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<br /> Tf1tl�THKR W1TH all thn lmprovements naw or herceRer erected an thu pmperty,anJ all ca�cmentc+�u��puiteuau�rcy,nnd
<br /> Qx�urev n��v a� hc�caRcr �i pun uP tho praptrty. All rcpineemcnta nred nddlNnnv atiuil nlnu be c�werea by thte Secueiry
<br /> Instwmer�t. Ail��f Ihu fare�tuinK ly reFerr�ed tn In thle Scruri�y Ins�n�mcnt nv�I�o "l'r�►perly."
<br /> ��ItRAWE#!t CnV�NANTS thut E�«rruwcr Is la�vll�lly sclse�!uP tho cYt�to hc�rhy cnnvoycd and huv thc rluht l��rcu�t pnci
<br /> cativay the Pra�orty an�l that tha Propecty !s uncncwnhend. wcccAt far encumbrun4rs uf recunl. 8orruwcr wurri�ntA and will
<br /> defend�encrnlly thc dtle ta tho��ropcqy�gainst all ctuims und dcnuznds,subjcst to any en�umbrmtces aiteconl, _
<br /> THIS S�CURiTY INS'fRUMGNT cambines unifam�mvennnts fur nuttonnl use nnd nan•unifnrm cuvennnts wi�h IimUe�
<br /> vnriutinns hy jurisdictinn to�vm.r•tituto n uniCann necudty inwtruuu�u cuveting reui pruperty. • �
<br /> UN1f�nRM COVBNANTS.14aerower nnd t.ender coven�nt cmd i�reo as f�llowe:
<br /> l. Pc�ymcn/ ot Pelnclpal nnd lnter�l� Frep�yment and l,ate Cherges. Barrowcr xhnll pnamptly pny when duo ctto
<br /> principal af und int�reat�n tho debt avidenccQ by thc Nato and uny prepnynicnt nnd latv chnrgcs duo undcr tl�o N�uo.
<br /> 2. N�nds for Tuxes Ant4 l��vurru�co. SubJect t��applicubto tu�v or ta n writtcn wuivcr by Leraler,Sarrowcc shail puy ta
<br /> l.ender an the dny manthly pnyments arc duo u+idcr tho N�►tc,until the Nato is pnld�n NII,c�sum("Funda"1 fi►r: (n)ycatly tuxes
<br /> nnd ussessments which mny nttnin prlo�ity aver this Socutity Instn�ment t�y a li�n m�tho Property;(b)ycuirly lenschald pnymente
<br /> ar ground ronts an thv Prnperty.if uny;(a)yearly hazncd ar prarecty inaumnco premiumy;(d?y�rly fluod insumnea pro►niums,
<br /> if uny: (al ycarty mortpogo insumncc premiums. if uny; cmd(t�nny Rumy puynhto by Bntrawcr ta Lcndcr. in n.corcinnco�vlth
<br /> the provistan�af pnrngrnph 8. in lieu af tho payment af murtgng@ in.suranco premiums. '1'hevo item.y+�ro cailecl "Bscmw Itema."
<br /> I.ender may. at any timu, callec� nnd hald Funds in nn nmaunt not to excr•cd die mi�ximum umount �londer far n fcdemlly
<br /> relntcd mortgc�go laan may requiro fur 8arro�ver's escro�v ucraunt under tho fcdorai Rcul Egtato SetUomant V'racc�ciucoa Act of �
<br /> 1974 nn nmended from timo Io tlmv. l2 U.S.G. Sectian 2bt11 et seq. ("R�SPA"). unless nnather lnw thnt applie�ta sha Furtda �
<br /> scta n lestier iimount. If sa, l.endcr muy. at any tima, coll�t und hold Frunds in an amount nat to oxcce.d the Icvscr amount. �
<br /> 4ender may cstlmute 1ho umaunt of Funds duo on tho bnsis�f rurnent datu and ronsonublo estimnt�.w at'expendin�re.c��f fLturo � :•
<br /> Bscrow Items or athonviso in uccordnnco�vlth npplicnbla Imv.
<br /> Thu Fu��9 ahu11 bo held in nn institution whoso deposit� aro insu�rd by n fedoml �gcncy. instrutnemulity. ar entity �
<br /> (including Lxndor.if Lender is such an institutian)ar!n uny Fodaral Hamc+l.aun Hank. i.endor sha11 upply�ho�unds ta pay tho
<br /> Escrow Items,l.ender may not chnrge�ano�ver for holding and applying tho Flindw,unnui�lly uaulyeing the esr►utiv account. or �
<br /> vcrifying the Escrow Itcros,unlcss l.rnder pnys Honawcr intarest on tho Funda nncl i►ppllcublo!uw pernilta L.endcr ta mi+kc such
<br /> u chnrge. However, l.cn�ler may requi�a aurro�v�r ta pay a ane•timo char�o f��r�n independent rcal a5tnto tux rcpafling servlco
<br /> ur,�d hy I.vndcr ia connecdon with thie loan, unless npplicable 1�►w pruvldes othenvlae. Unie�s nn �;�eement is m.qdo or
<br /> uppli��bla IAw rcqui�cs intorest ta bc Eu+id. l�ender ahull nat ba rcquirul ta puy Bor�uwor lu�y intorest or cArning�an 11�Fun�is.
<br /> Bomo�.xr uttd[.e�tder muy ugreo ln wdNng, hnwover,thttt intarost at�nll bo puld an ti�o�unda. I,ender ehull glve to 8arn�wer,
<br /> wittiaui chnrgo, un annual ucaauuting af tho Fanda� »hawing crcdita und dobit9 ta thc Funds and tiic nurposo far which cuch
<br /> debit ta the Fundy wns mudo.Tho Funds ure pledgcxl us additiunal c;�urity to#a11 eun►s sccueed by thls 5ecurity lnsttumcnt.
<br /> If tho Functe he]d by Lcndcr excce�l tho amaur►ts permltted to be heici t�y npptienbto i�w,I.ondcr sfiaii nccmmt to��mTO�ver
<br /> for the oxcesq Funda in accardancc wlth the requi�ementss af applic�ble la��. li the Amaunt�af the Punds hold by Lcndor c►t tiqy
<br /> timo is not suf�ciont ta pay the Bscrotv ltemv�vhen due. l.cnde:mny so n�tify Borrower Ip�vridng,uad.in euch cnsa Anttowe.r
<br /> ;�iF�tv i.�,i�-t�a�m�-G;:R.—y t��t�a zi�ti�����1�;�.,-;. Si3ii'3iio'P e�ati�a*a u�s i!���.ai��is�na smsr:s�s:s:
<br /> twelva manthly pnymdnts,at Landcr'a soic discratian.
<br /> Upon paymont in fLll of nll surt�y sccured by thig Sccurity Instrumont. l.cndor ahall promptly vatLnd to Dorrowcr iu►y
<br /> Fwuts hctd by l.onder.If under parngruph 21,l.c+ndcr shull acqulre ar sall thc Pcaporty.Lender.priar ca Iho acyuisitian or Rula
<br /> of the Praperty.ahnll upply any Funda held by I.cnder at tho time af ncquisltion or anlo as u crcdit against tho num.9 securod by
<br /> this Sc.�,�t�ity lnsttumr•nt.
<br /> 3.Appltcutiat�o!Fuymente.Unles9 applicuble Iaw pravidc9 athcnvlsa,�tll pAyments reccivcd by I.endar under pttmgrnpha �
<br /> 1 and 2 Rhuil ta ap�fiadi flr�t, ta cu�y prQpuymrnl chnrgcs due undcr tho Nata; �ecand, to amountx paynbl8 undor purugrnph 2; ..`.
<br /> third.ta intorc.gt duo;fpurth,ta pdncipal dt►o:nnd l�st,ta uoy latc charges due undcr tho Natv, � •
<br /> 4.�ha�B�.wi Ucnsi. Qt1f[O\V�T 9IIAII PAy III) lAXG9,11.5Sf3 5 111 0 111 9�chargc.9, fines nnd lrnpa9ltians uttNbut�blo to tt�a�?tapc�ty
<br /> which �iwy nttnin priariey ovoe t6is 3ecurity Instrument, and Icusphald paymcnts or ground ronts� ii'imy. Barro���t shull p�y
<br /> thcso obliAatians io tho nwnncr pravidod in puragmph 2.or iP nat paid in thnt munnar,Bcsrruwer fih�l!�►y them an time dircttly
<br /> to tho person owai payment. �arrowcr Rhull p�amptly iUrnish ta Lcnder nll natices of Amounte ta bo psiid undcr thiR p�►rngrnph,
<br /> If l�orcawor mnkcs thCso pAymente dire�tly,Hurrower ehnli pr�mptly fLrniah ta I.oadcr rcceipta evidcncing ihv pnymc�k►.
<br /> Borrawcr shall promptly dischnrgo Ar►y lien which has priarity avor thiA Securlty Inshumene unles�Donawcr:tn)Agrccs in
<br />. w�iting ao tho puyment af tha obligation scxured by thv licn in�munncr accoptc►bfu ta Lcuidvr;(b)contestx in sooci Tuith 1ho lien
<br /> by. or defends a��iast �nforcement af tho licn in, le�al Rracceciinga which in thv l.ender's ��pinian aporata to prcvont tho
<br />'. enforccment of the dian; ar(o)secure�fram the halder aP the lien un c+�ra�rnen��acisfactory to Londer Eubardlnatiag tho lien to
<br /> thia Sccuriry instrumcnt. If L.cnder dctormincs t�.�t nny �uict af tho Praperty as subJect to i� Ilen whlch muy uttui�priori¢y avcr
<br /> ihia Sccurity Instrument. l.endcr mAy givo 8onawe��u nntico identifyln8 thc licn.Hormwcr e+hn11 Aatisi'y thu licn or takv ane or
<br /> mari+o�tho actians sci forth nbovc withio 10 dayK af thc�iving of natichs.
<br /> � ' Form 3028 8/90
<br /> Paps 9 010
<br />