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<br /> � � ` It Lcnder requircd martgage insurance us a condition of mnking the Inun srcured by �his Securily Instrument. .:��r;4�;";��::;;:_-
<br /> _,_,��.�.;a��
<br /> �:Y..�.,X;_#?a BorrowBr shull pay ihe premiums rcquired�o muintain the insuronc� in eflect until such time�c�he requirement for ihe `; :�o,�,;,�,_;
<br /> • L""'�-°'' insurance terrninutes in accordance with&►rrower's and Lender's written ugreement ar applicable law. � ; ::<<;aj�;e�,,,,..,<<..
<br /> � � �� 8. In�pectian. l.ender or ils agem may makc rc:uon�ble cntrie� upon and inspernnns nP�he Prrprny. [_cnd�r � •�•�� .�
<br /> , , • ,�� ' _• shall give Borrower notice ut ihe ume oPor prior ta an inspection s�xcifying reusannble cause far thr inspection.
<br /> . . • , :,,,, '• ; 9. Condemnation. The prceeeds oPuny nwprd or clpim tor dumages,direci nr consequentiul,in connection wiih
<br /> _ . any condemnaiian nr other�aking af any part of�he Property.or for canveyunce in lieu of rondemnulion,ure hereby , i;;.. ,
<br /> • I ,�'': , assigned und shall bepuid to Lender. ���������`
<br /> ��� In the event of o totnl taking of the Property,the proceeds sholl br upplied to the sums xecured by this Secunly
<br /> Iastrument,whether or not then due,with any ezcess puid to Borrawcr. In thc e�ea���t'u partinl tuking of'the Praprrty. �
<br /> � ; unless Bortower and Lender atherwise ogree in writing,the sums secured by�ih�Se�u�ty Inst�ument shail br rrdure.i by f
<br /> the amount of�he proceeds muUiplied by the Poltawing frnction:(a1 the tot�l amuunt oi the wms serw�ed immed�utely
<br /> before the tuking,divided by Ib)thc fair ma�ket vulue of the Property immrdia�elp brfore the taking.Any baiance shaU be . : •.;��
<br /> ..5��' paid to 8orrower. � •' '`''.,` ,
<br /> ;"� If'the Propenp is abandoned by Horrawer,or if,ufler noticr h}�Lrndrr to&�rrc�Nrr iliat the condemnor nBen t�� ,�i: ., , '
<br /> ���.
<br /> • make nn uward or seule a eluim for damages,Borrower fpils to respond tu Lender w ithin?0 d.���s after the dote the notice is ; ,. � ���,
<br /> � ' given,Lender is auth�rized ta collect and apply Ihe proceeds,At itc option.enhe�ro rest���ptiun ar repair af the Property or ;,-.�,�"'°�`
<br /> ' to the sums secured b} this Securiry Instrument,whether ur nul then due. 5`�r
<br /> ' `. � Unless Lender and Horrower otherwise agree in writing,any applicu�i��n of�rikerd�tn�►nncipal shall not eatend or �' ,`;�.w;
<br /> •`���`'``'• postpone ihe due date oi the mon�hly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the umount of such puyments. � � ;
<br /> •,�„��,' �,;';t:�,'v���� 10, Borrower Vot Released; Forbearance ay Lend�r Not �+ Waivcr. Extension of�hc time for payment or , _
<br /> .,��. '�+;.��,�,�;�;" madiRcation af nrnorti�a�ion oP the sums secur�cd b� this Secunty Instrument granted by Lender to am successar in 'ti �°
<br /> '��^-1,rY.;:..,;ll'... •. 4�'.`7,�7
<br /> ��.�r., � � � inter:st nf Rorrnwrr x3�all nol operate to release�hc Siability of the i�rigin�l B.�rro���er or B�rrower's�ucrc+���rs in interes�.
<br /> .,.�._, . I _ j �,,
<br /> • I -'' ° �!.' •� ��' Lender shall not be required to commence praceedings again�t am•succc���u in interest or refu�to extend time for . �
<br /> ,(�;r t:: � �?+"'
<br />� , �, .�,�3:.' �t; paymen t or�itherwise madify amartization oP the sums�ecured h..�t��.Securit�•incirum�nt�+��reuson of any demund made ,.�,, ,-.T.
<br /> 1 •.'•rf: ... ,: by the nriginal Borrower or Borrower's succe�sors in interest.Any fi�rbearance h}•Lende�in e�rrcising any ngh�or remedy �, � ' , . � � ..���:_
<br /> � "� �� `���`''••�" shall not be a waiverof or preclude Ihe exercise of uny right or remedy. 1�� �'� '���" ,
<br /> �� ;� �' � "°�`'. 11. Successo�s and AssiWns Hound;Joint and Several I.ipbility; Co-signe�s. ThN covenc►nts und ugreements af � '.
<br /> ;.i '',;.,.•'tit,. � • , "
<br /> %��• '� this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the succestors and assigns��f l.endar s�nd Bnrrower,subject to the provisians
<br /> . .,, � �-�.• .,. �_.
<br />, , � ';�;'� ;.:`;;•'.���:�'�•�: ui puragr;,pi� 17.i3�xrawer'i.ovcnants and agrccros�t;shal!be joint:snd sevesal.Any H�rmurr who co-signs this Securit� .. _
<br /> � '�'''''����• •', Instrument but does not execute the Note:(n)is co-signing this Security In�trument onl� to�ongage,grnnt und con�ey- ; ;;� •
<br /> • i� •��'�:';•�.` � ; �;;r,•. '.• �
<br /> � .,+.�,,,•tij,ftti.,��ti;� that Bu�rnwer's in�eres�in the Property under the termti uf thi.Securi�y[ntitrumem:(b)i� nrt}xryunnlly obliguled to pay ,r,; ; .
<br /> � �'� • ' • � the sums cecured by this 5ecurily Instrument:�nd(c)ugreeti�hat Lender and any�rthar diormwer may agree to extend, �i ;...,, ,
<br /> .�Wf ". .e
<br /> , • .. ' modify. forbear or m�ke any�iccommodauons Nr.h regord to the terms�if�tai+Security Insirumena rr tfie Note withaut . ,
<br /> ' ' thutBorrnwcr'sconscnt. ,��.'-�i • �• •
<br /> . .;�.�.�. 12, LoAn Charges. If the loan tiecurril by this Securit} lnstrumcm��.ubjctit t��n laK�which se��maximum loan `; �;�;., , �� •�
<br /> ` �����'�; chnrge5. and �hat law• i� fin�lly interpret�d tin tnut ihe mtere�t �x other I��an churgc� r��llrc�rd ar ta he collected in , �,
<br /> 'a� "'�'� connectian wi�h the loan excced the prrmilted limits, then: (a>nny �uch I��an rharge tih:,ll tx reducrd by the amount l �, '�''''•
<br /> `� , necetirary�o reducc the chs+rgr to the permitted limu:and(b)any tium�t+IreAdy collected from Barrowcr w•hich exreeded . �,�.''•
<br /> , ��'�;, permitted limuti will be rrfunded ta Barrower. [.rnder may chcxne t��makr thiti refund by�reJurinR the principul ou�cd
<br /> �� '� ' : � ., under the Noteor N��mak�ng u dir��c1 payment lo Borrower. If a refund rrdurr�princ�pal,thereJurti�m wdl be treated as a , �
<br /> �� � ' •••'• +, partiul prepaymenl w ith��ut��ny prepaymrnt chargc unJer Ihr Notc.
<br /> ' '��' 13. l.egislation Aftectinp Lender's RiRhts. If rnactmem nr rxpira�i��n ��f applicablr Ii1Wti ha� �he rflert ��f . .
<br /> ��r�',����.�.•� renderingany pr�vi�iim oPthe N��tr nr�hi�Srrurity Imtrumrnt unenforceuhk uc.nrding t�its lermti,Lender,a�it+uptum,
<br /> i� � �; , .
<br /> , �:.`' may require immec�iatc pacment in full of all rum+�ecured hy thi� Srrunt�. In�trument and may imake any remedie+
<br /> permittcd by par�graph 19.lf l.�nclrr rxrrci.rrti�h����ption.Lrnder shnll t�kr lt�e stepti sprr�fied�n the.recond paragraph nf
<br /> ' paragr:ipF.17.
<br /> 14. Noti¢es. An��notiet t.��k�rruwrr pru�ided fi�r in thi.Se.unt�In+trument tihallbe gi�•en hy delivenng n orby
<br /> , maiGn�,: ii h}•first class m•ril unle��upplicable law• reyuire� u�e��f unathrr m�th�x1. 7'he noure+hall tx d�rected t�� Ihe
<br /> , Pmperty Addres�nr an}�xher uddrr..Borrower d��,ignates b> noure tn L�ndcc An� ninice to I_cnder tihull he gi�•rn My
<br /> ';.��t�,! " first class mail�o L�n der's addre«�tated herem ar any�01 her uddn�c+ Lendar�de�ignotc�h�•no�icc�a Rurroa•rr Any nonce
<br /> '9�`t provided fi�r m this Se:urity Intilrumem,hall he Jremed to ha�c been gn•en��•H��rrawrr ar Lender ahen given a�pro�ided
<br /> in thi�paraFraph.
<br /> ls, Coverning l.aw;Srvernb7lity. Thi�Sccurn� In�lrument+hall br Eu�ernrd h} fidcral law•and thc law��f thr
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Prn�ert� i+ I�kated. In the c�rnt thai an) �+ro��tii��n ur rlau.r��f thi.tircunq Imtrument��r Ihe
<br /> �� Note ronflirt+w•ith a}�pLcahle luw•,�u�h cimflict �hall n��t affert oth�r pr���i��om��f thr,tiecunt� In.trumrnt or thc l���tc
<br /> ' .'i�, which ran heEi�rn rfTcrr N•nhuu� thc c��nflirt;nr }�r.n�i�ii�n. To thi.cnd Ihr r��,��i.ion.��1 thi��rrunt> ln;;rumcnt and�hr
<br /> ' '�•' � '�i t�. Notc c�rr declarrd In tx�e�crahlc.
<br /> ;�;, '. ' '' 16. Hnrrower's Copy. Ii�•i rrn�er�hall he E��ru unr.�,nf,�rmcd r,•�� uf thc N�,ic and rf�hi,�rrunt�In,trument.
<br /> `s�t � 17. Transfer ot the Prapenh or a l3rneticial Intcrc+v in A��rrowcr. (1':ill ��r :+r.� r�n ��I'thr Pn��rt. �r ac:+.
<br /> � ���> • mterest m�t i�s�ld��r tr.,r�frrred�,�r,fa Ixneti.ial intrre.t ii:H.�:r�w•rr iti,�,l.l��r tr:m�icrrr�'.:�nd li�,rr��wer i,not�n,�+:�ra;
<br /> �;5c�rt �xnnn)With�,ut i.ender', pn�,r��•nnen r„n.rnt. 1 endcr rnay.ai u.�,r:�,�+•. r:asirr�mrned�aie pa>ment in fuU af atl�un�:
<br /> .ecured h} thi, 5eruri;;, tn.trumrm. H�+w<<rr, t}u.��pt�nn �h.�ll n,•� hr aK�r�:�.�d hy l.rndrr drtcr�i,r i, pmhibned h�
<br /> frder:lllJH:l«�fthrd�te��fthi.Srrunn (n.�rumrnt-
<br /> If l.ender e!�ercitie�th�.o�u��n.I.rnJrr•hull gne H�,rru���cr nr�i.r rf�i itltT]I„t: 7'r;r n��n�r.hall�r�,�idr:+{�rn�tii
<br /> af not le++t han zn d��.fr„m i hr d:�tr t hr n�,urc i�Jrin cred�,r rn:nle�u it h ir.w hi:'F:H•�r r.�+:r mu,�r.�}:�II wm��rcur�d hv
<br /> �hi.S��un�� In�trur:eut. If H��rrrwer fad,i,�r�� th�wr�um�pn��r i�•�hr P\^IT;I'l`n��i th�.�nixi.L�ndrr ma�m��,Ae•rny
<br /> � remrd�cwperm�tteJNc ih��ti�tiunt}In+trumrce u�ehuut tutthcr nnti.rnr;���:�^:!�,n li„rn,��er.
<br /> 18.Rorrower's Ria6t t�Reintitate. I:�H��rmwrr mrrt�rcri.im:��n�uu�n,.Hnrr��Wer.h.�li ha�r Ihr ntiht tu he�r
<br /> eni��r.cment of thn Srrunl� In.trumcnt d�,c�,nnnued:�t an� nmr�•ru�r� •the c�r�;•_r.�f ��i�J.��.1„r.u�h��Iher�ncx!a.
<br /> appli�:�hle I:�w ma�ti�xrif�fr.r reen.t�tcmrnl l hrlitte�alr��f Ihr Prnper�} (":P..:.IfAt�.. ,in�. r��H.r�,1.;�Ir runtaincd in�hi.
<br /> 5c�urit}Instrument.��r(htenen rf a�udFmcm cnfnrcm��hi,tii•�u�rty In-rrc.^z�c�r I'�,��r.�mditu�n.arr Ih:u H��rn�wer
<br /> lu)pa�ti l.cnder •ril .um.whi�h thcu N��uld tx Jur unJrr thi�tic�unn In�rcumerst an.i �hr V��tr naJ m�arcrlrrUUun
<br /> � �wcurrcd, Ih�rurc�.�n} de(auk��f any uther r�,�eu:mh ar .�grecmrm,. �,� .r.�y� all r�prm�h mrurr�Yl u► rntnrrmF thi�
<br /> f Se�urtt) In�Itument. inclading.hul nut hm�ted n,. rca,unahlr atl�rrnr)�'(r�Y:.ind Id 1 lal�r. .u.h aruun:i� I rnder ma�
<br /> rea�onahl} req�ca�e t.��..ute thar thr hrn uf th��Srcurny In.trumrnl. I cndrr'. n�tht� in Ihr Prn�rt� anJ HurraWer'�
<br /> ; obl��acmn tr pac thc .um. .�,:urcJ h�� �hn 5�wunt� In.tru�nent .haU c�,u�inuc unrhanErd l p�•n rcm�tatrmrnt h�
<br /> Hc�r��atr_e h�.Se�urotc (rntramcnl•rnJ thr i�hli�tan�m..�tur�Yi hcrch�.h�ill rrm:un full}rflcclnc.n�i n��accclrran��n had
<br /> �krurc�^d F9��wac.er.ah�ti nght ta rem�tolr�hall n„t appl}�m thc ca.c�,f arrcicraU�m uodrr r:uagraph.I<<�r I�
<br /> . �
<br /> i �
<br /> • ,� -
<br />