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<br /> ��. :���.'4�s2 2002.5441
<br /> _ Upon �ipi of payiaent of td�t pr4ce l�id. Trasta sl�1 deh'i�er to �ke purchaser Tncstee'�deed cunveyiag tlse _
<br /> Property.T[te recitais in tkr Trusiee's deed sUall be prt�a f�cte evIdease of the traih of thP st�t�nents aradx therein.
<br /> Trusiee s�a91 apply the proceeds oP the sa!P[n ttae Pallotiv[ns order:(a)to all c�sts aad expeuses of exertistn�the�nuer of
<br /> �ale.and ttne sale,i�eclsdia�the ps�ycar.�t a!t�e Trvstce's i�sct��ally iacurred,aos to�cce�9 S.00 �
<br /> of ttae princf�l aimount o!the Qoie at the time of ths declaratioa oi defauIt,uad e+ea�ana6te aiter�Qys'fee�r.0 permitted
<br /> !�y law:@)to all sums se�r�d by th;s S�rlty IasirumEnt;siad(c)auy exoe�s to the�eison ar persoss lega9�y ent€Ued to
<br /> it.
<br /> 2t. Recon6ey�e. Upon paytrt2nt of rJl sums serured by this Sectzriry Instnunent, Lender sfiall request Tr�stee to
<br /> ec�onvey the Prop2riy and sha11 surrender this Secvriry Instrulnena and ali notes ev{dencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> Instcum.ent to Tmuee.Tnistee shall reconvey t�e Property without warranty and withaut charge to the peison or per�ons le�ally
<br /> entitled to it.Such persan or peisons shnl!pay any tecotdatian rnsss.
<br /> ?3.Substihtte Tras4ee. Lender.at its option, may fsom time to tiine remave Trtiste�aQd uppoint a sucaessor trustee to
<br /> any Trustee appoiuted hereunder by an ittstrum.nt reoorded in the counry in whIdi this Security[nstrutnent is cecotded. �Vithaut
<br /> raaveyanee of the Property,the suo�ssor trustee shtilt succ�aed to all the tltte,pawar nrW duaes conferced uFon•Tnutce hen;in
<br /> and by applicable law.
<br /> Z4.Res�aest for Natfe�.Horrower requests that copies of thQ nmices of defuult and sale be sent to Bomawer's udcl��s
<br /> w}rich is thII Ftnpetty Addt�.
<br /> 2S.Ridets to this�ur�tq Instnvaent.If ane or mon riders are eacecuted by Borrower an�remrded toge3her with�tttix —
<br /> Security Instrumeat.ths oovenants aud agraeraents of each such rider shall be incorpoiatsd into and shall amend aad supplement
<br /> the coven�ts and agreements of this Security Inswment as if the ride�(s)were a pact of this Sea�rity lnshument.
<br /> [L:tteek applicable box(es))
<br /> �Adjustabte Rate Rider Condominium Rider Ct 1-0 Family Rider
<br /> 0 Cnaduaied payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider 0 BiweeScly Paymeat Rider
<br /> �Balloon Rider 0 Rate Im�iovement Rider �Serond Home Ridrr
<br /> 0 d.A.Rider 0 Ott�erts)[��fY1
<br /> BY SIGNING BELON.Borrower accepts and ag�exs to tke terms aad covemnts oontained in this Security Ires�ument and
<br /> In any rider(5)euecuted by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> Wiatasses:
<br /> (�)
<br /> LAR Y �i�tMOOD -��W�
<br /> � �`�ea!)
<br /> S RA K BURMOOD -�"��r
<br /> (Seal) (�)
<br /> -Bormwer •Hottauu
<br /> SfA'FE QF 1►1EBRA..�A, �'�nty ss:HALL
<br /> �!:r,�'a:�egoing's:��vmsnt was aclmowt+zdged befose me tv:s 2ND �y of g�BRUARY '!999 '
<br /> by L.�,�I��'r' D �BURMOOD AND SUYdDRA K BURRl4r3'� •
<br /> F°utrc�s my hc�nd and notarial seal a��ND I SLAND, :�EB -� �d Co e date aforesaid.
<br /> My Co�mission ExpiTes:
<br /> otuy Public
<br /> A GEHfRAlFF�1AAY•ShieolNebnsli
<br /> �"J„�_ EOWAR�1.JAROSIK
<br /> `¢iII�'� INy Csm�.Ecp.0�1).Y?Jb �
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