t �
<br /> , �
<br /> �,�,�,j e
<br /> D�ED OF TRUST 89d 1��3 s�
<br /> m�fl oeEn oF TAUST rs.�u�+t�r��s�+�^+���,+�•«,��+ 14�h d8 m Nov�'mbe r ,
<br /> � �0 8g ���� Steven R. Dady and Margaret A�n Dady (hus�and and w9fe �
<br /> (°gprrow�r').The truste�i�Commealal Fe�f�r�l Savir�and 6an Maa�ation.
<br /> (°TruMN'l.TM b�icWY i�Commaclal FW�rN E..�s and Loan Associatbn.whicA�s oryani�ed and exia6np ur�r the lawa o1 N�hriNca.arid wt+ow Addetss!s 44E0 Famans.Qm.ahe.
<br /> �.�.ee�3��,�«+�� B«�ow�row�s«+d���p�+�+o���ma�.�even tbQllS�llld six_hsndred thirtv �,wn dojlars a d 50/10�,N.r,
<br /> �us.s 7 fi 32.50 �.n,a d.a b ww«�o.a oy aoROwe.'a noh daNd 1M ums date aa Mb Sscuriry IntlrumeM('r�as�.�,�a,�owae•+a mo�u�Ar a•n►»�+�s,w�n,cn.
<br /> n�a.a,M�a p�aww�,aw.�w�.y�.a,. 11/18/93
<br /> Thb S�aritlr krburnKM NarM b I.�+d�r:N)1��+P�Yn+sM o1 ths d�M wWmced bY the Note,with intensl,and all ronew�l�,sxt�n�bns md mod�Bc+dlons;lb)ths P�YR+�m d NI Whsr
<br /> ; �,�,,.„�n,i„��,Wy�nC�d urW��p�rpr�ph 7 to protect ths sscuNry of thls S�cuHty Instrumenr,and(c)m.ps�ormence o�aorroN.r's cov.nana.nd aqn.mern�.wr aas aurposs.
<br /> eortov�knvoc+by orana+u�d conwl�to T�wts�,in truat�w�m pov�r o1 sw�Ihe lollowln9 dNCribed ProPlrlY locatsd in Ha 11 County,Natxaake:
<br /> Lot 46, Potash Subdivision to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, NEbraska
<br /> � ��,�,,�,�,,,,� 212 Beachwood , Grand Island ,
<br /> , cs��e� cc�r�
<br /> �,,,,� 68803 �•p►oaen,i�aaros�•�.
<br /> TC)dET1�iER wMh aN tfN knp�owm�c�s now a�ftN�roct�d on ths properry.s�d all ea�aments.rghte,aPP�Aena�ces.rorris.royalNq.minernl.oil and 9as�ights and Drofib.wet�r
<br /> ripAh and Nocic�nd d IIKMr�s now a 1N�MM�Part M ths P���Y.AN��^�^��nd additiona ehaii also be cov�eroct bY tnis Securiry Instrurr�nt.Atl of th�fonpoirg le tibrtMd lo in
<br /> MM�B�GW�MY If1MfIMIMfM M M1�"P�Op�fly�
<br /> 80RA0'WER COVENANTS riM Bar�is IwM+MY�Ne�d of th�ea�t�MnOY��Y�d and tw ths ripM to 9��nt md convsy tM PropKtY and that th�Propat�►b unMCUmO�wd. -.,
<br /> �ftO�Ql bf MIOtN1�tY1oM Of Ir00f4.OOROMNI Mtirt�llb M1d wfN d�IN1d pMNtMIY tM titN t0 tfN PrOPMfY�intl YN CI�MT1{arld WmMW���IIbNCt W�ny enCUmbrin0�OI t�tOtd. ,
<br /> TM19 OECtJfM71►MISTRl1MEM'oombtnN urMlorm oovrnarNS tor natimN uw and non•unNam cov�n�nts with Nm1�W vMrlatian bY luNWklbn w oontdute a unNorm s�CUriry kutrurtNrA
<br /> rMl
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTB.BOf101Mf�Tfd lM1dK OOWf1�11t�Ild�QtN N t01bwS: ` ;
<br /> : �� i��www iw riww:�jrii'w�:«..:.w:r�•.��s•'�•"���='�=w�w iLv,nww�luU Qtomdly nay Whan dus Vfe prUlGCaI 01 llrtQ IMM1�lst on ihs d�bt lvWMCld by 1M NOb and u1y � ,_
<br /> pppfyllNM�nd NI�d�eqN dtN twlflN tlM Fiot�. '." _•
<br /> �. NM1d�1a 1M�N�nd NMUNt10�.&�bJ�c1 to�PD��law a W a wrilNn w�lvn bY L�nd�r.Bortow�r shall pay to Lendsr on the daY��N RrY�s ar�du�undM 1M NoN�ur+til t_-
<br /> 1M PioM h p�id N full.�wm('Fund�')�+d b onrMNMth M:(a)ywly taxw arxf af�ssmena which rnay nKa►n prionry ovsr this Secunry InatrumMt:(b)Y�Y��PiY��o+ �
<br /> qraxid�on tlN PropKh�K�nY:(c)Y�rN�+"s�xana P�rtMUm�:�nd(d)Y�N��insur�e Premiums.if u�y.Thsss itema ero calbd'eec.row it�rta.•L�nd�r mey estknate , _
<br /> IM Fund�du�on tM D�W W curt�M dMs�nd n��on���timatN d tutun�scrow it�ms.
<br /> 1 h s F u n d s s h M b�M i d fn an M+MNutlon th�d�p a i t s a�000ix�ta ol wlMCh�n insursd a yuuanMW by e tederd or state agsrwy(ineludiny L�r�dsr H Lerdsr b such an ir�lutbn).LsrWsr
<br /> � ehall appy th�Funds b pay tM�fcmw it�ms.Und�►maY rat Chargs ta holdkg anA apWyinO the Fund�.anaiysing the accouM a ven l y lnp t h e e�erow r.ema,un t e s s L s n d N p�y�&x r o ti v x. .
<br /> K�,�1 p�1As Funcy�nd�ppNC�bM taw p�mNts LarWu to mMce auch s charq�.Borto�wr and Lender msy agree in wrtting that interest ahaN be puid ort ri�Fur�.lkiMss sn ag�Mm�nt is
<br /> m�«�pplie�pl�{tw rpi�irfNnq tp b�p�la,Landsr ahall not De roquksd 10 Wfi Bortower anY interost or eaming�on tM FurWs.Lender ahaM1 gFVato Borrerwr,wilhout eh�rys.an '
<br /> arxw�l�oaa�Nk�4 0l tM Fund�Nwwkg aWits�nd d�bita to 1he Funde end tNe D��tor whkh eaeh debit to the Funds wes mads.The Funds ue p�iect�d sa add'rtional s�curity 1or the �
<br /> stMna s�cu�d M�S��Y Ir�ttrutfisnl.
<br /> M NN Mnax�t d tlN Funds hNd bY�K�de.WpNMr+�th t�s 1uNn mo^tMY WY�^�a Funds payabb pnor to the dua dates ol tM e�crow item9,shall exoeeA the amount roQuind tc PaS�
<br /> 1M Nerow iNnw wf�Nf Cw�tlN�xcM�shaN b�:tl BOrtow�M'a apYo�.eItAM D►�N roW�to Bortower or eretlASO to 8orrower m mo�nWY WY�d Funds.ll tM amo�mt OI ths Funds �
<br /> ���«����p p�y th�q�rqy ltertq wh�n du�.8orrower ehall pay to l.ender eny amouM neoeaaary to make up the dN'icbn�.y in orN or maro P�Yn�as►�q��d bY
<br /> ' U�pon pyrtf�M h tuN a all i�r�s s�cursd py this S�curily InaaumsM.Lseder sha11 promply ro(uod ro Bortowx any Funde hNd by LerWx.It under pangrnph 19 ths PropKty b edd or
<br /> • a�uk�d by���r,�en�r st��ppiy.no Iater than immsdiately prior to the sate of the Property a Ks acquisition by Lender.any Funds heid by Lende:at the time o1 appNalion�s a cretlit
<br /> a��kwt tl�nxrr s�cu�0 OY thb S�axRY krtrurt►�nt.
<br /> a. AppMeNlOe Of Pay�nMK�.tJnNe��PP���P��s otherwlas.NI p�yments roCelved bY Lender under Oeragnphs 1 end 2 ehaM Os�OW�=�1,to Iets charpse due undsr the �
<br /> NoM:Mpp�a.b pnpM�N��M��M dus ur�r th�Nots:third,to amourna payabis under pu�grdpn 2:tourth.to intersst ch:e:and lasl,to prk�Wpel dus.
<br /> 4. CfMt�M;1.Nfy.8arow�r ah�N D�Y aN taxp.ase�mwM�.�s.fines and Imposilbns pttnbutabte to the PropertY whbh mey�ttain p�ior'Ay over thb S�raxM InshumsM.and
<br /> ��pi�paytr�e pr Orqmd�.M�rs�r,gprrowrr shall pay thess obOgations in the manner provded in paragraph 2.or il not paid in that manner.BoROwsr ah ill pay thern on Qms tlireCtly ;,�a�
<br /> 1p�p�rson ow�pNyrtwrn,gprrow�r s►wN promptly fumish to Lende►atl notice9 of emounta to be paM under this paragraph.B Bortower makes lhese paymM�b Ciie�tly,8ortower shall -�.�
<br /> prompty tumish to L�+Wr nalpb wid�r�cin9 tta P�nts. ::-
<br /> gp���pp��pU�,di�wg��ny lisn which he,1 pnority over this Sewriry Instrument unless Bortovrer.(a)agrees in writing to ihe payme�t of tFM obii9atlon secuted by the Uen in e
<br /> marx��pt�bN w L�ndpr.(b)ooM�sta in good fadh tM�len by.or defends against entoroement of the lien in,legal procesdings which in the Lendars opinlon oparate to prevant the
<br /> enlorpm�nt a11M N�n a Ia1�iWn ol�ny pW d 1M Prop�rty:or(c)s�cuns hom th�tioldsr ot the lisn an ayroemant satislactory to Lends►subordinatkg ihe lien to this Sscurity Instrument.
<br /> • H land�r dMKmInM IhM M�Y DW a��h is 6ubJect to a lien whicA mty atlain prbrity over this SeCUriry Instrument.Landlr may grvs Bortorrer e notiee idenUfying the lien.8otrower �,
<br /> shaN aatisty t!w i�n or tdc�on�a moh o1 ths�ctiona sst forth abovr witlUn 10 days d tho giving ol noUCe.
<br /> s. ��q�r��p�,gpRpw�r ah�N{cMp 1M improvpmerAa now existinp ot INnaRer erocted on the Property Insured egainst b59 by tire.hazerd9 inciuded wRhin the term"extended
<br /> ; �-�„y p@�t Iµtyy�fpr which L�rW�r require�►nsura�cs.TM�insur�nce shsll be meintained in tne emounts and for the perqds that Lender requirsa.The insuranca ct+rrier
<br /> �yj���y{�p��h�N��hp��lf py BORpW�18Ub]�Ct t0 Llt1dA►'a app�OVal Nh1iCh sh811 nOt bE unrea5onably withhCld.
<br /> pg�y�p pp�eios a�d�er.e�val.!�all pe ttaoepta4b t0 ler+aar arb sh�l ux'.Y�e a ats�dar0 mG�tgage clause.Lentler shell have Ma right to haid the po6de�and rsrtewal5.8 Lender
<br /> ����,��a,p��y�p���y�npipte p�p�tl phmiums�nd rsnrw�i notices.In the eveM of bss.Borrower sha�gnre prompt notfCe to iNe Insurence carrie►and tendec
<br /> . l.ra�r mry nwa aoof a a.s x�a n,w.p�omoar bY eortowsr.
<br /> Unly��K�r�nd gprpw�M pM�rwiN aptN in writinp.inwance proceed�shell De appt�ed to rostaa�ion or repeir ol the Property damege0,if ths restoratlon a ropNr i�ec000micelly
<br /> t��NbN�r+d�xd�r'�s�curiy b not Ns+ened.H ths rostontion a repa�r is not eoawrnkeiry�eas�bie or I.ender's security woutd be Iossened,tne insurance proceeds sha0 be appliad to the
<br /> �r��ur�d by y�a S�c�xKy�nstrum�nt,wMth�r or rqt then due,with any excess peid to Bonower.H Borrbwer ahandons the Ptoperty,or doe9�18ngwer withfn 30 deys a notiCe trom
<br /> �«�ihal tM�nwrar�a orrrMr tNS oM�rod to aettls a daim,the Lenda may ooNect the insurance proceede.Lentfer may use the prooeeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay auma
<br /> securW bY thi�S�axilll InqrumwN.whst►kr a nW then due.Tha 30-0aY pe�lod will beyin vrhen the notiCe is 9ivan.
<br /> �rWf��erber�nd pptrpwrr ptF�wi�s aproe in writing,any epp��catkn qf proceeds to principal 8hatf not e�ctend or postpone the due date ot the monthiy payments reterred to in paraqtephs
<br /> 1 and 2 or Charg�tlN�rt�OUrM W tlls P�YmMt�•M��►d�r paregreph 19 the Property i9 eoquired by Lend9r.Borrov+er'9 rigM to any insuranee poi�ciAS end proceeds resuiting Irom damage to
<br /> t1�property prior�p ths scquilitipn eh�N pass to lender to the exteM of the surtU SeCUred by this Security Instrument immediately prior to the 8oquisttion.
<br /> d, p�����fN�w�p�Prop�rq;LNa�hpids.Borrawer sha0 nm destroy.damage or substantiatty charge the Properry.albw the Property to deteriorate or commit waste. � ___ _
<br /> N Mia Sscurity irestrument is on baaetwtd,Borrower sAdll compiy with ihe provis�wis o1 the lease.and il Borrower acquires fee titte to the Property.the ieasehold and tee title Shali not merge
<br /> untlf!LAndH a9nOf t0 tIM rtNrper in writing. �
<br /> �, p�p�p��«�/����tM prpp�rty;lAprtp�y�InMxanC�.lf Borrower lad9 to pe�oRn the covenants aM agreements conta�ned�n ttus Sewnty tnsirumeni,or thero is a
<br /> �ap�p qy��yy�ipn/;i.rar�tly sfact LerWer•s ripMS;n ttae Property(sueh as a proceedirg in bankruptcy,probate,fOt COfW�mtWtqn Or to 6niptC9ldWS Or fly:.�tations),thon Lender
<br /> may do�n0 pry 1or whsMwr f�nsCNwY b Prot�ct tM value of[!ee Ptoparty and Lender'e rights ite tS�e Ptoperty.Lender'9 ections cna��nclude pay;ng drty sums seouse�by e Iien whkh hes
<br />. prfpritypvsr tfr�Secur�ty tryhun�nl,�ppe�ring;n court,paying rsesonehb aflomeys'tees and entering on tne Property to make repa:rs.At:hougn Lencler may take ection unGer tnis paragraph
<br /> 7.Lender tlo�s nrx haMe to do eo.
<br /> My artqur,!s d�shuM�d by LenQ9�unQA�th�s Garagreph 7 sheN betom9 eddi:�o:te?dbbt ol6orrower secured by cns Socur:ty instrument untess e�rrcv+er and�enaer agroo to o�tcer�s
<br /> ol psymenl,tl�e�art�ouMS ehall bear interest trOro tns dMS of d'+�bursemem at t!kh Nota rate and shau be payafl�e.wiESi mteres!.upcn�at�ce trOm�@f�CB!f0 BO�tOYVB�f6QUB5tiM}pHy,:+O%3
<br /> L n�dM}dr raq�Kld mOrty�inwr8flCe as a Cqt►dAiOn 0)ll'1VcklA d'�b�n se�urb Qty this SeCUnty Insttument.BOrrowf�Shaii pay thg prem�ums reGJ:red to manta�n the cnSurancg m e�`ea
<br /> UMiI 6UCh tiR1�(1111�ryQUNAf11EM IOf lh9�n3Ur81MA flfmi08t8S+�81xOtddnC@ tYi1N$OROWBt'S 8f1d LondOt S wntt8n a(Jr60mQrt1 or 0ap�1�Wblp law
<br /> �, kMpe�ton.�ender a ns aqern may ma�ce reaw�+ab�e enu�es upon ana�nsp9Cti0n3 01 the Prppt�rty Lender shall g�vo$orrowp1�t+ce at the t+mo ol or pnor to a�.�spochon spCCitying
<br /> roasanaDb uuss(o►Me�n�paation.
<br />- p, CptlOwnntl{pn,T1M proCABdB o}&ny BwatG or Claim fOr dtimagos.tliroct 0�cwn59yu8M��f.�n conne�bon wdh any Condemna6on o�othor;zti:�g o�any part o1 thp Property.oi ro� �w.
<br /> tvrtveyance m tieu of epndemnatian,era FwresBy e5s�y��d ar,a snatt bo paW to Lc� �
<br /> tn tM ovent o1 a toteJ 1uk�nq of tho VroperY�.Iho O��ods shail bo appl�od to tne sums SoWr@d Dy this S6CUnty�nstruv�ont v�hMho�or n0t thon CUe w�m e�ny oacoss oa•d io E3orror�or In j�
<br /> (np pvard o!0 peutial tak��01 the Proper�y.unlpt�Borrowor Gnd lo�do�ulhorw�s9 d��¢�J�r Y��1�c�,Ih0 SumS Sc`[u'�U by thiS S9CU���y ��S!rumpnt Shnll bA rt�duCed by 1h0 FtmCUi�t U1 lh0 i
<br />- , pr!X,@Od5 rcrSflbp��Od by 1Mf ffil{pwhig I�ACUOn Idl thg t6181 pmOUM b/1h0 SWns Satu�(3C�^"^-ur;d:t"%JC�Ot01�iP trli(vll� CJ:v�df!lS hy I�j���H!.f�f R1:��4Ct Vd;ue ot tt�n Pr�,p�rty�minod:atOty p01(xo � �
<br />. ��w ta'w�g Any ba�ant.e ct�an be pe�A Io Borrowor �Y
<br /> If th!PrOt�G�ly�3:s4�rvJonOd hy E3otruwe/.ln��.m11Qt nO!i:0 Dy 1 rnd0�!•�A�rrtNrer tra4;`�E+'.qrr;R•nn.n n+lcrs t;�•n,ie�r nn.�w.�rd�.••.niPn a.�:rm!�,r d:imu:7��y Rc�rrohor I,i,i�.fu�oa�vm;t tn
<br />, i bn:10�Wr'h:n 9p d.�ryn nttor tno Ca:o Ir,e nr�t�eo�S fJrvOn.l i�nqC�r, num��r.�n�i tr��Ai,fR'?ntl nG6�/t���pt[X Crerti �t��S�qJ.n�� r:!h.,.i�.. .,..Ir•at�on„r re�p.i•,�Inv Prr:i�rrta��� !.��n('.��m�
<br />� 4t-'.:.�ad G�:t�+9`.iC�u•rty tni,•umv�t.w��tlejr t,r ni�1 Ilbn!i.in
<br />� Il�:r.9:1 n�do'an:l CiOmr�Or h:nt�iv�;U ac,�rof���ni!r�y �i•y:q�; .:d�.��•��prnr.00is(o{e,n, •.r.y,- ..a n.ton;i���e>L�,K+••� •r.��•�.i�. ;��., . ��.� � ,i.���•. _ � �•,i.���., .�.�r..��p�q.r ,
<br />� ' tl:at%�,�[t,g/VQq�T�O LnW:I`:1 Gf r..l!h S�Jyn�fhnfq �
<br />