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<br /> anle, �nd of tha pnlo. inaludina tha p�ym��►�t of �he 9'eaetao'8 �sea actanliy
<br /> incu�=red Roc tc� �xa:esd the aeciunt whi�h mAy h� prov�dad in eh� Deed a� Trust, _
<br /> secand, tn �sy�Qnt of the c+t�'►_ip��cinns edcured by th4 Dand �P Truat� c�nA GhQ
<br /> bninnee, iE uny. ta Che Ferr�an or pereone le�ally ant3tle,d,�hereta.
<br /> And the Tru�teo covonnnt� fniChfully Co pc�rforw the truat her�in cr�atoci.
<br /> AI�tVI?FICIARIt3� moy fcor� time to time eubstir.uto a Quccessor ar euccesaora
<br /> to an,V Truseee nam�d herein or a�tin� harc+under to exacutc thi.s Deed af 'Pcu�sC.
<br /> dTpan auch tl�pointmanC and withoe�� �~�nvey�rtao to th� auc¢eaHOr TruaCt�ei ��ha
<br /> latt�+r shall 6e vae�ocl with �11 titlo, powers, and dutiea r.onferroQ upon uny
<br /> Trustac� h�rei�t named ar acting hor�undar. Gach auch uppointm�nt and substitu-
<br /> tiQ�,�sh��l bo mudc� by aritton inaCrumanc aaa executad by Bene�lic�arie3, �^on-
<br /> tai���� ref�ronec� to shi� Deed of Truat Ath�7 ita plACe of ree��cl, wh#eh whan �
<br /> racorded i� th�a ofFice og Che Re�i;�tar af Daedo of the county or caunt���a in _
<br /> whi.ch &aid property i� aituated, ehall ba 4anclueivo proof of proper appaint-
<br /> ment of the �uccessor i'ruatee. The fora�oinQ power of substitution �anQ the
<br /> procedure Ch�s:afor ehr�ll no� Qo es.cluai.ve of the pnk��r and �rocedure proviQed
<br />_ fpr hg la�r for th4 euba��tutio[� oP a �'ruatee ar Trueteoe i� �he place of the
<br /> Trustae or �'rustees namea heroin.
<br /> F�ne �azvor `vT �iic Tt'iiAt� �r ��:3�3�r38s LY �!!v Agfnntl� af Trustt►rD - ___-_._.
<br /> under thie DeQd of Teuet �hr�ll not bo or bo daamad tce bo a wuivar of ony other
<br /> ur oimilar defnulCe �ubsc�guenely occurri�n�.
<br /> Thie Deod of Trua� ehaii iauro to and bi�d tho a�ira� iogatees. de�,i�ee€3,
<br /> a��fin3etrAtars. executore, nucco�eors and aoeisno of the po���oa herata. , ,,�
<br /> ;, Tho Deed n£ 'Pruat ahali Ue canctruad uccord�.a� �o the le�ry of th� bLAGA �f � " `'
<br /> Nebxaeka.
<br /> 'i�'he Truatar� cayuese Chat a copy of any notfca of defsult aad of any
<br /> noti.ce of sal� t�ereuadec be moiled to their by ce��t��iod mAi1 et the a�dresa
<br /> h�reinbe�are �ec fortlh and avideaao oP such meiling �3�a�1 cona�itute evidenco
<br /> ot receipt of A�xch aotica. �
<br /> Truatore repreaeoC and worrAnt thAt the abavc� �1�iacribeQ real oaeatQ ie �
<br /> . ;.,
<br /> nv�� rosEd for An Agricultuxal aativity, • .
<br /> - i.`�►�ra:�ap thr� caatsxt �c r�t�ssirQ�; ��ll0!!�9[ �nt[lA ehei2 6o cunoteuod in,th4
<br /> plurAl and v�ce v�rod� and the m�eculine gende�r ehell bo conotrueQ to inal�de
<br /> the f�minino and vico verea.
<br /> IN WTTNBSS WHBREOP� tDe Truators havo horeunto sat thair hand che day� and
<br /> year firat above writ�en.
<br /> .. 4 _
<br />