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r 9:'f �(ri�tAZi� �;:;�`14y?n�Et9J;�'!^.±,�vt;f.E?S4':7'_;�,iv ��w��m;.�.n., m��,��i:r{u•:;�, � ��:,��t;�ac`x-=':��r�»........,,�.. . ,..-T-... _ • <br /> { ` ��ai s-. i`tit r �,�.i \��� -t�.�.'�fi + �4�U vtS t.� l� �.� ' y]1 <br /> l'�� ,{r . -7,`�\� � .i.�t �l ' 41,� 1� } 1y`'1 �i'VJI <br /> . .14 T '�V\tV � 1- !1 . �� f! ]� �1'I,i�t- � �{ ; <br /> 5 -1 :ilt . - .. 1 {�� . �.�� ��ti',�i��i �� 1 2� <br /> S. � Y`'(1 � .. � .. �\.. . ti1��1{�1�' ?•.�i�v.• -�t..,`�1 i\-.��•� <br /> s .. . ;:L:x� ,.��;�R`,2�,��#,a�s� : �..,,.� <br /> ? ,�,��. �,�,,?.:'' � . ... <br /> � ' =y� i` ' �� , . ,� . ' - , � . .,. ..� „�,�: _ _ <br /> ..� -.,� "_ , -+» ,_,���„ = <br /> > .,"�� ' �,�, .a um� }� � r,. �. � � <br /> .t'� �.. _ . ^� ,� q�.��-__ .._ ���:s��.,,.��.�. - ��... - ._ - <br /> �.��_.._.._',a"'���.�.-�`'�..�s��'-'•"-"-'- - ...._,.._,•-��..�u_.L.._�.r.. . .�L:..__ <br /> A. 6lazurd or t'ropeHy Insurauce, Ek�rre�a�cr �hnll kccp thu Impr�vcmcnty nnw rxi�tin� ur i�c�c�dtcr cr+:ctr�i un 1he <br /> Pru���rty insa�cd n�{ainst 1„so hy firc. hnznrdv inrludcd within thc tcrm "extcn�led �uvcri�c" �tnd rnv athrr fiuri�rdr, incl►uHn� - <br /> fla�ui+;ar ftuixiing, 1'ur whicl� i.ender rcyuire�fnrunmee. TNis Insuronce xhuil bo mi�fnti�IncJ In Iha untuunt!+an�i tiir the��eriu�ly <br /> 11►ut I.c�edc� �ca��Uca. 'Pho Insum�cc rnrric�pmvldin�thn h�tiumnco�huil tw chnson hy 8ureu�vcr c+ub��tit 1u�t��r'�:uppri�vnl <br /> whleh c�itutl iiut bu unrc:axunt�t�ly withhold. If Bum�!vcr lidir�ta mnint;►in c�vcrnbo de��eibed atn�vc, I,e�Nier mnv, ot I.etldor'h <br /> ��pdnn,ubtnln rnvornna tci prc�te�t I,en�er's�igtns in tNe Ph��+e►1y In xriurda�ka with parupenph 7. <br /> All Insumnco p��Ucles and renawalR Rh�di 6�ucceptnbto tn I.cnder nnd»hnll Irmltule a sti��d��r�1 nu��t�it5e clause. Lendar <br /> Fhnli havc tha riAht tu i��►l�1 the pc►Itcies and sen��:�is. If�der reqnirc�.Ha,m+�ver ah:ill prumptiv�tivc k�l.c�tdor gil rc��cfptx uf. <br /> patd premiuma emcl rcnownl nadces.I�i�he evcnt ai tosy,Horruwer ehail givo pmmpt nuttro tu tNc insu�nnen riu�rlcr and I.ender. <br /> I.cndcr mny muka pruuf of In�9 If nat nuido prampdy by ticirmwc�. <br /> llnlesr Lcndor cuul8arrower ather�vlse a�reo(n writing,insurnncu procecd�hhatl bo applicd to resturutlun ur r�pulr i�i'thc <br /> Ptaperly clnnu�ged�IC the revt��radan or repalr is ecanomfcally feflsibla nnd l.cndor's aecurlty ie nat Icssenn�f. IP tlio rtwtaraticm�9r <br /> repui�in nut ecnnomically fen.glhtc c�r I.ender'�sccurity wauld be Izssened.tho i�suronao prucceeis xhall be appflcd tn iho xuo�s <br /> nccurCsl by Ihls Secu�ity lnstrumont, whethor i�r nat Ihen Juo, wlth uny excesy p.dd tu Horru�ver. lf Banuwer nbnndans the <br /> P�aperiy,ur dir:a nat ttnswue within 3U days n nadc�tmm l.endcr that th�insurnnce a►rricr hus oi'femd to scttlo u rlalm. then <br /> I.em1�F mi►y rallect tho insuraaco pn�ceecly. l.ender may uso tho proceeds to tapailr c�r restaro tho Propeny ur ta pay �uma� <br /> Kecured by thia Sccurity lnstrumcnt.whether ar not then duo.The 3q-day porla���vill heAin when tho natico iA�ivon. <br /> Uniess�or and Borruwer c+therwiso ugrco in writing. nny nppll�ntion of pmcccda to principAl shai! nat oxtend ar � <br /> perytnmto tho duo dntc aP tho mnnthly puymcnta rcfcrred ta in pnrngruphs 1 nmi 2 or chnngo thc nmount af thc paymenta. It � <br /> uixtcr purulgrupb ZI tho P�apcx�y is acquimd by I.cnder, Banowcr'x ri�ht t���ny inaumnco palicics nnd procccdA resulting i�om r <br /> di�uut�o t��tho Pruperiy prtar tn thc acc�uiAitian ahnll p�.ss tn l.onder to tha axtent��t tho sums accurcd by thle Security[netn�ment � <br /> Imnxvlintcly pttor tc�tho ncqulaltinn. <br /> 6.�k�u�wncy��ervAtlon,Mnintenuncc and l�v►tec4lon of thc l'ropoHya�orrowcr'e l,onn Appllcattani I.e�seholds. <br /> &�rmwe�ehAil c�ccu�y,estnbliah,u�d usa tha Propony as Barrowor's principnl msidenco wlthin aixty dnye aftor tha oxecutton of <br /> INtH&eurlly Inxin►ment and uhall cvmtinuo to cu:cupy tho Praperty ue Horrower's pdneipnl resldonce far ut lonst one yeuc Aftar <br /> llt0 IIRtO OP�CUpApCy,unlass I.�:nder oth�nvlse agrees in writing,which cansont ahnll nat bo unrensonnbly withhvld,or unless <br /> oxtcnuutit�g ctrcumstnitces exl�t wl�ich aro boyoncl Bormwor's coi�trol. Dorr�►wer ehnll not destmy� damage or imp�lr tha <br /> pn�perty, ull�w tho Paaperty �a detori��rmp, or commlt wc�sto an Iho Praporty. Borrawer Rhail be in dafault if nny forfeituro <br /> actlot�or pmcccding, �vhesher civll ur crlminnl, {A bogun thut in Lender's goad ittith Judgmont cauld revult!n forfoltura of tho <br /> pruporty ur oihctwlao niatertaily impa�r.the lion crcutod by this Security Inqtrumum ar l.eudoe's security inter�st. Horrotiver may <br /> curo xuch u defuult uixi�eNistate�aq provldcil in paragraph 1 S,by cAUSinII the actian or prnceedion ta bo dixmissed with u ruling <br /> thub in l.c�dcr'8 Y�nud fulth determinntion, prectudc9 forfaiture af the �nrrowor's intoreqt in tho P��oparty or other p►ateriAl <br /> {�np�tlrnknt af tho 1len created by thls Secadty lnstntmant ar l.cnder's sccut'ity intpreat. lioxcawer shull also tle in default if <br />- ���������.�������Y�:��Y������ur��a infnmwtion ur dtutement9 ta l.ender(or failed <br /> to prr►vltlo l.autor with uny matorlal infaxmation)i�cannectlon with tho loan uvidenced by the Nnte.lnclucNng.but not Ilmltcd <br /> h��rcprancntxNu�9M concarning tiorrowerk aocupuncy of the Property us n prinefpal residunco.If thls Security inatrument�A on a <br /> ��� �� �t �.,l�� utitlt nll tho QIOV1810IL9 Of �I10 If�P. If Harra�vor ucgulrpv f�v titlo ta tho Property. ehe <br /> tcu�ch�td atxi tflo feo titta nhail rn�t n�eegs unl�s I.�ndar agre�.w ta the marssr In wrl�ing. <br /> 7.i�rMectton of I,entkr'e Righta in t1�o b"mperty If Horrower fails ta Fwrfarm ths cavennntA nnd og�ecmente cantaincd in <br /> thfa t4ecutity Inxtnm�ont� ar thoro ie a log�i pia�tcding thut mny signific.�ntly affect l.endor'R tighta in thv Property (such ag A <br /> prucec+iin�in bank��ptcy,pt��bnto. far condomnatian ar forfoiture at to onfc�rco Inws ar rogulatlan.q),then Lender rnny do nnd <br /> �ay P�r whatovcr In��ceysery to protect tho vnluu of tho Property and Lcnder's ri�hte in thu Proporty. Lendor's uctions muy <br /> (twludo �wyln8 pny eumn teceucal t+y o Uon which hao pflority over thie Security 1����trument, uppeiving in court� payin� <br /> ic��twhlo ulpntwyx'fccy u�ul cntering an.tho Propcny ta muke ropuira. Alth�u�h Lendar muy tako�ntion undcr thi�para�mph <br /> 7,l,etulcr d�Kw M�t twvo tn cis+so. <br /> Any unxwnte �Itehurneet by l.endoz un�lar this p�m8rnph 7 ehnll becomo �ddlNanid debt af Borcowor secure,ci by this <br /> &cu�lty Inxtrunxnt, unlcaq Borr�wcr nnd [.endor ngrev ta other terms af pt�ymeul, th�vo c►maunts shntl benr intorest fram tho <br /> dato nY dtKbur�enwnl ul iho Nato rato and shall be pnyable, wlth intere,9t. uNan natico �ram Lendor ta Horrowar requestinR <br /> paymenl, <br /> N�btawgr�e Isx�u��nrA�If l.ender requl�ed mnrtgafin insumnce�.a�►eandition of m�king thv latin Recurod by thia Sccuriry <br /> Instnimont, N�►r��+war ehull pay tho promiums ccqut�ad ta mnintain tho martpago in�►mnce in uffcct. If. for nny ��.ason, thn <br /> nx�st�u�v in�urwnco iv�ver�v req►�Ircd by l.cnder Inp�as ar cc�ca ta br in effact. Horrowor ahall pay thp premlums required to <br /> abtwiu cavcrpBo xul�stun�l�►Ily cquivalcnt t�tho mortpago insurnnco prevlouAly in cffcct,a�A cost Rubatantlnity cquivalent to tho <br /> coat k+fl��rrs�wcr��Y Iho na��iQugo (nyutAnco prcviausly in offvct, from un ultornate mortgage insumr nppmve�l Uy l.ender. If <br /> fiUI1YiN1111N�I�CQIiIVf1I0111(IN1fiQA�O I1111U1'Qq4C CAYOf8g0�S llOt A�'tijlQblo�Borro�vor shaN pay ta�.ondcr�ctch manth t+eum equul to <br /> pnc•twolflh i�f tho yearly uNntguyo(nsurunco prcmiuni heing p�id by 8orrower whcn eha insuranc�e cavora�o lapxed or censcd to <br /> do in aifcct. isixlor w111�ccpt�uxa u��l reiain paymentE� u los9 resorvo in lieu of martgnga iasumnce. L098 ICSOTVO <br /> Porm 302N 8/90 <br /> Pppn 9 0�6 <br />