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<br /> � TOGE7'HER tiVITH�11 the impwver�nts aow or h2rxifter erected on the progerty.an�ai1 easeinenu,appartenantes,und �;
<br /> � fixsures now or hereafter a part of the propesty. All repl�meats and additions shall �lso he covered by this 3acurity -
<br /> •` '` Instrument. All of the foregoing is seferred to in this Secwity Instwnent as the"Prnperty." � _.
<br /> � BORY30�VER COVENANTS that Sonower is IawfWty seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the ri�t to grant and �
<br /> � � cunvey the Property and that the Fru�eny is unencumbered. eacept for ertcumbrattces of nxord. @orroever�varr,uits :ind vuill �
<br /> : . •.� defead generally the titie to the @�vperty against glf ciaims az'-d demands,subject to any encumbrances of record. a
<br /> TditS SECURITY INS'fRUMENT oombutes uniform mvenants fot nationa!usc and non-aniform rnve�rets�ritl�limited � �
<br /> '�� vaziations�y jurisdiction tu eonstitute a uniform security instrument covering real property. � }� -
<br /> � � ,,., ,, UNIFOt2M COVENANTS.@ormwer and Lender covenant and agcee as follows: � _
<br /> ' 1. psym�ai of�tncig�!und Inieresi; Fregaym�ai arid Late Ch�rgc�. Sorro�ver shsll pmmptlY paY when due the � _
<br /> `'.��. principal of aad in2erest on the debt evidenced by the Note and auy prepsyment and iate charges due under the Note. � -
<br /> ` Z.Fua�s for Taxes uztd Iasurame.Sufiject to applicable law ar to a vmtten waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> '�� � ' � Lettder on itfe day monthly paycnemts are dae under the 4Vote.until the Nate is paid in fuU.a sum("Funds°)for. (a)yearly ta�ces
<br /> ' �;.�j and ass�sss�nu which may attain priority over this Secwity Insimm=nt as a(ien on the Property:(b)year�Y lea�ehold payments
<br /> ar ground cents on the Property.if any:(c)Yearly hazard or property iasurance premiums:(d)Yearly fluod inssu�ance premiums.
<br /> � • � if any:(e)Year1Y rrtortgage ir�surance piemiums.if any:aad(�anY sums Fayable by Bnrrower to Leader,in accordance with
<br /> . the pmvisions of paragra�h 8,in lieu af the payment of mortgage i�urance premiums•'Phese items are called"Escrow Items."
<br /> `<,` I.ender may.at any time.cotlect a� hold Funds in an amount aot to exceed the maximum amaunt a lender for a federally
<br />- related mo�tgage Lcan may cequire for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br />—=--- tg7q a��aended fram time to ti�e. 12 U.S.C. SEtA14B 2601 et seq. {°RFSPA"). unless another law that appli�.s to the�u_*tds
<br /> �'�'l-. _,- sets a lesuer amoun� If sa. Le�er may,at any tuue. collect and hold Funds in an amount not w exceed the tesser amovnt.
<br /> ..._ yt.•• � ..
<br /> =�� . • Lender may es6matc the amount of�unds due on the basis of carrent data and teasonable estimates of expendiwms ef futune
<br /> • ' L-ss.�row Itea�s or otherwise in accordaace�vith applicable law.
<br /> � 'f[ie �uads shall he held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency instramen4ality. or entiry
<br /> ;�:,''• �-;;,.'- (iasiudiag T.�ender,if I.e�vde�is such an iustitution)or in any Federal Hom�Loan B�nnk.Leader shal{apPly t�d'runds to pag the
<br /> ' ' Escrow Lt�.�.i.ender may not charge Eorrosver for holding and a�lying the Funds,annual�y anal5+zin;the esi''°°'account,or
<br />-°.'•„t'��`��`� verifying c�e Escrow Items.unless LendFS pays Borrower interest aa tfre Funds and applicable law parmits Lender to make such
<br /> - `. ..?� a charge. However.Leit3er may requi�Borro�ver to pay a one-time charge for an indepeadent rr,al estate tax reportinB sen+ice
<br /> �='_:'+ �:--` ased by Lender in connection witl� this loan, unless applicable law provides oiherwise. 17n1ess an agTcement is made or
<br /> . , "::r ��;, licable!aw uires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be requiretl to pay Borrower any iaterest ot eamin$s on the Funds.
<br />.w�;.x�:�vt.„�� aPP� �
<br /> -_:�;3,;�. Boirower�ad Lender may agnee in writiR;,however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower.
<br /> -:;��� without d�r�e, an annual aocAUnting af che Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpase for which each
<br /> --_ debit to tLP Funds was mad�.The Funds are pledged Ws additional secvriry for all sums secured Uy thss Serurity Insicumem.
<br /> J°-"��.?�� Yf t��Funds heUd by Lender exceed the amou��xrtnitted to be held by�lis�ble law,Lender shall acmuni w Borroaer
<br /> -"""�g�i�'`� for the ex�s Funds in aceordance with the requice�'�u of appli�ble law.If tirs�c:�nunt of tFie�unds hc-Ich Isy:,ender ai any
<br /> ��:•-:���.
<br /> _ __ ,,.___._
<br /> -v��� time is r,��Rafficient to pay the Esrrow[tems when due.Len�er cr�:±�o nfliify Bnrtower in writi�,;,and,in s•_-�n cas$ m:wer
<br /> =,;;�;�f,t,;;�� shall pay 2o Ixnder the aufount neressFUy to make up the de+fiar:.^.r:.v,'.Borroa+er shall make�t3�r.�eficiency in ao�uo���an
<br /> - - -�-� twelve m�nttily payments,at Lender's sole disccetiun.
<br /> ____y�•� Upon payrnent in full of all sums secue�d by tyis Securiry Irdstpum�nt, Lender shall promptly refnnd ta Borroaer any
<br /> �-,-°��,;�� �unds held by L.ender.If.under pardgraph 21. Lender shall acquire or seU the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> .:-,. og thx praperty,shall apply any Funds h��d by l.ender at the tim�of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by
<br /> ---L�=�::;��'� this SeCUrity Instrument.
<br /> - =-- 3.Appllcatian of Pgyments.Unless applica4l�!aw provides othenvise.all paYments rexived by Lender under paragrd.phs
<br /> - 1 and 2 s�all be appliad:first.to any prepayment d�ar,�es due under the Note;sQCOnd,to amounu payable uadec paragraph 2;
<br /> third,to interest due:fourth.to principal due:aa�L•r.�n.�n anY iate charges due under the Note. •
<br /> 4.C�rges;Liens.Borrower shall pay all tar.rs,�.��;�ssments,charges. fines and impositions amibuwbie to the Properiy
<br /> - ' which rn,./ attain prioriry over this Security Inst��z.a-�d f�ira:ltr*!d payacenis or groucd rFx�ts. if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> "��� these obligations in the marmer provided in paragrapl�4,or if rot�:��in thai manner,Borrourer shall Qay them on time dir.;,�91y
<br /> to th�person ow�zd payment.Horrower shall promptly'�amish to ixnder all notices of amonnts to be paid under this paragrapfi.
<br /> --- If Borrower makes thess paymenu directly,Bonower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts e�✓idencing the paymenu.
<br /> ---- Borrawer shall promptly dischar�e any�ien which has priority over this Seturity Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees in
<br /> writin�to the payment of the obligation secured�y the lien in a manntr aaceptable to Lender.(b)contests in�ood faith the lien
<br /> --------= by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender'a opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enforcement of the lien:or(c)serures from the holder of the lien an agrcement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> �-�"�"`-�� this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may ateain prioriry over
<br /> .-=-_= this Security Instrument,d.ender may give Borrower a noiice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one ar
<br /> _===�=�� more of the actions set forth above w ititin 10 days of the giving of n�tice.
<br /> _-;,�,w;,o Form aozs sr9�
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