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<br /> . ,ubstantiaN} cquiralent mnrtgage insurance�y»c�age i+not avxilabte.Borro��er.hall ps�tu l.rnder w.h munth a�um equal to �.'
<br /> . csne-h�e�'tti ui tbe yea*ly mortga�e in�utartce pr�mium tning paid b}• 9onuwer++hcn[he in>urance ruceragr Ixp�t�i ar cr.i�ed to -_
<br /> � ' t!z in effiet. Lxndet«�Il accept,use and rctsin thete pa}ments:u 1 IOtiS n.ene in lieu of mortgagr m�urancr. l.o�s rc�erve �_
<br /> payment+may no lunger he required.at the option af L.ender,if niurtgage in�urancc co�•crage�in thc amnnnt and far the period
<br /> � that Lend�r rcyuirc+►pro��ided by an inRUmr approv e d by Lendcr:�guin hecome+.�v:iilablc�u�d i.«:�taine.i. Bom�«er.hall pay
<br /> [he premiums reyuir�d to maintain mortgage in>utance in effect.��r tu procide a[osti r�ycn•e.until the reyuinment for mon�age �
<br /> �``�� insurance erds in�crurclam�e«•iih any aritien aa�ree�nent between�orrouer and l.ender nr appficabtc lats. �
<br /> . � �� 9.Inspectton. Lender or its agent m:a}•make reasonable entries upon and inspectiaru of the Property. Lender�hall give
<br /> . , ,; Borrower notiee at the ame of Rr priur to an tnspectii�n specifying rwsanable cause for the insRectinn. �
<br /> Ib. Condemnatfun. The praczeds of any award or daim for damages. direct or consec�uential.in rnnnectinn ��ith any Q _
<br /> ' ' y condemnation or uther takine of any part of the Property.or far com�e�an��e in iieu of cumt��r.racic�n.are herchY assigncd��d � --
<br /> � � tihali 6e paid to L.endcr. � -�
<br /> +:_.;. �-'� In the event of u total taking of the Property,the proceedti shall be applial to the sums�eeured t�y this 5ecurity Imtrument. � __
<br /> ���:¢ u•hether or not �hen due. with any excess pa�d to Borrower. In the event of a paniai taking of che Pmperty iu wCicii the fair �
<br />-��;� market value of the Property immediately trefore the takin� is eyuai tu ur greater than thc umount of the sums secured b�this
<br /> Security Instrument immediately before the salcing,unless Borrower and i.ender othemise agree in writing.the�ums,ecurrd by
<br /> this Security Instrument shail be reduced by the amount of the proceedti multiplied by the following fraction: la) �he total
<br /> • �: amount of the sums serur+e�immediately before the taking. divided by Ibl the fair market��lue of the Property immediately
<br /> ' � before the taking. An}•balunce shall be paid to Borrower. In the event uf a partial taking of the Propem in which the fair
<br /> � market value of the Praperry immediately before the taking i�less than the amount of the sums secured immediaiely hefom the
<br />'x��t•�=�•�,� taking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agre� in writing or unless applicable la.v othen�•ise provides,the proceeds shall
<br />".: P„ ^i
<br /> be appliui to the sums secured by ihis Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then ue.
<br /> � � � f If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after nou�Y by Lender to Borrower that the condemnur uffcrs tu make an
<br /> �� award or settle a ctaim for damages. Borruwer faila to respoad to Leader within 30 days after the date the notice is given,
<br />: -_:�::�Y.' L.ender is authorized to collect and apply the prooeeds.at its option,either to rescoration ar repair of the Preperty or to th:ss�ms
<br /> _`..;�,p`<:�. secured by this Securin�L�strument,whether oc not then due.
<br />;r: , : Unless Lender a�.;s �rruwer otherwise agee in writing, any application of pracse� ta vrincipa! s:1! not eatend or
<br /> - �` gostFone�.�due date L`'�.�:monLhla-;�,;y�.nts ref:^�i ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 or cts���:4.:.L�-:�:t of�_a^^�}��nents.
<br /> �f`° IlIl.'�t'r�..�;a+��r:l:1���s2�S;iF�"h�ita:���: �.et�2r r:�.:���aiver.Facte�:�1 f i'i�::.--12 �--'{`'�.:•=�'t Of fI1CaI�'[���A
<br /> "' . •,,A,•�. of aa^.c.*:a'i.•�of th�,.:,�secu:e::�, t.:s S.,-c�r,:y .�s�.�. �_ y : �': �-�- - -:='=�`?ef Burrar>er sha:l
<br /> �'.�.•T�jk : r�:i.i mil+siC�.�3 I,Cll�.l' J:_" ...°i�✓'t � :
<br /> - -.�,�-. � . • ..
<br />' 'Oi Cr�"-:�i.J CC��25Y''`'.� ..i�lilt}r O'!�:.202'lglil:�FJT.T�ti�C•-DJi?'JK'2;5 S::.C:a5:.:5.R i-=�{�C.L�.-::Ii;,:T�>�`2 C�'�"cfi.�
<br />,':_,,.�;,., ,�. :OtCLT.EIiC2 t,:cceedir._e E�a:�st any successor in ir.:�SZS':.T:2�yS:I3 Cl:.'a.�h::lZ'i�:payment or o2:�en���:Ta:c._i 2,:.c:tiw::,�
<br /> -..,::«:,s ' ef che �.:r= serare� r•y �is Security Instrumer., ba -c,�;a of any demt.^.al ►ne,:� by the original Bo.:,o��s: cr Horroa�er's
<br /> successcss i� interest. A:y forbearance by l.eatder i�exercising any ri;ht or rz,-�y shall not be a wai��er c+`or prectui��he
<br /> ,- • �'• exercise of any right ar remedy.
<br /> •y;.,;,,�,�; • 12, Suc�s.sors ar� Ass(gns Bound;dmiai aa�l Several Liablltty; Co-��e�s. The covenanu and agreemenu of this
<br /> --;:�,;�;, Security Instrument shall biad and henefit th� sac:.�sors and assigns of Len3er and Borrower, subject to the provisions of
<br />=-�-'�`����',':z paragrapb 17. Batrower s covenants and agreements shall be joint and severa:�. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> -�j���?= Instrument but does not execute the Noto: (a) is co-signing thi, Security Instrument only to martgage. grant and canvey that
<br /> - -='�:•'�:'� Baaower's interest in the Property under the terms af this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to Qay the sums
<br /> �,.�;,��� secured by this Security Instrument:and(cl agrees that Lender and:uiy other Borrower may agrce to extend,maJifq,forbe.0 or
<br /> =-��-- make any accommosl:itians with regard tn the cerm�of this Securiry[nstrument or the Notc without that Borrower's mment.
<br /> --.�-.:="•�:�� 13.Loan Cha���. If the tnan tiaurul by thiti Security lmtrmnent is aubject tn a law��hich .rets m�ximum loan charge5,
<br /> _=M---�;,�� und that law ir finally interpreted+o that tiu interetit ar atlicr Ic►un cttatgeti c�llecteel or m fie��llected in ennnection with the
<br /> "--�-_--�'� luan cxceed the p:,nnittczl lm�it�.then:lal any wch luan charge�haU bc rcduccd by thc amavnt aecrssary tn reducc the charge
<br /> - -� tn thc pcnnittcd limit;urtd tb)any sum►;sire.uly cullcctcd f'rum t3umnver whtch exceedcJ permittcd�imits��ill tu refundcd to
<br /> '-'--- Bnnuwcr. Lcndcr m�y ch��utic tu makc thi� rcfund by reducing the principal owcd undcr ihc lVatc �r hy makins a direct
<br /> -� J� payment tu Barrawer. If a rcfund raluccs principal, the rcductinn will bc treateaf ati a partial prepaymcnt without any
<br /> =�'--t-�� prcpaymcnt chargc undcr thc notc.
<br /> °----�-- — 14.Notic�.Aay nulix to Borro�ser provided lor in this Secunty Imtrument shall he given by delivcring it ur by mailing
<br /> --- it by fitst class mail uniess applicable la�v mquite+u�e of another method.The notice tihaU be directeG to the Property Address
<br /> or any other address Bnrrower designates by noticc to Lcnder. Any natice to Lcnder shall be given by first class maii to
<br /> L,ender's addn:ss stated herein or any other address Lcnder designates by notice to Borrov:cr. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> Security Instntmeni shull be deemed to huve been given to Borrowet or Lender when given as provideA i�this paragraph.
<br /> 15.Governin� Law; Severability. This 5ecurity Instrument shall bc govemed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> - jnrisdiction i�i which the Property is locaced. In the cvent that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> __- - cant�:�s with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provis�ons of this Security Inswment or the 1�Iote which can be
<br /> given eCi`:e�t without the conflictin;ptovision_ To this end the provisions of this Security Instr�ment and the 1Vote are declared
<br /> to be s�.•�r:.�le.
<br /> 16.Grro�er's Copy.Bonower shall be given one confomc�d copy of the Nate and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> - 17.Trsinsfer eC�2 Property or A�ene,i�c�al InteresE in Borrower.!f all or any Part of the Property ur any interest in it
<br /> is sold or transfene�.�c�if a bertefie�al interest in Borrower is sold ar transf rc�and Borrower is not a natural person)without
<br /> =------- - Lender's prior writ��~ consent. Lender may. at its option.require immediti: paym�nt in full of a11 sums secured by this
<br /> _= Securitu Instrument.However.this option shaU not be exercise�l by Lender if eeerc�se is prohibited by fcxleral lav�as of the date
<br /> - of this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> -_- -�-- if Lender exerci:f:s this option. Lender shall give Boaawer notice of accz'.�ration.The notice shaU provide a period oi not
<br /> -- less than 30 days�:cm the date the notice is delivered or mailed within wh:c.z Borrower must pay a11 sums secnred by this
<br /> _-- ==---- Security Instrument.If Borro�ver fails to pay these sums prior to tNe expiratia:��:f this periad.Lender mac invoke any remedies
<br /> ��;��.�,� Qem�itted by this Security lnstrument�vithout further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> W�' 18. Hormwer's Rigltt to ReinsWte. Ii Bonower mesis certain condi3ions. Borrower shall have the right to hnve
<br /> --
<br />