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<br /> px��nety ia itn entiroty e�e in pareex� a� �ht! option a� tho Truetae
<br /> heeeinb�tt►re dese�il��A �C pu4�lic nuction, Go �ho hi�he�t b�,dd�r� for cneh. _-
<br /> Howaver, the power aY eala heroin e�►i��reod upon tho Iruseaa c��nll t�a'c ba �
<br /> eK�+rcisod until (i) the Truetao ahelx firet fil� far racord, in the offic� of
<br /> tho re�iatc�r og daocia of oACh eounty c�horoin the truat proparty or somc� pnrC
<br /> or percel therain i� eituated, a notico oY dogault. id�ncifyin� the Tcuetee by
<br /> etutina tho names of tho Truseora and n�r�Fa ehernin and giving Che baok on�d
<br /> �a�re whore th� sAme i� r�cardnd. c+ deacription of tha Cruet �►rop�arey und
<br /> co►1C�inin� a stAtom�nt thc�t n brevch of nn abliFt�tion far arhich the �rust
<br /> property w�s �onvoyed as aecurity hoa ocaurrpd� ancl aettin� forth th� neture
<br /> c1: �uch breach And of bie election Co aeli ar cause ta be sold suah proi�orty
<br /> �o aatiafy the obliQation; and (2) after the lopa� of not less tl�nn one a�ant�,
<br /> tho Trustee shnll �ivo natica oF oale as provided by Nobraeka law. AfCer
<br /> notice of dofoult An�9 luapo aF not lees than one month, the Truatee �hall �ive
<br /> ��ritton nht3�t+ of the time nnd place of aele pArticularly describ�ng the .
<br /> property Co �o sold 6y publ:��c��ion �f such notice, ot 1Qast five GinEe, anco a :
<br /> c�r�e4k for five canse..��z�-� w�e�Cp, `c�c idae`. pitbli��tiots ts E+° �t 2gsst tt�t� S 1�� . .
<br /> days but nat mor� th�n thirtY �t30) days priox to the a�le� in aomQ n�w��aper . .
<br /> h�ving a gene:ai cir�culatton is� Qsch eouaty in which the prpper�y t0 �@ 801ii�
<br /> or same part thereoP� ie aitunted. Upon auch salo, tha Truateo ehall �xecute
<br /> and deliv�s �+ dead nf convey:►�ca of tha proporty oo1Q Co the purch���rr or
<br /> purchASera tMergof ancl ony s��•tetnent or racital of fact in euch dee�t in
<br /> relotion to tho exex��Cd.s� u� tihe poorer of aale anQ sale a�' �,'he proporty �
<br /> � � �� deeeribed t��+erain� incladin� �acitalo concerning' ��*�y mai�i�egr Pp�'��'���
<br /> .'., . ' dolivery �nd public�¢�on of �ho nflti.ce of dafault. any mail:ing �nd the
<br /> � publicotiot� And postin$ of natica of sale. and the cand4�rC.�f eal�; und ouch
<br /> reaital eNall conati�uCe pr�an� facie evidonce af oucb cau�y�.aszae �aa��
<br /> concluaive evidence l•horQOf in Favor o� bona fido purcAas�a��'.� ehd ertcumbror�c�.� _
<br /> o� valuo and withaut notice. � The Truatee's deed shall op�rata to Co�vey ta
<br /> Che purchaeex, without rigAt .u�� reQemptian, the �rustee'a tiC�P �!r.�1 �a1� righ[,
<br /> citle, iatexest a�d� claim of the Trueca�s and their eucce�.���"s in i�teceet r�.r.,d
<br /> all perea�.� cleiming by or thrcau�t� or under Ch�r�, in and to th� psoporty IIald,
<br /> including ail auch ri�ht, title, in�orQat And claim in a�d to such property
<br /> acquired by the TruaCors nr their eucceasore in i�terest subsequent to the
<br /> executioe� of che Tcuatee. Th�s Tru�teo ehall apply the proceede o� the
<br /> Trustoe'� eale; Firat, �o the cnet nnd expenseo of exercising tht� pover af
<br /> _ 3 _
<br />