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<br /> - '1't3tiH'1'Nt3tt\V17'll nll the im�+srvKp�e�us naw an c��aRar er�tted nn tito pm{ceity,u�al ull ra,eiucnty,appurteaarn�ey,�+ml
<br /> t
<br /> " Qaiurc� nuw ��r hemARcr a part af tRa prupchy. All rcpluccaicnta mtd addida�r+ ehnll nl�c� ho c��vit�! by ihte SL�ueliy
<br /> "' Instromc�it.AU uf the fi�rcaoln�i�rcfcmcrf t��la thiy ticcurUy lnsuun►ent u.r thc"1�n�{wny" �
<br /> BtlNttt)WHtt CUVkiNAN'i'S thnl N�rmwcr iy InwQrliy gcise�l uY�ho cst�atu I�dreby runvcyc�t u�►d huv d►c riuNt tu E�runi und �
<br /> _. �� c�mvey�he Pa►peny and thnt the Pmpeny is unenrumbe�a1� rxa�cP� li�r encumt�run�tiY uf rccunl� I�UTti1\YCf �YpTfR11l� U11t) WII)
<br /> .-,.E, defe�ul genceully th4 Iitiv tu tho t'mperty i►gulnrt ntl cli►►n�y ancl dc�nands.�uhjci't ti►nny enrt�mhrt�n+.�t�+��f nxunl• �
<br /> °—� THi9 S�CURtTY tNS1'itUMtiN�' rnmbines nntifi►fln�vwe��ayH4 fi�c aattuiwi usr and non•unlfi�rn����venantw wltN limlt�.tii
<br /> �.,� va�inttons by Jurlsdlctt�n ta c�nstituto u unifi,rm���u�ity in�trumrttit r�vefin�re�l pn?{��y. •
<br /> UNiFARM GOYBAiAPi"T5. Ba��owcr and l.�tetlee rnvenant and 4�?�m f+dlu►vy:
<br />-=�� 1. i'uyment ol'Principnl end lnteresli Preps+Yment ond I.ato Ct�a�a9. 11aN'�nvcr xhull pr+nnptly p:tiy whcn dua thc
<br />__— -_ p�inripll uf nn�i intcrcst an thc debt evtdenccd by tho N��to ond nny prcpi�ymc�+t nnd ifiin�d�arge:�due undcr the N�+to.
<br /> �� a. l��ndv Par Taxes an�iasurnttcc. SubJcct ta nppllrablu In�v or t��n wripnn a�nivor by l.cndar. Bormwcr shull pay tu
<br /> L.cndcr�m tho dny monthly pnyments a�c duo undcr�ho Noto.until tim Ni�tu ih paid in t1dl,n hum 1"Fundy")fur:(a)ycudy uuccs
<br /> and assessments which may c►ttuin priarity avice thi�+Secu�ity Inst�umrnt ns ii Itan an thc Prupe�yl th1 y�rly lcasehnld pAymuiva
<br /> :�� ,
<br /> or ground rentx an tha Propcny. iF uny; (c)yearly hwnrd ar proprrty insumnco pmmlum9;(d)ycutly tl�nd insunmca prcmlums.
<br /> ��� iF any;(e)yeuriy morignIIo Insuruncc�premiums, if any; and(�any Fump pnyublo by Barrn�ver t��L�endor. in arcncdnttco with
<br />_;_� tho provigians of paragmph B.in lieu af tho p��yment af mart��o insun�no�promlums.Thc.yo itcros nre cnitcd"Escmw ltcmv."
<br /> - = I.ender mny. nt any timo. rntlect «nd twid �unds in an nmaunt nnt tu nxu�od tho maximum umaunt u Icnder Por a fcderully
<br />---- rclated mangago las+m m�y rcquiro for Durrowc�'s escrow accaunt und4r ih�fcderal Rcul l3swt� �etUemant Pmeesiurca Act of
<br /> --- 197a av cuttended i'rom timc en timo. 12 U.S.C. 5ecti��n 26q1 et se�. ("KCi�!A"),unlcss nnathcr law thut applles to thp Funds
<br />� scie n lesser nmaunt. !f s� Lhanlcr mAy. at nny time, collect nnd hold Fund6•in.an nmaunt not ta careed thc la�.+er amaunt.
<br /> ��"° l.cnder rnay cstlmato tho a��mlu�t af�uads duo un tha bnsis of cumsnt dntu�md mr�.�unablo cstimntes of expcnditures af Iwture
<br />—=_= Bscmw Itcm�or otherwiso in ac�rordnncc�vi1�h uppli��biU lu�v.
<br /> - The Funti.v Rhnil be hetd in an i��.�iqaclon �vhaso dupasits n�e insurcxt by o falorul agancy. inst�umentnlity. ar enttty
<br /> tlncluding[.ender,if L.ender ia sueh an ii�stitutian)dr Ga c�ny Fodotul Homo l.oan Iinnk.l.cndur s3n�R opply tho Punds ta pay tho
<br /> Escrow Item.g. l.ender mny nat chnrgo 9urrowar forlZCS±�Ding und opplying the Funda.annunlly wu�lyzin�tRe escrow account�or
<br /> _—_ vcrifying ths Escra�v Items�unlcss l.endor pa)�a Barn�w�r lntur��un thv I�unds and appUrublc In�y penr�it�L:'�ader to innkc such
<br /> A CIIAY$O.Hawever. l.ender muy�eqpiro J3�vmnwer to}u►y a ane�dma cDtu�to f�r an independent real estato tax irparting ecrvlco
<br /> used by Lander in connectian with tt�tr- fuan, unless uppHoatblw im��•pro�ides aiherwiss. Unl�:�c nn agrccment is muda ar
<br /> s = npplicablo luw cec�uires irttorest to be p:iiJ.Cendcr shai) nat bo rcQt�itvsd to puy Barrower uny iute�st ar enmi�gx an the Funds.
<br /> Barrower und Lendor may cL,ree in writt�t�. hawevar.thut intorest�fi�ll bo pttla on the�unds. fl��tder shafl g+ve to&�rrower.
<br /> withaut charge, an unnunl�xx�uunlin��F tho Funds, xhp�Yinp crodits and debltc t� tho Funds zi.*a3 tho purpose tot which e�ch
<br /> debit ta tho Funda wn.s mudo.The Funa�Y;;.�o pledgcd as additinnr��s�ru�ity for AII�ii�mb'ecuced�v��hTSShall accaunt onDarrower
<br /> If the Fu�A.�hetd hy Lender e�.�Itea cunounts pemiitt�d to be hald by app
<br /> [at tfio oacess�unds m a�an��oc w#tit��a r.�iulre�as�lg s��RR�f�'�II��'' !��0�°unt of tRa��nds hold by i..cnd�r ut nny
<br /> ��.r�o is not sufficicnt to puy dte Bscmw�te��,s�•hon duo.Lender may so natifjr Harrawer in wrlli�,a►d.in such cuse Borrawer
<br /> ;�ali pay ta Lendor tho amm+nl n�cess:vrv t�r i��.y:.ke u��i�o deflcicncy. Borrawar ehall mnko up the deiiclo�cy in no mare thun
<br /> . ii:Qiso:ii3�iitsli�3ss�ssl=•�!!�!�''a�„ltiefss.retlon.
<br /> Upon p�Yment in tiill af uH�sum��.�tiy+red by this Seeu�ity lnstnunent. Lencl�r ahu►1 pro�aUy r�iutid to�vrmw�r a�r
<br /> Funds hcld by Lender.If.under pumgru��5 x l.l.endor shall acquiro ar:�cil tho PropeAy,L.endeT,�orlor ta tho ncquiaition or sudv
<br /> af tho F'roperty.shull npplY z�Y Funds hold b��L.endor ut tho time af acquisillan ar s�lo ay a crodit ugalnst tho su�r�s securad by
<br /> thia Sccurity Insuument�
<br /> 3.Applicatlon o!P�uyments.Unless applicublo luw pravidc.w atherwiso,nll pm�a�ients rcceivcd by Lender undor pamgrapha
<br /> 1 und 2 shall ba apptied: tirst. to any pmpAyme�t chnrgas duo u�der tho Nota: second,ta untaunta p�ynblo under pumgmph 2;
<br /> third,ta in�anest duo:fourth.ta pri�cipul due;and last.ta c►ny luto charge:i duo unde�•tho Note.
<br /> 4.Clwayqesi��c�• �rrowcr ehall pny uli tnxes.asse�.vments, churge9. tine9 nnd impositi�.�.g nu�ibutublo ta the�x�Ry
<br /> ��h'.ch may attsin priarlty aver thla Securlty instru►nr�t� und leasehold puymenls ar ground rents, if uny. Bormwer shal�,pay
<br /> ��Etrsa abUgadop�in tha nlanncr pravided ln p.�ragruph«,ar if nat pald in thut m:usua�s,Horn+wcr shail puy thcas un limo d?:ta,ilY
<br /> to ths pers.����ued payment. Burrawer�.'�.all promptly tlirnish ta I.ennil,•r all natices of omounts¢a bc+p.�id u�er thiA par��,�t�.
<br /> If Horrawer�s�`��thesc puyn�ents dirca:�p�,Barrawcr ehuil pramptly turnish ta i.ender rcrclpsc z�Idencing tho payments.
<br /> �orrawer Hhall pranipdy dlsshar�e��y lien�vhlch hus pri�flty�ve�this Security lnst�umracu unlaSS Borrower:(u)agnu�la
<br /> writing ta tho paymvnl ai the abUgutian secured by tho Ncn io a munncr acceptab.le ta L.cndcr;(b)contesta(n goad faith thu Uen
<br /> by. ar defenda ogainst enforcemcnt of tho Ucn in, Icgat pracecdinga �vhich in thc l.cnster'A apinion opemto ta prevent tha
<br /> enforcement vf thv lien;or(c)�ecurcs from tho hotder af t6o lien an ngreem�nt e.utlafactory ta l.ender xubordinatina the lien to
<br /> � thiR Securim,Ilnctnrment. If l.ender dete�.alnes that any part af'thc i'ruperty is subject ta a Nen which may attain priaday ti�t�Fr
<br /> thfs Securit��nstrument. l.cnder may gi>>e Banower a notico idontifying tho Hen. Bonower ahall sutisfy tho Hcn or tako ono or
<br /> a*�ore af thv uctionq set fonh abovo within 10 days Uf clh,�e blving af natice.
<br /> � Fam 8028 9180
<br /> P�po 1010
<br /> �
<br /> ---------- -° s
<br />