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�i� <br /> � � <br /> insurNnca p�emiums,ground rents.and all other Chaigos whatsoever levied upon or assessed, placed a�►nade agarnst the Trust <br /> Froperty. Trustor Ie�Aher agrees,upon w�itton request by p�ontptly c�e/iver to Bena1�C��ry aIl reC9tp�s lor th�paymnnt ot <br /> ss�ch cha�ges. Trustor l�ko�viso Agrees ta Aay all taxes,assessments and other charges levied upan ar�ssessed.p�acoci or mado <br /> against,or measurod by,thrs Deed af Trust or the recordahon hereol. <br /> '. �QS. Appticati�n ot Payments.All payments received by 8eneficiary ss to any debt. Irsbility or obligation owod to Benpl�Crary by Trustv� <br /> � may be applied by Beneficit�ry t�the payment ol the Indebtedness or;o any sucl�othe�dobt,I1ab;l�ry or obl�gatron,in any order a <br /> � �nartner ot applicaGu�►whlch BenaticlAry,in its absatuta discration.Uasms approprr�t�. Un�oss athcrwrse electesi by Banelic�ary,any <br /> � such payment shAll be deemed Applied lirst to the payment of any debt,liability or obligation other than the Nofe. <br /> O6. ChargBS;f.iens. Trustor will keep the Trust Propeity Iree Irom all fiens and encumOrances which in any way may,►n thu�udgmenf of <br /> Heneliciary,have p►loNty over,or impair the securiry ol,this Deed ol Trust but 1 iustor need not discharga any such l+en so long as <br /> � �rusror sha�!agree,rn writing,to pay the obligaUon seeured Dy such lien rn a mar►ner acceptable to Beneticiary and st►a��irt g�d tarth <br /> contesi such lien by appropriafe►egal proceedings eBective to prevent the enforcemont o1 the Iien and ihe foss of any interest in o� <br /> paR ol the Tiust Pioperty. <br /> 7. Hazard/nsurance. Trusior shal!keep the buildings and other improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the T�ust Proparty <br /> insured by/nsurance canie�s satlsfactory to BeneNclary against loss by tire,hazards rncfudad in the term"extended cave�age"and <br /> ;. such other hazards,casualfias and condngencles as may be required by BeneNc/ary,!n such amounts and for such periods as may be <br /> requJred by 8ene11clary.The pollcy o1 insurance shall be in form acceptable to deneficiary,provido thai the same may not be <br /> cance!!ed a modifled without fifteen(15)days prior wrinen nafice to Beneficlary,and shall have loss payable provlstons�n favor ol and <br /> in form ecceptab/e to Beneflciary.AIl premlums on insurance policies shad be paid in the manner provided under paragraph 4 hereoi <br /> or,if not pald!n such manner, by Tiustor making payment at least/ilteen(15)days prior to the due date,dlrectly to the insurance <br /> carrler.BeneOclary s/tall have the rlght to hold the policres and renewats thereol and Trustor shali promptly furnish to Bene/iciary all <br /> renewal notices and ell paid premium receipts received by it.�n rto event shall Benefrciary or Tiustee be held responsrbte/or lailure to <br /> pay lnsu�ance premiums or for any loss or damage arising out of a defect in any poticy or arising auf of any failure of any insurance <br /> company fo pay fo�any ioss or darnage insured against or for failure by Tiustor to etfect the insu�ance required hereunder.In the event <br /> of loss, Trustor shall give prompt notice by mai!fo ihe insurance carrier and Beneficiary. Beneficiary mey make proof ol loss il noi <br /> made promptly or in p�oper fo�m by Tiusior.All policies of lnsurance and any and aU retunds of uneamed premiums are hereby <br /> assigned to B�ficrary as additiona/security for ihe paymenf of the lndebtedness.In the event of Beneficiary's exercise of the power <br /> of sa/e contairred herein,or rn the event of forec/osure,aU right,trffie and inte►est of Tiustor in and to any insurance poficy ihen in lorce <br /> shall pass t+o the pwChasei at the tiustee's sa/e or forec►osure sale. In case of any loss,the insurance proceeds may,at the optron of <br /> Be�!eficiary,be applied by Beneficlary upon the�ndet�tedness,or any part thereol,and in such order and amount as @eneficlary may <br /> dc�eermine;or said insu�ance praceeds,at the option of Heneficiary,may either be used in replacing or restoring the Trust Property <br /> paRially a tota!!y destroyed to a condition satisfactory to Beneficiary;or said insurance proceeds,or any porGon the�eof,may be <br /> released to Trusio�Unless Beneficiary and Tiustoi othe�v+ise ag�ee in writing,any such application of insurance proceerls shal!not <br /> extend o�postpone the due date of the Nofe,or any rnstallmenis called for the�ein,or change the amount o1 such instaliments. !t the <br /> Trust Property is acquired by Benenciary pursuant to the exerclse of the power of sale or other toreclosure,a►I right,title and r'nterest af <br /> Trustor!n and ro any insurance proceeds payable as a resuli of damage to ihe Tiust Properry prio�to the sale or ecqulsition shaU pass <br /> to Benefictary and sha/1 be applied�rst to the costs and expenses,including aitorney lees,incurred in coNecting such p�oceeds, then <br /> in the manner and in the order provided�erein. ' <br /> 8. Presenration arrd Malntenance of Tiust Properfy. Trustor will keep the buildings and other irraprovements now or hereslter erected on • <br /> the Trust P►operty in good repair artd conditlon and wiil nof commit or permit waste, wili not a/ier the deslgn o�stntciuraJ character � <br /> constrtuting any building now or hereatter erecied on and constituting the Trusi Properly without the prior written consent of ., ,. <br /> Beneficiary,will not do any act or thing which would unduly impair o�depreciate ihe value of the Trast Prope�ty and wAl not abandon ;'�;;�.`. <br /> fhe Tiust Property. Tiusfor wiH nof/emOVe eny dxtu/es ConSAtuOng tne!►usf Y�operry unress ti+a sama are immeoiaieiy rr�placau wiii� - _ <br /> like p�operty su�ject fo the lien and security Jnferest ol this Deed of Trust snd of at feast equat value and utility. Trustor wili comply with , . <br /> a/l presenf and future o�dinances,regulations and requi�emenis of any govemmenta/Dody which a�e applicab/e fo the Trust Properly _: <br /> and to the occupancy and use thereof. !t this Oeed of Tiust is on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit development. Trustor shal! -- <br /> peAorm a/l of Tiustor's obl►gauons under the declaratlons or covertants creaGng or governing the condominium or the planned unit ".-`- <br /> davelopmenL ihe bylaws and regulations of the condominium or ptanned unit development,and the cunstituent docum�nts. �?�� <br /> 9. Inspection.Beneficiary or its agents may,at aJl reasonable times, enter upon the Trusf Properfy lo►the purpose of inspection. __ <br /> Beneticiary shall have no dury to make such inspection and shall not be liable fo Trusior or to any person in possession if ii makes or i � <br /> fails to make any such inspection. <br /> 10. Pmtection of Securiry. H Tiusta fails to penorm any of 1he covenants and agreements contained in this Deed of Trust,or if any ac6ors <br /> or proceeding is commenced whrch does o�may adversety aflect the Tiusf Prope�ty or the inierest of Trustor or Beneficiary therein or ��,. <br /> the title of Trustor iherefo,then Beneficiary,at iis optior+,may perform such convenanfs and agreements,make such appearances, s. <br /> defend ac�ainst and lnvestigate such action or proceeding and take such othe�action as Bene�ciary deems necessary to protect its � , <br /> �� inferest inC/uding,buf not limited to,dist�vrsemeni of reasonab/e attorney fees and entry upon ihe Trust Property to make repairs.My ' <br /> amounts disbwsed by Beneficiary pursuant to this paragraph 10,with interest ihereon,shali constitute lndebfedness of Tiustor ��� <br /> secured by thls Deed of Trust. Un/ess Tiustor and Beneficiary agree to other terms of payment,such amounts shall be payab/e upon . . <br /> nofice fiom Beneficiary to Tiustor requesting payment thereof,and shall bear interesi trom the dete o/disbu�sement at the defauit rate. .•.,,� <br /> if any,set foRh in the Note,or othenvise at the highest rate permitted by law.Noihing conteined in ihis paragraph shall require ;. -� „ <br /> Beneficlary to incur any expense or take any action hereunder. Trustor inevocably suthorizes and empowers Benaliclary to enfer upon '. � � <br /> the Trust Properry as Trustor's ageni and,in Trustor's name or otherwise to perlo�m any and al1 covenants and agreements to be , <br /> peAo�med by Tiusior as he�ein provided.Beneficiary shall,at its option,be subrogated to any encumb�ance,lien,claim or demand . <br /> and ta aU Nghts and securities for the payment thereof paid o�discharged by Beneficiary under the provisions hereof and any such <br /> subrogation►ights sha!!be additiona/and cumu/ative sec�rity for this Deed oi Trust. <br /> 11. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,dlrect o�consequeniial,in connection wiih any condemnation or <br /> other taking of the Trust Property,or any part thereof,or fo�conveyance in lieu of o�in anUcipation of condemnation, are hereby <br /> essigned io and shall be paid to Benaf�iary. Trustor wl!!lile and prosecute,in good/eith and with due diligence,ifs claim for any such <br /> award or payment,and will caLSe the same to be collected end paid to Benefic/ary, and,shouid it iail to do so, Tiustor irrevocably <br />�� authorizes and empowers 8eneficiary,;n the nama of Trustor o�oiherwise,to rle,prosecute,sett/e or compromise any such claim and <br /> � , to coilect,receipt for and retaln the proceeds.N the Tiust Properry is abandoned by Trusior,or,after noUce by Beneflclary to Tiustor <br /> that the condemnor offers to make an arvard or settle a claim for damages, Trustvr fails to�espond to Beneficiary within thlrty(30)days <br /> after the date such notice is mailed,Benerciary is authorized io collect and apply the proceeds in the manner indicated herein. The <br /> p►oceeds o1 any award or claim may,after deducbng al!reasonable costs and expenses,inc/uding anorney/ees, whlch may have <br /> been incuned by Beneficiary in the colfectivn thereofi at the sole discretion of 8eneficiery,be released to Tiusior,applied to <br /> iestoration of Trust Property,or applied to the payment of the indebfedness. Unless 8eneliclary and Tiustor otherwise agrea in writing, <br /> any suCh applicaUOn of proCeeds to lndebfedness shall noi extend or postpone the due date of the Note or the payment of any �- �--`- <br /> installments called for the�eunder. � <br /> 12. Tiusfor Alot Released. Extension of the time for payment or modiflcatron of any amoRization of the fndebtedness g�a��ted by Beneliciary � <br /> to any successor in interest of Trusto�shali not operate to►elease,in any manner, the liability of Trustor and Trustor's successors in <br /> interest.Benaficiary shall not be required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time lo�payment or � <br /> othenvise modify amortization of the Indebfedness by reason of any demand made by Trustor and Trustor's successors <br /> in inte�est. M <br /> L 13. Financial Informatian. Upon request o1 Beneficrary. Trustor wd�provide ro Benef�c�ary, w�thin n�nety(90)days of the close of each hscal <br /> year of Trusto�,the consolidated balance shaet and stafement of earnings of 1'rustor and any and al!gua�anrors of the Indebtedness <br /> secured hereby,il any,end wd!provlde and debver to Beneffciary sucl'►other financial iniormation and m such manner as Benebciary � <br />_ may reasonably requesf Irom time to time. ��� <br />. 14 F�nancral Covenanis. !n additron to any other linanaal covenants ol Tiustor made rn any ofher agreement.�nsirumont o�document, uh <br />,` Trusto�shall comply w�rh and shal!cause any and all gua�ento►s o�the Indebtedness socwed he�eby to comply wnh,or be m '��,,. <br /> r,ompliance�vith, the following Irnancial covenanls ITh�s paragraph sh�ll not app/y�/covenants and reqwremenfs a�e not se� ,, . <br /> /pAh h�+rpm) <br />. l5 SChUtIUlp O/LC�15@S Wrthm ten(id)deys altttr damand. Truslv� shall/u��ush tn BenE�hCidty a schedule. ��nrhecl fn by Trustor. �nttmy <br /> /oRh�71/lOasl�s�/fh0 T�usi PropCrty.(u any port�Un fhCrtx�l. mc�ud�ng rn var.h rrise�. fhe�n,�mf!nl Ihn f��n:�nis. nr n���un,enls.,+�ir�rn��Gnn <br /> ulthe�spr�co nc<:uU�c�U bv such tE�n�urt ur uccupant. tlie rentul puy�ble�or su[h tit��u �� .rn�1�:ut l,ntht�r uiln�nr�il�,�•i,�i�rf ef��r�.nie���f�. wrtl� � <br />� rt�5/y��rl�i� ;UCh/e���c�':r,r�,i rr���r�.�c,�eti�+.s Ht�ne/ic�.�ry nr,�y�t>1�snn��b�y�r�qut�r,l <br />