_ ..;Y�iSi_ ..�.. -,�r[�;�(.�����3y72�yS1(��t�r.1i .
<br /> '.�'.: . . � a�r�,Y.f. rc.�.L,'^.1, '`'4`.f � '
<br /> . ._. ___-,__ .�,t.�;-,. Z�r"1srs�c3;.�__ .
<br /> � . . ` +:d:�.���i. .
<br /> " ���c�:,::�i� . � .
<br /> \ .
<br /> - � --- - --� � if
<br /> ' - .
<br /> �- . . . � . � =-- .
<br /> , � .,,,.�.'-�7�i'ax._.� ' Y .-- .. . . . . �.. . � - - -- --_'• �'-
<br /> . j � �J,�{g{C�pt,CODE Thts Oeed of Trust shaC 6e ccnsidared and bs effecUVa as a finandng ^
<br /> EST UN�EF31'HE 11Tl1FCRad C Code(as adoP'•ed in the srate�vhere ihe real ProAert1►[s located�
<br /> � �`s�u��R uant to tha pmvisinns of the Uniturm Comr�soia1 to �tRer with .
<br /> staterrem and a fulura i�in9 WTS now avmed ar herea8er attad�ed to or�����urte�re�t in sueh Ch�tel�s.Tke debtor is
<br /> ' aovaring fibures.di�atteis.and artides of person2l ProPertY, m a(1 fixtures induded�ithin
<br /> d
<br /> srry and ali reptzceme�ts�ha m�p�°�Trusi vn'D tie e�tive as Bnandn9 sta�rraM fi��ed�of said¢te n9 with resPect '
<br /> the Grafitor descd4ed abova. ►vhero anll Par� rmses llrtdudmg said t'ixtures)is siA�ed. Ttns
<br /> ' oth2t mises and may be filsd in any other apProA►�B fi5ng or recoTdng
<br /> �a?d ptemises and is to be ft!sd tot record in ths reat esffie reeotds of each oouMY �dng statemeM relahng to this Deed of Tnist sfiall be suffidenl as a
<br /> . , p2ed of Tntsl shail atso bQ�ar other nepra�etion o���^�°��aued Pa►►Y is the Lender desaibsd abwe. Upon�mand�tor�sham � • ,
<br /> . �n9��m� ses refetred to m this Para�aAh• as Lertdet a1 Yure m�Y, � .
<br /> of the purPo
<br /> • rtmlce.exeaito and dafivar such seaiMlt�eerr�c►ts las sud�tenn is��firtsd(n�'����d�n Ci an�taPs�taii re u do so.Len r is authonzed to '
<br /> . � rtecessarY aT i�DQt nr roqu!red u 9Ta�►to Lettder a paReetsd securitY :
<br /> _ �sgrt any sucfi smerrt as ths ay°rt of Grantor. Gran:cr hsrebY autliarizes��rGrazrtor Grr.r�or�w i�.haerevar,at any U►re upon requsst of��n � .
<br /> , . ��t����,h�����Chatt°is,at any tirre.vrilhout ths s'.c,� ��ms�d for ths mfiiing thereo!at the urres requ;
<br /> �a� g � a ment covering tho Chattrl�.thcn �
<br /> . .
<br /> _ y;gn such finandn$��srrts. Qnmtnr�rt:l pay al fiP.ng f,��t'�n olj�tfifs�0�d o TrwM�be sub;cG to any ar.iry �ee � c�to . -
<br /> . . . .�.� the aptn'.on ot t�naer,by satd Ur�torm Camr�r�a►Cc�- ��o��supcosscra in 1n.o at � ,
<br /> in iRo evem n t any d e t a u:f under tMs CEed ot 7nu1.a��m�n.nexrt�or hQreaf!er�rt�do�U�ioreof a tirantoi or iho i�pteds C�r�•ttsrehy ats.3n �
<br /> . �_ r, i lender.ta9e�er wtih cho benoLt ot any dePo� - ^:
<br /> pTantnr in the PropertY. , nd furtds ima��9 a:tomoy��s 8nd Iegal � ����
<br /> .. - -��_� 21. AEINBURSEI4AEl1Y�A���EXPEMDED BY L,ENDER. lende►.at Landefa a .on.maY o� ._-
<br /> .._-- �►to geAorm sny act re�:red to 0o taican by Qmrttar ot to Q�rdse any ti�7 or ce ot Lendor urtQer 1 s1�aesha:!tm irsa�aded in n�iQrnnto�' �-
<br /> shall imnedta te1y m;mbarae Lander far�f�uds��r�d b��Lander togetn8r ar�'f4�irrtarnst thereon at th9(C'�t�r oi thn h!gfiest rate d¢scribed in snq .' _
<br /> uds u m,l t ha dals�r�t'.�us�'ts"'t� ��°� : .'" '
<br /> � pbligation or ths hf�st�ata ai:exed btl law hom ihs date o}pa}R�� , ons nsep a'd csRer th0 beg�nnmg o f pubt:ca�lon eS r�eiles� ^.
<br /> OLtigatlons here'.n end shal be tecured hIl the berstida!irn�esl�urted�e�at to pay a�nY p�of th�QbTgaUons attar tha hegtnning of publicaflan oi
<br /> saio.&s herein prsvtded.ar in tho ovarrt LenQer�ha'I.at its sotfl ap'1on.pa ,
<br /> . rtotioe at sa{a.as heraln�ro�:tSed.ttian.C�ant°r eha►1 pay nn demand al o�ertsos lnwrred b�/tho Tn�stco end Lender in ear.rtsaton with satd putJlcalfon. _
<br /> . . . incdtdin8 reasonaEte attumeys'teefaes�ariomsy�tar ttie Trusteo and tor ths Lertder.and e taason3bte[ee tu the Trustea.asd this Deed af Trust shall be
<br /> . sopairy tor ail sueA expesesns end g :_---
<br /> ` Ths Trustee shaU aadY tl��s at the Vustee"s eaSe.tirst.to the aosts artd expensd�de�ditor i�e 1]teheed�Tnist. �__
<br /> � �.APPLECA7�ON OF PAYNIE3y7^• incurted nat to exceed the amourt whtct�may ba P�a''or olher Itenholders.acsd fie ��:
<br /> sale arcd at the sao.indu�ng�i�h o�pall�rt o f t h e h�5 o�tust.thad.to the RaY�m o 1 j u N o r d e e d s o!trust.maRgeges °--
<br /> . � seoond.to paymem of stce o��ganan seaued�Yentitled thereto.
<br /> � 6atance.it eny.to tha Parson cr pafsons IeSaIly - _
<br /> � ---- �- - . 29. POINF.R OF ATTORHEY. Cirantar herebll��{�s lsnder as Rs aitome}-(n-fast to EneMJSe t3rarrto=o n�on�i���e�B�y� __
<br /> �. g ce o sud�aetion or exQatttan of such doeu►rents chatl not
<br /> nu� to tha ObtiSations ar Deed ot Tn�t. tri ad�itian.Leader sha11 t�e et�:-tlod.bu1 noi re�ired
<br /> r
<br /> •_�. r�to 6e taken or exeouted Cy(irar�tor undet lhis Osed of Tnut 4endefa_padortren -
<br /> r���Q���Y�Iigatian or cute eny defauB uader 4ds�eed o'r Trust.AU pexers af ettomey dosaibed in thts Deed of Tnis1 are wu{�ed with an -
<br /> irtemsl and are irrevo�• ons lien.seattilY irrterest ot enam�an� �-�
<br /> ' to the rf�ts of the hoidar of any p�ev1
<br /> ?A. Si1flROGA4i0H OF LEND��r��������ese liens,seeu.�tty(meresis or oth.er encumbranoes hava 6sen reteased of reoord. �t;.-
<br /> � disdiar9ed with(unds advarteed tsy WA noi lirrted ta,tees =
<br /> d t�w,titar►Tor gSrees topay Lende�s reasonable fess artd eosts.lrv��n9. c.
<br /> 25.COU.ECTION COSiS. To the e�ctert perrtdtte hY re dert�and con,uitants).whethet ar edt such attomey otagerA is en =
<br /> rf or remedY andet tY.s Daed of Trust.whether at not
<br /> . . :� • ,�:� artd costs d attomeys and othet agettts(irtdu�ng v��xul 1lmitatton para�T enfordng anY � rt ao".�n adtmr.
<br /> ° '°� - r Q�Oyee ot tender.whf�h are irtatrred b7►Lander tr.rxCeettng any atroun1 �.in 6anlwPtoY.and r post-ja�ne
<br /> ,`;''::`.,-.�.� `.l ind�ts9rt hutaotlimttedto.2Jtc-s.s�costsinarredonaPPe
<br /> ".,l�':'��.' ;;'�,, suil(stxou�A. 9�
<br /> � ,u., po pe exeatting and reoorcfng crte ar mcre Parlial O�edo ot
<br /> � ;���� on of the PropettS►. No1h1nS herein shali ba deemed to obi:�sate Lender to release any ot hs
<br /> '.; �,, 28. PAATIA9.RELEASE ,L.en�r�Y��i�=�erest in a rtian ot ihe Pro fil bY
<br /> ' .�.�. ReoonvoY�nee without afleetmg its irrterest in the rem�rtrr„Portt -
<br /> ' ��� : (t►mress in ths Propetty i�fi��f�h�ur►der this Oeed�Trv�'fhe Iten artd sewritY I�rR�t�a�ie��bY,�the 0 ed o Trt��=ma���1�1���° -
<br /> ' � of the PropeAy if� ��fined in tha Deed of Trust,that is rtot the sub;eA oi thls or arry PaAtat�eed ot Reoonvay��.°�
<br /> � • ihai Ixf'ian ot ihe p�o�-'•Y. �ht
<br /> • � z 27. Rfi��SiFtGA7tOM k4ND WAIV�A. The modifrcatio��n a y of Bar�rmxefs�{Grarrtcfs�igatt ns.$de�{y or fail to c�-5 83s Oeefd���ar uao e
<br /> OO(II�'J12d I118 W�1�1Q^alg�ed by Lendet. Lender may p=-•.�•
<br /> , ; ; p�M;,(rom Gra�r er anyone ofher than f3rantot�':�.�=�sing a waiver of those C1�Ggations or d�ts. A waiver a.rr °����ar ��er or
<br /> a warvet on any oEtr:c ac�stor+. Grtudofs Obilgalls bt:j�!g tosatry Grardoi Bosnav�e%a fi1MEDarty or�earry of i���,��rymtses.exchan s.fai[s to
<br /> exerdES,Itrpalra ar�itr,�es aml ot�e O�tigaU
<br /> ',��; �. .,;%.' '. �h;rd parry or any o9 t.`,a?roperty. Lendare tail�ra t°.ir:��upon st�ct pe�°��of any of the OblfigaIIons shali notbo�=nr�ad a waSver an�Lender shali
<br /> �;.::��; .:��f•� have ihe ri�t at any timatheteatter to i-s;.upon strs�t Pertormarta+•
<br /> ' ;�'?f;i t.,.;''rr:.
<br /> � • 28.SUBSTITUT�TRtJSTEEg�ed���"'-�C���e�,�tions s�desilra for anY reasv'a n�t m a'�'ru�et�anytsuD�Vu��las
<br /> ' • �where ths[e�l(r�ts�"�Y r�'�'II er to appolm fn wiitin9 e
<br /> � • vustee hareunder ar+�.��int a new trustee i�c,is r��m and stea�U�e holQer of tfte Obitgationr tc 7'2��+�"�i'te��under and 1he same shall
<br /> . . /' ;, s�stitute vustee tor�:�,nistee.and the substitc...,t���sha0,when appoU�ted.beoorte suaoes�'.,a 5r'
<br /> ' beootre vested in hlm ftir�tie purposes and objeeis��"-'��'"�of Trust wnh a!I thepower.du;fes and ct:��rs.=�ctir'-'����e Trw`tee. 1'tusfeo
<br /> � .. sha0 not 6e liabte tor arry errot ot juC�rserA or act cc;a by 7n�stee.oT be otherv�rlse of�tien�p�r Y��i',abia.:r�hc�ih De�ed t Tru�r d�b� _
<br /> T r�s t e e s h a l l not ba p otsonally liabin in case ot enml hY n or arryono acCng IsY �';" �- -
<br /> rt t o r o p e r a t t o n of saldpro mises. Trustaa sh hava Q�e rf 1 to re" s anY instrumerq,
<br /> �.: '. �rrtracted or pabIDtyr ar damag9s incu r re d i n t h e , on taken arproposed to be f a d c en bY i t heteun d er o r b e i e v e�t ry�i ngoo�'�'h���s�
<br /> .--.��-� doament ot sig�aw.�,;:,Khorfztrtg or supporlin9 anY
<br /> � , n s a tl o n�e T r u s t a o h e r e����'�nd retmburss Tn�steo tor end
<br /> - .�, � Trustae s h a i l b o e r r i::�a.1:ro i rt b u r s e m e m t o r ex���will,�(ram in th���"�o�hs dutles hereunder and t:rasan a b l e Mrrpen'
<br /> f� of tt&servtoes hereuT�t��s shati be rondeted. C and c�Yanso whatsoever incurred�j:r.he parfomret�oo o f its�t les.
<br /> � . :::1` ,: save and hotd it harm[ess from and again�any eni cl���;s,aost,P.ability.damaSa
<br /> � ��il;' :
<br /> --:;•.�J`:��,,"` M moneYs received by Trusteo shall,urdil used or applied as hereinprovtded.be he:d in vust far the ses far whi�s r,�ay were reoeivad.bu!n not
<br /> ..'.. . .,�,f7,�' ��¢�In ar�y mannar trom any oiher maneys(excepl to tho ontam re4uired by!aw)ertd n�stee shai be�:der no liahiiliry tar Intera�i on any
<br /> .� _ :;.-,,t�,;= moneys reoelved b7l�t hcreunder_ .
<br /> .,•,k1��1.
<br /> ,�. ��a
<br /> _ . �., �p; g�EggppS pNp ASSIGNS. Th,s 0�1 c1 1''u�1 sh�!b�bi"dng up°n e�d gn�ato�V�6enoft of G:�nt�sr and Lender and tholr raspectivo
<br /> suoaessor�.essigis.tnuteas.r e o e;v a r s.a�r r i n i s�l�.r.r,.:e r t o n a l r e p ro.,entathras.legatee
<br /> • � �� 9 0� N d T I C£S.Ezo�P��o4ienx'�r�Ruired bll law•an Y noUce or othar oomrtuntea'Jon to bo provfde9 u�:ar n-:��'.a�i r�Trust shall he(n writing end sem
<br /> to the Patties�ihe addras�as desaihed in 4 da D e e d o�V u Shall dCkMiCd�1fC th eati:or�ot thr����`�}I9 8:'�r3::C f 1 RO l}O B 1 S S C I t I O�W h 8�1 f 8 0 8 1 V a d
<br /> � ��9¢�BT''�.Afi1 YilWtOSU�IICitO�fJ 9��������•
<br /> g�. SEVERA911i75T. WRanaver PessiM°.eash a°�lslon o?ihis Deed ot Tms!st�►b6(srterpro:ed so as to bo ofteC�va and valid urtder appiica6to atato �
<br /> . �yyy, �}�y prrn+islon o14�is 0¢ed ot Tnisl vtotatos the law cr ts un°nfaroaa�to,the reh a1 the Ooed o}Tru:,t thail wrNntte to bo val`.d and eniorcea6k�- a
<br /> 9y �pp�,i�Agl,E I,A1N. This Qeed o1 Tm7 r,hall ba 9ovEmed b/the�s of the state whero the rea1 ptopertY is tocaiad. Unl�:s appli�able law pmvtdes =�_-
<br /> �_:�
<br /> o�e�riso.Granlor wnscnts to th�juds��ion and venue o1 any ceuA sclectod tiy Lender.in fts solo dscretlon.tocatcd in 1h21�8. notioe o1�ishonor end
<br /> . . 83. II[SCELLAHEOU ed�r�w a�n�droLeo�roo�s to G�ra�to�r n�th',�s Qeeeed oi Tr�t���mtu6�o�il�per�s ons�zi�ing��at�ll tr��is�irioro ihan ane Cranta.
<br /> Le �
<br /> • pmiest exae�1 as� e i �ed ur�Uerctan�ng between Grar+tor and Londet pertalnny to _
<br /> � thetr Obf'•S�ions ba p� �.Ier�d severtV. This Oeed ot Trusl rapreserrts the ewrpl� ntegat �. ,.�-
<br /> Uto turrtr+artd wndition:.�e�aot.
<br /> . y�, �,�p�{Ip�P/lAty RtGHTg.i�lo persan is ar shaJl b9 a t1�1rd pany ber�.`��Y of�avts'•on of thts Qeed o1 Tw^1. All pradsbns af thls Oeed o1 :�.
<br /> Tru�in fava of Lendar,ar oi'rt�nCed s�n o!��01 T�rus�l.in�Len�defs sokid:srotion. 6o erAitIrd to assurro or ouycct that Landar wl.►rtat wehco or ,:'
<br /> ,. . a o n s a rt t t n U t a m o d i c c a t�o n Y P�" y or o!the orrr.oi s n Y o t h e r ...
<br /> � 95�.PRESERV a7[ON���,1�Se�d in� )forYths Ra�a ������ �9�0^��an1d w��ouitafteetirtg th��is oi Le n d ar wit� �-
<br /> ��(a x o e p l p e i n a ny w a y tho p r tor�ry ot ihis Decd of Trus1�rer lhs irrterEt�t ot a m r p ersan
<br /> respect to arry Prapeny r.ot oxpress�rcieas�d N�a ng,an d w�L �f 9 oi iho Obl'.gatians:rtrak�erry�nt a't^_dngiho
<br /> �rte�o r f i r s t E v�d cn�d b�raoor ng subs:�stit to ihe reoor�n9 0?1Ns Qred o}Tn1sl.Lertder may.e1t�t b�fare or a fior t ho m a t u ri t Y o 1 t h�O d�g a u o n s. :.,
<br /> � r s on I:a�!�ta�t�p�y�rt��1 0�R�a��ot�'1 or en y�r1
<br /> a n d witltout rto Ileo ar w n�e m:r e.e a s o a n y P� o!t h o�g�ons:oxe r d�or r o fr a'r�t r a m o�=�n H�w z�vo an y r� m��y t t 1 L c n d e r r r�y h�'r a
<br /> • -- - rn�r,u i�a d s r;s t c:�^m"—*�o t a.l a r a n y P a t t ,�s:e!r�a:�m o ti h s n r r l s�d e a af or p crsa n�1 p r a P e�y =-
<br /> un�ttr t h� cc d o f r u s]:a a o e p 7�d�a�£-���f t�y ricnd fm us�y o i t Fa L:�t�:=• . b� .Q!�,';c3 a:�s
<br /> • ���n o�cu��g asY ov:deno�thcm°��av3 eanserndt°d tu al ni�sny s�rd�act:an�by Lendct�i n t h�P r a�fi l
<br /> p;.paps ,�
<br /> . . �;t00tD Rc+.1297
<br /> � _ - .—
<br />