<br /> ' � � _.
<br /> �
<br /> UMlFORM G�VFNAN7$ Rc�rmwer and Lender covenant and zgree as followa: r ��� �O v V V.L _
<br /> � 1. Payn�fl ot PtMCipa) �nd (ntKNt. Borrawe� Shall promptly pay when due the principal 01 and mterest on the _
<br /> i�debledness avldenCSd by the Ncte,p�repayment and late chargesas provutad in the Noto,and the pnncipA!of and i�te�es!oa
<br /> any Future Advancea aacu�ed by the Oead of T�ust
<br /> Z. Fu�da/orTaxMand ImurancR.Sublectto eppticable taw orto a w�itten waivar by Lender,Bo�rower shall pay to Lender
<br /> on the dsy monthiy inatalfm�nh of principal end interostaro peyt+ble under the tVote,until the Note ia paid in tutt,a sum(herem
<br /> "Funda")equal to o�s-twetlth o1 ths ysa►ly taxea and esseasments which may attai�priority ove�this Qeed of Trust,and
<br /> ground rents on ths Property,it eny,plus one-tweltth af�early premium installments foi hazard insurance,plus one-tweltth ot
<br /> yea►ty p�smium InstallmMb for moAgaye inaurance, f any,all as reasonabiy estimated initially and trom time to time by
<br /> Lander on the baais of assessments andbill�and reaaonabte estimate�thereof.
<br /> The Funds shall bs held in an lnstitution the deposib or accounts of which are inau►ed o�puaranteed,by a Federal or stAte
<br /> eQertoy(includinp Lsnder if Lendar ia suah an institution). Lender shall apply the funds topa y said taxes,asseasments,
<br /> Insurance prsmiums and praund renb.Lende�may not cha�ge tor so holding and applying the Funds,analyzing sald account
<br /> or ve�ifylnp and compili�qid as�essments and Dilis,uniess Lender pay�Borrower Interest on the Funds and appUcabte law
<br /> permib Lender to make auch a charqe.Borrower and Lender may agree�n w�iting et tha time of execution of this Deed o1 Trust
<br /> that intereat on t�e Funds shall be paid to Bo�rowe�,and unlsss such ag�eement is made or applicalbe law requires such
<br /> interest to be paid,lender�hall not be�equired to pay 8orrower any interest or earninga on the Funds.Lender shall give to
<br /> Sa�a��r.��thou!Chn�gs,an annua!accounting ot the Funds showing credits and debits to!he Funds and the purnose to�
<br /> whlch each debit to the Funds wa�made.The Funds are pledged as additional secu�ity tor the suma secured by this Deed ot
<br /> T�us�
<br /> N the amount Ot tha funda held by LBnder,toge2her with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to the due
<br /> date�of taxe�,assesamenb,insu�ance p�em�ums and ground oents,shall excead the amounl�equued to pay said taxes,
<br /> assessments,insurance premiums and ground �ents a�Me�t tall due,such excess shalt be,at Bo►rower's optio�,either —
<br /> prompdy r id to Borrower or creditad f0 Borrower on monthly insta�lments of Funds.It the amourr.0 ef the Funds held by
<br /> Lende►shal notbeaufflclenttopaytsxes,assessmenb,insurancep�emiumsand groundrentsastheyla:Cdue.Borrowershall
<br /> pay to Lender eny amount necessary to make up the deficieRCy w�thin 30 days from the data notice is rnailed by Lender to
<br /> Borrowe�requesting psyment thereof.
<br /> Upon payment in tull of all aums aecured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shall pr�mptly refvnd to Borrower any Funds held by
<br /> Lender.If unde►pe�a�raph 18 he�eof the P�operN is sald orthe Property isothe�wise acqu�red by Lender,Lender shall apply,
<br /> no later than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisit�on by Lender,and Funds held by lender at the time ot
<br /> application as a credit against the sums secu�ed by this Deed of Trus�
<br /> 3. AppNeallon ot Paym�nts.Unless applicable law provides otherwise.a11 payments received by Lender under the Note
<br /> and paraQraphs 1 and 2�ereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borro�ec under
<br /> any Futu e Advencf,es en to interest payable on the Note,then to the principat of the Note,and then to lnterest and principal on
<br /> �. Cha�s;l.l�ns.Bonowers shall pay all taxes,assessments and other cha�ges,fines and impositions attributable to the .
<br /> P�operty which may attain a priority over this Qeed of Trust,and leasehotd Fayments or ground reRts.if any,in the manner
<br /> provided under paray�ph 2 hereo�or,if not paid in such manner,by Borrower making payment,when due,direCtly to the
<br /> payee thereof.Bor�ower ahall p�omptly iumish to Lende�all notices of amounts due under this pa�agraph,and in the event
<br /> Borrower shall makepa yment directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencmg such payments.
<br /> Bor�ower shall promptly discharge any lien which has pnority over this Deed of Trust;provided,that Borrower shail not be � _
<br /> requiredtodiachargeany suchliensolongasBorrowershallagreeinwritingtothepaymentoftheobligationsecuredbysuch ;
<br /> l�o:.3ss a srs.:r.:s�:.:��2°b:�:c�.°zd�:.�:�:!:n�c�tsilh�:w�t suc�!E;^.��,a:d:!�n�sr.larc^r:��n:a:sucl::iar.;:.,;�;y�! ---- _.-
<br /> proceedinga which operate to prevent tha enforcement of the iien or farteiture of the Properry or any part thereol. ,
<br /> 5. Hu�rd(nsuraoc�.Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereaRer erected on the Property insured �_.
<br /> againat loss by�re,hazsrd�included withi�the term'exte��8d coverage",and such other hazards as Lender may reqwre -
<br /> and�n such amounts and tor such periods as Lende�may require;p�ovided,that Lender shall not require that the amount of s
<br /> such coverage exceed that amount of coverage required to pay the sums secu�ed by this Oeed of Trust. �;�
<br /> This insurance carrier providing the onsurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lender;provided,that ' �
<br /> such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.All premiums on�nsurance policies shall be paid m the manner provided - -
<br /> under paragraph 2 hereof or,if not paid in such manner,by Borrower making payment,when due,di�sctly to the insurance .�w
<br /> carrier.
<br /> ,�i'
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals thereof si�al!be in torm acceptsble to Lender a�d shall include a standard re►ortgage �
<br /> ctause iR favor of and in torm acceptabte to Lende�.Lender shall have the nght to hold the policies and renewals thereot,and
<br /> Borrowershal�promptly furnish to Lender all renewal noticesand all receipts of paid premaums.In the event of loss.Bor�ower
<br /> shall give prompt nobce to the insurance carrieraRd Lender.Lender may make proof of toss if not made promptly by Bar�ower. ;
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,insuranceproceeds shall be appUed to restoration or repair of the `
<br /> Property dama�ed,provided such restoration or repair is economically feasible and the security of this Deed of Trust is ceot •
<br /> thereby impaired.If such restoration or repair is not economically feasible or�f the security of fhis Deed o}Trust would be ' `
<br /> impaired,the insurance proceeds shall be apptiedto the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,with the excess,if any,paid to '�'
<br /> Bonower.If the Properry Is abanderted by Borrower,or if Borsower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days from the date
<br /> nolice is mailed by Lender to Bonower that the insurance carrier oNers to settte a claim fo�insurance benefits.Lender is �
<br /> authorized to collect and 8pply the insufance proceeds at Lender's option either to restoration or repair of the Property or to '..:� •
<br />. the sums secured by this Deed of Tnist �
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower olhenrvise agree in writing,any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly instellments referred to m paragraphs 1 and 2 hereot or change the amount of such
<br /> installmenis.If under paragraph 18 hereof the Properry is acquired by Lender,all right,title and intesest of Borrowec in and to
<br /> any insurance policies and in and to the proceedsthereol resulting trom damage to the Property prior to the sale or acQuisition
<br /> shall pass to Lender to the exte�t of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust�mmediately prior to such sale or acqu�sition.
<br /> 6. Pr��rratbn and Malnt�nanc�of Prop�rtr;l�as�holds;Condominlunfs;Pls�n�d Untt D�rMopm�n b.Bo�rower shall
<br /> keep the Properry in good�epair and shall not cvmmit waste or permit impairment of deterioration� t1 he Property and shall
<br /> comply with Slie provisions of eny lease lf this Deed oi Trust is on a teasehold.lf this Deed of Trust is on a unit in a condommium
<br /> or a Qtanrted unit development, Borrower shall pertorm all of Borrower's obligations under the deciaration or covenants
<br /> � creating or overning the c�ndominium or ptanned unit deve►opment,tne by-laws and regulations ot the condominium or
<br /> planned un�developmenf,and constituent documents.If a condomimum or planned unit development rider is excuted by
<br /> Borrower and recorded together with this Deed ot Trus�the covenants an�i agreements of suci�nder shall be incorporated
<br /> ��into artd shall amend and supplement the coveRanfs and agreements of this Desd of Trust as if the rider were a part hereof.
<br /> 7. Prot�Ctbn M L�nd�►'s S�curity.If Borrower�ails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in thi�Deed of
<br /> Tru9�or it any action or proceeding is commenced with materially aftects Lender's interest in the Property,inctuding but not
<br /> limited to,eminent domain,insolvency,Code enforcement,or arrangements or proceedings involving a bankrupt or decedent.
<br /> ihen Lender at Lender's option,upon notice to Borrower,may make such appearences,disburse such sums and take sucFr
<br /> action as is rtecessaryto protect Lender's interest,including,but not limited to,disbursemen!of reasonabte attorney's fees and ,---_,___-
<br /> entry upon the Property to make repairo.lf lender requiredmortgage insurance asa condition ot making the loan sgcured by
<br />- the Deed ot T�ust,Borrower shal!pay the premiums reqwred to mainta�n such insurance in eHect until such time as the �
<br /> requirementforsuChinaurancsterminatesinaCCVrdancewithBorrower'sandLender'swrittenagreementorapplicalbeiaN.
<br /> Bonower shall pay the amount of all rr►ortgage insurance permiums in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />' Any amounta diaburaed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additionai
<br /> lndebtedness of Sorroweraecurtid bythis Deed of Trust.Unless Bor�ower and Lender agree to other terms ot paymen�such '
<br /> am0unts shgll be pey�fble upon notice trom Lender to 8orrower requesting payment hereot,and shall bear interest irom tfie
<br /> dete of disbursementSt the�ate peysble from timeto time on outstanding principal underthe Note unless payment ot interest �
<br /> � at Such rate woutd be contrsry to appticable law, in whicN event suct� amounts shall bear inierest at the h�ghest rate •
<br /> permissibte under appticaDle Iaw.Noth�ng contained in this paragraph 7 sha11 requ�re Lenderto incur any expense or take any �.
<br /> actcan hereunder.
<br /> i. In�p�etton.Lender may make or cause to be made r�easonabie entr�es upon and�nspect�ons o1 the Property,prov�ded `t
<br /> thet Lender s1�allgive�orrower notice pnor to any such�nspect+vn spec�*��ng reasonabte causethereforc�re4ttpd t0 lCndE r : n
<br />: interest in the Property. �
<br /> �A
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