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� . � <br /> ,. 8�� ioe�os <br /> If Lender requlred moRgaye insurance as e conditlon o1 meWng the Ooan secured by the Sacuriry Inat�ument, Bortower ahei!pay the <br /> premiums requked to malntRln the insurdnce in e8ec1 untU suah time as the requirement for ihe fneurence terminates in eccardance wlth <br /> 8orownr's �nd Lende►'s w�ftt�n a�eament or�ppNcable I�w. <br /> 8. t�spection. Lender or Rs�pant may make roesonabte ent�iee upon�nd inapnctions of the P�ope�ly. Lender shelt gtvd 8orrower <br /> notla st the tkne oi or p�ter to an Inspectkx� apecityk►�re�sonable causa tor tha InapecUoR. <br /> � 8. COnd�tllQ�t1011. Th�prooNda of��y�wud or ctakn for d�ma�e�, dltect or cor�ssqu�ntl�l, t� connectl�n with�ny co�dem- <br /> natbn or othK takfnp of�ny part ot ths R�opv�ry.or tor conveyanu 1�N�u at coademndtlon,ue hereby assipned nnd ahaN be patd to <br /> Lend�t. <br /> In th��Ir�tt of�totallak(n�of th�PropKty,th�proceeds shaM 6��ppN�d to th�sums s�cund by lhia Sawrity Inatrument,whethx <br /> a not th�du�.wRA any�xcas pald to BortowK. In the event o1 a putkl takhy o1 the PropMty,unlesa BoROwer and Leflder othawise <br /> a�in w�iGnp, the wms secund by this 9�auily M�Uument shaN bs nduad by the unount of the proce�ds rtwlNpMed by ths toMowinp <br /> fraction: (�)the tot�l amaunt ot aum�eacured knmecAately beToro the taWnp, dhrided by(b)the fak rtui�Cet value oi ths PrapeAy knmedi- <br /> �tery bNon th�Wck��. My bWnc�ihal b�pa{d to 8ortowar. <br /> � It the PropeAy la abandons�d by 8arower, or H,�Rar aottce by Lander to Bortower th�t ths condemnor offers to make an awa�d or <br /> settle a cleiMn to►A�maye�, Borrower t�Na to rospw�d to lender wtthin 30 days�fte►the date the notice is �Nen, Lender is autho�ited to <br /> caqa„-t and appry tha pra�"ads, at i!s optlon, either!a reslor�tion or rcpalr ot tha Praperiy or to the sums securesi Dy thls Sscurtty Instru- <br /> mQnt, whether or not the� due. ' <br /> Untess Lendar and Barowar.othawlae a�ree in wdti�q,eny�ppNcatior� ot proceeda to p�c�pal shall no4 extend or postpone the due <br /> dats oi the monthy pa�ta re/eRad to in parayr�phs 1 and 2 or chanse the amount of such paymenta. <br /> 10. 8arrow�� Not R�I�as�d; For�b�a�anc� By I.ond�r Not a Waivsr. Extenalon of the time to�payment or mod'�ft- <br /> catbn ot amoAization o1 the auma aecurod by thl�Seairity InsUuma�t �nted by Lendar to any auccessor in intereal oi BoROwer ahaq <br /> not operate to roie�se the�ability of the ori9lnal 8arower or BoRawar's successora lo interest. Lender shaN not be�equked to comrttence <br /> proceedin�a�akist ony auccessor in hteroat a rehise to extend time tor payment or otherwise modiy emoNution ot the aums secured <br /> ' by tAia 3ecudly Instrument by roason of any demand made by the o�iginal Bortower or Borrower's auccessora tn hterest. My forbearanae <br /> by Lender in exeroialn�any�ht o�remedy shaq not be a waiver of or p�eclude the exeidse of any d�ht or�eme�t. <br /> � 11. Succ�sson a�d Assigns 8ou�d; Joint and Sova�al Liability; Co-signers. The covenants and agreementa of <br /> • this Security InaUume�t shaN bMd and beoefit the auccesaors a�d assigns of Lender and Bortower, subject to the p�ovisions of paragraph <br /> 17. 8orrower's covenants and agreements shatl be jolnt and several. My BoROwer who co-aigns this Security Instrument but does not <br /> � execute the Note: (a) i�co-aigning thia Seeurity Instrument ony to mortgage, grant and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property <br /> u�der the terms of this Sacurily tnstrument; (b) b not personaty obqgated to pay tha sums secured by this Security Instrument; end (c) - � <br /> ag�ees that Lend�er and any other Bortower may��ee to extend, modiy.torbeer or make any accommodations with repard to the tem�s of • � <br /> thia SecurHy tnstrument or the Note wfthout that Bwrower'a consen4 ,� _�� <br /> � 12. LOan Ch�'qYS. N the lan aecured by this Security Inatrument is subject to a law which sets mtximum loaa char�ea,and `� ' _ <br /> � that law is tfnaMy Interpreted so that the intetest or other lo�n chugea co8ected or to be coNeoted fn connectien wiih tne iwn�cceeo '--__ <br /> the permitted Nmits.then: (a)eny such loan charqe shnN be reducad by the amount neceasary to reduce tha charge to the permitted `-_ <br /> ; " <br /> � Iimit; and (b) any sums already coqected irom Borrower which exceeded permftted Bmita will be refunded to BoROwer. Lender may choose __ <br /> to make this refund by�educing the principal owed under the Note or by maWng a direct payment to Borrower. Ii e refund reduces pdn- <br /> apal,tha reducNon wiM be Veated as e paRial prepayment without any prepayment charge under tha Note. ' <br /> 13. L�gislation Aff�eting Lander's Right�. H enactment or expkation of app8cabie laws has the ettect o1 renderfng any pro- ; <br /> , <br /> vision o1 the Nots or this Security InaWme�t unentorceable according to hs terms, Lender, at fts option, may�equire immediate payment <br /> in tull of aq sums seeured by this Security Instrume�t and may invoke any remedles pertnitted by paragreph 19. If Lender exercisea this <br /> option, Lender shaN take the stepa specNied in the second paragraph of para�aph 17. � <br /> 14. NOtiC��. My noUce to 8orrower provided tor In thia Security Instrument shall be yhren by deiive�rffny it or by mai8nfl it by flrst <br /> daaa m�A unless�ppqcabie i�w requkea use oi another method. The notics ahaN be directed to the Property Addresa or any other address <br /> , Bortower desiy�iates by notice to Lender. My�otice to lender shall be given by Rrst daaa rr�aN to Lender's address stated herein or cny <br /> . othe�addresa Lender designates by notice to Borrowe�. My noUce provided tor in thta Securily Instrument ahaN be deemed to have been ` <br /> � given to Borrower or Lender when given as provlded In this paragraph. � <br /> ' 15. Governiny Law; SeverablUty. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by iederai(aw and the law of the judsdiction in ;°° <br /> ' which the Property 1s locnted. In the event that any provlsion or ciause o1 this Securiry tnstrument or the Note conflicls with applicable �`'�; <br /> law,such contNd shall not aftect other provisions of this Securily Instrument or the Note which can bo given elfect wlthout the conlficting 1. <br /> provision. To this end tha provlsions of this Secudty Instrument and the Note ara declared to be seve�bie. , <br /> 16. 8orrower's Copy. 8orrower shall be glven one contormed copy oi the Note and of thls Security instrument. <br /> f7. Transfer of tha Properry or a Beneficlai Interest tn Borrower. If ali or any part of the Property or eny interest <br /> in il is aold or transferrad (or H a beneNcial interest in Bonower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person)wrihout Le�d- <br /> � er's p�lor writtew conseni, Lender may,af its option, requke immediate payment in fuN o} nU sums secured by this Securiry Instrument. <br /> Howeve�, this optlon shaM not be exerdsed by tender ii exerdse is prohibited by feden!faw as ot the date ot this Security tnstrument. <br /> . N tendcr exeraises this optlon. Lender shaN give Borrower aotice of acceteration. The notice shall provide a period ot not less than 30 <br /> . days t�om the data the notice is deNvered or mailed within which BoROwer must pay aN sums secured by this Security Instrument. If <br /> Borrawer fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instru• <br /> � ment without tarMer notice or derr�and on BoROwer. <br /> 18. Borrower's Rl�ht to Rainstate. B Borrower mests ceAain condiUons, Borrower shal!have the right to have entorcement <br />; of thi�Security Inatrument discontinued at any time pdor to the eadier of: (a)5 days (or such other pe�iod as app8cable taw may specity <br /> tor reinstatert�ent)betore sa�e o1 the PropeAy purauant to any power of sale contained In this Security InsUument; or (b) entry of a Judgme�t r=-=_-- <br /> entorcing this Security InsVUment Those conditions are that Bonower: (a) pays Lendar all sums which then would be due under this � <br /> Security�nstrument and the Note had no acceteration occuned; (b) cures eny detauR of any flther covenartts or agreement; (c) pays all � <br /> expensea incuRed in entorciny this Security InsUument.lnciudinq, but not limited to, reasonable ettomeys'fees; and (d) takes such action � � <br /> as Lender may reasonsbly requke to aasure that the Ilen o1 this Security Instrument, Lender's rights tn the Property and Bonower's obliga- � <br /> tion to pay the sums aecured by this Security InsWment sheil continue unchanged. Upon relnstetement by Borrow�r, this Security • <br /> Instrument and the obligaUona secured hereby shail remain fully eftective as N�o acceleraUon had occurted. Nowever, this �ight to reinstate �� <br /> Lshail not apply in the case of ecceleratlon under paregrephs 13 or tT. <br /> h�Q <br /> {l� <br /> f"� � <br />� :7lL"[�HM r0�28� �MS � ° <br /> � <br />