<br /> _..._�� � � _.:_-- �,t _.
<br /> ^� -� . . . -
<br /> �?��. ' ` . , . � . � . • • � u '` . . - , F. ` .t .
<br /> . �. �'- � ' *". -•'��"VDYF.�—'_ ^ " 3:. ..__'�`_..,_.�-_._. . .... . ..-.__— .._ ._.-__.�"—_'.��."'—' ' �. n' �... _"_� ` �`i� 4'C .
<br /> . .�..-
<br /> ' The Fund+ tihul! t+e hetd in an in�tiwtion �tihatc dcpnsit� arc in.,urad by a ftxiera{ agcncy�. in.trunumality. ur cntity �:•;.
<br /> • • � (mcluding l.ertder,if Lrader i��uci�an institution)or in any Federal H��me L.oan Bank. Lender tihall appl} the Fund+t��pay thc =
<br /> • ` ` Eserow Itemti. [.c:nder�r�y not rharge Hurro�r�er fnr holding and app�ying the�unds,annually an3lpr.inc the c�¢r�nv:tcraunt.ur
<br /> verifying the Escrow It�m�,unl�s L.t:nder Qays Borro�tier interect an the Funds and applir.�ble lativ permit�Lxr.der to makc+uch
<br /> � ,,, a charge. Hon•ever.Lender may require Bomow•er to pay a one-time ch:uge for an independent t�t��state tsx reporting ven ice
<br /> . : � . ` used by Lender in co�nection with this lnan, unless app{icabte law provides ��theMi+e. Unlcsa an agrcement is made or �
<br /> • applicable la�v reqaires ir.terest to be paid.Lender Shall not be requimd to pay Borruwer:eny interest or eamings on the Futtds. �
<br /> � .. Barrouer and Lender may agree in�vnting,ho�vever. that interest shall be paid on the Fund+. [.en�.r shpll give w Bnrra�ver. p
<br /> _ without charge. an annuai zccounting of the Funds, sholvinn credity and debits to the Funds and the ptgpose fi►r �rhich eaii�. ^
<br /> � . debit to the Funds was m.�de.The Funds are pledgeci as additional security for all sums secured by this Secunty la�irument.
<br /> ' � If the Fa�ds hetd�• L.�nder exceed the amounts permitted ro be hetd by applicable lau•,Lender stwtl accuunt to Borroa•er`� __
<br /> 1
<br /> �---•� fur the excess Funds ir acrnrdanrc a�ith thr requireir.ents of applirable law. If the sunount of the Fun��held by Lender at any
<br /> ..;,�:+�? time is not sufficient to�ay the Escrow[tems when due.Ler.der may so norify Borro�ver in�ariting.and.in�uch�e Bunowet �+'?
<br /> ..x�i:� shall pay to Lender the arrtount necessary to make up tha deficiency. Bormwer shall make up the deficiency in no more than �
<br /> �' � �;.=,� twelce monthly paymenrs.at Ixnder's sole discreuon.
<br /> i� Upon pay�ent►r. fu!! of al! sums secure�by this S�curity Inswment, Lender shall pramptly refund ta Bnrro�ver any
<br /> ' • F Funds held by Lender. LF,under paragraph 21, Lender shail acquire or sell the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> � • } of the Progerty,shal!agpiy an}Fun�s held by Lender at tine tune�f acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by
<br />.+� ^ �: � this Security Iactroment
<br /> . _ • � �� 3.Applic3�.aa o�P`3y�meuts.Unless applicable law provides otherwise.ail payments recei��cd'ny C.ender under paragraphs
<br /> ,f; "" I azcd 3 shall be appi��d: first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note: +ecand.to amount�payable undrr paragraph 2;
<br /> . third.to interc�t dae:fcRirth,to princ�pal due;and last.to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> '• ' a.C es;Lsetr�.Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessmenu,charges. fines and imposiaon�attsibutable to the Pro}seny
<br /> �� "�`= whicf�may�'ra rr.c-ity over this Secunty Instrument, and leasehold paymenis or grourtd rents, if any. Borrower sh�ll pay
<br /> r... ,. -, .
<br /> °�='��,<�` these obligaticzs sr��a manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid i*�that manner. Borrower shall pay them on time directly
<br /> .���� �-��;�.; to the penon otced�!aymen�t•Bonower shall prempily furnish m Lend:-. :..`�,notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph•
<br /> "'� If C-r�rcower mak�tkese payments directly.�arrower shalE prompdy furc.._..o Lender c�ceipts evidencing the paym_°nu.
<br /> �!-:�,��r"` F��rrower shall;.�mptly dis�3rge any lien which tta.�r'�:�"�ty over t.:s�..=-�.:rity °.-�ssiment unless�@oirower.c a)agrees in
<br /> ',�__
<br />.---�};-��y�-+��- �-^sir�to the paymerte of the oSzr�`.on securrd by the lie�•:-��:nanner ar:,�YsJa:�:�._..��r:(b)contests in g�ad f�:.n t e �en
<br /> .�f��j+'.'�+:`f;� by, or defends agvr�t enforcer_.•:: •;�`':�.° li.e.r. ►n. lega: ,:'=ceedings =-•�`:c� i^ d:e ?�der's opinion operate tc ,�revent th=
<br />'���!'s�ri'`•:�;� � enforcement of ti:e li.�:ar(c)setures�r'tr.�-�e':older of the lien an��a�nt satisfactory to Lend°-suBordinaung the lien tQ
<br /> '; .€�'�{ : this Security Irs��ment. If I.ender det�r-�!-�'�st any part of the Pro�c-�is subject to a lien whic�.i,:,::_attain priority otie:
<br />.�-�%�,:��
<br />;;n.�,��;j..
<br />='-x�:��:,. this Security Instr,Jr.cr:t. LeRder.�sy gi�e�T�:�er a nouce id�ntifying the lien.Sor*ow'er shall s�"s:i:�r�.:4��'c�take one er
<br /> '��'"�`'"'y` more of the acrr�s set forth abn���.ithin IQ:.:;s of the giving of na�ce.
<br /> r f��K
<br />�-:;;:i�'.z�.�.��,t„ • i �. y��,je property �.�urance. C�.-�v�er shaf[ �.:.p the :__:�-avemenis naw existing c- �:�-e'arter er�cted on _t
<br />_,H;�:,,rP,ff�,
<br /> S . property lrslr�._.�inst loss by fire, haz�r;.� .-::aded�:.�n Lhe ce:�n 'e�wnded coverage"and�-�ti e:her hazards, inclu in�
<br /> '"``;'l' �'�.��:-�'c�r;��i'or which Lender requirea.!-_:�..-ance. F�.�s insurau�=s�;J b�maintained in the a��unts and for the periads
<br /> _ _ _,r�'¢.
<br />___�_�,:�,�.�. ��Er��•The insurnnce carrier providing the i:s::rance sha11 be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approva
<br /> -'"�''ri �slv.:c �hall not be unreasonably withheld. If Borrower f��s to maintain coverage described above. Lender may. at Lender's
<br />-=s�r'��'d optia�.obtain covetage to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7.
<br /> --`4.:.:�,.
<br /> :-�.��ro���,�±w , AU insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall inctude a standard mortgage clause. n er
<br /> --.-� shall have the riphc to hold the policies and rene�vals. If[.ender requirel.BorrowEr shall pramptly give to Lender all tecEipts of
<br /> ___--- ;:,�;v�� paid premiums and rertewal notices.In the event of lus.r,Borrawer shall give pn�mpt notice to the iruurance prrier and Lender.
<br /> - =�y=--` =-' Lender may�nuke prunf of Ims if not made prompdy by Borrowcr.
<br /> - Unless Lender and Hnrrower other�7�c aB�ec m writing,inwrance pmceeds tihall be applied to retitaration ur repair nf the
<br /> --.,,u,,:u;y„��� Property damaged.if th�rctitor�tian or repair iti c��annmir�Uy fe:isible and Lender's ticcurity is rrot lessened.If the restoratiun or
<br /> -_v�.�;�°� rcpair is not�eco:wmically fea�ible or Lender'ti yccurity �+nuW tre Ietisened.the insurance procerds shall be upplial to the yums
<br /> _:.,�� securad by tF.ica Sr�urity Instrum�nt, whcther or Rot then due. with any excess pai.�l to Borrower. If Burrov�er abandans the
<br /> --_= Property. or ctoes rut answer within 30 Juys a rtotice from Lender thnt the insurance carrier h�.ti o€fered to stttle a claim. then
<br /> Lender may ca�Idct the insur�►ttce pruceeds. I.ender may use the proceed, to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> -------- secured by tFis Secu:ity�Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-duy period will begin�vhen the notice is grven.
<br /> Unless Letuier and Barrower otherwise agrex in writing. any s►pplication uf preceeds te prirtcipal shall not extend or
<br /> - �ostpone tt.c die date of the monthly payment�refened t�in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amuunt of the payments. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired hy Lender.Borrower s ri�ht to any insurance policies and procecds resulting from
<br /> damage to tNe Property prior to the acquis�tion shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums sccured by this Security Instrument
<br /> immediately pzcr to the ncquisition.
<br /> 6,p��;pr�;y,Preservation.11fainte�nce and PratectFon of the Property;Bar��atier's L.fla��pplica4icn;Leasehoids.
<br /> Borrower shull occupy.establ��TM•:nd use thy Propeny as Barrawer's prinripal residence within sizty days after t1iE execution of
<br /> _-- __. this Securiry Ir.:jtrument and�Szx;i continu�ca occupy the Property us Bonower's principal residence for at lea:t e::e year after
<br /> the date oF�ccugancy,unless Lender athers::�e agrees in writing,which wnsent shall not he unreasonably withiield,or un:ca
<br /> extenuating cii�:urnstances exitit which are 6�yond Borrower's emitrof. Borrower shall aot destroy, damage or impaar •�,.e
<br /> - ------�-- �roperty, allc» the Propen� to deteriorate, ar commit �vaste on the Property. Borrowe:sfiall be in default if any fodeiturz
<br /> --- �c��rnn or prxeeding, whether civil or criminal,iti begun that in Ixnder's good fnith judgment could result in fcrfeiture of the
<br /> °•'._ ___— Praperty os c►iherv�iss materially impair the lien crc�ted by�his Security instrument or Lender's security interesi. Worrovrer may
<br /> �v"'�'�' cure such u default and reinstate,a+provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceedin;to be dismissrd with a ruling
<br /> --=— that, in Lend�r's goad faith detcrminatinn, preclude. forfeiturc i�f the Borrower's interest in r.h� Property or other material
<br /> -�_- - � impairenent of the licn created by thi�Security Instrument or [.ender's ucurity interest. Borro.ti:-s shaU also be in default if
<br /> -_—-= Barrowrr.during thc laau application pracetis.gave materially fUlse or inaccutate information or stutements to Lendet(or failed
<br /> ����;s;,,�,,�' ,�,,.._'$� to provide Lender with any materia!infomiatiun)in cannectiun with the luan evide�:rxi by the Note, including,but not limitvd
<br /> --_.',:A� , to,repn.�entntionsconceming Borcower's occupancy of the Prup�rty as a principal re�ide:�cc.If this Security Instrument is on u
<br /> _ :._:;�;-;� leaseho:d. �orrower tihall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tiQe to the Prnperty. the
<br /> =_�:w.__;;;'};;r_�, leaseho:d and the fee title shall not merge unlccs Lertder agrees to the merger ia writing.
<br /> °'=�`aj,:::�,�a 7.3'tr'o22ction of I.cndet's Itights in the Properiy.lf Borrower faiis to perForm thc covcnants and agrecmen�s contai�Zed in
<br /> =:''� �'•';:`�� this Security Instrument, or th.re is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Pn�perty (such as a
<br /> .�
<br /> w,�• .. a
<br /> __ .• :; prucetxling in b:uikruptcy,pmbate. for cnndemnatiun or fnrfciture or to enforce lnwti or regulationc�.ihen Lender may do and
<br /> -��;��,, , p�y fe:whatever is neces.sary to protect the value of the Pruperty and Leader's rightti in the Pmperty. l.ender'ti actions may
<br /> ,''-:t::A�:,:_ �' � �nctude pa�ing any sums ,ecured by a lien which has pnonty over this Security InSwment, appearing in cuurt, paying
<br /> =`_�.._.;;�x;!��• ; , r�uanuble attomeys' fu�:s and cntering on the Pr��perty tn make repain. Atthough i.crder may take action under�his parasrnpb
<br /> ,..�-~... .. , t�,>; 7,Lendcr daes not have to dn So.
<br /> r-,•'��,, �-•t�� Any :unounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bnrrower secured by �:1i�
<br /> i'i'�<<'' Secur+ty lnstrument. Unless Borru�eer and Lender agree to�thrr tenns of paymer.t,these ammmts shall bear interest frorn t_^: _
<br /> '�`;:�'i'•:.�'.'::,.a'��{�:`.� date of disbur.sement at the :tinte rate aad shal� be�s}a(ilr. wid� interest, u��n nu:ece from L.ender to Lucr:,�v�t reqL•.�t:c„
<br /> � ;.. <•:.
<br /> , a mcnt.
<br /> ��� . '. •.''��l''t, � y 8.1►2art'.�t��}�1���.If Lender r�:v,u:red m�rt�::be insurr.c�:Ly,3 condition of making th:ir,��^seccrex'_by this Se�:urii,
<br /> . �.�,�w��;`,;.,,
<br /> , . �„ inswment. B��rr.�wer tihall pay the premiums requir�,: ta maint:�n �ln: mortgaFe insurance iR e(i�:t:. If. `r-�ny reatio�. }:;�
<br /> �, �'� . mortgage inwrance coverage reyuited by Lender lapsc�+�:�'ce:u�s t�':.e in effect. Borro�ver shall Fsy the�:z;;.:�.�'s required to
<br /> � obtain cuver�ge substantially equivalent to the mortgagt:e�surance previously in effect. at a co�t substantiu►} ca;n.valent to the
<br /> ,;;';`'�..__:_°-'�_..�_. cust to Bnrrotver of the mortgage insurance previous:� m effect, from Un s�ltcmtite m��rtgage insurer appro�c.1 by Lender. If
<br /> , � , . vaso a ot a :Form 3028 ,9180
<br />