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' — •4;� - � .�.-� : Y _s �- _ . .� .� p i '' �.�'��. \' �:•\(: • �•. t�. `.:.=�.ia�ittil.� w. �? .. <br /> -� L" � �1 l�\ 1.s - 1 t•t.l ll t�� k� �i�C�. � h 1....L�d�Li �.:l'i.:�.,..a.v� V�: �1.v• , _. <br /> ���t' ,1�:�'y�,'�,11'���t1��i4t ;i?'��y``�f.t�J�}n i��Y���t, �V,utss}i�� 4`.t'.��a��'l��ij�.�rel� Y 1 ..s 4� '�; r'z� t' �'..,'�` <br /> � � t.i��iY�� ll����;1`- , n.�r��h4�U 41t`3 �l�`1y``�� '���� �•. 1-, � i�t i����'�ntl�,- � � <br /> .,., __ _ ,,1 v � ... ` ''. ..v�•.Sy°�{;,;:s.a��;{'. . — • <br /> •."�. � , � , ..,j:�� , <br /> � . ` .. . . <br /> � e r � . 1 <br /> �� . ' \\ � t .. <br /> �� — <br /> ..._ , , <br /> ..:. _ ., ..- — ' <br /> :�_ . .... . ..�-��;.�:._.��.:..�_._.._._ :_._._. ._._. _._. ._._..__�... _- .. -- ---•------• -- -. <br />- - �Y� ��" �,��� �l� . <br /> , - ,�'+� t�uepr�i ar i�v��ur3y liaut�tit,i�. [istirn,�ti•cr ahull kc�ep tlu� irnj�r�wcnunt� nu«• rxleU�q1 a►��ere•�cr rr��trd un ll�c _ <br />_�. � pn�pc�ty Inrure�l���ainrt I���ti hy tlre, hnrnnlv tnrludc�l �vfd�ln Iho tcrm "���tcnd�d c�+vcruttc" and uny u11�cr lu�«ti�d�, inctudinZl - <br /> �'° ± Ilu�ufti ur Il�n�sli�ih. fi�r�vhirh I.cndrr rryulc�+In�urnnrc, '1'hls Insura�uc Yhuil ik� mulm��Inc�t In tl�z i�niuunt+w�d li�r�hc p��riud� <br /> Ihu1 t.en�!er rc����f�•c�. 'f i�r h�huruur���ufrlc���r�n�i►Iing thu in�ur;►n�c•Indl h►�eh���cn Ny 11urr����er�uH�e.t tu�ler'�up�mwnl <br /> � �vhlei� hhnll n��i t� uncea+u�wbiy wlihhrid, fF Uurri��►�cr 1'ully tu mniatuh� cu�ci.��u �lc�rriNcd�d�uve. I.��ndc� m;�y, ut Lrn�lri'ti <br /> .,;-:•� u��ttun.��htnin rat•rrage t+,pn•t�ti�I��Hler�;rl�,�bt�in thc Praprrty in ia•�urtl:a��o wlti�p.uu�r:�ph'►. <br /> =--='" All lEEtiur:u�ra {x�ll�ic9 and renrwnt� Khull hc�ur���Kubll' 111 IRIItICP 11tlll 1IIIlII II{4IQQC u,uu�dnrd man�;uur clnux. i.rnd�r <br /> -;_� tihnH t1�Le th�ri�tht tu IH+td 1he{u,ll�lc�►w�d renc�salM. IC Len���r r�uires,Burnn•rcr r�hnli pn►mpNy ttiro to i.cndcr�H r�t•ipt�af <br /> =--- {�afd�+n���f4!►uy wul c�ucwul n��tl�es� III IItC 4VCItl ll��I115�. IlI1T1'1�11�1'P tiI1UII�1IVC�1C�tiflhl 11UIIl't'lU IIIC III�Uf�t111:C l'11f��C1`UIIII�.�ri(�Ci, <br /> �-��1�1 Ixnd�r inay makr prnaP��i'lusy il'nut mud�pr��mptly hy Bo�ra�vcr. <br />_;��:� UnluxY l.�ndcr u►xl tt+�rruw�:r uthet�vihc ugrre In�v�•i�luh, in+unmac pr��rccdy hhull hr upplird ta ntiturntiun ur rcpuir ul'tl�e <br /> � ,�"— P�z�p4•��ty ilumugcd, if'tbc�rsturuUun ur rcpuir iw ec��numirully fci�yible und l.�rndrr'�sc��ucjty iw nut ley+c��ed. fl'�hc rrrtur�ulun a� <br /> . rep�dr is a��t c�unumlct�lly feuyihle ur l.ender'H rcii�rity wuuld hc losticncd. ihc imuruncc pr�recedr�.hull be uppifcd t��ih�tiums <br />--=_;r' _ tiCCUteJ by Ihiti Sc�u�ily 1�1rp'u11Nt�tt, �vhethcr�+�nat thrn duo, with any cxcew pai�l ta Burruwcr. If purrinvcr c�bandans th� <br /> - pn5pcny• 11i lIl1C9 I101 11115�VC1•�vithin i0 dny�n nuticc Pry►m l,endcr thut Ihc in+uruncc curriar Nus��ticrcd tu�clllc n rli�lm, thcn <br />�'±�___ [.cndcr nu�y callcct thc insu�•�►nr� p►r��ccds. l.rndcr nwy usc thu procccdx tu rcp.�lr ur resti�rc tlie 1'�r�pc;rly ur tu pay c+ums <br /> r��� �:rcurci t�y tl�i�SccurUy hirt��►ment,whethar nr nnt thcn duo.Tho 30-dny perl��d will begin�vhcn d�u nnticc is�ivcn. <br /> Unl�ss l.cndcr cmd Horra�vcr utf►cnvi�+c u�trcv in writin�. +my i►ppUrnQan af' praccc�i� ta prinripcd sh,�ll nnt cxtend �+r <br /> =�� p�►,�E:unc thn duc duta uC thc munthly p;ryntcnt� refcrrcd tu in purugruphti 1 und 2 ur cl�ungc tl►c.tmuunt ut'tl�c paymcuts. !f <br />_-:,�:�� <br />`°- — undcr pnru�t�uph ZI thc p�r�{Krty i�ncyuirc�l by lAndcr, 8��rruwcr'+right ta i►ny in.ur.mrc{x+li�icti und pnerc��lti rcsultin;;i��iii� <br />—_° da+na�e tu thc F'rupeny pri��r���thc ncqt+i5iti��n si�ull pu.w to I,cndcr tu th�cxtcnt uf thu hum.r becured by thiti Sccurlty Inst�t+mrn� <br />_�,�� immcdintely pri��r ta thc ac�iu{�itiun. <br /> 6.qccupUncy.Preservatim��M1tutr�te��urtce ond 1'rutctitlon uP the i'�v�perlyi N�un�.�cr'w ri��un Applicntlons�.`w,4Sis. <br /> Hnrcawer shuU�+ccupy.esti�blish.und use the f'n�perty u�:�arrower'�principal re:idenco withia sixty dc►y8 rtfler tho execut.+ti���vi <br /> thls Sccu�ity inytrumcnt and tihull a�ntinuu tu occvp� chc P�operty n.9 H�rrc��YCr's principi�l resldcncc fur nt Rs1�t unc ycar Attcr <br /> the datc nf nccupancy. unt��s l.cinler aiherwise aft�i�;�6n�vritinA,which cunseat shti8 nnt bo unreasunubly a��r,P�h� unlesy <br /> extcnui�ting circum��tunccs exist whirh +�n bey��rid �arrowcr's control. �rra�cur shall not destmy. dnniug� ar impair the <br /> Pmperty. all�w the Prnperty ta dctrri:�ratc. ar r.ammit wlste on the P►v�peKy. �►�+�WCr shull bc in detiudt if nny ferts:i:um <br /> i�cUon�r proceeding, whcther civil ar criminid, Iti begun ihnt in Et�a!der's gn��d f��ith,�udgment rnuld re+ult in forfeicun��2 aho <br /> y��� !'�opcny orothcrvisc m;itc�inlly impair tha Ilen crcutcJ by this Sctiurity lnslrununt o�Lcndcr's�GCUr1ry intcrest. Borro+vrr a�any <br /> -- - cure �urii u defuufi nnd�rinstute.n9 provided in pan�rnph cuusin�the t�cd�����r praceocling tU bo dismis�►:d�vith u ndin�; <br /> --- thnt. in l.endcr's ��m.l t'aith dctcrminatimi. precludrv forfciture of' 1ho euttu�rcr'� interest in tho Prapcny rr athcr mxtcrlul <br /> impairmcm nP tho lien crcatcd by thi� Security G�.�trum�nt ur l.cnder'e securiry interest. aorrawcr Fhull nlsn be in dc1'a111t if <br /> Born�wcr.during tho lonn upp�icati«n��n+cc�s,gave n�atcdully futso nr inuccurato intarnu�tiun ur ntutemcnts ta l.ender lrr t;til4d <br /> = co Qr.,uidc Is�uier with►rr�• nwterinl irF'omiatlunl dn�vn�uectian with the I�an oviden�ed by Aie Nato.including,6ut not 18mttc.�! <br /> ta.rcprescntatians��nr4c:�ing Rorm��'cr'��,.rup:G�.�'of thc Propchy as n prirtcipni isii.�c`�• =t�=h3��Sr�y=�sl�}g�n <br /> tenschold, fiarrowcr r:hnll cc�mply ait!� NI the provisiuny of iho Icusc. If Horruwcr acquirc� fc� tltlo ta the Prapeny, tho <br /> leusehol�t a�eci the fue title shall m►t m�:rL�e anlesg dGC ugr�es ta t he m e r�c r i n w r i t i n S• M��n�,cug mul a�reementa wntainal in <br /> — — 7.�wi�rct[oa oi Len�c;e Rii��in iim Tmp�'s�. if�;�r Fa!!o sn�sfarm�* --�---.� �uch a.y A <br /> thle Securi3y instniment. ar thero is u Icgal pmceeding thnt may Kigniflcantty at'fect t.,endcr'n ri Me in tha t'rape�ty t <br /> preiceeding In bunkrupuy, pmbato, far cmtdemnuUnn or fa�feiwr�or tu enturco lua�x or�egulatic►ny). �hen Lcnder rtwy do nnd <br /> pny for whntevcr iy ncccssary t��pratcct tho vuluo of the Propeny und l.cinicr'x rightH in tho Prapecty. Lendcr'x ncUans may <br /> includo pnyins nny Fums securcd hy i� licn whlch hnv prinrlty over thie Stcurily Instn�mcnt, nppea�ing in c�ourt. payfnn <br />---°�� rcnsauabiu uuu�neys'fccs and 4nterin�nn tho Pro�+c�ny to tinuko repalr�. Althaugh l.ender muy tnke action under this pnragmph <br /> 7.i..cndcr does not hnvo ta do sa. <br /> Any nmounts �ts�ursed by l.cnder undcr ttr�z pnmgraph 7 �hull bccomo ttdditiunul debt•�f HnRawer sccurcd by lhis <br /> Sec,urity Instrument. .ltiunl�+.a sar�n�vcr ctnd l.eads'r at�,rco ta nthe�tertns a�f puyn�nt,thcse iunaunts shall bEU►r interest f'ram Iho <br /> dnto aF d�!�bu�scmen� nz.�fico Nc�tc ra�:c and Fhull bc puyublo, with intcrest, upan natiro fram l.cndcr ta Burn�wer n:questing <br /> pavmcn4. <br /> g, lf�tortgogo lasurunoc. If l.endor requireci mort�Ago insumnce uR o cunditlan of makfnn tho lonn sccu�ed by thie Sccu ty <br /> lnetrumcnt, D�rruwca s�t+ull puy tho pmmiums requircd ta malntain thc mnrtgagc Itisurnnco in effcci. IP, fos uny rr.�.san, tho <br /> mortgnga Insurunce�c*ti�ciago roc�uired by l.cndor lapses ar ccnses tn be in effect. Qarrawer slmll pay the premiornv rGyuircd tn <br /> abtuio coverugo r,ub.r:u�ntiutly cqulvntent to the martgn}�a lntiuranco proviouAly in effect. i►t a cnst Kubstunqiully equivalcnl la tho <br /> rnst ta Norrowc�of Iho martgago insurnnc�prevfausly i�c�fcet, fn�m an altcrnutc �►znrtgago insurcr upprovc.d by i r,.;.s-� if <br /> = FubStantiully cquivulent mart�ago{nsurnnce cavemgo is not avnilnblo.Bormwer shall pay to I.crxtcr cach manth u smu a+�,::• <br /> onc•twclflh of tho ye�n?w munBagu Insumnco premium bolnE paid by Nnrrower when ihe it►surnnce covemgo Inpsod ar�;:icod tu <br /> ba in ef fect. l.ender will nccept,u�o and cetuln thcao paymenty a.9 a losti reservo In lieu ai mm�guge insumnc+�. L.oss ceservo <br /> Form 3028 81t10 <br /> Popa 3 010 <br />