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<br /> !, CondNnnaHot�.Tho proceeds ot any award or claim tor damages,direct ar consequential, in cannect�an w�h ny
<br /> coRdemnation o�other taking ot the P�operty,or pA►tthereot,o�fo�conveysnce in I�eu of condemnation,ara h�roby assignod
<br /> and 3na11 be paid to le�dar.
<br /> --- � frt tha a:•�nt ot a tota!i.�kinQ ef the Pro�cry,the prnceeds shall be eppliatl t0 the sums secured by thl�Oeed of T�uat,witt�
<br /> the excess.if any,paid to Bo�rowe�.In the event of a partial takiny at the Property,unless Bo�rowar antl Lender othetwisa
<br /> a�ras ir�wr,tinq,thereshail ba apR�ied to thn�uma aecured by thia Cleed of T�ust auch proport�on ol Me proceeda as 1�equal to
<br /> that pr�p�tIon which tha�mflunt o!the suma�eurad by thia Deed of T�uat immedistely pripr to the date oi taking hears to the
<br /> fair maricst value of tM prope�y Immadlalely pHar te ths dats of takln ,wlth ths bal�ncs of the proceeds psid to Borrawar.
<br /> � ' If the Prop�rty b ab�ndonad Dy Borrower,os�t,a�ner notics byr Len�er!o Bp�revrer tt�at the cc�ndem�Qr atte►a to make an
<br /> award or s�tNs s clsim tar dam��,6or�owe�Mlis to respond to Lender within 30 days efb�the date such notice is malted,
<br /> ' lendsr is aulhaizsd to collect snd apply tha procseds,at l.ertder's option.either to restoretion o►�epair o1 the Properry or to
<br /> � the wA+s eacurod by this Dsed of Trust
<br /> Unlets L�ndsr and Borrawe�otherwise ayree in writin�,any such application o1 proceeds to principal shall not exte�d o�
<br /> postpo�s Nte dw dals o1 ths monMly instNlmenb roterred to in para9tAphs 1 and 2 hereol o�chart�e the amount ot such
<br /> instaMm�nts.
<br /> 10, b�►pwM No!NNNNd.Exteneion of tM time for payment or modificetion of amortization o1 the sums secured by this
<br /> O�ed of Trun QnnNd by Lsnder to any succsssor in interest of Borrower shall not operata to release,in any manner,the
<br /> IiaCiliry o1 the oripinal8onower and Bor�ower'a succesaors interes�Lender shal l not be requi�ed to commence proceedings
<br /> against such successo�or�efws to extend time to►payment or otherwise modity amonization of the sums secured by th�s
<br /> Deed of Tru�t by ro�son of any demand made by the oNginal Borrowe�and 8or�ower's successors in interesL
<br /> -- ��, po�Maanc�by L�ndK Mpt a WNwr.l�ny fiorbsarance by Les��i�ai ii�axori,l�in�any ripM er�emady heieunder,or
<br /> otheryviae afto�ded by applicable law,shall not bs a waive�of or p�eclude tha exercise o1 any such right or remedy.The
<br /> procu�ementof tnaurance of the payment of taxes or other lians or cha�9es by lender shall not be a waiver ot Lender's right to
<br /> accelerate the meturiry of the indebtedness secured by this Oeed o1 T�ust.
<br /> 12. R�nMdl�s Cwnulatlw All remedie�p�ovided in this Deed of Trust a�e distinct and cumulative to any other nghl or
<br /> remedy u�der this Deed oi �rust o► aftorded by law or equity. and may be exercisetl concur�enity, independently o�
<br /> sucCessively.
<br /> 13. SueeMSas and ���n s Boued: Jotnt a�d S�wral LIablNt�r,Captlon�. The covenants and agreements herein
<br /> contained shall bind.a�d the�Tphb hereunder shall inure to,the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br /> subject to the provisian�of paragraph 17 hereof.Atl covenants and agreements of 8orrower shall be joint and several.The
<br /> captio�s and headinga of the parag�aphs of this Oeed of Trust are for convenience only and are not to be used to inte�pret or
<br /> define the provision�hereof.
<br /> 1�. Notk�.Excepttorany notice�equired under applicable law to be given in another man�er,(a)any noticeto Borrower
<br /> provided to�in thi�Deed of Trust shall be given by mailiny such notice by ceRified mail addressed to Borrower at the Property
<br /> Addres�or at such othe�addresa ea Borrower may deai�nate by notice to Lender as provided herein,and(b)any notice to
<br /> lender shall be�iven by cerdfied mail,�etum receipt requested,to Lender's address atated he�ein or to such othe�address as
<br /> Lender may desi�nate by notice to 8orrower es provided herein.Any notice provlded to�in thfs Dee+d of T►uat shall be deemed
<br /> to have bee��ivsn to Borcowe►or Lender when given in the ma�ner de�ignaMc herein.
<br /> 15. UMlo�n�OMd d TruN;GowrnM��Law�S�vKabMt�•The farm of deed of huat combines unitorm covenanb tor �
<br /> national use and non-uniform covenants wlth Umited variations by]urisdiction to conatitute a uniform securiy instrument
<br /> covsrinp real property.Thla Deed of Trust ahall be governed by the Iaw o�the jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In , ,
<br /> the event that a�y provision or cfausa ot this Deed o1 T�ust or the Noteconilicts with appltcable law,such conflict shall not ,
<br /> aflect other provisions otthis Deed of Trust or the Note which can be givan eHect without the conflicting provisions,and to this �
<br /> end iite prvviSi���S vS u n Tivai L't T�t:st a:td L':�l.:.:�»s���!°T�L ZA�1Qi 40V0(AF14A_ — '
<br /> 1d. Qorrow�t's COpy.Bortower she�l be fumished a confio�med Copy ot the Note and of tttis Qeed of Trust at the time of
<br /> execution or aibr reco�datlon he�eof.
<br /> 17. Tramhr W 1M PropKty;AssumpUon.N all or any part oi the property o�an interest therein is sotd or transier�ed by .•;_.
<br /> 8orrower wtthout Lender's prlor written consent,ex�ludinp(a)the CreaUon of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to this Deed ��
<br /> of TrusL(b)the crestion of a purchase moneysecurity inte�estforhousehold appliances,(c)a tranater by devise descent or by "="i
<br /> operation oi law upon the death ot a Joint tena�t or(d)the grant olany lesaehold interest of three years or less not containing an �#
<br /> option to purchase.Le�der may,at lender's option.declare all the sums secured by this Oeed o1 Trust to be immediately due
<br /> end payable.Lender shall have waived such option to accelerate if,prior to the sale or transfer,Lender and the pe�son to ��
<br /> whom the PropeRy is to be sold or tranaferred�each agreement in w�iUng that the c►edit of auch person is saUsfactory to
<br /> Lender a�d that the intereat payable on the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shal l be at such rate as Lender shatl�equest If �-
<br /> Lender has waived the option to accelerate provided in this paragraRh 17,a�d if Borrower's successor in interest has
<br /> executed a written assumption agreement accepted in w�iting by Lender,Lender shall retease Borrower irom all obligations ,
<br /> under this Oeed of Trust and the Note. °,
<br /> If lxs�der exercises auclt option to acceleraie,Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acce�eration in accordance with � Y~
<br /> paragraph 14 hereof.Such notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days trom the datethe notice is mailed within which w�
<br /> Borrower may pay t he sums declared due.It Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to the expiratioa of such period.Lender
<br /> . may,withoutfurther notice or demand on Borrower,invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph t8 hereof.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Barow�►and L�r turth�+cov�nant and apr��s toMows: ��
<br /> ..�:
<br /> 10. Aee�afion;R�m�dNs.Except as provided in paragraph 17 hereof,upon Borrower's breach of any covenant or �
<br /> agreement of Borrower in this Deecf of Trust,ineluding the covenants to pay when due any sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br /> Lender pnorto acceferation shall mail notice ta Borrower as provided in paragraph 14 hereof specifying:(1)the breach;(2)the
<br /> aCtion required to cure such breach;(3)e date,not less than 30 daysfrom the date the notice is maded to Borrower,by which
<br /> suCh breach mustbe c:!red:and(4)thet failure to cure such breach on or before the date specified in the notice may result m
<br /> acceteration of the SumssaCUred by thia Deed of Trustand sateof the Property.The notice shall furthet intorm Borrower of the
<br /> right tv reinatate aRer acceleration and the right to bring a cuuR action to assen the non-existence of a defauit o�any other
<br /> deferrse of 8o►rowerto acceleration and sale.lf the breacte is�ot cureQ on or before the date specified i�the no6Ce,Lender at
<br /> Lender�opNon may declare all of the sums secured by this Deed oi T►ust to be immediatefy due and payabte without further
<br /> demand and may invoke the power ot sale and any other remedies permitted by applicabfe law.Lender shall ba entitled to
<br /> Co�lectati�easonabbcosband expenaes incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in the paragraph 18,incfuding,butnot
<br /> limited to.reaaonable attMney's fees•
<br /> If the power of sab is invoked.Trustee shall record a rtotice of defautt in each ccunty in which the Property or some part
<br /> thereot Is loCated and shall maif copies of such notiCe in the manner prescribed Gy aRR►icable law to Bonower and to the ather
<br /> peraona prescribed by appUCable taw.Atter the lapse of auch time as may be required by applicable law.Trustee shall give
<br /> public notice of aale to the persons snd in the manner prescribed by appticable law.Trustee,without derrsand on Borrower,
<br /> shall aell the Propeny at public auction to the hiyhest bidderat the time and place and under theterms designated in the notice
<br /> ot sale in one or more parcels and in such order es Trustee may determine.T�ustee may postpone sale of all or a�y parCel of _
<br /> - the P�operty by pubtic announcement at the time and place of any prevlously scheduled sate.Lender or Lender's designee ; --
<br /> may pura!'isse ths Propery at any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment o1 the price bid,Ttustee shall deiiver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the Properry sold.
<br /> The reCitals in theTrustee'�deed ahall be prima facie evidence ot the truth o14he statements made therein.Trustee shall apply
<br /> the proceeds o1 the sab in the followinp order:(a)to all�easonable costs and expenses o1 the sale,including,but not IimiteA to.
<br /> T�ustee's tees oi not morsthan %01 Me�ross sale price,reasonabte attorney's fees and costs ot title evidence:
<br /> (b)to aIl sums aecursd by this Osed ot Trust and(c)the excess,if any,to the person or persons tegally entitled thereto. �
<br /> 1!, SpnorrM'�Ri�hl b RNn�faN.Notwithstanding i.ender's acceleration of the sums secured by this Deed ot Trust. M
<br /> � Borrower shat�hayethe n�htto have eny proeeeMinps begun by Lender to enforce the Deed o!Trust discontinued at eny time &
<br /> prlor to the sa�tier to ocCUt ot(i)the tifth day before the sale of the P�operty pursuant to the power of sale conta�ned m the Qeed
<br /> ot Ttust(�i)entry o4 a jud�ment enforcmp this Oeed of Trust it:(a)Borrower pays Lender sll sums which would be then due
<br /> unde�th���eed�t Trust,the Note and notes securing Future Advances.�f any,had no acceleration occured.(b)Borrower �
<br /> � cures ell brsaChss o1 any oMer covenants or 9greementR ot 8orrower contained�n this Dee+d of Trust (c)Borrower pays aii ��
<br /> ° reasonable expenses�ncurred by lender and Trustee entoroing the covenents and agreements o(Borrower cont�med m th�s �
<br /> Geed at Trust and cr►cnlarcinq l.endtr'�8n�Trusi�'s remsQ�?s as prav�ded��paragraph t 8 hereol,�nclud�n�,but not hm�ted . .._
<br /> ; ta,reas�nabla aftorney's fees end(d�Borrower takes suCh EtCt�on es Lender may reasonably reqwrQ to flssurct thnt the I�en of ,�
<br /> �� th�s C)eced of Trust,tender's mterest in the Property and Bo►rower's obhgat�on ro pay thA sums sec�ued by th�s DeocS o� �rust
<br /> ���} snn1�conUnue ummp��red Upon sucn poyma��l t�nd curt�by Borrowe► Ih�S Uepd t�l Trust and tht�abhg,lUP��S SE!t U�E•d hF>r��hv
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