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<br /> . , : qg. ��,���� E:�_:
<br /> �- - abaiul��cd Peu�t�y. Borretivcr ahnl! nlso bo tn dofault l4 8orrower. dutlt� thv lat� appltcntton procrs�, gava =
<br /> : _ .-.=.� �MtAtorlally falae �e In�ccuratv inf�tmntinn ot statcmcnts ro t�ndcr(ae tolted ta provido Lsndar with nny matcrlal ___
<br /> Infornlntion) In cannection wQA thc lunn avidcncrd by �ho Nato� fn�luding� hut not Ilmttcd ta. reprracntntione
<br /> � ��� coaccrning Oorrower'e accuprotcy at tho f'ropo�ty nv u principnt asidoncc. IP t6in 5c�.�►�ity i�t�t�ur.►�nt ts on a _
<br /> ,�: �,�� IenschMd,Rarrmvcr shNl compiy with tho provl9tona of tho lcaso. It Borrowcr acqntres fca dtl�to tho Propony. tho _
<br /> ._�� Icnschotd und fco d110 ehnll am bo mcr�cd unless L.cnder ngrecs ta the mergar ln wridng. _
<br />__::_�;,,,�� 6.Candem�ttan.75�o proceeda oP any aww�d oc cle{m for dum4qe��dircot or consc�uentint,tn co�ectlan wtth
<br />- . -- � anny caademnatlon ar athor tukina of eny part of tde Property. or Por wnvoyunca In piaco oP canclamnntlon� ar�
<br /> � � hcrcby osslaned and shnll bo pntd to Lendar co the extent of tho fldl nmaunt of tho indc6tcdnea9 thnt remnlna unpntd
<br /> � under tho Note nnd thia Securlty Instn�ment, Lcndcr ehUl opply euch procceds ta tho r�duatlon oP tha indaQted�ies� _
<br /> wtder the Noto cind thia Sciudry Iastiument� flrst to ttqy deliaqucnt nmounte applicd in tho orda� provtQed fa
<br /> ., �`� pnrugec„�h 3�and thon to prepnyment af ptincipsil.Any ap�plicatian of tho proceeds ta the prinaipni ehali nat extond ar
<br /> pastpone tho due date of tho monthly pqyments, �vhtct�cu�roferred t�In pura�tmph 2.or chua(�o the arttaunt of such
<br /> ' pq}rmente. Any��ccess p:occeds ovar un Amount requitod ta pny nll outstnnding indebta9ness undcr tho Noto uad tmla
<br /> ':'���� _ Secudty Instrumem ehull bo pntd to tha ent�tv legully e.nsiticd thereto,
<br /> . 7. ChArges to Hormwcr and Pmiectlon ot Lct�dcr°e Rlgdts [n tho Pt+operty. Borro�vet ehnll pay ull
<br />` �•,� govtmmcntal or municlpnl cb.�rgos, fine9 and impastticm�t��t w'e�ot Includcd in paragcaph 2. 6arrowar shall p:y�
<br /> -�t these obligAtiona on Ume directly to tha ontiry which is ati��t4 th0 pnymcnt. If failuro to pay �vould edvorscly affcit
<br /> ��:r.
<br /> '���" �.CAQQr'8 IAtCI�SI IA llifl P(0(fC[hI� upon Lcader's reqt�ss� Bonawer eh�il promptly iLmish to I�endar reccipts
<br /> ��,� avldca�lag 1hc�.:R�yments.
<br /> -,,,,,�� If Boroowes falts to matce those pnyments rr the p�ymtnts requitt�l Dy p�rnph 2,or falis to�tcrform any oshor
<br />`���'�• covenunta cu►d ugreements cnawined!n thla Security In4ta�mont, ur there ie a log�l proceedlag thAt m�y algnifictuttly
<br /> ��'_���''� affect Londer's dghta in the Fn�perty (at�ah as t►praceedlug in b�uilauptey� far condemnntian or ta onforco Inws ar
<br />_•-:;�� resulatlons).then L.endv�mny�o and pny whatever la nscessury to protect tho valua of tha fkoperty nnd I.ender'o
<br /> - �-����"` rignta in the Pcopecty.lncluding pa,yment of ttuces.har.artl��asurence�u►d athar Itema mentioned in paragraph 2.
<br /> '�''��'"'� Aay funounta disburaed by Lcndor ucser this p�graph ahull be�nire un additlanul debt of�orcower and bo
<br /> �-T� secured by thia Secudty Iastnt^n:.�t. 'I'�ese amounts slr.�dl benr intomst from tha data of diabw�sement. nt tha Noto
<br /> ""'°'"y� n::a and nt t�a optton oY Leadec,s'ka11 bo immcdlately dtva m.�x�puynble.
<br /> =��_ai:� Borrower st�ail promptly c�ischar�e any tion whit�G Qa�.c rslority over this Sscur.��i�mont un(csa Rorro��ri:
<br />-==- (a) agreos lu wridng to tho ptpmEnt of ehc�+�?fgHtian a�iizui by th-v itess ia a�r��to l�der: �? -
<br /> `�— � crontesta !n gond fuith thv Nen by, or de�s�r.'is �gal�st.onforc,oraent uf tho ilen ln, lognl pracecc�ira.�a which ln the
<br /> Lraidor'e o�laion operato to ptevent tho vnForcc+meae of tha llen; or (c) seoures from the holder of the lien an •
<br /> , og:��i satts��tar;ia t..��ssb:ss�3Q:t3n;s3�4i���1Qi9 Cn.���}�r�nctrumant,If ir�adar d�ter�.,i,�nv thet etlY 081t
<br /> �+ " --�� at tho Property ia aubject ta a lien wh{ch rt�ay an�n pr,lority ovor tMe Sceurlty� ��uument, L.endm' n►ay► 81vo
<br /> ��"° Borrower a notice identlfying tho 1tQn. Bomowee ah�l.t eatiefy tho lien or tNco ona.�r a�oro af tbG nctiane sct forth
<br /> ___.-� nbovo wtthin 10 dayA of tho giviag af natice. � .
<br /> 8.Fees.Lcndar muy couect fePa und chorgea aatk��tized by the Secietnc�r.
<br /> 9.a�aundv for Accelcams�4u�o!Debl.
<br /> - (a)�ciwWt. �.eador nu:�y,oxcapt as Qtriitsd by r.�u2smtons isaued by tho St��uc;t. ia th�caso oi paytp�a�at
<br /> dofeulte��equire immediuto pAyment in fl111 of uS9 wwa�a securad by thia Secu�i��!c+ymisavn��S:
<br /> (i)Borrower dcfaulta by f�tiug to pay ln fLll iu�y aranthl�p�vanent rcqu�icrl by�.�6aowity Insuumcnt ,
<br /> _ prtor Ga or an tbo duo doto of tho next nwnthly pAyment,c�r
<br /> _- (ii)Bwxower do£autta by falUng,faT A perlod of thirty days,to perfor�1ny mher obllgations wataiued
<br /> .. in thie Securlti'F,�strument.
<br /> (b)Sate Without Cmc�lit Appnwal. L.ender eba�l� If pormttt�d by npplicablo ic►w(including Section 341(d)
<br /> of tho tiam•St. Dennain Aepasitory Insdtutlons Act of 1982, 12 U.9.C. 1701j-3(d))and wlth tLc prit+r
<br /> appmval of tho Scx:rcuuy,requiro imnocdlato payment tn 9U11 e8 alt auma secured by e4ia 5ecuriry Inauumont
<br /> If:
<br /> (�Rl�lEt�oea►.o� Pp�4 018
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