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<br /> 4�����=�,�'.;-
<br /> � � � � 1.PAYYliNT OF PRINCIPAL AMO INTEIIliT. 'fruelor ehpll promplly poy when due Ihe pnnapal ol and�nleresl on the mAebledneu �_,-,,,.i,f�X��
<br /> w�d�ne�d by 1ha No1�,�nd�Il Othn chup�s and fp�s as providad In Ih�Noto.And th�pnne�pal ot and mlare�l on any futw�Advaneoa aeound =—`--- "
<br /> ��•��� by Ih�t Trutl Doed. �=..-_,�^�� --- --- -
<br /> �,� � .,
<br /> • �� • 2.WANRAWTYOFTITLB.Tru�torlslawlullytalsedandpoasesYedolgooAandmdeleAS�b1e1�11eandeataletalheProperlyhere6yconvYyad °
<br /> , aod haa Ihe nghl lo qrant and convey the Properly.lhe Propehy ie Iree and eloar ol all liens and encumbrpncea e�cepl llent now ol r�eord:and ��;r--�-��
<br /> T ru s t o r wd l w a r r a M�n d d e t m d t h e t d l e t o t h e P r o p e r l y a p a m s t a l l c l a�m a a n d d e m a n d s. ���"���-�
<br /> - . , .{�.... �:.��;,.���.;,w..
<br /> "_"s§:!;1�,�•�• 3.MAINTBNANCB AND COMPI.IANCBN/ITN LAWB.Trustor shall keep the Properly�n good repau and cond�uon and shall not eommdwaste
<br /> , or permil Impelrment or deterlorallon ol tM PropeNy 8nd ehell comply w�1h the prov�e�ans ol any leasa i�ihle Trust Deed�e on a Ieaeehold.No ;
<br /> ; . � � ImprovemBnl npw or hereafl�r er�Cipd upontAOProperty ahall bQ allered,r4movQdor damo��shed wdhoutihe prfor wniten consent of 9enelic�ary. �: .::•.+,�.j.
<br />-_ _ TrustorahillcomplywdAa111a�ra,ordlnAnc�s.rQpulatwns.COVenAnts.COndiUOnsdndrealncNOnsaHotUnqthYPrOpi►tYAndnoteommit,suHeror :,
<br /> �� �. ° permit a�y act to 6e done m or upon the Pro�Derty m v�olaUOn of any law.o►dinanc�.regu►ahon.covenaot.condiUOn or�astncuon Truslor shell ��.��:;
<br /> '�+'•� camplete or resipre p►omptly and m gooA Norkmenhke manner pny impro�ement on Me Properly wh�ch m�y bo drlmagad or desUOyad and pey. -�
<br /> ,?:' � � when due,alt clp�:ms tor labor pedormed and matenels lurmshed Iherelor and lor pny altoraUOns IAereof :�u�' �
<br /> �r��:�::.
<br /> . . .. �:�Y��yr.�-
<br /> •• i. 4.INSURANCB.Tt�slor.al�tsexpen6e.wdlmpmtamwdhmsurorsapprovedbyBenei�c�ary,insurancewdhrespecitothe�mprovementsand �f;�,"=�_;.'_.'��''�
<br /> ' peraonal propeAy,constltuUng ihe Properly, agunsl loss by lue,lightnfng,tornado.and other penls a�d hazarda covered by slendard extended
<br /> coverege indorsement,m an amaunt equal to at leaal one hundred percent(100'�I ol lhe 1u11 replacoment value thereol and Inaurance agamat ��-��•c.y�
<br /> �;� auch olherhazarda and m euch amounit atfs wttomanlycarned by owners an0 operalors of simdar properUea or ea Benebc�ary may roqwro for ,, ; ;.;,— _.
<br /> ' • . �Iaprotectlon.Trustorwdlcomplyw�IhsuchotherrequuomenlaasBenehciarymaylromUmetoUmerequestforlheprotecUonbymsuranceotlhe , "";!�'�;,."
<br /> mtereatsotthorespectrvepahlea.All�nsurancepoliciesmamtamadpursuanttolh�sTrustDeedshall�ameTrustorandBenel�c�aryas�nsured.as � `�
<br /> - '»� �• � • Iheu respecUve mlerasts may appear.andpronde Ihallhere be no cancellaUon or modihCahan wdhout at Ieas115 days pnar wrdlen notdicalion to � '. � _ _
<br /> �`��.i�� �� Trustee and BeneOaary may procure suchm suranee m aecord8nce w�thlhe prowaions oi paragraph 6 hereoi.Trustor shall delwer 7o Beneliaary '•�' �_ _ __
<br /> .,`�;�, �' ����� Iheon mel ollciesolmsuranceandrenewalsthereotormea+ocOpiesotsuchpohaesandrenewalsihe�eoi-FailurelofurmshsuChinsuranceby `�, .;�.•<.�,av�r•,..�
<br /> �•,„ • ���� Trust g.ar enewals as requued hereuode�shall,at lhe aphon oi Benehciary.consUtute a delault !� •���r'�ti:`-=
<br /> .. , .�.o;}�sr:` •=':' .
<br /> :�}, 5.TAXHS,ASSHSSMENTS AND CHARGEB.Truslor ahall pay all laxea,assesamenis and other charges,includ��g.wUhoull�mdaUOn,lmes _
<br /> . • � and imposU�one alinbutable lo the Propedy and leasehold paymeMS or ground rents,d any.belore the same become deUnquenl.Trustar shell --� - : -
<br /> � prompllylum�shlobenehc�aryallnoticesolamountsdueunderth�sparegraph.andintheeveMTruslorshallmakepaymenldirectly,Truslor&hall , t; ---
<br /> prOmplly lurrosh to 8enetfciary rece�pls ev�dencmg such paymenis.Truator shall pay all laxes and asaessmenls which may be levied upon + ��.�'°
<br />',���.. ' Benehc�ary's�mereal herein or upon this Tr ust Deed w�tnout rogard to any law Ihat may be enacted impos�ag payment ol the whole or any part r�� �„c;,;.,rr -=:
<br /> _ ��� !; J�� • S., i� ��
<br /> "��.�:� Ihereot uoon the Banel�ci8rv. E��. ___ afc.. .
<br /> .. r__ . . �._-. _ .
<br /> �_ , �;�::,:';', � ���;'!�. ti'd;�..r
<br /> � ' � •''',�5;•:;S 6.ADDIT129"Y4L LIENS ANQ PROTECT1RlN�F BHNEFICIARY'S SECUqITY.T rustor snall make a, :�aTenta ot�Merest and pnncipal and ,,- 1;., , ,r„�:�
<br />�����,�; . ' . paymeMS ol any olher charges.lees anC a xpenses cornracted to be paid to any ex�sUng o*subsequenl henholde�or beneliciary,under any �" ., �. •.•,,•:,r;;i� •
<br /> '> y�r; •:,' �_�� exiatmq or subaequent mortqa�7e or iruat tlaed Delore Ihe tlale they are ddhnqent or m defauli.and promplly pay antl d�sCharge any and all other , ;:�t,:;�
<br /> � •:��� i'.�'� Uens.cla�msorchargeswhic.�may�eopaid��ethesecunlygranledherem.lfTruslortadstomakeanysuchpaymenlorlaflsloperlormaoyotthe �,• , � ' •,�
<br /> � ' ��'` � r�� covenanlsand egr9ementacontamed in th�s Trust Deed,or lhe Note relerred lo herem,or m any pnor or subsequenitrusl deed.or d an acl�on or • '
<br /> y �.�•.,,,:,'.� . ,��+�,�
<br /> �. � • .. proeeedinp Is commenced which matenally aHects 9enellciary's mleresl m ihe Property.�nc�udmg.bul nol limited lo.emme�t domain proceed- ,;�{�j,,j,.'
<br /> ' � mgs.proceedinga mvolvmg a decedenl,not�ce of sale by Trustee.notice ot delaull by Truslee.mortgage tureclosure acUOn,or d Truator lada lo � ' "1•-�i:
<br /> ' pey Trusitor's debie generelly as Ihey become due.then Boneliciery.et Benehaary'S opt�on antl wilhoul notice to or demand upon Truslor and - �'''��?�;��t+�'.'
<br /> � r�r?.:�:-
<br /> , ' w�thoul relees�ng Trustortromnny obllgdl�on hereunder,may make such appoarences,d�sburse such sums and take suCh acl�on as isnecessery
<br /> to protecl Benef�c�ery�s mteresl, mcluU�ng, bul not limited to.d�sbursement ol reaso�able attorney 6 lees. payment. purChaee,co�lest or !~
<br /> t, � CompromiSe Of any enCUmbrance,charpe o r I�en.eniry upon ihe Property to mako repaus.or declerat�on ol defaull under this Trust DeeO.In ihe rL • .,x-„-,
<br /> event ihat Trustor shall fad lo procure msurance or lo pay laxes.assessmenis.or any other cherges or lo make eny peymenis lo eny oxisting or F ,:.,';�{; �•�•�
<br /> oubsequeM Ilenholders or existmg or subae quenl beneticianes,Bene6ciary may procure such msura�ce and make such paymenl.bu!sha11 not � •'_
<br /> be obbgated lo do so.Any amounts disbursed by Benef�ciary pursuant to Ihis Paragraph 6 shall become addiUonal mdebtednese ot Truslor �� � � ��'
<br /> �I -:if.��.,�.'T.�.-�
<br /> �� secured by this Trusl Deed.Such amounl8 shall be payahle upon�ot�ce Irom Beneticiary to Truslor reaueatmg payment thereol,and shall b88r 4, r,.�... ;
<br /> �i� '� +nlere9t irom fhe date ol disbursement at Ihe rale payable from lime lotime on outslandmg prmC�pal under ine Note u�loss yayment ot inlerest et �
<br /> ���.�.�, '�"�t sucn rate would be coMrary to Apphc a01e law.m which evenl such amounl9 shad bear inte�est 8t Ihe higheai rate pe�m�SS�D�e under flppllcab�e °1 "="-
<br /> . law.Nolhmg co�lamed in Ih�s Paragrap�6 shau requ�re Be�ehc�ary lo�nc�r Hny expense o�take anY acl�on hereunde►. ' .;r�;a�`•
<br /> . . ,_ r� :'`�'�
<br /> " 7.ASSIQPI'�18NT OF RENTS.Benel�c�ary�,sa��huve Ihe nght.power entl author�ly tlunng Isie corin:,ance ot►h�s Trust Deed lo coiletf Ihe
<br /> rents.issues and proirts of Ihe Properly and oy any personal property locatetl Iheraon wilh ov w�thout takmg possession ol lhe property afletted � ::�,�.�:I_
<br /> � hereby.and Truslor hereby ebsolulely end u ncondd�onally assigns al1 such renls.issues and p+afits fo Be�ei�aary BenefiC�ary,however.hereby � tr•.
<br /> � .. . conseMstotheTrustor'stollett�onandreter►lionolauchrents.issuesandproldea6lheyacc�uea�dbecomepayableso�ongasTrustorisnot.at ' ,i,:•,:-
<br /> such t�me,m default w�th resFectlo payment olany�ndebfed�ess securetl no�eby,or m Ihe performance o1 any agreeme�t hereunder Upon any ��' ': .
<br /> ::.r°,u�" :.
<br /> ,. ,,.. � suChdelBUlt,99ne6c�ary mayat anyt�me,e�therin person,by ageM.or b�a reCewer lobe appanted by a Courl,withoutnat�ce and wdhoutregerd { �,�%;��.� '
<br /> (�;'j�;�:'�� totheadequa�yolanysecur�tylorlheintlebletlnessherebysecured.la�enteruponantltakepossess�onollhePropertyorenyparithereol.and�n � f: �
<br /> •. "1�''� ds own name sue tor or olherwise colleet su ch renes,issues and prolits.inclutl�ng those past due and unDa�4 and apply Ihe Same.lees eosis and + '�'t �•
<br /> � expense8 ot oDe�8l�on Anq c011ection. mcl udmg reasonab�e altorney s tees.upon anY �ndebledness secured hereby,and�n suth order as '
<br /> ;�' ' Be�el�ciarymaytleterm�re.�Dlperlormsuchaclsofrepa�rorproteclionasmaybeneceas���yorpropertoconaervethevalueoftheProperly:lcl ,
<br /> "��% ;�}'� •.` leaselhesameoranyparttnerao�lorsuchrental.term.anduponsuchconel�t�onsasns�uagmenlmayd�clate.orte�m��ateorad�uslihetermsand ;� ,
<br /> �.-•�'�,,,�'.��;: ' cond�UOns u'eKisimq leases.Unless TruStor and Beneliaary Ihereol agree otrerw�se m wnUng.any anD��Cal�on of reats.�saues or prollisto any
<br /> ��,;, .;' mdebtedness�ocured herebV shaU nct ertend or postpone ihe due date c•ine mstallmeot puymen�s os p�ovided m said prom�ssory r.ote or � �•' �,
<br /> '' ��.;i;• ;%' chenge the emounl of such�nslallments.T��snlermg upon and taking possession of the Property,the coiiecvon ol such renis.�ssues an���o�its. �'
<br /> � ;���'•�_ ' . and Ihe applicat�on thereol as atores a�A.sna��rot waive or Cure any delault or not�ce ol delault hereuntler or�nvalidate any act Car.e Rur3uanl to , .
<br /> • � •� �I s�chnobco Trustoralsuass�g�sto$e�e��c•a•� nsl,;:•-�•>.�r�u��tyk��u�rpe��on�:ar;, """� .'�qahonssocuretlne�eCy a�ip•eDa�tl�entsanAa�� ,
<br /> ' �.',� y�,'. � mqmes which mey have UPe�o�mav^2�eehA�ce Croc�'�:•::+v�ln sa�d Tn,slor by dr V�F.:�;a^ P'ihP Pr�C^r1Y to secu•erne payment o�any renl0r ' ,
<br /> � � � � d8rt18g@S.O�Up00 dBtBUlI in Ih[pd��Or�lt2��p�•dny Of�hC prUV�8�0�5 n�+�e0� 1•�StO'AG�°<'s iC tlPbvf•SUCh renlS dnC dE+pO5d5 t0 82�z'^�0ty ' ' �. .
<br /> ',�.( : . ���l��5.�.� DelrveryolwrdtennoticeotBenel�craryseK.o'C4EOIthenghtsgrantedrer�� 1,;arytenan�oc[�;Y'^`:,52�CP�Qm�5eS8h711bC5ull�t�@�HtOrPQw�O , ,
<br /> �'� • .`•'�'��:;' SB�d tenant fo pay renl to the Benehc�ary�n� turlher nuhce •
<br /> ,. :1 ' _
<br /> ' '��. � B CONDEYNATION.H l�llB f0 dny Oarl o��he PrOp@r�y Shall be ta+r!�.r ro�QC^'�d1iCn�•nceeo��gs.by��ghl ot emmenl tloma�rt or s�m��ar
<br /> ' � � act�on.o�sha�i be sold under Ihrea�o�candemnat�an.au awa�ds.tlamagen a�C p•�c�•?ds a�C re•e7y ass�gnea ana snau oe pa�u iv oa.�c������♦ ,
<br /> � wno snaii appty such awards,damaqes and proceeas to the sum sec�•�a=�t�s t•�st Deea .r����e e�cess ��,+ny pa�tl to Trusro� ��t��sro�
<br /> rece�ves any notice or other mtormatw��egarmng sucn acuons o�w�c���n��QS T�u5f0•,^.,���y�F��•�mpt wr�lten nnl�ce thoreo�to B�Ret�C�3�V
<br /> . Benel�e�ary Shall be eMdluA.at ds oPl�on.to commence appe8r in b�C��os�:c,.te n.ry o�n-.�-', i^y suCh act�an or proceedmgs anR 4na�l Oe
<br /> enlilled lo make any comprom�se or setliemenl m connect�on w�th any yucn act�an or proceedmg5
<br /> 9 FUTURE AOVANCEB.Upon rPquPst o�Trustor Benel�c�ary al 8enel�r�ary s�p����n pr�or 1��econveyance o�the Prope►ty to Trustor.may
<br /> mek@lulureedvenC@S�OTruS�o� juGhluluroaavancu5 WdflmlorP511hBtPt�n sh.plba5i��.ur��dUytn�y fruStD�'t+tlwhF�n�+v�hPnc�:Ibyp�UR+�55V�V
<br /> no:es staUng ihat said noles are SBCUrBtl herBby prov�tlecf lhat dl no I�mP tih.111 th�!ypCUr��d p�.��,.p.+�.����1 I,Ji,r,�.�.1r�u'��ati �,nt mc�udmy::um5
<br /> advanCed to protect the secunly.e�ceedtwo hundred percenl 1200°0l ol lhe or�qmdl princ�p,il.�m��unh ti��f�rtNA hplNby
<br /> `I
<br />