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<br /> 8. Ita�anl or I�v►lx�Hy In`uruncc� Ilurr�►�vc�hh�dl kccp ihe impn+ti•ri�►rn�v nu�v r�i,�In1� ur heni►Ilrr crectcd �►n thc
<br /> Ph+�+rrl� in5nr�a!e�ninst luyv by ilre. h,wudr iuelude�l tvithfr�the term "extru�l�al�ti►Lr.n�;r" nnd nny athrr hnianis, irnludin�t
<br /> ilimdv��r flundi��i, fi►r whlrh l.cudcr h�yuin�in.rurincr. 'I'hly lutiurancc hhnll hc maintuin�vl in thc�m►uun��i�nd ti��Ih�perl�«Ir•
<br /> thut l.�n�cr �ryuirc�+. 'fhc inruran��c rnrrter pnwi�liny�he fn�ur►oue�hull bu eha�rn (+y Harru�rer nuh�rei w I.ei�d4�r'� nppruviil
<br /> tiVIlI�I1 BIIUII It1U {10 U1111'ilk1111lIItIV \YIIIIItCIII. IF Uor`u�vice tu119 �n nc�lna�in a+vcrage dc,.rlhrd uh;wc, Ixndrr m;�y, ut l.rmlcr's �
<br /> optiun,nbtnln rnvcrnqa u►pnner�I.cadcr'A riphiy 1�1 tho Piarrriy in ar�v�rdun�r�vflh raroZlrupl�7. �
<br /> Ali insumncc p�licich and nnewate�shnli t+e i►cccplaihte tu IernJ�r un�l +ha�lt inrl�ule u e�iwutan•d ntu���iig�:eluu.rr. ltimtcr �
<br /> �Aalt havo Itw right t�►{k►�1 the�k+{kle.r•and rese:waly.tf lRneler r��i�r,1�+��►wrr S�aH pnmt�tly�;ivr tu L.cn�lrr�11��:atilNtb ut �
<br /> ��lJ premlums and�towal ncnirc�.in thu�vcnt nf lac�, Snrn►u•rr Fhaii pivc prompt nnti�ti to ih�in�u�a�z�c caitler an►d IA�tder.
<br /> Ir.n!!er n�ay��ake pnu,f c+f lrss if��i m�sle prarn�tly by $a�awer. �
<br /> U�Icss I.crtder��ikl Burrowe�othenviso ugrce in writinp, insumncc pru�rcvls ahall hc ispplled t��rcst��mtian ur repuir�f tho
<br /> !'ra��riy da»wg�d,if tho restamtion or rcpair ia crnnnmicolly fcavihfo uncl l.ertiie�'s srcurity is nnllesscncd,if Iho rcslurutiun ar �
<br /> repair iA nat cr:nn�miicnily fri�.viblo ur Lernlcr's sccu�ity �vauld ba Iessen�.�d,tho insumnco prorre�l5 xhall ho applicd tu �he sum9
<br /> secured by ihis 5ec�rcity Inti�rument, whctiier��r nnt thcn due, wlth t�ny e�tres.4 paid tu Hnrruwer. li Bornavor nbundanv the
<br /> Pmpejly.ar dacs nsn unxwer�vithln 3U dnys a naiice fram l.endc�thnt the fnsumn��o ranier huv oi'fened tu scltlo u clnim. thcn
<br /> l.endcr mny rollect tho int;urunco pra�rc,�ly. Lender m�y use the procrcds tu rcpair ur re:,Wre Iha Propeny ��r to pay sums
<br /> secured by this Securlty InFtrnmc�t.whctho�or not then due. 7'i�e it►�dny period will bc�in when tho nuttce ly given.
<br /> Unlcgv I.cnder nnd Borruwer athonvlso o}�rce In wdtinp, any appt�cation of praceed.9 to principal ehall rtot extertd or
<br /> pastpane iht duo dnto uP eha mnnlhly puyrnentri rcfcrnjd ta in parngmphs 1 artd 2 or chanIIo tha amvunt pf tho pnymente�. IP
<br /> undor parngi�+ph 21 tlin Pi�operty iy uryuircil by I.,ender, Bormwer's right to uny insumnw palicies and prucecds re�ulNng feom
<br /> dmm��o to tha Propony prior to the ncquisltian shull pass to L.cnder ta thv oxteat uf tho su�tty securcd by this Secu�ity L,�stnimcnl
<br /> irtuttediutcly pr�ur tn the ncquic+It�on.
<br /> 6,Qccupancy.Prescrvat�►ir,!►faintengnce and Pmicctinn ot the Pmperty;t3urnnix�r's l.aan Appllratlon;1.cASeholds.
<br /> Rorrower shall accupy,cstablish,nnd uso thc Property as Borrower's principal residence wiqiin sixty dnya+�fler tho oxecutlon of
<br /> this Securlty Instrument and shull rnntinuo to ocrupy thc Propeny u�Horrower'a peincipnl r�ideace fur at leu.qt o�e yenr uRer
<br /> tho dute af accupuncy.unless l.ender othervviso ag�res in writing. which oonsent ahall rtol be unreusanubly withheld, or unless �
<br /> oxtenunting circvrastanoes oaist wdlch uro boyond Borrowcr's control. Bnrcawer shall ��t destroy, �inmago ar impair tha
<br /> Properry. ullow tho Property tv Qctcriomte. or rnmmit waste an the Pmperty, �onowc�shall bo in defuuU if any farFclture
<br /> ncttan ar praceacli�. whcther civil ar crlminnl. ie begun that in l.ender's�axi fnith JudBment coutd rcsult in forfeituro of tho
<br /> Pm�tty or othenvlse materlully impair tho Uctt crcatod by this 5etudty I�strument ar L.cadcr's securi:v aatcreat. Borrowor may
<br /> cura such a dcfuult nnd reinstutc.us prav►ded in pucugroph 18.by cuusin�thp actian or pmccvding to t�aiymisscd witF►n ruling
<br /> ti�at. in Lcndnr's gaa�d fuith detcrmination, pretludes forfcS�rxa�a af the Borrower's intorest in the E'roperty ar athtr �natedal
<br /> i�np�icment af tho lien created by thia Sccudty Instrumem��r. Lender's securlty interesz, Rurrawor shnll ulso bo im��aSault if
<br /> Bcirmwer.dudng tha lonn applieution proces.9,guve mntedulh fAl�e ar inucsumte infarmntian ar stntementA to l.ender(ot'failed
<br /> to provlde I.cndor�:'r.ch nny nwteri�i infom�ution)in cannaction whh the la�n ov�dencod by thv Noto,inrludinII�but not IimiEed
<br /> [p=m=te�nntwtinnc[ro��nrntna&�rmw€�r'��u�cy Qf t�!�+ugraty es a�e}pa!sesls�x.I€ih3�S�xit�i�t�s�st!v s�s
<br /> Icusehold. Basro�rer :��uR�• camply with all Ihe pravielans ��.ri ihe le:�se. If Borrower nrqulres foe titlo to the Pniperty. tho
<br /> leasehold and tho fee taas�ahull rcNt psergo unless l.endor c�grecs ta tho merger in wddng.
<br /> 7.Protcction�,�t,e»der's Rights tn tho ProDerlY.If 8orn��vvr fuile to Qnrfarm the rovenunts and anrecc�nts r��?.��++�!n
<br /> thia Security Iasu�!�t, ar thene!A e lega! pr�!!ng tleut mt4yy signit3cuntly uft�xt l.cndcr'a righta in tho Pi+operty(FVCh a�e
<br /> pracceding in b.v�sn.�tcy.probatv. far rnndemna4��.�or forfelrore nr to enforco luws ar rcgulatians). thon l.eixior mny do und
<br />= pay for whntevet ia neccsssary ta pmtect tho vulue af the PetaTerty nnd l.cndor'R�ighta In the Pmpert,y. l.csnder'e actn��ns may
<br /> ' includo paying uny sums sc;cw�ed by u lien which hns pri•L�ty over this Secu�ity Instrumcnt. uppcuring in cau�. paying
<br /> sreASOnu4".e attomays' fces tuid entedng an th�Praper�y to►muko rcpuir�. AlthauIIh Lendor mny tnko action under this purngrnph
<br /> y 7.Lendcr dacs r,nt�va to da Fo.
<br /> " Any amo�,�a,s+�it9n+rsecl by Lendor under tMa puc�agrAph 7 ehall b..^cx�ma additionol debt af Bomuwer soeut�d by thia
<br /> Seeurity Instrumx�at¢, R:nlcss Borrownr ttnd I.endor ugres to ather terms�f'�+t1,�•znent, tkes:amannta sh�ll beur interest fmm tho
<br /> ! dnto of disbursemcnt at tho Natt�m�uiv nnd ahull be payable. with intcrt�t, �}�i� n.�2ic�.��c+rn I.endor ta Barrowcr r+equesting ;
<br /> payment.
<br /> 8.Mortg�e Q�vrance.If l.ender requiea��l4nprtga�a lnsuranco n.9 a�cv��itian aP m�lcing tho loan cacut+ed by thia Security
<br /> Instrumcnt. Dorenu•s�r,shall puy the pnamlums:.p uircd ta muintnin the mortgt�o insurs�noo in effec�. �i�. far Any rsuson, tho
<br />- nwr�£qee lnsuranc�cuvcrnge requltt�d by L.cnder'�aps�w�r ce�e�a to ho in offect, Horrower sh�ll pny tti�prcmlums required ta
<br /> � �btaiu��o.*�•eraga aubstantiully oguivalent to the mortgago insurAaco ptevlauaiy in offect.�t u cust aubstantlulfy eyuivufent ta the ,�
<br /> ' cost ta�arrawer of tho mortgago lnsumnca previou�ly ln a!'fcct. from un alternato mortgngc Insue�er uppravcd by Lendar. If
<br />° Fubswnduily equivulent mortgnga insurance caverngo is rtat nvaNablo,�Borrower eh�ll pny ta l.onder ettch manth a aum equal to ��.�ro:.
<br /> " OIIC-tWOI�}I Qf t+110}'SRr1y monguge insumnce prcmium being paid by�arrawor when the i�surnnco covemso lopsed or ceuted to
<br /> ± b,o in vffe�t.I..ender�tiiSl accept,use urtd reuti�theso pAymenta ns a ioss mscrvo in lieu of martgaga insurance. Loss reserve � '
<br /> 's
<br /> :�
<br /> Form 8028 8f80 �
<br /> , Pyo9of0
<br /> �
<br /> j
<br />