---_--- ---�1'� � . - ?'-��=x�t.r--.=- - -_
<br /> . .� / � .,' . . � ,- � ' _ . .
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<br /> ' � �'-:-�k�� �:,i: .�__ �.� �=_r' ._ - - - _ -�-_ -
<br /> , � . 5. �e� or Property lttsuraitce. Bozrar.3�er sYalt kees� th� im�m�en�ents now existing or hereafter era.tad on the -
<br /> Property insurcd ngainst loss by fire. hazardti ir.cit,�':d ui:Y:n th.�term"extended coverage" and any other hazards. including
<br /> floods or floading,for which Lender requir�insur^,.r..ce.TIr.S i�surance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the petiods �
<br /> ' ' that Lender mquires. The insurance carrier providi�s th:in.�urartce shall be chosen by Borro�ver subject to Lender's approva! �
<br /> , � tvhich shall not he unrea.x►nab{y withheld. !f Bo�o�ser faits ro mainisin coverage des�vibed ahove, i.ender may. at Lendei s i
<br /> optian,abtain cnverage to protect I.ender's righ.zs in r.h�Pragerty in nccordance witl�P�S*�Ph�• I�
<br /> . � � AQ insnrance palicies and nnewals ahal!be�ccep*sht�:•w Lender and shaU include o standard martgage clause. Lender � _
<br /> / shall have the right to hold the palicies and ren:�ats.if L�rd:r.requires,�orrower shall promptly give M Lender ali receipts of �ri _
<br /> � ' � � pud premiums and ren�wal noiices.In the even?of l�ss.ii;,zt�s�e�shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. � _
<br /> _ ; Y l.ender may malce praof of loss if not made p-o�,�! sf Bornow�er. . �
<br /> , �.yn�� Unleas Lettder and Sorrower othenYise agr�e en viritir�,insurazu�e�rc+ceEds sha11 be applied to restoration or repair of tke � __
<br /> � Pro�e rt y dama ged,if the restoration or repair is eoor.n^•:r.,itSy feasib'.e and L:nder's security is not lessened.If the resmratinn or _
<br /> -�: . repair is nat ecom�mically feasible or L.ead2r's s��n• ur.��be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall6e applied to the sums
<br /> secuted by this Securiry Inswment, whett,�r or rct fra:n�i:is. with any eacess paid to Borroa•er. If Barrow�r abandons the
<br /> � Property,or does noi answer v�ithin 30 days a nr.�ax fm�Lender that ths insuiance canier has offeted to settle a ciaim.then __.
<br /> �� Lender may ooltect the insurance praceeds. Leud:r v.s3y ase the proceeds to repair or mstore tr.e Property or to pay sums
<br /> - - = s��l by this Se�wity Instrument,whetk�er or►tr,*.*�ti�*�ee.The 30-day period w111 begin when the norice is given.
<br /> ,,��,;;.��~• ' Unless Lender and Borrovrer athenYise a�-�ee ir. �ritit�, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> Y�; '' .. postpon�the due d�e of the montWy payr�ens ref�red ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> °'_- =-- ander pasagr.�sh 22 the F�agerty is acquir�by Le�+3er.8utmti�er's right tv any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from _
<br /> ��'`' damage to the Property prior to the acquisitian ahalt pass to L�.�der Y�t1��estent of the sums secwed by this Securiry[nsnvment
<br /> -'��,' :, ,,,.,_
<br /> _ � - immediately prior w the aoquisition.
<br />-�,.:;.:J,r-,� '�- 6.�paAC�',Presenration,Maint�e an�FroYostton of t�P F,a�e�ty;Borrower's Las�n�pllcatEon;I.ease�aids.
<br /> .�;.:,a.;.�* Borrower shaU oocupy,establish.and;ue it�Propeaty as Bosmvn:r's principal residence witI�n s�ry days aRer the execution of
<br /> �__,_�,'_ '
<br /> �n��z,�.r�a�, t� this Security Insiniment aud shall cunti4�te to actac�y tt:e ProprstY as Borrower's princip�l.c�dence for at least one year aRer
<br /> r t��f., ', the date of oaupancy.unless Lender o*.h�:a�vise a�ax�es in writir.�,which coasent shall not be unreasnr,:3bly withheld,or unless
<br /> -;_-,Ci�il.�_• -:-
<br /> 5{,,},, tf<<�.,,. e�ctenuating circumstanees exist wh:ch ame iieyatzd Barrovver s control. Sorrower shaU not destra�'. damage or impair the
<br /> .�Cl.... . ; .
<br /> :f:�,�:'��.,,��a._ Property.allow the Piuperty to deterir-r�. or cammit was�.�on the Property. Borrower shall be in�zfault if any forfeituze
<br /> '�'�'"'"�., action or pmoeeding.whether civi!or crirr.imal.is begun th�t ia►I.ender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> ••:�•.�',_�-_
<br /> "%�:�•`�� Pc+operty or otherwise materially irc�aii ths lien created by th:�Seeuriry Inssrument or I.ender's sewrity interest.Borrower may
<br /> —,-f_..r
<br /> '°-"�`'- cune such a default and reinstate,as gs-avided in paragraph 18.by causing the action or procee�ng to be dismissed n�h a niling
<br /> -�-... �-.
<br /> �- � .....
<br /> -'A�`,��;„" • that. in Lender's�wd faith detear.'ccation, precludcs forfeiture of the Borrower s intenst in the Prou�rty or ather materiul
<br /> ��_�- impaitment of the Lra created by t�.s S�urity Instrument or Lender's s�curity interest.Borrower s�.i also be in default if
<br /> _�---;�,�� Borroaer.during t�2 loan applicn�a��rxess.gave materially false or inaccurate inforn�tion or statem�au to L.en:��(or fail�d
<br /> -�'�-='-'�`-`�•.� co provide Lender vrit�airy m.�tr:xial ir¢orsration)in oonriedion with the loan evidencod��-ri:e l�iote,including.but not limited
<br /> ���
<br /> �'-'�"�'�t'�:��.>;� to. representurions cvrzceming Borrower's aceup:�cy of che Froperty as a p�ir�ipal resid.�a:. If this S3�wr�ry Insaument is on a
<br /> _�,.�,�=�Tr� leasghold. Bormwrr shall co�ply with all th�:gr�visicn� ef the iease. Lf 13orrower acquires fce ti.cl� m the Praperty. the
<br /> —��''�--�= leasehold and the fee tide shala not merge unless Lender agrct:�to the merg�.-n writing.
<br /> °°�= 9.Pentec�on of Lend2r's Ri�s In the Property.If B�Jrrnwer fails to perform th:�vemams and agreem:nts coniainrd in
<br /> --=F'���,� this Seruriry Insuument, or tt:erz is a legal pmceeding that may significandy affect I.ender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> °°'''_—__— proreeding in bankruptcy.probate.for condemnation or fort'eiture or to enforce laws or regulations).then Lender tnay do and
<br /> -"���� pay for whatever is r.ecessary t�p:otect ttre value of che Properdy and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> — iaclude paying any sums secu=ed by a lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument. appearing in covrt, paying
<br /> reasonable aitorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action under this paragraph
<br /> ��-- 7.Lender does rtoi have to dQ s4.
<br /> Any amwnts dishursed hy l.ender under this �azagraph 7 shall become additic-�;: debt of Bormwer secured by this
<br /> Security Insuument. Unless Baaower and I.eader agrc�e to other ternu af{:ayment.E:.:::�:amounts s'�.!!bear interest ftom the
<br /> date of disbarsement at the Nate rate and sh�ll be payable, �rith intere^ r_�on nc��from Len��.o Borrower requesting
<br /> �= paymw►t.
<br /> —_` 8.Mortgage Ins�ance. ff l�nder required mortgage insurunce as a condit�un a�n;r�sing the loan secured by c�s 5ecuriry
<br /> --�+��° Insuumcnt, Borrower shall pay!he premiums required ro maintain the mongage ir,�si;:,nce in effect. If, for any :�:.�on, the
<br /> — rttortgage insuranee coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effe�,K.Ec_:swer shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> _..�.,�., obtain coverage substaniaity equivalent to the mortgage insu�ce previo�iy in eff��,at a oast substanti�lly equivalent to the
<br /> ----- co�t r,� Borrower of tt�.e martgage insurance previously in effect, from an altemate n.r:tgage insurer approve�by Lender. If
<br /> ----_____� subLU�.�tinlly equivalent rrxortgage insurance covera�e is rtot available.Borrower sh�il �ay to LendYr each month a sum equal to
<br /> -'- one-twelfth of the year{y mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurnace wverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> �� be in effect.Lender widl accepi.use and retain tli��puyments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> Form 3028 8/90
<br /> Ccgo 3 016
<br /> �_�eG�a�fl�
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