_ � �
<br /> � 8g� �.os4o�
<br /> It Lende►requMW moAflsp�Inauranc��a� condilbn of makiny the loan secured by the Securtry tnst�ument. BoROwer shall pay iha
<br /> premtum� requked to rrnintah th�Insuance In ettect untll auch t6�ne as the►equireme�t tor the Insunnce terminates In accordanca with
<br /> 8ortower'� �d LMd�t's w�ittm�pnem�nt a epplic�bN 4w.
<br /> 8. Insp�ctlon. Landrr or Rs�gmt rtwy make rwaoneble entries upon and k�spactlona ot the PropaRy. Lender shall yive BoROwer
<br /> � nattcs�t thi tfJif�01 Of pdOr j0�t1 if13�iCti011 SPECMy�i�t�sO�libi0 CtU�i for M�hspactfon.
<br /> 9. COttdiRln�tlOn. Th�procNd� ot any awud or d�kn tor dmwyM, dk�ct or consp,��ntW,In connactbn wkh any condem-
<br /> naUon a otha takinp of any pWt W th� Prop�rty, or fa conveyanc�b i�u ot condematbn,u�h��by assipnsd and ahall be patd to
<br /> Under.
<br /> In th�m�nt o1�total takinp ot tAs RopeAy, the proceeds shaN be appNed to the suma sacured by thb Securily Instrument,whether
<br /> w nat then due, wilh�ny excess paW to 8arrowar. In the event of a p�rWl Wchy of ths Roperty, uNess Barower and Lender uthawise
<br /> aRN tn wrklnp,th� wmf a�cut�d by thb 3�turity Instrummt shaA bo t�duad by th�artwt�nt o1 th�proc�ads mufti�d by th�foMoMrinp
<br /> Metlon: (�)th�tota!amount ot sums��axed k�rt�di�tNy bsforo ths takin�,dhrW�d by(b)th�1ak mufcet vaiu�of the F'►operty immedi-
<br /> it01Y b�lOf!tA�1�kN1Q. My b�1�11G OhiN bO piW t0 BOROwR.
<br /> H th�Pro�ty ts�bandon�d by Ba�rowa,or H, ah��otica by Lender to 8orrower that ths condemnor offers to make u► �ward or
<br /> seltle a ci�trt►fa dartwpee, 8ortower faNa to nspond to LendK wfthln 30 d�ys alta th�dat�ths notiw!s 91veo, Lender b authaized to
<br /> co�ar,i and apptyt tha procee�d9,�i Its optlor+, elther ta rostaradaa or�palr of ths Properiy or to ihe auma securod by thls Secudty Instni-
<br /> ment,whetfiw or not then due.
<br /> Unkss Lender and Borrower otherwiss agres in wdtiny,any�ppicaUon o1 prooeeds to prhGpal shaN not extend or postpone the due
<br /> date o1 ths monthy p�ymenta�eleRed to in pue�aphs 1 and 2 or chanye ths amount o1 such payments.
<br /> 10. 8or�owe� Not R�I�as�d; Fo�sb�a�anc� By L.�nd�► Not a Walv�r. Exte�sion of the tkne for payment o�modifF
<br /> cation of amortizaUon ot the auma aeared by thia Security Instrument yranted by Lc+�der to any aucce�sor in intercst ot BoROwer shaQ
<br /> not operate to rebass the Ikbi�ty of the odyinal Borrower or Bomewer'a auccessaa i�Mteres� Landx ahaN not be required to commence
<br /> proceedinga ag�inat any auccesaor in interest or refuse to exte�d tkne tor payment or othe�wise modiy unortization oi the sums secu�ed
<br /> by this Security Instrumer�t by retson of any demand rt�ade by the original 6ortower or BoROwer's successors in interest Any torbeacance
<br /> by Lender in exercisinp any�ht or remedy sha8 not be a waiver of pr pr�ctude the exercise of�ny dyht or romedy.
<br /> 11. Suce�ssors and Assiqns Bound; Jotnt and Sov�ral Uability; Co-sl�nors. The covananta and a�eements of
<br /> � thts 3ecufity Instrumcat shaN bind and be�etit the successo►s and�ssl9ns o1 Lender and Bortower. subJect to the provisions of paragraph
<br /> � 17. 8orrower's covenants and ay�eementa sh�N be Jok�t and aeve�l. My Barowe►who caafyns thia Security Instrurtx�t but does not
<br /> exeaite the Note: (a) is co-aipniny this Security Instrument only to matyape, grant and convry that Bormwer'a interost(n the Property
<br /> under the terms ot thia Security tostnrment; (b) is not personaNy obii9ated to pay the suma secured by thia Security Inatrumenf; and (cj �
<br /> ; agrees that Lendec and any other Borrowe►may agree to extend, modiy,torbear a rtaake any accommodations with reyard to the terms et • .
<br /> � this 3ecudty Instrument or the Note without ttut 8arower's consent. � ��
<br /> � 12. Loan Chargss. 8 the loan secured by thls Security InaLrament is subject to a law whlch sets maximum loan charges, and j -. ��'
<br /> that law ia�interpreted so that tha interest or other loan charyes coltected or to De collected In connection wlth the ban exceed s
<br /> {_,�
<br /> the permitted RmiW, then: (a) any such loan charge shal be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to tha permitted i�:- -
<br /> Nmit; �nd(b)any auma akady coNected nom BoROwe►wh�h exceeded pertnitted limits wAI be reWnded to Borrower. Lender may choose � �
<br /> to make this re(und by rcducin�the prk�cq�al owed under the Note or by makin�a di�ect payme�t to Barowef ti a refund reduces prin- �
<br /> apal,the reductlon wiM be tre�ted as�partkl p�epayment wRhout any prepayment charoe uoder the Note. '
<br /> � 13. Legisiation AffsCtinp Lendet's Rights. H enactmeot or expiration o1 apppcable lawa has the ettect of rendering eny pro-
<br /> � vision of the Note or thb Sewrily InaUument unentorceeble accordkiy to its terms.Lendar, at ka opUon,msy requke irtxnedlate payment =
<br /> in fuN o1 u sums secured by tAis Searity InsUument and rrwy invoke any remedKS perrtitted by paragraph t9_ lt Lender exerclses this �
<br /> option, Leodar shaN take the stepa specii8�ed in the second parayreph of para�raph 17.
<br /> 14. Notico�. My notics to Borrower provided tor in this Secueity Instrument shaN be ghren by deliverf�y i! or by ma�rt9 it by first '
<br /> � dass maN unless�ppiicable law requirea use o}enother method. The noUce shall be directed to the Propeny Addresa or any other address
<br /> Borrowet desi�tes by�oUce to Lander. My notice to Lender shaN be yhren by fxst claas meY to le�der's�d�dresa steted herein or any
<br /> . other address Lender desi�nates by notke to Borrower. My notke provided tor in this Securiry InsUument aha�be deemed to have been t
<br /> ��
<br /> • given to 8orrower or Lender when�iven as provided in thi�peregroph. :�,_
<br /> • � 15. Gov�r�in� Law; Severabillty.This Sea,rity Instrument shall be govemed by tederal law and the Iaw ot the Juris�cUon in ;,_
<br /> : which the PropeRy 1s bcated. In the evertt that any provlsion or cteuse ot this Security Instnlr�eat or the Note conflicts�vtth appUcabie � ""
<br /> law, such con�ict shaN rtot aftect other provisions of this Security instrument or the Nete which can he given effect wfthout the contlictirtg ' �
<br /> provision. To thb e�d the provlsions oi this Security lnsVument and the Note are decfered to be severable. '
<br /> 16. B01'tOwePs COpy. Borrower sh�N be give� one eontormed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument ' '
<br /> 17. T�ansf�r of thv Proporty a� a Banofleisl I�t�rsst in Borrowor. It aH or any part af the Prope�ty or any interest
<br /> in it is sotd o►transferred(or if a benefidal interest in Borrowe�is sold or transterred and Borrower is not a rtatu�al person)without Lend-
<br /> er's prior written cansent. Lender may,at its optlon, require lmmediate payment in fu1!of aN sums secured by ih�Security InsVument. •
<br /> �� i However,thia opUon ahaY not be exerdsed by Lender if exerdse is prohibited by tederal law as o1 the date of this Security Instrument.
<br /> ' R Lender exerclses this optlon, Lender sh�N give Borrower noUce ot acceleration. The noUce shaH provide a period of not less than 30
<br /> • days irom the d�te the notice is deNvercd w m�led wfthin wh�h Bonower muat p�y all sums secured by this Securiry Instn�ment. If
<br /> Borror�er faila to pay these suma prior to the expiration ot this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by thls Security Instru-
<br /> ment wkhout turther notkx or derr�nd on Borrower.
<br /> 18. BOrrowor's RigM to Reinstsie. It eorrower meets cenain condrtlons, Borrower shatl have the right to have enforcement
<br /> ot thls Security lnsUUme�t discontlnued et any time prior to the ea�ier ot (a)5 days (or such olher period es applicable law may specity
<br /> fa reinsUtement) betore aab o1 the Property pursuant to any power o1 sale contak�ed in this Seairity InsVument; or (b) entry ot a Judgment ; �
<br /> enforclny this Securirtyr Instruma►L Those conditlons are th�t Borrower : (a) pays Lender aH suma whlch then would be due under this
<br /> SeCUriry insUument and the Note had no acceleration occurred; (b) cures any detauft o1 eny other covenants or agreement; (c)pays all '
<br /> expenses incuRed In enforciny this Security Instrument, InGuding, but not limited to, reasonable attomeys'iees; and (d) takes such action
<br /> as Lend�r m�y re�son�bty require to assure that the lien oi thls Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Hortower's obtiga-
<br /> tian to pliy the sums aecured by thls Security Instrumenl shaA continue unchenged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security
<br /> � Instrument and the obli�ationa aeCUred heroby shail remain tuly ettective as if no acceleration had occurted. Howtiver, thls right to reinstate
<br /> shall not apply in the case of accdention under paragraphs 13 or 17
<br /> ti
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br /> �,�ce�ca•a •nt�a��.a; r, ..
<br />. �
<br />