� �
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower�nd Lender aovenant and�gree�s fouows: S�7""� 106 4 0�
<br /> 1. Paym�nt o!P�Inclpal and Int�r�st; Pr�peym�nt A�d Lat� Ch��gas. BoROwer ah�N prompty pay when due the
<br /> p�inclpal ot�nd Intereal on the debl svida�ced by the Nots�nd any prep�yment�nd tate cAarqes dus under the Nole.
<br /> �. Funds io� �'�x�s anci ir��ue�r+c�. SubJ�ct to appltrable la�v o�ta e wdtten waiver Oy Lender. 8orrowet ahali pay to Lendcr
<br /> on Ihe d�y monihy pa�ts�ra du�u�dK the NotR untii the Note Is p�id in fuN, �aum('Funde') equal to onttwelth ot: (a)yearty
<br /> � taxes�nd assasm�nts whkh may attain priarity ov�r thla Securriy Onsirument (b)Ya�tf►tMathad P�lR�t�a Or��d rwnts on tha P�op-
<br /> �rt�r,N aoy; (c?I��M �z�d insu�nc�pnrtdums:and (d�ye�dY moR��Insun�w pr�n�lums. N any. Thas ilwnt en c�Aed'esc�ow
<br /> itans'. l�rtry�stMst�th�Fund�dus on tha basis o1 cuaa�!data and ra�onabN atiRwitN o1 fuUx��sorow R�ms.
<br /> TM Fund�MaM b�hNd In an instltati�on th�deposNs a�ccour►ts o1 whkh�n insund or puarnntMd by a I�dKal ar stat���ncy
<br /> (indudin�lenda il l�nder la �uch�r►InstNution). L�nd�r sMN appy 1h�Fuads to pay th��sorow R�ms. Landw rtw�y not olwp�tor hold-
<br /> iny�nd�ppytnp th�Funtb,�nay�n9 tM�ccoknt or v�ilyinp th�aaow R�ms� u�l�ss L�ndK MY� BoROwK int�at ot1 ih� Fund�and
<br /> �ppMrabN Iaw pwmlts Unde�'to m�k�wch�charpe. Bo+rower+�nd l�ndw may�pra�in wrkh0 tMt iM�t sh�b�p�W oo th�Funda.
<br /> Unlesa�n a9r«ment is mad�or sppMca�N kw rec�res tnte�t to be psid. Lender ahaM not b�nquired to p�y Bortower�ny intenst or �
<br /> e�minys on th�Funds. lander shaM�hn to BoROwer,without charqe, an annwl Rccauntinp o1 th�Funds showin0 o�dits�nd d�bfte to
<br /> ihe Funda�nd ths purpos�to►which each debil to the Funds was made. The Funda�re ptedyed�a additlonal a�cudly tor tha aums se-
<br /> cwed bY thh Security Instn,menL
<br /> H the�rt�ount oi th�Funds hetd by lender,toyether with the tuturo monlhy p�yments of Funds p�yable prior to 4he dus datea oi the
<br /> escrow kema, shaN�xceed the amount roquked to pay tAe escxow Rem�when due,ths�xcess shaN be, �t BoROwer's optlon, ellher
<br /> prompty repaid to Bortowa or eretAted to 8orrower on mot�thy payma�ta o1 Funda. H the amouot ot the Fund� hetd Dy Le�der la�ot
<br /> sutlldent to p�y ths asaow Rems wh�n due,BoROwer ahaN pay to Lender any amount necaasary to mak�up tha de�fda�cy h one or
<br /> more p�yments aa requked by Lender.
<br /> Upoo p�yme�►t fn iW o1�M sums aeaued by this Security tnstrume�t, Le�der shal prompty rdund to Bortower any Funds held by
<br /> Leader. 11 u�da p�ragaph 19 the PropeAy is aold or acquked by Le�der, Lende►ahaN appy, no kter than Irtxnadt�tety p�lor to the sate
<br /> ot the PropeAy or Rs acquisiUon bY Lender.any Funds hetd by Lender at the time o�l appdcation aa a credil a�ainst ths sums aecured by
<br /> thia Security inatrumet�� � �
<br /> 3. AppNcation of Paymonts. Unless appUcable I�w provides otherwlse, aN payments received by Lender u�der paragraphs t
<br /> and 2 shaN be�pp0ed:�st,to late charyes due under the Note; second,to p�epsyment cha�ges due under the Note; thi�d,to amounts
<br /> payable under puayraph 2;tourth.to i�terest dae:and last,to p�cipAl due.
<br /> 4. Ch�ro�J; Lifns. Borrowa shaN pay all taxes, assasment�,chuge�,flnes and impositlons att�ibaitebte to the Property which
<br /> rtury atWn priaity over this Se�urity tastrument,and leasehdd paymenta or yroued�ents,H any. Barower shaq pay these obOg�tions in ±.
<br /> the rtwnna provided h par�aaph 2, or H aot paid in that m�nner. BoROwer shaN pay them on tkne dkectiy to the peraon owed payment.
<br /> Borrower shaN promptly iumish to tha Le�der alt �otices oi amounis to be pald undcr thl�paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments ' ,
<br /> diroctty, Bortower ahaN prompNy iumish to Lender t�ecelpts aYidcncinp the paymeeta. � '�
<br /> _- - 3os r��:h:..°F.�mFL�; +c.ls_!+�•�•a!!;�which haa ndorttv nver thi�SecuriW InsVument unless Barower: (a)a�eea in writin�to ; -,-
<br /> ' the pa�t of the obN9ation secured by the Nen k►a manna accepfabie to lender, (b) corttests in Qaod hlth ths 6en by,o►delend� _
<br /> � a9aMst enioroement of the Nen i�, 1e9a1 proceednya which in tfie Lender'a opinton opaiata to prevent the entorcemeM ot the Ilen or tor- :"�
<br /> teituro of any put ot the Property: or(c) aecures Irom the holder oi the Ikn an aproement satistactory to Lertder aubordinatln�the Aen to �=
<br /> this Security Inatrument. If lender detem�ine�that any part o1 ths Property Is subject to a lien whkh may attatn priority over this Security �
<br /> ' Inst�umeM, lender may give Borrower a notice Identitying the Men. Borrower shall satisty the Aen or take one or more oi ihe actions set �
<br /> � iorth a6�ove withtn 10 d�ys o1 the ylvMfl ot noUce.
<br /> 5. Hazard Insuranc�. Borrower ahaN keep the tmprovements now existing or hereaiter erected on the PropeRy insured ngainst _
<br /> loss Gy ire.huards�duded within the tertn 'exte�ded coverage' and any o1hc�hszarda tor whkh lender requires insurance. This insur-
<br /> ance shai be mak�tained in the amounta�nd tor the pe�iods tl�a� Lender�equkes. The insusance carrie►Providinp tha insureu�ce ahall be �
<br /> chosen by Borrower subject to lender'a ep(xoval which shaq not be unreasonably vrithhe�3
<br /> All inaur�nce polides and►e�ewau shaN be axeptabte to the Lender and shtN hdude a standud rtwrtya9e dause. Lender shall have
<br /> ; the�iyht to hotd the policlea�n�renewals. N Lende►requires, Borrower shaq promptfy give to Lender aN receipts of pald premluma nnd . �
<br /> i renewal noUces. in the event of loss, Borrower shaH�ve prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Leader may make proot of �%
<br /> • losa if not m�de PromPUY by Borcower. �.�-:
<br /> � Unless Lender��d Borrower otherwise ayree in wriUng,kessirance proceeds ahaU be applied to restoratlon or reRaia of the Properly ��
<br /> � dam�ged,H the restoraUon or repek Is economically teesible a,�d�lender'a security is not tessened. If the restoraUon or repai�is not eco- �"�
<br /> � nomically Teasiblo or Lender's securiry would be lessened. the insurance proceeds�halt be applied to the sums secured by this Security .
<br /> Instn�ment,whether or not then due.with any excess paid to SoROwer. N Borrower abandons the Property, or does not answer within 30
<br /> days:rtotice irom Lende►that the inwrance carrier has ottered to settle a ctalm,then Lender may co��ect the insurance proceeds. Lender -• -
<br /> may use the proceeds to rep�ir a restore the PropeAy or to pay sums aecured by this Securityr Instrument,whether or not then due. The
<br /> 90-d�y pabd wi�begk►when the notica is yhre�s.
<br /> : Unles.s Lender erYd Bo�roe+re►othe�wfae agree in wrlUng,any app�cation ot proceeds to p�(ncipei shali nat extend or pastpone the due
<br /> dtte at tf�e monthty ptyrner►u re(errerl to in paragraph 1 and 2 a chanye the artwunt of the payments. li under paregraph 19 the Property
<br /> is acau(red by Lender,Borrowe►'s riyhl to any insurance po�es and proceeda resuitlrty lrom dartts9e to the PropeRy prior to the acquisi-
<br /> ' tion shal paaa to Lender to the extent o1 the sums secured by this Security InsUument krmediately prior to the acquisitlon.
<br /> 6. Pr�s�rvation and Msint�na�co of P�operty; Lossoholds. Bonower shan not d�stroy, dema�e or subsmnttaiyr cnaoge
<br /> the Property,allow the Property to deteriorate or commit waste. If this Security Instrument is on e leasehold, Borrower shall comply with
<br /> the provialona of the te�,se,and H Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the le�shofd and fee title shall not merge untess the Lender
<br /> agrees to tha meryer In wriUng. ____ _ __
<br /> 7. P�ot�ction of LondQr's Rights in tha Property; Mortgaga Insurance. If Borrower tails to peAortn the cavenants �-� --
<br /> and asreements contained in thb Securiry insUument, or there is a (egal proceedk�y that may signiflcantty etteet the Lender's rights in the
<br /> P�ropeRy(wch as a proeeedin9 In Wntwptcy, probate,tor condemnatien or to enforoe laws or reputations),then Lender may do and pay i .
<br /> foi whatever Is necessary to protect the value of the Property end Lende►'s iights in the Property. Lender's actlons mey include paying any ;
<br /> sums secured by� Nen whkb has prbrity over this Securiry InsUument,appeurinp in eouA. PaY�9 reasonable ettomeys' tees end entering
<br /> My unounts s rs y en un s paragrap s a •
<br /> � Unless 9ortower and Lender a�ree to other terms o1 payment,these amounts shall bear interest irom the date ot disbursement at the
<br /> Note rate and shall be payabie.with Interest. upon notice}rom Lender to BoROwer requcsting peyment. ti
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