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� � <br /> UNIFORM COYENANTS. BoROwar�nd Lende�covcnant and a�reo ns follawa: L ���~- i o 6 4 0 8 <br /> 1. Paym�nt af P�incipal a�d I�to��N; Pr+�psym��t and L�t� Ch�r��a. BoROwe►shAtl p�omptly pay when due the <br /> principal 01 and tnterest on the deDt evidenced by the Note end eny prep�yment and I�te charpce due under the Note. <br /> 2. Fands t�r Ta�e� snd In�t!l��1��. �b�'ct to npp!#cabb lew cu ta�written walver by Lender, 8ortower ahall pay to Lendet <br /> � on the d�y mo�thly p�ylm�nta���du�undar th�Nat�,untA the Note iu p�ld In NA, �aum('Funda') equal to ane�hveNh of: (a) yeary <br /> tuce�and aasasaments whbh rn�y dta�n pdorNy over thla Security Inatn�ment; (b)ye�ry tasahotd p�ym�tts or �au�d ra�t� on the Prap• <br /> erty, N any; (c) ya�Ay Aarard Inawranc�premiums;+�nd (d)ye�dy mo►tp�pe insu�ance premfums,H�ny. Thaa�itema+�rs catled 'escrow <br /> ftems'. Lender n�y sstkn�ta ths Fueds du�on th�ba�is o1 cu�renl dat�►�nd rMaon�bte attnxta of tutun acrow ftama, <br /> The Fu�da ehaN be held in �n insUtution th�depoaNa or�ccou�ta o1 whkh�n Ineurod ar�uarantNd by�tad�l or stats apenCy <br /> (�ncludin� Lender M UndK is auch�n InaUtuUon�. Lander ahaN appy th�Funds to p+iy ths esaow R�ms. Lenax msy not cha�e for hold• <br /> in��nd a,�pyin�the Funds,amy�tnp th��u:ounl or vriyki�th� escxow k�ns, uniNS Und�p�ys BoROwK intarost on th�Funds and <br /> �ppUcable Mw p�rt�lts l�ndK to m�k�wch�ciw�. Borrower and Lender rtwy��in wddn�th�t intKRtt ahaN b�pafd on th�Funds. <br /> Uaiesa an apraement Is rtwde or appNe+ibN I�w roquiros intaeat to bs pald, Lander shall not M rsquked to pay BomowK�ny intareat or � <br /> e�minya on ths Funda. LendK ahaN�Ne to BoROwK,without charye, �n annwi�ccountinp of th�Fund�showiny a�dita and debite to <br /> ths Funds Md thp purpose tor which e�ch debit to ths Funds was mad�. Th�Funda an pkdyad as addiNonal s�cudty tor ths aums se� <br /> cured by this Security Inatrumant. <br /> If the amount of ths Funds held by Lender,topether with the future mo�thy payments o1 Fund� payable pdo►to the due date� of the <br /> escxow�N excasd the amount roquked to pay the esaow Rema when due.the exass shaN be,�t Barower's optlon, either <br /> , prompty rapatd to Barower or�xedited to 8atowe►on monthly paymente of Funda. H the amount of the Funds held by Le�der Is not <br /> sufBcient to psy ths escrow ttema when due, Borrowa ahaM pay to Lender any amount necesaary to make up the delldency M one or <br /> � more payments as�equired by Lend�. <br /> Upon payment In tuN of aN suma sacured by this Security Instrument, Lender shaN prompty retund to 8wrower any Funds held by <br /> Lender. If under pan�aph 19 the PropeRy i� sold or scquked by Lender, Lender ahaN appy, no IatK then immediately priw to the sale <br /> 01 the Property or Rs acqulsition by Lender,any Funda held by Lendar at the tlme of appliaUon aa a crodit apainst tha aums aecured by <br /> � thla Searily Instrumen� <br /> . 3. Applieatlon of Paymonts. Unbsa appUcable Isw provides otherwise, aN paymer�ta received by lendar under parnyraphs 1 � <br /> • and 2 shaN be appNed: tkat,to late chuye� due under the Note; second,to prepayment charye�due under the Note; third,to amounts <br /> � payable under para�aph 2;touRh,to interest due;and t�at,to principal due. <br /> 4. Ch���os; Llons. Bortower ahaq pay aN taxes,assessments, charges,fines and Impositions attributable to the PropeAy which <br /> may atuin pdority over thia Securify Instrument, and le�aehotd payments ar ground renta,ft any. Bortower shaq pay these obllgations in ; <br /> • the manner provided in para9raph 2, or H not paid in that manner, 8orrower shaq pay them on tlme directy to the person owed paymero� <br /> A <br /> � Bortower shaN prompty tumish to the L.ender all notiees o1 amounts to be paid under this parag�aph. It BoROwer makes these payments � <br /> � directy, 8oRO4ver shaN prompty tumiah to Lender receipta evidencirig the payrna�ts. � ;•� <br /> _ _ _ ' BoROwer shsN promptlY discharge any lien which haa priority ove�thia Security Instrument untess Borrower. (a)agrees in writing to 1._ ' ' <br /> , the payrnent ot the obl�etion aecurad by the�en in a macmer acceptaWe to lend�a:(b)coniests In qood taith the 11esi by.or delends <br /> � ayainst e�forcement of the lien In, kyet proceedinpa whlch k►the Lende►'a opinton oparata to prevani the entacement o1 the per►or tor- �� <br /> teiture of any,�aA ot the Properry; a(c) securoa trom the holder o1 the Ne�an:greanent aaUstactory to Lendef suboMinaUng the lien to � <br /> this Security fnstrumenL H Lender determines that eny paA of the Property is subJect to a lien which may ettain pdority over this Securfty <br /> instrument, lender may 9ive BoROwer a noUce identityk�g the Ilen. BoROwer shaA satisiy the Ben a take one or more of the actlons set � <br /> foRh above w(thin /0 days of the yiviny ot notice. ` <br /> 5. Hazard In�uranc�. Borrower shaN keep the knprovemmta now existtng or heresfter erected on the Prope�ty tnsured a�ainat ` <br /> • loss by flre, hazards inciuded within the tertn 'extended coveraye' and any other haxarda tor which Lmder requkes insurance. This insur- � <br /> ance shaq be mak�t�ined k�the amounta and tor the periods that Lender requires. The inaurance cartier providiny the insurance shall be <br /> chosen by Bortower subJect to Le�der's approval whkh shaN not be unreesonaby withheld. <br />, AN i�su�ance poNdes and renewals shaN be acceptable to the Lender and shaN tndude a standard moRyaye dause. Lender shalt have <br /> ' the�iyht to hold the policlea and renewais. Ii Lender requires, BaROwer shall promptiy ghre to Lender aU receipts of paid premiums end <br /> : renewal noUcea. In the event oi loss, Boaower shap gNe prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender mny make proof of <br /> loss i1 not mnde prompty by Borrower. ': ,v <br />- � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wdting,insurance proceeds sG►all be applied to restoratton or repak of the PropeAy •{:°— <br /> L". <br /> damaged,if the restoratlon or repak is economicsly teasible and Lender's security is not lessened. H the resto►ation or repair is rtot eca i �. <br /> nomicaly feasibb or Lender'a security woutd be tessened,the insurance proceeda shall be appiled to the sums secured by this Security <br /> Instrument,whether or not then due,rrith any excesa pald to 6orrower. i} Bortower abandons the PropeRy, or does not answer withfn 30 . <br /> days a notice trom Lender that the insurance carrie� has oftered to settle a ctaim,then lender may cotlect the insurance proceeds. Lender - <br /> may use the proceeds to repak or restore the Properry or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. The <br /> ' 3EAday pedod wiM beyin when the notice is given. <br /> : Untess Eender end 6orrower othe�wise agree in wriUng,any appBcaUon ot proceeds to principai shall r�at extend ar postpone fhe dua <br /> date of the rnonthy payments �eterted to in parapraph 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. N under paragraph 19 the PropeRy <br /> is acquired by Lender, Borrower'a right to any insurance poticles end proceeds resulNng irom damage to the PropeRy pdor to the acqu9s3- <br /> ' tion shaN pass to Lender to the extmt of the sums secured by this Securiry I�estrument knmediately pdor to the acquisftion. <br /> S. Pnsarvation and Maint�nsnca of Property; Leaseholds. Bortower shail not desVoy, damage or substan2ia11y change <br /> the Property,aliow the Property to deterionte or cornmit waste. fi this Security instru�nent is on a leasehold, Borrower shaU comply with <br /> the provisions of the lease,and iS Borrower acqukes tee title ta the Property,tfte teashoid and fee tiUe shall not merge unless the Lender <br /> agrees to the merger in w�tinfl. - --- - -- <br /> 7. Protocti�n of Lander's Rights in the Property; Mortgage Insurance. If 8orrower tails to pertortn the covenants � l � <br /> and egreements contained in this Security Instrument, or there is a�egal proceeding that may significantiy aftect the Lender's rights in the i <br /> Property (sucB es� proceedlny in banlwptcy. probate,for condemnation or to enforce laws or reguiatlons), then Lender may do and pay <br /> tor whatever Is necesaary to protect the va{ua o1 the PropeRy and Lender's rights In the PropeRy. Lender's actions may inciude paying any <br /> sums secured by a 6en which haa prioriry over this Security tnstrumcr,t, appearing in court, paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering • <br /> on the Property to make repsirs. Although Lender mey take action under this peragraph 7, Lender does not have to do so. <br /> � My amounta diatwraed by Lende►under thia paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of 8onower securod by ihts Security Instrument. <br /> Unless Borrower and Lander��ree io other terme of payment, these amounts shall bear Interest trom the date of disbursement at ihe <br /> Note rate�nd shall be payable, with interest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower tequesting payment. h. <br /> � <br />' r' <br /> R � <br />. i.,. ..��.� i`i!>> `�A;. <br /> � <br />