i tt 1 ��- `�.. ,l�_1_"i4` i�.;;n —'s•� t N�a 'a Trr,�'°.r_��P:x��'\ '�i'� .J:':a,v� -I( �:'�} a�- ,d..:'{J;e. l�\, .J� \'v:,`,u z; --
<br /> .1���_1._� �,;;� .� �d �F�`-` L�. �\':lia ���� .'�,�. � � .:i • �y- �... t h ` ,1. , ....:t.,.�..1:n:d:.:.ai:Y�:.. �1 'Ix_. :�6.•y.
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<br /> ��k paymcm�+moy�u,luug�t hc rcyui�cd,c►1 tha u�,tlun u!'Len�irr. i1 mu��tt►flc in�u�au.�.c�►���a�;�(in thc um«wit uu�l fvr th�•���r►�k1 �
<br /> . � T~ thut lsndcr rcyuimyl prt►vVdcd hy un Intiurc�npprov�d by Len�ter��tnin bcr��m�v ovnilnhir and iw uhtulnr�f. Nurn�►YC�nt�nll ray _
<br /> thc prcmlumv ec��ult�K1 ta mnlntuin mun�uttu imurcinro in nfl'cct, ur tu p�avidu u lu.rv�c�rr�•e, uutll U�c rcNufrmcnt fi�r mnngc�c
<br /> '. _:* Insunuice rnds in nrc�nlance wlth nny wrUtcn ngreemrnt hct�vcc��liurruwer uiul l.endcr ur upplir;ihle In�v.
<br /> � � 4. InsRrcftun. l.endcr��r i�r ngent mny maku nnr��nnbla cnti3es up�m unJ U�y��cedony uf tho 1'eapcny. l.cndcr�I�uU�;ive
<br /> -. � Burro�vcr natirc at�he timr ui'ar p�iar ta un In��cctiun�pccif�h��{r�ati,,nnhte rnu�r li�r ih+�Inti�u:cNan. �_
<br /> -- - 10. t'nndrntnaNan, 'fhe pmc�.tvlv uf nrty xwrtrd ur�lalm li�r�unu,ees. direci or con�r��cnUed, i�� cumueti.►n wiih ui�y --
<br /> _.�:.�ti�- cundemn�ulon a�i,ther takinZR ��f�uiy pan nt'th�F'rarr�ty,ur ti�r r�snveya�k�c in Itru�►t'crn�JenumUun�nn�honby ayyl�ucd und `_
<br /> f-=-:-�= hhuii i��i:i{d t�ti l.c�tixtrr. _
<br /> �.�,� . In�hc rvcut af c�tntnl tiikin��ul thc Nrutin��ty.lhc pr�nucd�r�h;�ll hc uppllcd tu thr hum�y�riu��1 hy thiti SrcuNty Ins�rumenl.
<br /> whcthcr ur nut thr.n due, �W�h n�iy rxresv paid to Horn»rcr. tn the event aP i�puni;d takin�t ut'the Pru�►crty i�� whhh thc tulr --_.
<br /> ± ,� = mu�Mct viduc��P thu rn�perty hnmcdi��tcly bcii�ro thu u�kin� i�c�pud to ur�n.utcr ihim�hc ►m�awu af thc+umti scrurcd by�hi9
<br /> S�curlty Instrumcnt immcdiiUcly befi�rc thc tukiug. unlas�p�►rru�vcr itnd I.c»dc�r uthrr�vise t�grcc in wrldn}�.Ihc humti�ccunil hy
<br /> �. thiti SccurilY Inti�ninunt hhnll hc rcdureJ hy the i�mattnt oi' Uu+ p���rc�d�. ntuld��l{4r1 by Ihv ii�Anwing 1'ructicm: lul Ihc t��tnl
<br /> � anu�unt af thc rumy �ecured imm�tiliadcly hcfurc thu tnkiny, divi�l�xl hy lh) the Riir u�arl�et valuc ut'thc Pmperly immcdiatcly
<br /> _- _ befi�ro thu tnkiog. Any hnlnn�e shull be pai�i a� Hut�v����:r. in thc event uf'u puniul tukln�;aC thr Nmperty in wl►ich tlw falr
<br />-•��5 `` `` n►u�ket voluc�f tha Propeny immcdiutcly Nrfur�the tukin�i�:lcsw thnn thn nmaum ol'tNc swm,ccurcd imn►cdlatcly 1►rti�rc tho
<br /> ,.,�..� tnkinA. utolcss E3nmr�rcr und IAndcr nthcrvifu u�rec fn writiult ur unlc�s uppNc:ihla kav uthcrwl,c pm��i�les, thc prucrc�lw shnll
<br /> `�''` `' hc upplicd ti��hc su�tr. �rrumd by thih Sccurity ht,uun�rnt wh�thc���r nut thc sumti uro tNen�luc.
<br />;:�•.l;,�_�
<br />'�_�„R; If'the prupcny is c�b:uidanccl hy���rrnwer,or iG uftAr n��ti��c by l.ender t��Bo�rawcr that Uio cundcmtmr aifers ta mn e on
<br />=�..,;....,
<br /> ;1;,•�` uward ur sMtic n ct<<im for dumtigcs, 8arruw�� fcdia tn respand tu l.ender wfthin 3Q di�ys aticr the date tho nat(co is g ven,
<br /> = l.endcr ix tiuthacir.adi Cn�allcct and i�ppiy tht��:na•:ed�,at i�x opttun,ctthnr ta ee�tur►iNan ar rcp:tir��f tl►c f'ropetty nr to tho tiums
<br />��;:�+. ,., �
<br /> a�= secur��f by this S�...raty 1n�trvment,whmher ur e.mt then duo.
<br />--_��
<br />•;',s� . Unlcss l..endar mid F3orruwer nthcnvisc� ag�co In wri�in�� cmy npplf4atiuu uf pr�,cccdy �a princlpal xhnll nnt cxtcti or
<br />_ — po�,���nc+thc duo di►to of tho mtiuUhly paymenth�eferrud tp iu��,rnga�phs 1 und 2��r ch�m�c the umuunt ai'huch p�ynzcnts.
<br />;;�� l�1,Harr�►wer No!Relensed;Forbt�rance liy I.c�nd�.+�nut a Wqiver. �xtcnsian uf thc timo for paymc�t u�nnxlitieatlan
<br /> ��f um��rtiu►tian at'tho c+umy�;ecurcd by this�let�ni�y Inbtrum�nt g�unted by l.cnde�tu«np succcssor in lntceer�t uf l3�er�vwcr�hnll
<br />:._y;� nut operate t��rcica+c tho Ili�bility of tNe arl�i�ttiJ purr��wcr ur Honawer'e+succcssors in intcrest. 1.���de:�shiiil not he rcquirul ro
<br /> commencc pmrcedlnpw Uguinst uny hucccs�n�in intcrost�ir rcili�a tn cxtcnd timo fur payn�cnt ur uthdra�►xc mcxiify amortir,►Uon
<br />:;"=i� �� thc �um.v h��curcd hy Ihis Security Inshvment by raasnn of iiny dcmm�d mado l�y tho ar1pinul 8orrower ur Bortawcr'x
<br />=� su�cetiaorx in intenst. Any func�arance by L.cndcr in•ox��iwisln�t nny right �r ren�edy s�ail nut tw uw�iiver�f n�prccludo tho
<br />�� excsrisc af uny r�,;ht ar rcmcdy.
<br /> - ---=-- l2. Succraa�r.� and Asci�ay Huun�l;.[cniy�l And tioveral IJnblltt;r; Casigncrx. Tho covcn�:.h;: :a»d uRrcemcnu+af this
<br /> � �— Secarity 1�.4trumc»t shnli hin� ��tu1 benclit l':e SucccssorR nnd ay+igne r��.endcr und Harrawcr, suQ!ie�t tu tho pruvfelans af
<br /> _ ... �� t�. ���;QU.�'x �m.,,�}a.� � }{�tFa7�}Cp18 SIU1�I L1C 101fl� A;ll� sevcrnl. Any Bor�c�wcr ��fii� ca•signq thin Sceuelty
<br /> - ir�tn�rnent hut cioea nat exetiz.c che Nato: (n) is co•sIS'itng c'.1i�Security ln.r•trument anly tu morigagc. g�ual �u��1 u��nvoy tfint
<br /> — Burrower'n intcrcat in thv F�aperty undcr thc termti oi'this��urity instram$nt; (b)iq not porsannlly nbligutcd W�cy tho suma
<br /> _ . ����.i hv�hic Secnrlty I�trument:nnd(c)��rec�thnt l.cnder nnd a�ny r�.h:r Barrower nu�y ugrco to extend, madify.fur6ear or
<br /> -- `s=� makc c�ny u�eaaia��xf�ttons wlth rcgnrd to the tem�.w uf thle Sec►�rity Instcumont or the Noto wi��rn►►ihm 8orrvwo���v;.�"�t•
<br /> 113.I.oao Ghn��ge.w.if the las►n secunxt hy this Sectirity Instrument iy hubJect ta n law which ncls maximum laan chnrpes.
<br /> and thnt law t� �nnlly interprcted �so�hot the intemst or�thcr Irn�n churacs collecteci or ta bo callcctcd in conneclian with thc
<br /> lann excecd tho permitted limitti,�hen: (u)uny nuch luan chur�e shull be ruluced by iho nnu�unt necessary to reAuco the chutge
<br /> ta the pei�►�itted timit;nnd(b) uny Fumv nironcly c�lletted from Bu�rower which exceedui permltteJ limity will ba refUnded to
<br /> t3orrowcr. Lc��cl���r +nuy chcx�su tu uu�kc thit� refund by rcducin� �hc principnl owcd ►►ndor the ►�iotr or by mnkin� n�lirccc
<br /> Favment ta Barrmvc�. lf c� �ci'und reduces princlpiil, tho �cductiun u ill bo trentcd as n panit�l �icpnymont without any
<br /> p.�ayment char�e unde�thc n:�te.
<br /> 14.Nattecw.Any noti��:C���orrawcr provldecl far i��CCc;.Securlty Ins�ruracro shn".4�he givon by deNvcrin�!t�:by mailing
<br /> it by iirst c1�.5a mail unlcgs[►pplicuble Icnv requirex use oTunuthar metha�+.Tho notier sh:►11 bo directcd ta tho Properey Addresy
<br /> ar uny othcr ctddres� Borrowcr dcgi������:� �^y nutico ta l.endcr. Any rr2ico to I.endar �hall bc �,�auen by f7rat cla.�mull tc�
<br /> Z,cnder'x addrcss stated hcrein ar uny oth;�r 4��if�esa l..endcr de.r•ignutG�by notico to�onnwcr. Any.a�a�tico pravidr�l �or in thl�
<br /> � — �uu�rlty ln.�trument shall be d•,cmCA ta huvo been given ta Barrower ar I.ender when�icen ns pruvidecl in this p�:•��raph,
<br /> /S.Covcrning I.a�v; SrvernblNty. Thie Security Instrunicnt FIIAII h0 go�'c.°�ed by fedcral luw und a�'t�. la�v af the
<br /> judsdictiun iee•crhtch tho Praperty is luc�l:�d, In tho event thut t+qy prvv�cion or cinuso�f'this Security Ins�n�ment or tho Noto
<br /> conflicta witt�ai�,,slirablo luw.such can�lt�K shull not nifect other pr�vi��:�:+of thie Sccurlty Instrwnant or tho Notcs which can l*�.�
<br /> given effuct«it;�aut thv conflicting pravlxion.Ta�hiA end tho provlsEv��s ai thla Secudty Instrument c�nd tho Nota a�o dectarcxl
<br /> to bo sovcrnblc.
<br /> Ib.Harmwer's G�py.�+�nawer,+hall bo givon ano confurmzd copy af the Noto and ni'this Securlty Instn:�x�+:mt.
<br /> � Iwanm 3028 0100
<br /> popa 4 ot 0
<br /> - --°
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