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<br /> - - .. . - ��-q-ax.'y�y,.,. -- � -� , _. . - . . . ' � - _- _<a_ -
<br /> •� ,r1,.,,..�r.r,q.��^M.�i�a3P"a�..i`P1iiW,,�''. . � . . � .__. - _ _ . . ,. • . . . _ _._ _-� 's» r_�.ac=�.:_
<br /> g�� b��'�l�V
<br /> - _ .�: (1)1011 qt pari ot tAo�*rupG►Yy�ot a Qtttcticlal tntureat 1a u tru9s owntng uli ar past ot tha�rt►pa�iy,ta sakl
<br /> = -- - ':1 c�r�thcr�vlsc tr�s�sfeet+e�!(�th�r than 6y davlse or dea�t),end
<br /> . . _:_-� (ii)'[1�e Prapct�iy is nnt ersuplod Ay the parct►ase�Rr g��te� pa h1A or h��princ�Y+;±l r�+ld!'tttt+, �r tho
<br /> •; _�; pun:hnscr ur grantco daca sa accupy tho Propnny but hls or her crcdit hay not bceo npprovcd in
<br /> - "` nccordaaw�vith the r�quiiemeate of the Secr�taey. •
<br /> ;_�� (c)No Waivcr. it circumstunces nrcuc thut would permit i.endor ta rcquiro immedinto pnyment in full. but
<br />__,;� l,endcr decs rtnt requtro such pnymente,Lender does rtat tivalvo Ita t�hta wiih rc9pcct to subscyuent ovents,
<br /> �"'� (d)ttcgulaHon.9 ot HW l9crrctary. In many cic+cumstancc9 reaulntiona I�.gucd by th�Secretary will Umtt
<br /> LendePs riIIhla� in tAo c.�►so of pnyment Qofaulta,to requiro immedinta pnymont in tUll nnd forecloso!t not
<br /> poid. Thla Sccurlty�rtsttument does no1 authorizo axeler�tlon or forectosurc if not permitted by regulatiana
<br /> � of tho Secrctnry.
<br /> . � � (e)MoMgugo 1Vo!ilnsured.8omowor tigoess thnt il thia Securiry Inatcument c►nd tAe Notv iuc not deturmined
<br /> � . to ba cllgiblo far Insurancc undcr tho Nationnt}lousing Act�vithin 6U dqye from th:dnta horcwf. L.ande�
<br /> � . mqy� m ita optlon, requtro Immedlutn paycnent in fLll n�ull auma secumd by thio Securtry insuvment. A
<br /> " �Ytit�OU 8lttt0tllEAl OY AAy IILiI101IECtI 8$OAt OP IPtO SCCICtSTyI dAtCd BUbSE'Q1LCA1 t0 6O�8 fPpUl(I10 f�?t0 hQiBAP,
<br /> declining to iusuta thls Securlry Instn�mcnt �u►d tto Note� aha11 bw^ decmed conclusive praof oP eucb
<br /> �s-: �°� �� inefiglbllity. Nataithstandipg tdo forogoia�, this vption muy not bo oxercised by l�cndor when iho
<br /> ��•�- • unavaflubU�ty of inaurance is sclefy due to Lendor's fciliure to re�mit o mortgage insuruaco proraiu►n to tho
<br /> ,.._Y._
<br /> ;,�� Secratucyr.
<br />�-���� 10. Reinstatcmcat, Borrowor hav n right to�e roinstated if l.ertde� tu�s rcquired immediato pay�nt ln Nll
<br />.a.=14.
<br /> _� bacauso of Borrowar's fhituro to pay an antount due undor tho Note or this Stcudty inshumcnt. Thla ri��t�t xrplies
<br /> �" _ oven ai�er foieclasu¢n prooee�ings rua iastituted. To celnstata t�a Security Inatrument� Bomowar shu11 tend�r in o
<br /> ?�"'-'� IUIUP BU111 AII dQlOUiltB lCtjpttCtl IO bTlq$EOIf+OW6f'8 ft000U11T CIV�CAt�RCIUd�iiB, �Q!ht!8xt0AI lTtEj►Af8 ODUgAUOA'3 OY
<br /> - Barrowcr under thla Secudty lnatcumont�foreclasuro costs aud reaconnbla ond custemnry nttomoys'fee9 nnd oxpense9
<br /> - praparty agsoe{ated w(th the tarcciosuc�praceedln�. Upan roinstntemont by Borrawer�thia Secusiry lnstrt��.�t nnd
<br />��=�� tho abligatio�s thut it secare9 ehatl romut,a In effaat as If l.ender dsd not n�quired immediato pt�ymru; Sn fitil.
<br /> ,���i Hawover, I.ander lo aot rcqulrod to permit reinstutement 1f: (91 l.endee t�a� nocepted i+olnstntement ARor tht+
<br /> -i—�, co�t�mennransnt ot'forealo9uro praceedinga wlthin nva years uam3�linttlY Precctl�ng We commoacoment of tt cwrent
<br /> �-'=-`'=�^!�! forecinsuc� praacdina. (il) reinstatemeat will prccludo foreclos�ll oa dlfi�rent �uouadv in Wa iLture, or (W1
<br />,_,.;� relrtatatement w111 ndversely affext tho prioriry of the lien creuted by this Securi^i�r Qs�.�tumaraZ.
<br /> --- 11. Borrowr,r Not Releascdt FaifieArpnce B�y I.endcr No�p Wafver. �ac�nsian�'f ebe timo of�yment or
<br />' - — modificatin�ot amortization of the sums securrd by thie Secudry Itwtniment grantod by l.eny3�r to any successor iu
<br /> -
<br /> - ° _ ,,m... IlIR9�Y lxY�Pi[f1WGT Ahell ROl f1�iQR'�414 �O(O1E7�l4 lh0 11db�11�► pY WE OtI$iAi11 BOftY1WW'A!�4+�TSAWAf'A ii114C�,ttO!M
<br /> lnterest. Wender shaU not ba requle+ed to oommonco pracer.�finga agalnat any ducasROr in lntorest or rottuo to estand
<br /> timo for paymont�r othcrwtae m�ify amartization of tho aums Focurcd by this Socudty tnstmmcnt S�y roason of Any
<br /> ----�-- demnnd mnde by the originu!Aorrawor oe Borro�se�'a sucoESSOrs In lntereat.Aq,t forbearnncc by l.ender in�xerclsing
<br /> _ any rlght ar t+emedy ehall not bo n wuivet of or precftlda tho exerciso af uny dglu or remedy.
<br /> 1�.Suac�ssore pnd AssigRV 1B�.u�A;Jolat und S�everA!�:'I��lityi Co-Sl�ne�s. 't�v covenante aad ag��omenta
<br /> of tl►ia Sac��rity Insuument ehn11 bin;��nd boacflt the auccessors nn�usslgns of l.cndor and Barrower,eubjcct ta tha
<br /> � provleions af parag�aSp6 9(b). Aorroaler'a a►ver�t�aaA agceomenw ahall be�aint aad sovcrs+l. Aqy Bonower who
<br /> � � co-algn9 tble Securiry t.��snumnt but das aot ea�ecuta tho Noto: (Y)IB CO-S�,qA�13$WI8 St7CUlit�► IQBttUAlOAt O111y l0
<br /> ; mortgago�grnnt�nd eanvoy tha�Boxrower's iata�resl in tho Propoqlr under the eerm9 of tdta Securlty Iastrument;ib)
<br /> ia not prasanally obligated to puy tho eums sccuted by thla Secur��y Iasuumcnt;und(o)agcces tbat Lvndor�nd any
<br /> other Bv�a+uwar may agno to oate�td�amdity. forl+ear or m�lco at�y uccommodationa wlth m��s►rd to the torms of thie
<br /> _,� Secu�iry Inatrument or t�o Nato withaut th�t Borrc��er•e consent. ,
<br /> �
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