���. .
<br /> . �.
<br /> � ,.�?
<br /> . � _:_; , . � . .
<br /> — .."�'''"�s��'�J_�__��.`_.... — -'� . -�--- ` � _ _�,`�--- ��`-`.� -. . _. :. __�_ ... .-- �--� `--- -------�:
<br /> , AC1tOPiS.G2MOr sha11 irtars�ffietY Provide Lr.nderv�th�rritten noL`ce oi arry ac4u31 ar
<br /> . � 11.9.�S1DEIi'S EiiGH?Tfl C�Sl�F�jCE OA DEf��D LEGA'L =rtts lete�r as its mtameYdn-tact to aorrsr�n�.irrtervarte tn,and
<br /> edrsg�f�ir.g R�a Propefi+. Gran[or herelsy a�o. irta(nfrt thareto. Lend�r ahafl rtot bs Gab:e to
<br /> ttmeatsned action,=u�-ar oUvx PracE �n�and to cor�cmiss w setCs anY ctatn!ot aomrcversy�r�8��s resufting thstehom Nothirv,� -
<br /> defend sueh actians.suita or oth3r teg2i P�' or d�ay Pertanln9 to the acCOns descdbeti m Ws P�ePfi
<br /> ' �� Gratrtflr for airy Edion.ertor.rtistain�•°r�s�� in thfs paragraAh in its�rvn�-
<br /> ' oomained herein wil!prevEr.t Leneser tmm t�'�irtg ttc3�tians��ib2d ,
<br /> , far Uie perfarmanse of arry ot Gramcfs o�B��vrtth resperA to tha Properiy urtdeT
<br /> ' '!2 INDEN@ItFlCA7tOti.L.e.�d�r sha]not assu�ra or be ras�s, � causes of adton.�ions.suits and
<br /> tra
<br /> drcum,�tattcea Granmr shatl imns�atery P�av.cfs Lender tvith vmtten rtaSce of and tr�d3mufy and ho!d Lender and tts shacenolt�rs,c6redars.o ce �
<br /> ' arry i s.Iia6mCSS M���9 aitomeys tees and tegat e�e )• �mor.upOn
<br /> rts hemiess trom al @�rts,�Se
<br /> emplayees ar�d age 'Ci3:ns9 P3rtan:ng w tha Prag°rtY C�rtdu�rtg,6ut rsot Gmtedto,ihose irnoNing Haiarc�anM���s)�s inamed in
<br /> uthar[egal Proseedngs(cum�lativelY �
<br /> coun:el to datend Lendar from sud�G.alms.and pay tha�►c-r�;�s tess.�egd7 expe at Grantats aost- Grantofs �
<br /> , • ` �t�e request o!Lender.shal hire esgal , rts oam legal c�'�.aa�efena such Clans , �
<br /> - F;�,�`r aonnedion tharerNh. In the aftemadve,Lend:r�bwnriue the err�x�'na�on.relaase or forec�s�r-��tfiis Deed of Tn�st-
<br /> • . tE�.t,,,3��ci`-' ::Egation to indsrmiTy Lender un�.r th�s� ,..t� vids Lendsr evidenoe �
<br /> '�'�1� �jnsn��:'�:arr�sd�telY Pro
<br /> - f'�t�`,�t: < s7ta�msan�'�s.'�..°ssrrer[tsrta.-�*ttgto�•r".�=a�'r•
<br /> ' •`i."s'• ` T FCC1l1RV7Qi Ci[2IQ07�1Y31�
<br /> g'�j�gt�2iRi1121 SUtBl1C9 �
<br /> -•-:-:,.�._' i�. AXESANDASS�...._-.-- a-n'�i_..�r ead�mc.�.ts rn:a-lwalflh(1/?2)of theed io ihe paymarA of taxes.
<br /> .., ' cf f�l'"�rst ai�- Upr��'r T�.�jest o!Ler�t.Granior sha9�%' � ta tha tun�a held lo
<br /> :.;�ert�fi?ng ta the Propertf►. So f .r�.,s+s lhera is rro detavfl,4�a���i�s so e oP'�o� � �
<br /> ... f.-,`�,: �i�r�'T.ts::es�assess.:� on th3 Propertll- In tha eva:!a4 tiefault.Lender sha�i haYe trse�. �
<br /> : assessmerrts a-�d;:sivavUie ObTig�ions- a�1f funds aA�C�."'d�Y•a¢i.end6�s option,b9 aPPL'ed in revetse erdet of tha due date thereoi.
<br /> pay anytaxes oragain •
<br /> - - W":D RfPD�tTB.Grantar shat aC�a Lender or its agants to exarrine and ir�s �Y�� i.,_
<br /> �_�_--._-= 14. IH5PEC7'[Ot�1 OF PROPfifiTY.BQCAtB.R� = t�am Lme to tlrre. Gras►tot sh�l��
<br /> � na.true.eaurate at�d �._
<br /> end examine.inspesl and rtai�ooDies of GranTOfa b�oks and reoords pert�nng ed in Qra rt�a bocks artd recards sh�l be�Proaerty. lid6t:onalty,
<br /> �� �e�yuired hy Lender tar theso WrPoses. IL'1 of the s`gnatures and iMarrt+�lon an�nair Qrantofs finandaf aondLCn or the Property
<br /> �n
<br /> � ,.:�� oa�nplatg k1�fl resperds. QraiRnr sh�.'I rtoto t?to e�stenoo of Lende�'s ber,eP.sis!frrteresl�n��9�°��'� 9 r 7Tro �
<br /> �y rt aa Lender may d�st�a_3. All r�
<br /> Qrantot shal report.in a fotm satisfactory to under.suth trttom�at:an as Lendsre ,end s' ed tirarrter it Lender reque>is-
<br /> x ir�ammtton shai be tm sucfi Perieds.sha7 reitaet QraMats reoords st suah�,�d��rertde�w�such trequa �Y �
<br /> . . � � in'ometion(umished by Greritar to Lond�r th29 be Vus.aowrate and oon'pi-
<br /> � � s aftar any��bY�ndar.Graritor sh�!1 detivor to lendef.or any intended tr�s�d(b)YYtiether �-
<br /> � � � ib. ESTQPPEL CEiiTIF[CATE an,s a sitg�-�d�d�adQSaYrlc�f ctaterrem specliyin�(a)�e ou2stanEing 6afanoe an the Obii�ti �
<br /> A�'tts,rrith respeet to tAe O�I�at! sstaHs or oaurRerdarres wfih respeo�to the ua:gat:ons snd ii so.the n�tura of sueh d�lms.de�n����� �—
<br /> �' tirantor possessea any d21rtm,detenses.� � �on that Lender may make to the irtended Vanslaras wfth respeet _
<br /> opumeruaims.Qrarrtor wSll te wndusive.�hcund isy anY tA�� --
<br /> . . _ - the euant 8�at Grarttor taits to pravtde tise reque�ted sta:emetn in a timery marmar. _
<br /> 18� DEFAULt(3r'.rrtor shall ba in dafa�:t unde*this Deed oi Tnu1 and the Trustee s power shall beceme aperatIve In she evant lhat Crantor.Borrovter or E_
<br /> � � ersy�aratrtnr of the Gbl(gatiu�: �
<br /> � . (a) ta�'is to paY miY Ob�B�on to Lendar whsn dua: ar oavenant to Lender co�nained in th(s Oeed ot Trust or any oU►er�aosem or fuUUe �
<br /> _-_ .. . lb) fails to pertcrm anll�S�on or ixoaches any warrarrtY
<br /> ageemert: s ihe Propsrty in arry rratedal respeel ar sub�ects tha PmpeAy to seizure,conflscation.or aonderrr�adion:
<br /> • (c) destmYs,loses or dama� to Lender,
<br /> � °'y• �d� �cic�to rewke.tertrtnate or oth°nxtse I.nit its Ua�l'rty und9r anY 9uarsnry ' F'ed i�n�`id�Gr.:nrr.�:rmwat
<br /> (e) �s.Eaoomes tegaliy inwmpetem.is dissoNsd os tc^m�ed.becomas irtsahrerA.trek9s an���f���rtsfit of credte�,'�iL�to pay
<br /> ' debts�they beaorre dat�.fite�a petiCon under�e fe�.IaG.iim:ptaY taws•has an imro.uni�.'Y Pa
<br /> " ar anY��ar Is nart�ed.or has praPertY taken under�r•;v.11 or prooess of taurt: �:an,or use ot which.is iUe�`.
<br /> (� e1:rtAS goods to be used.tten".,ported or stored on E�r I�c-.erty.the pnssession.Uansp��'7ihout the wdtten aonsem of ls;.�•=7 _
<br /> . . • (9) '�!tc'xs any partY o�er than G�raritot or Borrower to ass:�or undertalce anY ObGBati
<br /> �thai tha�pras�of payrr+ent ore�pertom�ance is i paired��m dedirt9 In ira���tus of the Property:ar it Lender.in good tatih,ter any;�'.r.��es
<br /> y` • • 17. �i7GHT8 OF I.�1D£H ON OEFAULT. If there is a defa.i:�nder thls Deed o!Trust.Le'�•shatl be entiQed to exard�ona cr mor��'�"���'�nB
<br /> ' � remed�es whhoui natioe ar de�r�and(excepl es ce4�ired try law):
<br /> �� (a) to de�te tho Obl!g2tfons Irtrre�atelP�-nd payaWe in tult;
<br /> ' . (b) toaci:acllheoulstan�RgOb(igattonsc�r�ls�;.:wY�houtresofingtojud�.�,(;:cess: ar Chattels con�'°-rr�ihe PropeAy aa a p��°Fr^s_..ortaWy
<br /> : ' (e) to requtre Grdr►tar to dellier and rt�a1CO a�rm''abte ta Lender any pa'�"�ProDei►Y
<br /> . .~ eomrenfierA to Grsntor and Lender, u�. n for or obtatntng tho appoi�nent c}a recshrer���:Ler.�efs optiott,to
<br /> ;�.,.�, � (d) �o erRer upon and t3ke Pcssesston of the PropeY�+ �:ul ap�fyi 7 and whhou7 othetwise rtEetirtg anY si�a�a-.� :�r,�itimia regar�n9
<br /> u`.�{..;5�,. .'„, ;,�5;-�s racelver wfihaut bond.without frrsl bfirt�ng�.ur,on the Obl.gatiorts
<br /> ,�{a�,n b�ing(rrtended that Lender shafl have this eorrtracWal�i�►to appoirrt a roaeNcr.
<br /> '"'—"¢'�-"'•s��� (ef u�►s�toy a rtrirta�ng agem at the Properry end lei fie sart�.e3Uter in Trustee's awn narrp�in ihe narre of Lend�t w�.``L''E���°�of
<br /> `r �!'�' reoeive fie�rtts.iROOme9.issues artd prafits ot tho Rroperill and appN lhe same.aft�f paymarA o}ail rteoesrarY charge
<br /> s '1�: 1 � .
<br /> �-���`�' ��1���: ent by Lender to proteel ifw seutrity oi thts Deed ot Tnsst or tz�:.n 3ry 'co(autt other then
<br /> �L r:y'•� �:i (� to paY eny surrG in en}►tortn or manrter deemed expe�
<br /> ``',,;+'r:�; � paymetrt oi irrterest a prirtdpai on th0 Obligatioms; throu exerd,e o11he Rac�t�f saJo en tefeTenoad in
<br /> .",-. '�:�i�i"�;:'. . (9) to faradose O�io Qeed o1 Ttust�ddally or nonjuddally and to�rect ihe salo oi the ProP�Y �
<br /> °�i�'�• 20 hereolln acooadar�ea wiN ePDU�ble law�
<br /> •,•n:j;�'�� . �h)�s 4ft t�rertoro Obligat'.ans aganst any amaunts awod Qran'.r�by Lender ina¢ding,bul nai L�rs3r3!t�,mcr.les,instrt.�rr�er�:s,.�4.d deposit
<br /> sat
<br /> •'�1 .• a000urrts mairttalned wich Lender ar eny cutrerNy exisiing ar tuturo afE.:���f Lander,and
<br /> - (ij to 0xerdse ell olhor�ights availablo to I�nder urtd9r�try olher rarfC:�::�geerrom er appl:cabfa taw.
<br /> —„��...`����. " Lendefs�are�urutativa and rrey bo ozordsed to�i����3"ar.�Uon+again^i Granio Qrant w� �aNa�the po�_��ut����ll�.t w�htch rt��8t
<br /> - - - � oi eny ot the Properiy b'1 waY o1 a Prej�dgre:�nz 1, „���m at any safe. Praoeeds at stn/Trusteea sale Ite�u�da'�f:�L1 bo eppd e d
<br /> -_-_�r�,� a�',ryse bo re�t�red. lartdar ar L.candefs desigiee may p�T�'�=a�s m of 4�o Tn,stee's teos ae��;�ir:.m�qi:rtd rtot ta
<br /> .�.�?..:.:' „ fus1.to the oosis and o�nsas o}oxnroislng ths er o1 s�a�'�d t�ss:.�r:'o.irtctu&tg 1ho pa
<br /> oxoeed itee artnum whtch may 6a proAded for In i�Oeed et T�w:.:ar.r•+x:o paYmem oi the�ana sewred homby�third.2a i�r�1�r:++n�'�ot'untor
<br /> ' trusl deeds.motiSa9es•w other Uentsol�.�and ord�e �T�'I.cR�:�.f in!ts���n or o may eiec ryand no e or maa ex�erd:ea�thar,wa h rein��anteyd
<br /> �� � ' .+ 6e sold in ana paroel.or in such parco:, _
<br /> shall not extlngdsh a e�au�t the pawar unless the ert1:YO P►a�Y is soSd ar the odigations sre Daid in tuil.
<br /> 7�.TR!{3TEE8 EXERGSP OF PWVEA OF SALE ON DEFAULT• II londar elects to sdl Cirartofs Irr.aesl in Q�e Prope�t/by e�cerdse of the Dower of _
<br /> ' . saM�horein oontained.Lendet shall na5fy Trustee tn 4io mannec ihun req�ired by taw. �,t+od and de3vered such noUoes o}dts4auit °
<br /> ' . :�� W��eoeipl 01�xh no��A o1 lrer�der end at Uh-��irect;on o1 lnnder,Trustee shall rausa to EB reoorred.pubf' �.
<br /> . j;� and n6tlaes of sate&s rf�ay Q�en be roquirad by L��and by U�is Qeed ol7ntsl. TrusF2e sNafl.onH��s�'on ot l.ender and wi�n+n dem�d on tirantor. �,
<br /> .�; �K���s may t h e n b e n�j r e d b Y t a w a n d atter recardaoion o1 sud�na2iae of dafaull and aite�rtaLCe ot sa:a having been givan es requk�d by laK+, �
<br /> cell iho Rropert;/at the Ume and p4xe of sale fixed by it tn�cLOn to�thoth� bid6er tar ash in t wAd money oi lt�UM'ed Sidtas�uffide ���o �
<br /> �t
<br /> � v e�e6�t and m sud�order as tt rrey detem�ine.at Pubik � tt�ereof Its good and m deo0 ar� _
<br /> � a..=• � s a l e.a es otMnMse rrey then ba�Ired hY ta�x. Tru sae s h a l l d a l i v e►t o a ueh p�u�s e� P�� _•
<br /> e ss a(rtp13M The recitals(n sudi deed o1 arry matters or t e c t a c h�b�
<br /> � �+"�°" oomreyln9 tho�op�y so sold tu1 w�Utou1 an7l aovtnant ot warranry. �rs � rcAa:o N cud►r,.al�.Trusteo rtnY r
<br /> " � �u s i v a(x e o l_ o t fi e 1Mhf�rtess thereot. Arr,/�e r s On.includng.uuflhoul luntaLon.Grenta.Trusta�ar Lcm3e�,rr►�Y Pu �
<br /> � in tho mHnne►Ptollded tr/law postA�B sa;�0 1 a l a r a r ry�O�►o f i t s P r o p o rt y. _
<br /> � t4. REi2UE9T FGA����drosCsro 9sucfi�r on u�+t taa�t�h��etn m tho s�ame t,mo End n�s�am��rtannsr���ircd as t�ha�a cc�tre�C�t�horeoi �
<br /> who is a pany heseio �
<br /> tt�been f.led by eaCh suoh por�on. �
<br /> . P:.q�3 d0
<br /> • t:DOTC Rv.1271
<br /> r ,
<br /> �
<br />