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. � � <br /> Deed of Tr�usi <br /> BANKS <br /> ��. iosa�s <br /> r <br /> TNIS pEE�OF TRtIST is made this 9 _day ol Noveatber , �8�2,by and betwean •Lyle A. M�nchik and <br /> � Anita M. Manchik. Huab�n and Wife whethe:oneormare,(here�natterCal�ed the"Tiustor'), <br /> whosemaltingaddressls 1915 Weet CharipG; rrand Taland, Nebrae a bABn� <br /> NORWEST BANK Nebraeka. National Aesociation (hereiRalter catled the"Trusiee'),whose ma!ling address is <br /> P.O. Box 1�68, Grand Island. NE ,and N0�4WFST BAN�( ,(hereinafter <br /> caNedthe'6eneficlary'),whosemallingaddressrs P•0. Box 17b8, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802 <br /> WITNESSETH.• <br /> ; !F THfS BOX iS CHECKEO( J THfS DEED OF TRUST CONSTlTUTES A CONSTRUCTION <br /> ; SECUR/TV AGREEMENT UNDER THE NEBRASKA CONS7R!ICT/ON L1EN ACT AND GRFATES, <br /> • GAANTS AND CONSTITUTES A CONSTRUCTlON SECUAITY IN�EAEST IN 7HE PROP�'RTY <br /> � DESCR/BED HERE/NBEtOW. <br /> ; WHFREAS,Tiustorls indebted to Beneflciary in the princlpal sum of�$_E� HUNDRED TAOUSAN� t�m NO/inn_ <br /> D�o1lars(S�00.000.00 �,which indebtedness is evidenced by Tiustor's promissory note dated November 9 , �g 89 , (hereinafter <br /> , caJlad rhe"Note"),payable ro the order of Beneficlary and having a maturity of December 28, �gg0 <br /> NOW, THEREFORE,for the purpose of securing: � <br /> (a) payment of the Note,together with rnierest thereon,/ate charges,p�epaymenf penalties,any future advances,and all extenslons. <br /> ; modiHcations.substitutlons and renewals thereof, <br /> � (b) payment of ap other sums,fees o�charges,iogethe�wlth interest thereon,advanced to Aroteci the secu�iry of this Oeed of Trust and <br /> the peiformance of the covenants and agreements of Tiustor, whether or not set foRh herein, <br /> � (c) pedormanae,dlscharge of and compliance wifh every ferm,covenant,obligatlon and agreement of Trustor contained he�eir��r <br /> i <br /> incorporated by reference or any other security instrument at anytime given to secure the Note,and <br /> + (d) the repayment of a11 other sums or future�dvances,with interest thereon, rifirch may heret�fore have been or hereafler be adi�anced <br /> , by Benellc/ary to Tiustor or Trustor's successor in interest or titfe, <br /> I aU of which is hereinafter colleciively called the"lndebtedness", Trersior l��evocabiy granis and transle�s to Trustee,in trust, W1TH POWER <br />: ; OF SALE the followfng descri6ed properry: , <br /> i Lote One (1), Two (2), Three (3), and the Eaeterly One-Half (E 1/2) of Lot Four (4), <br /> ; in Block Thirty-Three (33), being �artlp in Charles Wasmer's Addition to the Citq of . <br /> � Grand Island and partly in Charles Wasmer's Third Addition to the City of Grand Ialand, <br /> `' Hall Countq, Nebraeka and the Northerly One-Hal£ (N 1/2) of what was formerly the alley ' � <br /> in said Block adjoining said 1ota. <br /> `� bgether with(1)all bulldings,structures,additions,eNargements,modificetions,repairs,replacements,and imp�ovements now a heresfter � � <br /> locatad thereon, (11)a11 equipment,machinery and�xhrres(Inctudiag,without Ifmitation,al/l/ghting,heating, veniilating,coo/inp,air i._=:' <br /> �. � :.a.�it'a,�,n�,,�Fri.�kling s;,v j,iir,uul��y iixiuros,wafer and power systems,eng�nes,boilers,ranges.ovens, dishwashers,mi�r+�rs and mantels, . -- - <br /> � carpedng,tumaces,oi!bumers,e%vators and motors,refrigerefion plants or units,communlcation systems,dynamos, bansfomrers,elecblcel � <br /> � equipment,sMrrn and screen windows,doors,awnings and shades)rtow or hereaher attached to,or buililn,any building orlmprovement - <br /> , now o�hereafter located thereon, (iJi)all easements and Nghts of way appunenant thereio, (iv),all leasehold estate,right, tiile and interest of - <br /> � Trusior tn and to al//eases,wheiher now or herealter exisUng or entered inb(inG/uding,without limitation,a/l cash and securiry deposits, � <br /> advance renials and deposits or payments of a slmilar nature).penaining ihereto,(v)all rents,issues,profits and Income therefrom(subject <br /> � to the right of Trustor ro collect and app/y such rents,lssues,profits and income as they become due and payable so long as no event of � _ <br /> � defau/t exists hereunder),(vi)a1J royslUes,mineraJ,oif and gas righis and proCts, water,water rights,and water siock,(vii)all tenements, `■_� <br /> � hered'�taments,privi/eges and appurienances belonging,used or enjoyed in connection therewiih,and(viii)s/l proceeds of conversion, <br /> � voluniary or involuntary,01 any of the foregang into cash or liquldated c/alms(inc!'uding,without limitation,proceeds of insuiance and <br /> � condemnaBon awards),atl 01 which is herelnafte�colk�ctively ca//ed the"Tiust Properry". <br /> � TO PROTECT THE SECUR/TY OF TH/S DEED OF TRUST, TRUSTOR COVEN'ANtS AND AGREES AS FOLLOWS: <br /> J 1. TiUe.Trustor covenants.wenants end agrees with Benefrciary,rts successors and assrgns,that Trustor owns the Trust Property lree � <br /> fiom arey prior llen or encumbrance,that ihls Deed of Tiust fs and wi11 remaln a valJd and enforceable N�st/len on the Trust Property, <br /> � thai Tiustor,ai its expense,wil!preserve such tiUe and will maintaln this Deed of Tiust ss a firsf and paramount lien upon the Trusi � <br /> . Propr.►ty and will taever watiant and defend the validiry arrd prioriry of the lien hereof agalnsf fhe c/ains of a!/persons and paRiss '�,. <br /> whomsaever. Tiusror,at its expense,will cause this Deed of Trust,and each amendment or supplerarent hereto,to be filed and � ;°.-�- <br /> , recorded as a mongage of the Tiust Property in strch manne�and in such p/ace and will take s�ch action as in the opinion of Trusiee : �:- <br /> � may be requlred by any present or tutuie law in order to perfect,mainfaln and protecc tKe lien of this Deed of Tiust,as the same may < . <br /> be amended o�supplemenied/rom time to time. Tiusfor wi!!make such further ass�rarrce or assuracrces to perlect its title to tPre Tiust <br /> Propeity as may be required by Benefic/ary. Trustor he�eby relinquishes a'1 right ot dower and herrestead in and to the Trust Property. <br /> 2. Payment of Indebtedness. Tiusb�sha11 punctuaJly pay the principa!of arrd�i'nterest on the lndebtedness secured hereby. <br /> 9. Consbuc0ion of Improvements. Trusfor sha/l canp/ete in good and workma�rlike manner any burldings,improvements or repairs refabng <br /> , thereto which may be begun on the Trust Property or coniemplated by the/oan ev/denced by the Nofe secu�ed hereby,to pay when <br /> due al!cpsts and liablli�es incuned therefore,and not fo permit any constructlon Uen against such Trust Properry.In the evenf <br /> � consin,ciJon of build/ngs,lmprovements o�repalrs ere contemplated, Trustar also agrees,anything in this Uesd ot TrLSt to ths conirary <br /> notwithstanding;(aJ to promptly commence any such woik and to compfete the p�oposed impiovements promptly,(b)to comp/ete the <br /> ! same ln accordartce with the plans and specif/caiions as approved by Beneficiary, (c)to comply wiih a/i the terms of a buiJding loan <br /> agreenoent,if any,between Trustor and Beneficlery,the terms of whlch are incorporated herein by reference arrd made a part hereof, <br />. . (d)to a/law Bene;iclary to/nspeci the Tiust Property at a!I times during construction,and(e)to rep/ace any work or materials <br /> unsaUsfactory to Beneficisry wiihin fifteen(15)days aRer w�itten notice lrom Beneficiary of such Jact. <br /> .4. Funds for Payment ot Charges.Subjeci to appHcable law or fo a written waiver by Beneliciary, Trustor shall pay to Bene/!r,)8ry on the <br /> first day of each month,or such othei date each monfh as may be specified by Benefrciary,unti/the Indebtedness is paid in fu//,a sum <br /> (heielnaffer called the"Funds')equai fo 1/12th of the yea�ly taxes end assessments whlch may attain privrity over this Deed ol Trust �-�--- <br /> , . and ground rents on the Tiust Property,if any,plus 1 i12th o1 the yesriy premium insiellments lor haaard insurence,p/us 1/121h o/the ' <br /> year/y piem/um Installmerrts for moKgage insu�ance,i!eny,a!I as reasonably estimated init/ally and fiom time to time by Beneficlary on , <br /> the basls of assessments and bips and ieasonab/e estlmates thereol. The Funds shall be he/d in an insUtution,the deposits or ; <br /> eccounts of whkh are lnsured or gua�anteed by s federel or state agancy inc/uding Beneficiary. Beneficiary shall app/y the Funds to , <br /> pay sald taxes,assessments,insu�ence premiums and ground rents.Benef�ciary shaq not be�equi�ed to pay Trustor any inte�est or <br /> eamings on the Funds.Beneficiary shall give to Trustor,without chgrge,an annua/accounting of ihe funds showing credits and ' <br /> debits to the Funds end the pu�pose tor which each debit to the Furtds was made. The Funds are pledged as additiona!securiry lo� � <br /> � the lndebledness secu�gd by thls Oeed of Tiust.II the amounf of the Funds he/0 by Beneficiary,together wit►r the Puture monlhly <br /> installments o!Funds payabie prioi to the due dates ol taxes,assessments,rnsurance premlums and ground rents,shall exceod the <br /> emount�equiied to pay said taxes,assessments,insurance premrums and ground ients es they!all due,such excess shaH be,at `r <br /> Tiustar's option,eithe�promptly repaid to tiustor a►credlted to Tiusto�against/uture monthly mste//ments of Funds. //the amount o/ ~(p <br /> the Funds held by 8eneficiary sha11 not be suNic�ent to pay taxes,assessments.mSU�anCe premrums and ground retits as thpy la/l�fiie, �lJ <br /> TrustOr Shali pay to 8enelic�a�y 8ny amount neCess&ry to make up the delicrency w�lh�n thihy days Irom the dste notiCe�s mailed by ,' + <br />; BeneCclBry to Trusta requeshng peymdnl the�eol. Upon payment+n lu!!ol a!I InUobtodnQSS.f3enehaary shall p�omptly rolund fn r� � <br /> Trustor eny Funds he�d by Benabe�ary. ll the Trust Pioperty rs so/d under tne powar nt sn�e a thp Trust Proparry�s otnc�rw,se�acqu�rod <br /> ey BenefiCiary, BUnoliciary sh�ll app/y,rmmod�nfvly pr�or to thv se/e of fhe Trust P�opttrty or ds Ftcqu�srtion hy B��:eh�iary,Einy Ftmds <br /> held by�OnoliC+ary af the hme ol appl�catron as�Credrt ngainst!ho Indobtednoss 11 BE1nH1ic��uy t�xc�,'utes a wr�tiF•���v.�rvnr nl Ti��«�»t <br /> obhgeGOns undoi Ihrs perag�aph 4. truslo�covan�infs nnd egrr�QS tn pny,he/o�e fhe samu hE�<�t»»e dFrlmqi�t�n► ,��i r,�■erti ,�.tise.ssrnen►s <br />- .�.r:� �:a••e:,or,,.:,, � <br />