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<br /> l�,q�rar�¢r o�;he property or a Beneffztal Intee�t in Borrouer.if a!!or arey patt of the Property ar any intetgst in it _
<br /> is sald or trsnsferred(or if a�enefccial interzst in Borrower is sold or taansferred�td Borrotiver is nat a natural person)witt►out _
<br /> � � � i.ender s prior written wns�n4. Lender may. at its option, rcquira immediate payrnent in full of ail sums s�rured by this � —�-
<br /> ' �' t' � Securiry[nswment.However,this option sLall not be eaeroised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the dat� �
<br /> � ' ' of this Security Instnunen�
<br /> ' If Leader exercises this option.Lender shall give Borcnwer norice of acceleratioa.The naace shall provide a period of agi 1
<br /> ' '• � less thtm 3U days from the date the notice is deGvet+ad or mailsd within which Borro�ver must pay all seims setu�ed by this O —
<br /> th
<br /> � ' � ° ' Securiry Insuuraent If Borrower faiis to pay these sums prior tn the expiration of this period. Lender may invoke any remedies � —
<br /> • � � pemutted by this Security Insuumant without funher norce or dem�tcd on Borrower.
<br /> � t, lg, Bamocier's Rtght to Yteinstate. If Borrower ineets certain condidons, Borrower shall tu�ve the right to have �
<br /> • _ _�� enforcement of this Secwiry instrument discontinued at any ume prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 Qays(or such other period as � �
<br /> .', applicable law may specify for reinstatement) befor� sate of tlie Prog°..rty Pnrsuant to any, power of sale rnntaine� ►n this � `
<br /> ��"'� �ecurity Instrument;or(b}en+try of a judgment enforcing this Security Inswinent.Those rnnditions are that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> �� Gender all snms tivhich then would be due uctder this S�urity Instnunent and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred: (b)
<br /> ;.�e�'� • cures any default of any other oovenants or agreemenu; (c)pays alt exgsnses iacuned in enforcing this Security I�nt�n�
<br /> '� •�� including. but nat limital to, reasomble attorneys'fees:and(d)takes such acuon as Lender may maso�bly require to assure
<br /> - that the lien of this Serurity Instrument. I.ender's rights in the Property ami Horrawer's abligation to pay the sums secuned by
<br /> ihis Security Insmunent shall continue unchanged. Upan neinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument und the
<br /> :•,�,,. � 4 abligations secured hereby shall remain fully effecdve as if no a�eleration had occurred-However,this right to reiauate shall
<br /> '`i •'� not apply in the case of acce[e_�tion under paragraph 17.
<br /> � - ----- - -- 19. Sate of I�ToL� C'��e og Loan Servtcer. ifie Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with tbis Socurity
<br />� t� . Insdvment)may tse sold one ar acore times without prior notice to Barrawer.A sale may result in a change in the entity(krtown
<br /> , ' as the^I.oan Servicer")that collecu monttily gayments due under the lv�te and this Security Insuument•'[7iere adsa maY be one
<br /> '�� ' �:' ar more changes of the Loau:ervicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.[f':'�ere is a change of tP�e Loan Servicer,Borrower will be
<br /> � - given written notice of the cE:��e in accordance with paraSraPh 14 aba•:e and applicable law.The notice will stat�the name and
<br /> ` address of the cew Loan�;*�r and the address to which payments :hould be made. The notice will also rnr_*�in any other
<br /> �� '•'�' infor�nation re�ir�l bY apgi:�ble latv. .
<br /> Zp, ��n�s gabstances, Borrower shall not cause or pez�.,7_�_:� presence, use, dispos�l ��torage,or release of any
<br />':�y��;,it;���� Hazardous Substances oa o: in the Property. Borrower sha!! net �ti -or allow anyone elss ta do. anything affecting the
<br />,:����� 1�Ny:- Property that is in vialad`o,��.�sny Environmental La�v. "I7ie preced::a tu+o sentences shall not:.�:ly to the presenoe.use. or
<br />- ��.. , storage on the Property a �.._1 quantities of Hazardous Substances that are gener-�l'.. recognized to h�appropriate to normal
<br />�:`.?;d��' ' ` residential uses and to m�.���nce of the Property.
<br /> � •::.:,,t.' � Borro�ver shall pro�pt3y give Lender written notice of any inve��auon.c1a:-�,deneand,la�vsuit or athec action by any
<br />=�.. ' . ,�; - govemmental er.-egulatory agency or private party involving the Pro�ss-r.iz�and any Hazardous Sa�stance or Environmental Law
<br /> ;�___���� of wA►ich$�.„M•�:has actual lmowledge.If Borrower leams,or is:-_-a:4�by arry govemmental or regulatory authority. that
<br /> " aa�,.:�ernoti��_c o�er remediation of any Hazardous Substance affectino�Properry is necessary,Bonower shall pmmptly take
<br />��`��;�' ai;;�eces�ary��dial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> -_�-,�,.,._-°�:� As use�,:-ttis parag�aph 20. "Hazardans Substances"aze thos�sabstances dzfined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> -�"`"�'��'-� Environmer:ta:. :�� and the following substanc�s: gasoline, keros�*s� other flammable or toxic petroleiun prod¢cu, toxic
<br />:_;t:.�..:;-�.,,�:
<br /> •'"�°-r�.� pesricides and�:'t�:cides,volatile solvents,materials containing asts�`?�•_:fomialdehyde.and radioactive materinls.As used in
<br /> L�'�'�"�"•'' this patagraph 20, "Emironmental Law" rneans federal laws and la..s of the jurisdiction where the Property is locat� that
<br /> -=°���''��i°-�'�'?''�- relate to health,safety or er:-.*',-anmenta!pmtection.
<br /> -==;;k�:•• NON-UNIFORM COS:"�ANTS.Bonower and Leader further covenant az:�L��e as follows:
<br /> :<��,. 21.Aooeleration;IiQ�i¢s.Leader shall give notice to Borrower prios�_•�seleratiom followi�Bore"�o�eer's breac6
<br /> =�� of any covenant or agre�nent in tYais Secarity U�stru�ent (but �cot prior ��scceleraiIon uQdep p�ragraph 17 unless
<br /> ��s=�; � the actlon red to wre the default;
<br /> -==ti.::�.��� appitcuble lav�grovides otherwLse).Ttte aoLlce shall specify: (�?�Q defaci¢;(b) �
<br /> ^•--y;�:.�;� (c)a date,not tess than 30 days from tde date the nottce is givee'c^_,Garrovler,by w6ich the defanit must tr�cured;ansl
<br /> --- ;�=�°T (d) tdai faflure m cure the default on or befom tt�:e�ate speci�c�the notice m�y result in aoceleraHon of the si:.�
<br /> -=="l�'���"� setured by 4hfs Secarity Instrumgnt su+d§ate oY the P.rs�erty. The notice stiai�furttier infor+n Borro�r�er¢�::he right to
<br /> --�----- - refnstate after acceleratton aad the right to bring a c�crt act[on to assert the non�xistence of a defa�L cr any other
<br /> --- - defense of Borrocver to acceleradon and sale. If the default is e�2 cured on or before We date spcxiiied in the notice,
<br /> � Y Lender. at tts optton, may reqtilre immediate payment in tnll ai's�1 sa�ms secured by this Security Instrument without
<br /> further demand and may Invoke the power o!sale and any othee�:r.��11es permttted by u��7icablr law.Y.ender shall�ie
<br /> —° entitled to collect all expenses incurred in putsuing the remedIes prc�:1+�d1 in�s par�raPh�I:�tncludin�,but not Ita:Iilx�
<br /> to.reasonable attarneys'fees und oo5ts of title evtdeuce.
<br /> — If thepuwer ot s�le is invoked, Trustee shali record a notlre of de:�ui::Lz each caunty in which any part of the
<br /> Property is l�cated and sha41 mail coples of such noitce In the manner pmscra:.ed by app4tcable law to Burrower and to
<br /> _ = the oSher persons prescdbed by applicable law.Aflter the time reQrlired by applicable law,Trnstee shall give publtc aaFirs:
<br /> W�.�� of sale 4o the persoa�s and in the manner preur�bed by appllcaUir-aaw.Tn�stee,without demand on Borrower,s�il c�ii:
<br /> ---==%� ithe Property at public uuction to the htghest bidder at the time s:iv:J place and under the terms designated in the natirs:�fC
<br /> �Ye in one or more parcels and in any oa•der Trustee determines.Tnistee may pastpone sale of all or aMg�ce1�S'.�e
<br /> � --=��� L�f-aperty by publIc announcement at the time pnd plate oP any prevtously schedule� sale.Lender or its deslgnee may
<br /> ,,,-<��;;�i [y�rchase tL�o PropertY ut any sule. •
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