,r��•�' ��,, . k�j'`1SY� 571.j,_ . , t�.'. � 4�f i...}i� .F�1; � F�� ..�y�:� � r., '��' a.�r��!
<br /> �iyj�X "iQ(�Ri� .
<br /> • ,..
<br /> •� f, <.,.+. �5l¢}�ff �,� �,� �_ ~�- - =-- -�.
<br /> t ir
<br /> � ifk`91MJMiiL.� ' . . -�''. ��. •
<br /> f����vi��'�� �"-�r:�6r:
<br /> � �, �.
<br /> � . 'f,� ���W� � '^.R4:�
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<br /> . .. �.
<br /> ' _»s�..�:___..::.,.._ '_'_'---"'—'
<br /> ' ...ti�/.�1�Y6('•t' •„ ,. � • ' -. ' _� ' +'. — __ ___ �---�.c_c-.-.
<br /> . .f � e24r�s�-'R..___'
<br /> � � 90- 10'74 6 9 �1:�---_ .._.
<br /> _ - .�._--- -
<br /> -- - -���'.
<br /> . n �.`n 'x / �.5 ' --_-
<br /> 'fi�"'� i t0.IIEMlDIBi NOT BXCLU8IVB.Tru�t��and Bsndlcl�ry.and n�ch ol th�m,�ha110�entillsd to�nlorc�p�ymanl�nd psrform�nce ot�ny °�
<br /> ' °" � • • ind�bUdn��aorobliy�lloneseauredh�nbyandtooxerci�adlrlphiN�dpow�rsund�rlhisTrustO��dorund�rwnyoth�tapre�m�nt�xeculsd �
<br /> i�oaomction hsnwlth or�ny I�wa now ar herea8er In lorce,nolwilhstandinq som�or�11 oI lhe wch Indobtednaea ond obliy�llom securad �` .��'-- -
<br /> • �� '. ' , + :�+ heraby may�ow or hsredter be otherwlto sacured,whslher by morly�p�,tru�t ds�d,pl�dp�.I��n,a�NOnmenl or oth�rwl��. N�11h�r ths
<br /> �.:„,•�._-� . . �
<br /> � ',�,,�•���,, �: acoeplonceollhieTrustDoodnorllsen4arcemenlwhetherbyeourl�etlonorpursu�nitnthspowsrolssborolh�rpowenher�IncoM�ln�d,�hdl
<br /> • • • � pre�udk�arinanymanneraHealTrwbi�orBsneNoury'effghllor�dlt�uponorenlorC�an�ot�stNCUnlynoworheleAtlerheldbyTruitlaoor ��_.,���y =�_� —=_—
<br /> • � BeneQclary.il beinp apread that Tru�t�e�nd 6�nefim�ry,and eaeh olthem,shall be eMNled lo enfore�Ihls Trutl Deed aad anyoth�r secu��ly now =- _- --
<br /> ' ! o�hereaftar held by Beneticiery or Trusle�in suah order and mannar as they or sllher ol tham m�y m thelr ebsolule dl�cr�llon det�rmine.No --
<br /> '-=��:,�; .•,' rpmedy hetein aonlarr�d upon orre��rved lo Trusl�a or Beneficlary ls intended lo ha eMClusive ol any olhar remedy hereln or by law provldad or .,.+��, t
<br /> -rn'�t,l..'�. ,� ..:aWt.. '
<br /> �:::,�:; . permilled,bul vach shall Do cumulative and shall ba m pdd�tion to every other ramady ylven hs►eunder or now or heraNler e�isllnp tl law or m , ^
<br /> . equityorbystatute.Ev�rypowero►n�nodyprov�dadundorlhisTruetDeedloTrustwor�enellciaryortowhlcheuharoltbemmaybeotherwfae ..�.��:�'� � .�,-
<br /> - ' em���ee.m•yee•xorc�sy�,:cor►cu�911t111a�ntNprndeatty,tromtlm�tot�mRandasoRonasmpybodaomedexpodi�MOyTrueleeor6enellclary _ t'_`f�.
<br />_- . , f�,� and edher of IhMn 1n�X p�rwM►i�cay���N�t romed�es.Nothmg here�n shNl lw cons9euod as prohib�t�aq Benehc�w►111rom saokup a dafieianCy _ .._• °_
<br /> ya
<br /> �' � judyment aq�awllM���tor�lo 1h��ieM Weh acUOn�a O�rm�tl�d py law ���,�,�,�aL�.t,.�'.i:.
<br /> ,)�,�� ".•n•� ,. • . 'r ���'
<br /> • 5',�.`.���� � '' • �'��; t1.7RAN$FBR OF�'WE PROPBRT�;A88UMPTI�W.If all or any parl of Ihe Pro,nerty oi imereet Iherefn�s sold,ira�sle►rod or otherwra� �•`.r �*��.:�r."�;� :�yr
<br /> �.,;i,;�u,;:;:,,•, , „ .; .�
<br /> y;�,... ' , conveyed by Trustor withovt BenefltiAry's prfor writien consent,ercludmg(�)lhe rr��llon ot a Ifen at encumb�ance subardioate lo Ih�s Trus1 Y��
<br /> •��-�°!;"`'"`�; , Oead,�b��l�anslerbyoperationoflawuponthedeatholaTruslorwho�sa�om110�antor�c►IhegrantolanyleaseholdmteresloflAree�3�yearsoi . ,�� ...s.�z%�_
<br /> � ' Isn whlc h Aoea nol eontain an optlon to purchaae,sYCh�CIIQ11 i3 A bf�NCh p�(hlt aQf89rt19f1t.and Bonellciery may.At 8�n�fic�ary's option, ����,.�,,,,�,,,,,�,�_
<br /> � �"'8�'�- .' � dealanalllAesumssecuredbythiaTruslDeedlodeimmodiatelydueandpayable,provfded.further.IhlsT�uslDeedmay.at8s�edwary'sopUOn. _
<br /> �_�'.�.�..!!`i�l�Ti'1�i1�Y•
<br /> t: � 6e declared fmmed18101y due and ppyable.1111)Truetor ia a partnersl��a And a�Y�n�ereat In Ihe parinership is sold or ass�qned by any means „L•-,:���.._
<br /> .�- 'Ar�,'�� :;r:_r,.,.
<br /> � , ��;, whaboever,or(2)if Iho Trustor f6 a corporatbn aod a Irensfer ol the ma�onty atock ownershlp�nterest m Ihe corporalion oceurs.o�the Truslor
<br /> � corporation merges�n any form with anolher corporatlon or entlly.BeneNciary s/�a11 have waived such ophon to accelerate if,prior to the sele. i'•,;:-�'
<br /> ;�;.
<br /> "•'"� ., UYnsferorconveyance.Benelicia�yandthepersonlowhomtheProperlyistobesoldortranslerredreachagreementinwrlUnglhatlhecredUot `'�,�c,, ',;.,,:_
<br /> t:�r,� S�I...:+.:;•.
<br /> .�):::r��•, �, euchpersonfsaatlsfaetorytoBaneUVarpondthatthelmerestpayab•eonlhecumaaecuredbythlsT�ustDeedahallheatauchrAteasBe�oflciary �.;.?�,41.:�,.�.A�..�!',,�
<br /> -' �,�,;,:..:.� .,• �, sna�iraquest. � .,�j; ,,,.:-.�
<br /> i:.� i'�. ,,�, • � � �n���,�
<br /> �;!h;,,,� �.,�,• .. t:�,...:��"��•. ;�,:;:-
<br /> i '_ `•;,,�,��{����r,° 12.ACCELERATIONUPONOHFA�7�4T;AHMBO1H8;8ALE.Theta+lureDytheTrustor,lomakeanypaymenlo+tnperlormenyolthelermsand ','ri ,�';,�i,�`.
<br /> r 1`,'�r ' �� :,.....,�
<br /> ' ���.'�<<�`?S.}f��r;�`� condulonsolthlaTruatOeed,orlhelermea�dconditionsottheNote,oranyrenewals.modNicati0nsorex18n9wnslnareof,oNheleilurelomake ,��'f;,.`i'j`�,flt:`I.lj fl,�F'._
<br />, � } i�,.� �f,;..�'..
<br /> ��,�; a'l. �{('��,� poymenlofanyolherfndebtednese,Drioro�subsequenttothlsTruslDBed,andsecuredbylhiaproperty,orlhedvalhoioneormoroTrustorssha� 1 Y +'�
<br /> .�����,�:`,�7����l,�� be e Weach and delault ollhie TruslDeed and the Benelicfary ma�r decls►re a delaull and may Oeclare all sums satured hereby immedlately due 1j ; �,w�,.
<br /> � � �,rr � � andpayableandthesemeehalllhereuponbecomedueandpayeblewilhoutpreaentment,demand,proteslornodceofanykmd,provided.Trustor r�} }.,�� , t .�,__
<br /> `:���.':t`{''h '���% ahall have any atalulory rlQht to Cure the delaull belore eny nollce ot deteult and demantl tor sale may be dellvered to Ihe Trustee.Thereaher, ,,r�1t { �...--
<br /> � 1._,:,..�....�.`r Benetlaary maY delive�10 Truslee a w�llen declaration o1 detault and demand for sala.Trustor agreea and hereby granls Ihat Iho Trualee ehall `.��1��+'�.'��r y r.�,;�;;;,
<br /> � �"^-�T'��� havelhepowerofsa4eo"1�ePropeAyandffBenepC�aryOec�desihaP�uperiyfsiuCes�lditahaflsleposilwflh7ruateelhiaTrutlDaetlendtheNote _ ,`,;�_�'-�-
<br /> • :� . .. � . ",�.�(,r._;,°-�
<br /> ' � • ., arnotaaandanyotheeUOCUmentsevfdencingexpendlturessecuredhereby,andshalldelrverloTrusteeawnttennotfceofdefaultandelectfon�u ' •.`i�•t.+,�,.
<br /> i'r;: � �1x ,;
<br /> '' ,�;_;�;J', :„� Causelhe propeAy to be sold,and Ttustee.fn turn,ahall prepare e aknllar notfCe inlhe form requfrad by law,whieh ahall be duly lfled for record by '' ' �-,-r
<br /> ' Trustee. ,.'� .;.,�,,.,,' ?,�.�-
<br /> � :...;' ..:.,':,,. ,,...,:,�"'"'
<br /> �4•a�;�A(�' �' ' ... .
<br /> �a� Allerlhelapseofsucht�meASmayberequ�redbylawfollowinglhereaordationotNmiceofDefault.andNoticeol0efaullandNopce (,'�•.:�.�� .�' ;;. . �.�.
<br /> , ' ° , ot Sale hav�nfl been gwen as required by iaw.Trustee.wdhout demend on Trustor,shall sell Ihe Property,d not redeemed,m one or I ��-t,^i.�,. :;,;,:i�.�,!.�•:,
<br /> • more parcois and�n auch order as Truatee may determine on Ihe date anq the t�me and place desiqnated in so�d Nol�ce ot Sale.at •,•�;V�:;� .+�:�;.•;:,� : .
<br /> •�„� G,.t',�`�rt:':.'•.
<br /> • , public auclion accortlmg lo law. �'',�'.��` , ,?�`"�'
<br /> ..(:�r:;•:.�;;,r1 ,�.'��.,.� � •
<br /> menl ol the coats and expenaes ��..'�'.��:; 'S�;_:
<br /> ,, �b) WhenTrusteesellspursuontlothepowershe�ein,Truslooshallapplytheproceed8ofthasaletopay . �: ;
<br /> �' ol exerclsl�g lhe power ol sale and ot the sale,including.w�thoul I�mitation,attorney's leen end the peyme�t of Trustee's fees _
<br /> �� incurred.whichTruslee'sFeeashellnoUntheaggregeleeMCeedlhetollow�ngamountsbasedupontheamounlsecuradherebyond �� '}'�! ��•.'� �' ' `
<br /> " remalmng vnpaid at Ihe 11me seheduled for fY1o'5 percentum on the bAian�m lhereol;and then lo the�tems fn subparaqraph(c)1�the
<br /> • � Ordel the�e sl8ted. "
<br /> ,•..
<br /> �`�':•'+.� Atter a m the dems apeC�fied m aubparegraph(b�,H Ihe sale IS by T�us16e,or u the srle is pursuent Io�ud�cial foreclorure,the -,�.. :, , , �.
<br /> 5' '� � (c) P Y 9 � �;..,
<br /> �;����;,: ° proceede ol sa�e shaU be apD��d fo the follow�ny order ,��7i,�;�l' � . ;=
<br /> .� ., �..". , r�,:
<br /> ' �t�Cosl of[iny evfdenco M tf11e procured m connecllon wdh euch sale end o�any revenuo Iransfer lee reqmred lo be paid: - -� , ''�,1,'.s;i
<br /> (2►All obligat�ons secured by Ihis Truat Deed: : _'•. �ti�,`�'���;�•�
<br /> �3)Junlor tru�l deeds,morlgages.or other heoholdera: �'� '�p���"'` '
<br /> � � ''��'� ;�i(':,".,! ' '
<br /> •. 141 The remainder,fl any.to the perso�legafly entilled trereto. �;, :�.1.'� ',�,��,:1,`:'
<br /> ,• �. .
<br /> ,:r., , .,:� ��
<br /> •_�- - •.-t;:,i 13.A�POINTMENT OF SUCC�SSOR TRUSTEH.Benel�cia�y may.lrom Ume lo dme,by a wr�nen mslrumeM eMecuted antl acknowledged by �'.?: ,1,. . �i '�g••:
<br /> �, • :.,'y 1 m with Ihe ' " �+�,,
<br /> � Beneliciary,mbdetl to Trualor antl recorded in Ihe counly or counuea in which Ihe Properly ia located a�d Uy�otherwise Comp y g �:Y•: f� �� �
<br /> 'i� , " � ��� "%, provleipnaofll+ea��I�cablelawso�lAeSlateo1NebraskasubstituteasuCCeasororsuccesaorstolheTrusleenamedherelno►YCtinyhereunder. jt•;; �''�i':��''.::�' '�!�i��•`�
<br /> .,�-� �.r.:'J:i'.t9�j.y� � ''.� �. ,,.;•:�:��'� ..
<br /> .r';;. `' � � 1 a.W�iSPECTI0N8.Benet�t�ary.or dsageMS.represenlat�ves or employees.are aulhonzed toenter al any�easonable Ume uDon or m any pert �,,,,•�� . �:, ;,.�,, :
<br /> i r.;;:.. ' ., p � � �� �.'.�','
<br /> �'•�` ot'CheQ�opeHytorlhepurpaseof fnspetl�ngthesameand1ortheyu+DoaeofpertormmganyottheaclaiUSaulhonzedto erlo�mu�derlheterms ' ,t�"'''•''��,. r
<br /> '`�i" . 0"1'no'r�uet Deed. �, 1'
<br /> ' ... �' ,�:i�tit •i����,.�;� ' � 1�'.� ��'•.
<br /> • �; � t5-OPTIONTOFORBCLOSUFiE.Uponlheoccu�senceotanyhreachanduponlheOecleral�onoldefaultnereundsr,Benet���a�yshallhevelhe �
<br /> I ���' ` optlon to foreclose th�s Trust Deed m Ihe manner p�^v�tleA by law to�the forecltsa•e o�mongegea on real prposily. ' •
<br /> , :A�c,;.i, 9 Y 9";..,, . � ��:
<br /> ' �''���' 16FQiRBBEARANCHBYBENEFICIARYORTRUStHEHOTAWA1VEp.Anyto'm�edrentebY�enet�ciaryorTrusteeineKe'c�s�n an r� W~
<br /> ' ti.,r' ,
<br /> � re�metl harfUnGl�.or othe�wise 911orded by appllceble law.9na�r:���e a wawer o1 qr Orec�ude theetierc�se o1 a�y suth nghin�roTeAy L�kew�se. I
<br /> +�1';;'`:�'; Ihe wayver by 0ere�•C�ary or Truslee ol any delaull ol lrust���.r;;a�-�*�s Twst O�epc s�a•'�oY^e aeemed lo be a wa�ver o}a��bt�Qr or s�m�lar
<br /> '1 ' ��,i' del�ults wbseq..�m v occurrmg
<br /> . . ' . :�',� 17 BENHFICIAIR't'S POWERS.W��noul atfect�nq or reteas!ng tne hnb�i�iW:•'�'�irustor or any otner pe.san i�abie�or tne paymenc o+any
<br /> f�.
<br /> ' ��"' oDl�gal�on here�n mentioned,and without allett�ng tne l�ert or c�arge ol th�s Tru51 Deed upon any porl�On of the P�operty.Benelic�ary may Irom
<br /> • , Umelol�meandw�lhoutnouceatlherepueslo�o�eormoreTre,stors.��►�e�easeanypersonl�aD�e.l��lexte�dorrenewlhemeluntyoralleranyo�
<br /> -' • '- me�erms o�an auoi�vi,i� a���:.b.;:::i ' "•"•''°.^"•=';•nrac ,.�releese or reconveY.o�cause to be releaseA or reconveyed al any time al
<br /> Y y y.:,........_.
<br /> Benet�c�ary s n0lron any parcel or al l o�the P�ope�ty tvi take o��eiease any olher or addrt�ort�i,ecunly tor any obl�getion nerem ment�cneo.�v�i
<br /> maMe setllements or othpr arrangemeMs w�ln Trusror�n reiahon therelo AI�Truslors sha�i�p iointly and seve�ally obl�yeled and bound by Ihe
<br /> atlions of the 8enef�Ciary or any one or more T�«smr a5 S[3te0 m th�s parag��pn
<br /> t8 ATTAt1NEY FEES,COSTS AND EXPENSHB.Tne B�n�r�rary o�tA�s Trust Deeo�s enntled to the paymenl o�atloiney s fees.tosts and
<br /> e�penyes aS D►owded m th�g Trusl Deed.e�Cep�as olhBrw�se pro��0ited Oy iaw
<br /> � � f9 fiECONVEYANCE BY TAUSTEE. Upon wntlen request ut Benef�ua�•y a��'1 upo� payment by Truslor ot Trustec s �oes.Trustee sna��
<br /> " reconvQyroTrustor.or�hepbrsonor personslegallyBntitledther¢IO.wilhoutwarr,���ty.anyportionolthePropO�lYlhenheldherpurde� Reatais�n
<br /> sucn reconveyance o�any matlers o��aCts she�l be conclus�ve proo�ol Ine truthtuiness Ihereo� ?he grantee�n any reCOnveyance may bo
<br /> , � QesenbeG as the peraon o�persons iegally enUlled thereto
<br /> . , � _ _- - _
<br /> , _ i . _ . . . . . . _. . . . . . . _ ._ .
<br />