i �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �9-p 1U6363 �
<br /> ( 10. �o►rowM Nol R�IMMd:FOfENt�11N By L�fldll MOt�Wi111r1.Ext9n5Wn 01 Ih9 t�mv fo�pAymo�l Or mod�l�cdt�on ot nmorhZahon 0�tho sums socurod Qy Ih�S Socunty Instrumont
<br /> pranteA Cy lanW�b����ia mterest ol8orrower shan not oparete to releasa tho i�abihty O)lhB Odfl�n11 BOr�QwOr 0�BOrtOWOr'S&UCC09SOt9 m mtoresl londctr shsil not do i�qmred
<br /> t0 COrOfOE(1CA pt00Nd 1t1y�UCCOSlOf rt1�I510tOS10�tJ'U90 t0 OXta�O tirtlp f0�payfnBOt Ot plhOtW i5tl�n011dy il�itprt�ZdU��O1 lTlO Sun19 58CUt�Oy tll�"s S£CUnty 1�;17U�ItOtli by WdS'•�
<br /> e�t+ny ct�m�nrt m�w�,i hy the txkj�nal FLxrnwer nr ftnrtnwer'a successors�n mteresl Any tprpearAnco Cy Londor i0 Oxotasinq[iny r:t�ht�r rAmFldy Gh111 npl hF�r w•c�rvBr pl pf prE�CiUOB Ihe
<br /> exerc�se ot eny r�prn a rom�ay
<br /> � ��, �ypp�Nph�r1d A�f�n�Opy�W;Joktt MW BW�t�i�l�blp{y Co•slpMy.The Cave�ant�ana ogreements ai th�a Secunty Insirumenl shall bind and henefil the successors and
<br /> alSipn!Of LM1(let pr10 BW tOwlf,6ubJ�Ct!O ih!p(OV13b11!Ot pHigriph 17.BOtrOwOi 8 C6vBn31ntb ind A JIOOMAf1t9 Lhdll pe�Oit1t i1�f8 60vdt�1 Atty BpttpK�Bt x110 CO•Si9f19 tt119 SOCUt�ty�f1SINrt10i11
<br /> bu�don nor a�cu�e tn�Ndr.p)4 Cospninp t►�h S�cunry tnatrument onty to mortgage,grant a�tl convey lnat Borrowe�'a Intornsl�n tho Proporty untlar�ha terms ot thi�StrCUnty Instrument
<br /> (b)b rtal WrsawllN oDIiO�Md b pay MN wms f�CUhd Oy tnla Sacunry Instrumem;entl(c)agroea that Lender end any o!her 6orrower may agree to eMtend,mod�fy,forbear or make any
<br /> aCCOmmo�ation�+�th nyard M tM IKms of Mis Saurify InahumvM o+Ihe Nolo rritiwut In�t BortowW'9 consont.
<br /> 12. l.O�n ChMON.II tM ban NCUhd by Ihi�SlCUriry InStrument i9 eub�eCl to a Ipw whkh aete maximum ban charges,and ihat law is tinaily Interpreted so that ihe Intereet or other loan
<br /> ch�rpN ooiNcNd or b b�co�cbd in oa+nactia�wilh ih�ban�xceed the permitted hmite,then:(p)any such loan charqe shau be�educed by 1he amount necesaary to reduc0 the charge
<br /> to tM p�rmilt�tl limit;And(b)1�ny sums�Iraady coH�cted trom Bortower wnkh exceeded plirtnitted limit9 will be refunded to Bortovrer.Lender may ehoose to make tAi9 rotund by reduCing
<br /> 1M principN ow�0 und�►tIN NoN a by maktng�diroct payment to Bortovrer.M a re�und reduces princlpal,the raducfron wul be treatecf as A parUal prapaymeM without any preptryymenl chArga
<br /> und�r ttN Not�.
<br /> 1�. I.f�hNUan AfhefNq L�cMM'�RIOAt�.H ennetmenl a exptratbn ol appiieaWe lawa hea the eflect ol rendering any provlaion ot the Note a thls SecuMry Inst�ument ur►eniwceeble
<br /> �dkg to ks 1�,Lsnd�r,at Ha option,may rsqulro Immedlete payment In tull ot ell auma securod by thls SeCUrity Instrumem artd mey Irnoke any remed'�ea permitted by paregraph 19.
<br /> M Ur�r�x�rCif�thle optbn.Lsnde�ahall teke tne steps apecified In the second paragrapn of Raragraptr�7
<br /> 11, Np�Ipa,My ndiC�to Bortowar providad�in thia Securiry lrtsdument shat!tte g�ven by dNive�ng d or by ma��mg it by flrst class mail uNe9s applicable law require�use ot anOther
<br /> rrx�hpd.Th�nolia sBW pe dinCMd to tha Pnipe►ty Address or a�y other addRSS Boaoxe�designates tiy notice to Lenc±er.Any notice to Lo�xfer shd11 be given by firet clas9 mail to LentlePs
<br /> , addres�statW 1MR�+or aoy o1Mr ackh�ess lende►des�gnates by ratice to BarroNer Any e�ohce pmi�cCed fa�m th�s Sew::ty instrument aha116e deemed to have bean given to 8ortower or
<br /> LendK vrh��pivan as P�oufd�d in Mi9 Aa►a9rapn.
<br /> � 15, GpltrtBi�i�Liw�;siliiiitiii�p'u�.ti3^�iCUniy i+�Siiu���2ilt o�dS:ea 3.,��arna:.oy Sc'd8���dri d���i',a':aM.�.�eju,•s`.n:iion in wh,ch tne Fzoperty is locaterl.In the event that any prowswn
<br /> or ctause of tl�Is S�p�My I�rt�eC cr�e Noto�vrtRie�s wA1+.a�',�tl�o;raw,su:,h C��f`;�S.haU nai�r�C�!aY'�0r.�rC�:,.Jn9 Of thi9 SeCUrily�nStNmBnt or t!te NOte whiCh Can b0 given OttfCt
<br /> wRRout the canlliCting Drovision•To t!ss ated Lhe ptrxs,xas c.`t�.s�hy'ti�s;tu:^enc�c�e ntate ar�+C�.::a�ec I�z soveraGte.
<br /> 1�. Oorroww't Copy.8orrowe�sl�Ja C�e c',�,�er�..cs�e:..^v�cr+ea cr�y oy•�.�e Ncee a•sx ofi l^�u Sec.�:ry,n-s.�r.���
<br /> T,3.1F�tfNK oNIM hop�ly a�6u�Mfei�ll�M»es�i 7�e SoreaWai i?aF�c�anp p�r c�C+e Frope�r.,r c�ar,;i-r�rest m R is sold a�trans(erted(or iS a beneficial i�tarast in BorroNer ia sotp
<br /> ' er v.�rast�xrsd and eacow�r�s not a:�a`,.:a1 person'v�r1'eN len�er s ra.cr�en consent,Lertder m4,��S optwn,require immediate payment in tult of all sums secured by this 5ecurity
<br /> ir�lxanant Hav�er.thq opGOrt s.'�!*�!Oe Exera9atl by Lentle��t era�_sa�s proh�brteq Cy teCeraL Im�s 3s ot tne date ol thta Security Instrument.
<br /> �Ce�tla�sxerc3es t�ia opOCS.Ler�sflail giw Bortower notice c��a�:eteration.The notice shall prov,�e a penoA ol nol less then 30 days irom the date the notice is delivered or malled
<br /> w�4.hrr.r adficn @p�ro�r�rmuat pay all sicros securod by thla Secunty Instrument.II Bortower lails to pay these sums pnor to the explration o}this pedod,Lender may invoke any remed�es permitted
<br /> by Mia Security�Ins�ument with0ul funMr notk:e ar demaM on Borrower.
<br /> 1�. �r�ow�P�RIpM t0 R�Nf�N.M Borrowsr meets certafn conditbns.Bortower shall have the right to have entorcement ollhis Security Inslrument discontinue0 at any time prbr to
<br /> the eulbr o1:(a)5 dttys(or wch olhsr period as appGCaWe law may speciy for reinstatement)belore 9ale of the Property pursuaN to any power of sate oonlalned in this Securiy Instrument;
<br /> a(b)ertry of a Judpmsnt eMordng thls SeCUnry InstrumeM.Those condd�ons are that Borrower.(a)pays Lender ell sums whiCh then would be tlue under thl9 3ecuriry InStrumeM and the
<br /> Note had no eccelaration oocurted:(C)curoa any detaull ot any other covenant9 or agreements;(c)pays all expenses�ncurred in enforcing this Securiry Instrument,Including,but a0t limded
<br /> to,roa�onabb anorn�ys'fees:and(d)takes suCh aCtion a�Lender mdy rea5ona�ty reqwre to essure that the I�en o�thi9 SeCUrity Instr�me�t.Lender�s rights m the Property and Barrower's
<br /> obligatfOn to p�y th�eum9 6sCUAd by thls S�curity InstrumeM shall conUnue unchanyed.Upon reinstatement by 8ortower,this SeCUrity Instrument aM tho oblgatAn9 6eCUred heroDy 6he11
<br /> nmain tuNy Nh�ti�r��f�1 no�CCN�r�tion Ab ocCUrrsd.However,tniy rgnt to reinstate sha11 not appry in tne case ot acceleratron under pareqraphe 13 or 17.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrow�r arxf Lendsr further covenaN and agroe as lolbws
<br /> 9f. Ao�MraYOn;R�rNdN�.L���MM�Iw noda to earow�r pnor to�ceN�ntlon tolbwtnp Barow�r'�bra�eh ol any eov�n��t o►pewrtNnt In lhls B�ewNy M�kum�M
<br /> (b1M efOt P��b�oodK�Uon w+drr P����1�N1d 11 uMNS aPPM�bM Nw ProvbN Ofh�NNl.TM notk��INN sp�al(y:p/1M dNwlt�(b)tM aCil01�hquNW 10 Cvr�tM
<br /> dMMdl:(o)�d�M.f1o1 MM fIMf1�0 d�hwe 1fN d�M tM notlo�1�plwn M�row/K b1►wAlCh tM dMault nw�t b�ew�d:�f1d(dl tAH UIIwa M Cuh th�dlfwlf on Or bNOf�
<br /> tM fNN�poMNd N11lM n0llo��Mp rMnll MI kaNratbn o1 tM wna New�d by thlf S�cuHty M�trunMnl�nd sN�ot tM PropKty.?M notlo��hNl fwlMr ItNorm o0r►ow��W �
<br /> a�.�eo��.M.�oo�ewa+�na aw�qne w a+nq.eouh�eaoo io a«n nN no�+�.,urna a�d�ewn a.ny oen�.d.i«�u a s«rorw►w�oaMnwon ana sw.n
<br /> tM dMM+M M net a�d on a b�lo�tM dM�p�eilMd in tM�otky,L�ndN.e fb oMion mhr a4u�ti NnnNdI�M phrm�m In full ot aN wm.s�ew�d by thls 8�eudly tn�trwn�N '
<br /> wia�aN�uru,.sd.��a.tia�.�r�wr.uu ao.�..as.i..�da�r oa��nNaw.a«n,nhe br•vv++�aw.aw.�«�d...n.�w«,enNat000N.er.n�x�.n...�a,nw m�w�
<br /> M»eMn�dN�provid�d In lhN pra�raph 1f,Ineh�dlny,but not IhMMd to,rNwn�bl�attort»ys•i��nd co�b of tftN�vld�ne�. .
<br /> M tM pOwK of MN M MvOkW,1Fw1N ihNl e�cord�twtta ol WhuM In Mch county In whlch any p�rt of tM PrtfpKty q IoC�Md and sA�N m�il oopNs of such notb�In tfN
<br /> ��P��nl►�iP�wMrioeonvwR�eaio�oiiwrV��P�����PP��+i�w.niariiwiim�n�uw�+o�/+�Pl��w�ru�iwsidiyiv�p�+oiianoiiw l . __.�_
<br /> ol NM l01M P��M ana M tM nMnMr W�e�ib W bY�PP��I�w.1FuaM.wlthout d�m�n0 on 9orrowM,shaQ Ntl tlN Prop�rtr a!pubNO wCtbn to NN My11Nt bldda ri tM � .�'-
<br /> 1(nM�nd pYo��nd W�dn tM Mrnis dNlpn�Md In tM notla o1 aaN In on�or nan P�Na an0 le aey ordK 7Fwb�d�NnNnN.liu�maY PosvWorn uN o1 all or eny pual =
<br /> of fIN Prop�rty b�l P���nnow�oMneM H t!»Net�and pl�e�W anY Pnvlauh►�chWul�d saM.L�nd�►a its dMlyn�nwY Purchu�tM PropKty at�ny sM�. � .
<br /> upo�r�a p�ynnrN o�n+.pno.ba.nu.r..n.0 a.xr..w m.�,rcn....tr„sa.•s a..a oorn.Yin�n�.t�op..ey.Tn.�cwi.x,m.�rwa.�.a..a.n.n a�n+.tac+.
<br /> w+a�+o.aa»en,a+a a,.:w�+»na n+.a.en.n+�.�.u�,n.u.�+ya,.�o�.a,w tn...��o n,.iawwi�o�a..:�.��o.x•x�,..w n,...w,r„cx,a�,��oe x�xaa �-
<br /> to.7kuM»'�Ma�P�mltYd b1►�OP�k�6M I�w Md rwoewbM attortwyi'f�;(b)to�II�ums Neund by thls S�euriry InstrunNnt:�nd(e)�ny�:aas to tM p�non a pKaom .
<br /> N�Ny�ntltl�0 to iL --
<br /> 2R Lmti�►in Po�be.Upon atoebration under pangraph 19 or abandonment of the PropeRy,lenQer(m person,by agent o�by judiClally eppointed ieceiver)Sl�all be entitled to
<br /> anter upon,take posMSSion of end manaQe the Property end to colkct the ronts of the Property induding Uqse past due.My rents coReeted by Lender or the receiver shall be appliad 1irs1 �
<br /> ro paym�rM d tl»oo�b d m�n�pemsnl ot ths Propeny snd collection ot renta,includ�rg,but not limited to,reoeiver's fees,premlums on roceiver's bonds ard ra�onable attortieys'fees,and ��
<br /> then t0 ths aurta�scuntl by this 9ecurity Instrument.
<br /> 21. INOOUY�M�o�.Upon p�ymMM d aN aums i�curb Dy th�s Secunry tnaW me�t.4eader shall request Trustee to reo�vey the Property and shall surtendM Ml�SeCUrtry Instrumant Md
<br /> all rqty�yi0�tlWny d�bl elCU�ad by ttMS$lCUrity InStrumEnt to TruSlEe.TrustEe ahall reWnvey tne RrOperty wRh0u1 warranty and wdhout cAarge to the p9rSOn a pOrsOnS lOQaIFy entdbd to
<br /> A.Such pKaon a p�wona shall pay any reCOrdation costa.
<br /> �. SubstlluM 1FwIN.LerW�r.a!ds option,may irem time to time rerove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the
<br /> county in wMCh thia SecuMy Inatr�x�ent is record�d.W,thout conveyance of tM PropeAy,the suooessor trustee shall succeed to aU the Mle,power and duties conterred upon Trustee herein
<br /> arNJ Dy i�ppliCa61�IaMr. �, _.,
<br /> 23. Rpw�t ta NotleM.Bortower requests thai ooy�es of the notices of detauN and sale be seM to Borroxrer's address which�s the Property Address.Bortower lurther requests that
<br /> oopbs d th�nolicss d dM�u1t and sats be asnt w eacn person who is a party hereto at the adtlresa ot such person set torm herem.
<br /> 24. Rld�n to tIN�S�cwNy InttrunNnf.If one or more�Iders aro executed Dy Borrowe►and recorded together with this Secumy Instwment,the a�venants and agraements of each such '
<br />, rider shaN be k�oaponhd into and shaN amend and suppbment the covenants and egreements of thi�Security Instrument as il the riderts)were a paA oi this Security Instrument.(Chedc
<br /> app�icaWs box(ss)1
<br /> ❑Adjust�Me Rate Ritler ❑ Condominlum Rider Q 2-4 Family Rider ;
<br /> Q Oraduated Payment Ri�er ❑ Planned Unit Oevebpment Rider
<br /> ❑other(a)I�NI
<br /> BY SIf3N1NQ BELOW,BOrrOwer aCtepts and agrees to tne terms and covenants cOntained in 1hls Se rfty Instrument a any n0er x by BOrrower aM reCOraeO with it.
<br /> � ' ��
<br /> _gp�o e�
<br /> �_�i <ti.�t*-•c� H�'- /�'`r'`'� (Seaq
<br /> , --8prrowEr
<br /> (Spaes BNow This Lins For Aeknowledpment]
<br /> Stete of Nebraske )
<br /> 1 9s:
<br /> County of��.�.] )
<br /> p���y 1 L�th day of NQ�/POIt]P-1" .19.�_,belore me,a Notary PuDlic in the Slate ot�Ph�Sk� _.
<br /> a,,,a,,,y�,� Steven R. Dadv and Margaret Ann Dady (husband and wife) , ; — `
<br />� ta me peroonaGy known to be the person(s)named m and who executed the fOrego�rg mstrumeM,and acknowtedged that the}L executed Ne same as �
<br /> vol�x�tary�c1 and deetl. . �
<br /> My CommiEapn Exqrse. ,.,_ i � _ � ��. � -�� �` '
<br /> � NOTAFiV PUBUC �
<br />, State o�Neb�aska 1
<br /> •-:"�'�t�'IOIARY•ShllOtNebreska �
<br /> � i ss. � MfCHfIIE M.tAdtAHAH
<br /> �W�ntyo� ___ _s Mv�onrr.Exp•Au¢t;t99J
<br />- Gn In�S.....—.__..__ dey ot,__..-- --. ... . . . . . �--.- - .19--.-- botore me.a�+atary Publ�c m t o .a n -—- - . _. - - -- - - .-• - -. t+
<br /> pOr5r�n3uy��paarw� . _. . .. -- � - --- -� --�-----�-----•-- _. . - � - - -.. _ .._ . . ... _ �
<br /> �
<br />. �O tt,0 pprGGn�!(y knirirn tU tW thg ppr�pn�5)n,]mprJ in�1n�yMj�x(iCU�Od 1h0�4ff3(�J:�r��nSl�ump�t :�n!1 acknU'r�letlqRd thnl arPtutEd Ihn cimt�:i5 �
<br /> .c,�„ntary nU ond 8oad t,, ..
<br /> � fAy!:•�r,�..�:'.nr�F�p�re.
<br />- t��IIAHY{'I I+i1 II.
<br />, •i ��.. �
<br />