /> t�l.ender'e interast in thv Proparty.
<br /> • 9. Goademnatlan. The proceeda of an3 a�vard ar clo�m fur dnmogea,direot or cansequantial�in connection with any
<br /> cattdamnetion ar othnr takin� of the Property, or part thoccai. rr far conveyanco 1n lieu oP candemnation,aro horaby
<br /> ' asaigned and ehaU b� pnid to Lhmdar� aubject to the terme af any mortgoga�deed ot teust or othQr securlty agreement
<br />_,;�,, �:� with a Nen whioh itas pr�ority over thie Deed of Trust.
<br /> l0. Borrawar Not Rdleased; Fosbesriaco By Lander Not e �Vaivor. Bxten�ion ai the tlma tor payment or
<br /> '.�� ' ' maditicatian of omartization of the eums seaured by thi�Dr:ed o4 Trust�canted by Lender ta any auccessor in intarest
<br /> - _ �" _. oi Barrc��ror an� aii othaF partica iF�iti 2�i1f �SLlCS�tS! �C{Z!!!@ �LUila��Iy I;8b1e 8118U IIOL OpOT6t0 LO t8I08S0� ia mny
<br />:,;;,, m�uular� tha liability oi the orlginal Barrower end Borro�vor's euccessar� ln interest. l�ender eha11 not be requir+�+ai to
<br /> ���-� cnmrnanca praceedinga ageinst euch auccessar or s�Raase ta axtvnd time ior psyment or otherwiso mad9fy Amorttzetion
<br />-._z-__�;�
<br /> _ _ . �o �s,'���'�� �y *�4 n��t Tru�t bv reasan of any dartsnd rttade by tha orlginel Horrawer and Borra�var a
<br /> �•;k;* succeasore in tnterest. Aay tarhearnnce by l.en�es�n oxcsrciaing any rtght ar rrmedy horeun�r�or othern�so anocdo�by
<br /> ���, applieablo lsw�ehsll not bo a waiver af or�+reoludn eha vxasair..ot nny Kuoh ri�ht or remedy.
<br /> : .- ll.Succossars ead Aeaigna Boun�; Joiat aad Sovo��l Li�bility; Co-slgnera. The covanante and agreements
<br /> `"��'�'�- haratn cantained sha11 bind,a..�d tha tigh�a hereundar ehall inure to, tho respcctivo aucce�saro und usslgns of L.endar and
<br /> --�..Y.�
<br /> Horrowar,aub�eot to tha pror3sions of pAru�oph 16 hersat.All covonanta and agreemante oi Barcawer ehell be Jalnt and
<br /> =- saverAl. Any Borcawer wt�o co•aigna thie Deed af Truat� but daes not eaecuta thd Nata, (a) ls co-slgning thia Deed oi
<br /> -_-= --- Truat o�ly to�rtu�t and cam�ey that Borra�cer'a interest io th�Pro�sorty ta Lander under the terme o!this Deed of Tru9t,
<br /> -- (b)te aot porsonally liable on tha Nate ar under this Deed af'Crust,ond(o)agrees that Lender and any othar Borrawar
<br /> -= Aoteundar may agree to oxtend, modiiy. forbear,or m�Sce any cthar aecommodntians wtth regard to tha tetme oi thia
<br /> -� Dead oi Trust or tha Noto,�vithaut that Borrawer's a.wnsant ond�vithout releasing that BotraNer ar modi4ying thie Dead
<br />�-�;;�� of Trust ae ta that Borrawor's interest in the Propert�.
<br /> �= 12.Natiee. Bxcept for any notice required undar �►ppltaabla law to ba �iven in another mannor. (a) any aotiee to
<br />-�r_� Horrawer pravidcc!tar in thia Deed ca4 Tsuat eha11 be�ivon by dvllvering it or by maili�swch notica by cortitied rea�i1
<br />-�_�'=�� oddreased to Harrawer at the Praperty Addresv or et euoh atber eddreas nr� Horrower may deatgnete by natice w Londar
<br /> ��`�'`':'�.�� as ptovlded hereln,and (b)any notica ta I.ender eholl be givon by corclfled mail ta Lender's address etated hareln or to
<br /> such othor address as Len�er may deaignate by notico w Aarrower as pravided heroin.Any notico provided for in thia
<br /> -'"="�'}� Deed oi Trust tfiall be deemed to ha�e been glven ta 8otcowor or l.ender cvhen givon in tha mannor designated hareln.
<br /> _�e, ,
<br /> -_-�����-�'� 13.Qover�eng l.sw; SoverabilitS. The atata end locellunra at the jur�edIction in whict�the Aroperty ie located sha
<br />:;,.sF�'�""•:.� apply except whera euch lawe con�liot with Fedaral 1ua; in whioh caso, Fedvrul law ehall apply. In tAe ovent that any
<br /> �'.?' provl�ian or olauae ot th3s�eed of Trust ar tha Note contliota with appllcable law,auoh contliot shal�not afiiect other
<br />"�.ii���;�._ �. praviaiana ot thle De�d a4'�rust or eha Nota whleh can be�ivon ettect withaut the cordlio4In�provisi�n, and ta tlds end
<br />:, .x.,=;�-
<br />;;__r;�„��4�� the provieions oi t�s Deed oi Trust and tha Note aro daolared t�ba soveroblo.As used h9rein, "costs," "expensea," and
<br /> `Y:�r•�Ct�yG.. "attarnays'teas"include ell eums ta tho extent nat prohiblwd by applicabla law or limited fierein,
<br />-:��,::�-r��_�'_�___ �4, �nrco�cet'a Cony. Borrotver shAll 1� turnished a conl�rmed copy of the Nate pnd of thie Deed �f Tcust, lf
<br /> �` : . requ:ateal,at th0 time af esa�utian ar after recorcLsttun hvreof.
<br /> � 13.Rohebilitaiian 1Laaa Agreement. BnnoNOr ehpll fu14t11 all�oi l�otro�var'a abll�atians under any home
<br /> . 1 rehabilitetion� ic�npravemont� rapair. or other loan agreomont cyhioh ac�rrowar ontos+a inta with l�.ender. Lender� at
<br /> � ' l,eador'a option, mey require Horrower ta executv and dsltvar td a�onder,ln a forrn acceptn�le w I.ender�an essi��ant
<br /> - , ,' � of eny righte, claime or detenses which Harrawer may hove+ agA�inst partiav whu eupply labar� materlale or ser��i�as in
<br /> 'y� , ,,.. $; connectlan with improvomenta made to tha Proparty.
<br /> '�'r� � {�� 16.Traaefer of tho Pru�►ar1y. Ii Dot�uwer sells or tranefvre oll ar nny part ot the Propercy or tin intereat thecein,
<br /> � exoluding (a) tho creation of o lien or encumbranca subordinote ta thid Deed ot Trust,(b)a trons4er by devlse,descent,
<br /> . �� or by oparatlon ot law upon the death uf a joint tanent. (a) tho grant of any leasehold�ntorest of threa yeare or lesg not
<br /> ��t contaln�ng an aption ta purchese, (d) tha creation oi e purchasa money security interest for household appliences, (e)a
<br /> �� transtar to a tolativa resulting from tha death ot o AorraHOr. (t)a traneier whera tha epous�or ch�ldren of tha Aorrower
<br /> became eu►ownar of the praperty� (g) a transier resultins t�om a decree of dissolutlon ot marriage, legal separation
<br /> � ogreemont, o� from un incidentel proparty settloment opreoment, by wt►ich the spousa oi the Barrawer becomes an
<br /> • ' � � 01-06-89 OOT �E007999
<br /> ' •c
<br /> - ..� ,� oR,o,�� ��rrr�r�r�r�rr�ri��e��
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