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<br /> -� • � UNIFORM CovENANTS. Borrower and Lendcrcovenunt and agre�avfnllewti: ;, _.,r� ��% :a6�.,,,�.:.F..F=
<br /> , �,..`r���., . .,,. 1. poyment ot Principal and Interesti Prepoyment and I.wte Charges. fk�rmwer+h+�U promptly pay when dur � • _ , . .---=-_ �
<br /> �! • •• the principal of and interesl an the debt evidenced by t he Note and nay prepaymeni und late chArges due under the Note. _
<br /> ,,-•�.-_._-_-_
<br /> 2. Funds for TAxes�nd Insunmce. Subjcct t�a�plicable luw<►r ro s�wrilien woiver by Lendcr.Horrowe�sliull puy Y ���,
<br /> , � to Lender on the day momhly payments are dua under the Note,umil the Nnte is paid in Pull,n sum("Fund�')equnl tu ..,��;^,°:_�-,_ ,
<br /> ono-twelfth �f: (n) yeorly taxcw and assessmentc; which muy attu�n priorily over this Scruriiy� In+irument; (b) yeurly ,
<br />_-J� les►Rehold peyments �r ground rents on the Propeny, if uny: (c) yeArly he•r.nrd inFUruncc premiums; and !d) yeurly
<br /> moRguge imurance premiumfi,if nny.These items are enlled"escmw itrmti."Lender muy e�limate the Funds due an thr ..,..,...�,-,.;...,
<br /> � bpsis of current d�ta and reasonable estimates of future escrow i�ems. �
<br /> The Fuads shall be held in an institution the deposits or nccounts of w•hich are insured or guurunteed by u federul cir , , , ,,;,;�:`r,1 jv7:',
<br /> statc agency lincluding Lender if Lender is such nn iustitution). Lendcr tihall upply ihe Fundc io puy �he e�crow item.r. ' .
<br /> T"`� I.ender may not charge Por holding und applying the Fuods,anolyzing�he uccount or verify�ing the e�crow items,unlr5ti
<br /> Lender payc Bor�ower interest o�the Funds and applicYble Inw permita Lender to muke such u charge. sarmwer und
<br /> l.ender may ag�ee in writing that intcrest shalt be paid rn t�e�unds. Unlcss an agreemenl is mude or npplicable luw 1 .
<br /> %r�. requires interes� to br paid.Lender shall not b�required t��pa} BormKer any interest or eurningti on the Fund..Lender
<br /> :��'. sha11 Rive ta Borrower,without charge,un nnnual accountin�nf the Fuad�•+howing credits und debit�to the Funds and the
<br /> , pu�se for which each debi�to�he Fundx was made.The Fund�are pledgr�l as addi�iunal srcuri�y for tbr sum�serured by ��
<br /> � • ' `'';,' �. this Srcurity Instrument. � �.��f
<br /> • ""''�:i�,��•:��!� If the amount of the Fund�hrld by Lender,together with the Pulure monthly�puyrnents of Funds pr�ahl��r�nr to F..• ,
<br /> �� `ti the due dates of the escrow ilemc,.hall exceed the umount r�quired�o pay the c�scrow uems w hen dur.the exces.+hal I be. � , °
<br /> ,l � at Borrower's option,either prompdy repAid tn Aorrower or credited to Borrower on monthh•pa>re�+�ts�f Fundti.11 the t ' .
<br /> amount aP the Funds held by I.encier is nrn suffi:ient to pay'the escrow items when ciue, Bnrmwer�ha11 pa�to Ltnder an> �
<br /> � amount neceswry to make up the de8ciency in one or mrre�*ayments as required by Lender. : � "����'�•
<br /> Upnn payment in Pull of ull sums secured by tM+��rurity Instrument. Lender shall pramptly refund t��8orr��n•er � , ��.:�;,r
<br /> uny Funds held by Lender.IP under paragraph 19 the Properly is tio l d��r acquired b y Lrnder.Lender shall uppi�.�+�� la�er
<br /> Ihan immediately prior to the sule of the Pcnrzrty or its ucqui.ition hy Lender,uny Fund�held hy Lrnder nt the time of i ;
<br /> � upplication as u crrdit nga�in�t Ihe tiums serured hy this Security Instrument. l t� �' -
<br /> �ovides otherwise,all uymrr,u rrrei�•ed by l.rnder unde� ,
<br /> 3. Applicatlon of Payments. Unless applicnble law p P
<br /> para�raphs 1 and 2 shall be a�par.:l:first,to late churges due under the No1e;secc�nd,to prepu}•ment chargex due undrr the �... � ,
<br /> ' Note;third,to amoun�c payablr under paragrapfi 2;Pourth,ta interetit due:und last,to pri�acipal due.
<br /> 4. Chwr�{es;Liens. Barrower shall pay all taxes,ur,�sment�,ch•rrges,fineti und irt�pnsitions nttributable to the � ' ,
<br /> Propeny which may attain priorily.ovef this Secunty Instrument. und leu4ehold payments�•r gr�:und rents, if any.
<br />' Borrower shall pay these oblig�tions in Ihc m:►nner provided in purugraph 2,��r if not paid in thn� mannrr,B��rrawer shull
<br /> _�__ �+ry them on time directly ro the perann owrd paymen�.Bormwer shall promptly furnish���I.ender all nnticr:;of nmounts
<br /> — , ,, tc�t�e paid under this paragraph. If Borrower makec thexe�+ayments directiy. Hormwcr whuU p�uutpit} farnisr tr.L.�der I' '', ',..1
<br /> ,'��`;: f.� , rcceiptsevidencingthepaymenl�.
<br />� . Borrower shall prompdp diccht►rge any lien whirh has prioriry ovcr�hi�Security Inti trumem u n l e��B o r r o a�e r.(a)
<br /> • agrecs in writing to the payment of the c�bligation�eeur�d by the lien in u manner arceptahlr tc•LcnJer:l b)rnntr�t+in gcx�d �'.
<br /> '�i,+' faith the lien by.or defend�againsl enforcement of thr lien in,legal rrrreedings which in the l.ander's opinion��perute to .+
<br /> ; ; prevent the enforcement of the lien or fnrfeiture of�ny part of the Pn►�xrty:ur(c) x�ures Prnm thc h��lder of�hc lien un � ,' ; '�.�,
<br /> :;;,,. �,;
<br /> _ • • , ugreemeM�atisfac�ory to Lender wlxirdinuting the licn ti�ihis Securiry Instrument. If i.ender determincw that any par�of ,: ..
<br /> the Pmperry i� �ubjrct to a lien which muy a�tam�riorrty o��cr thiti Secunty Imtrunient, Lender may grve Norrov►�er u
<br /> ;�:..
<br /> natice identiPying the lien.Borrower�hall sa�isf}•the lien or take ime�r mor�uf the actii�rtm srl fnrth•rt+c��•r within ID dayr �. • . .
<br /> of the giving of notice. . �
<br /> ' S. H�rd Insurance. f�orn�w•er.haU hee�+�hr impra�rmentti n��u��Kisung��r hrreafler erected�m the Propeny�
<br /> insured against lars by fire,hazard,mcluded within�hc t erm"e��ended caverage"anJ t�ny�nher hu�ard+for a•hich Lender .
<br /> requires insurunce. Thi� insurance+hall lx muintuined in the amuunt� anJ for th� Txni�ds that Lrnder rcyu+rc�. The
<br /> insurance carner prrn•id�ng the mwrance shnll be chotien hy H��rr��u•er suhject ta Lender'�appmv�! whtch �hall not Me ,
<br /> ; � unreasonably withhcld.
<br /> All insurance palicie+ und reneaals +hall he •rcreptahlr tu LrnJer and +hall inrlude a.tandard mi�rtgage cl�u�e.
<br /> I Lender shall have the riRht�ci huW thc�x�lir��w and renewal�. If(.enJer rrywres,liurruwrr tihall rrompUy givc lu Lender ,
<br /> ull receip�s nf puid premium+and renru•ul nuucrs.In�he event al'lu+�.Borr��wrr+hall give prompt nntice ta Ihe inwrance , •"'�•,�
<br /> carner and Lendee Lender muy muke pnwPof I���.if no� madr pn�mpt 1��b� H��rru�c�r.
<br /> Unles�Lender and Burruw•cr i�thcrw�tir agree�n K•rmng,in,urancr pnnr�J,�h:�ll hr appGrd to rest��ratiun��r repuir
<br /> of'the Pmper�y damaged,if thr r��toration or rrpair i�rcon��micall� fea��hlr�nJ Lender'ti.rcunr. is n�►t IetireneJ. If the �:.<� ,
<br /> restoration��r re�uir i�not econumicully fra.iblc ar Lender'.ucunty u�auld hc le.�rnrd.�he mwrnncc pnx:ceds shAll tx
<br /> . applied lo Ihe�umti+rcurrJ hy this Serunt}•In+trument,whethrr or ni�� thrn due.w ith any rxrcw+pniJ to Hormwer. If
<br /> Borrower abandonr�he Pra{krt}•,nr diuw na1 amw er w nhin �0 da>'�:�n���ic�fram Lendcr thai �hr insurance rarner h•rs
<br /> � oflered ta�etde a claim.thcn l.ender may r��llert the mtiuranrc pnxecJ..Lender ma�•u.c Ih�pmcrrdti t��repair��r rchtare
<br /> ; the Proper�y ar tu pay� �um� srcured h}•tfii,Serunt} In+lrument.w•he�hcr ar nut then due. 1'he ;0-day prru�d will tx�gm
<br /> , when the notic�i�ui�'cn.
<br /> Unl�ws I.rnder.ltl�At�TTf�K'Nf 1t1I1C1'R IK agree m��riung,am a�phrau�,n�,f�r�krrJ.t�,pri�iripal,hull nat extend or
<br /> ` � , � pintpane 1he due datc rf thc m�,nthly pa}�men�,rcl'rrrcd���m p:v:�tir�rh. I and?n*. cn:mgr the am��unt af Ihe payment�.If �
<br /> . � � under paraRra�+h 1Q Ihe 1'mrcrt�ic aryuired h� LenJer,N�+rroHer'�nght tu:+m in�uran:��+uGri��and pnxrrd�retiulung
<br /> � .'' •'•,•1•• j from damagr t�,tha Pr���xrt} pnor t��the acym.man+hall����tci Lrnder�r tfit z�'.em �f tha wm��tcured M t h�ti Strur�n
<br /> � Instrumenl i:7n�e�f��ith rrinrtr thr ar�;u�titnon
<br /> �► 6, wrc�crvation 9nd\ta)ntena�.c o'f Y'roperq�;l.cascholds. i:,�rr��i rr tihall no�de�trn}. d.+ma�r��r+uhaanual!}
<br /> , � �� , . :, � c?:angr the Prupert�•.ull.,w ihe �'tr�^ert� t.�drtcn��ra�c��r c�,►nmu t9Jtilt. I��Illl] 5erunt� Im;r.�•.m�nt i.un a leauh��ld.
<br /> " •' ' ��3�N�OK'Cf�I1:III C��OI(�I� QII'F I�t�r��,.��.��,�,.��r�i,�i�a.e.:in.i if Bi+rr��arr�ryuirc+fee ut le t,�the Fri�7�rs t.,the laasehc�ld and
<br /> �_� , " :'i, ' fee title�hall nnt mergc unle.s 1 end�r aEree,l01 hr mcrgrr�n��nnnE.
<br /> � 7. Protection ot I.ender's Riythts in thc 1'mperh•: �tortKuRc Incuruncc. If H�•rr,�..rr Tad. a� (�eri.�rm thr
<br /> �.. .1....... . 1..�...1 n .•.1�na fti.�.•m�t��Pt11h�7t11I�':IH�t'il
<br />. ._ .T- l'O�'etl8l1lti8tld 'J�fCCRt�f11�C��tllamcui��in�.k•iuiiiju�.iiu���i��:..°...... .•... ._r-• r��`�'�--�- � - - • • ..
<br /> � Lender'+ n�ht��n the Propert� Iwch .,. a pn,:cr.iro�: m hanl�ruptr�. �+rah:��r, G•r:��n.lcmu�t:.�i; �r a�rnti,rce I�w.nr
<br /> � regulati�m�).thcn Lrnder m:+}d��and p:�> ti,r w halr�cr i.nrrr.•:►r�t�,pr�,trrt thc�al��rl thr Nn,�rh �nd l.ender'.ntih�,
<br /> � in thc Pmprny. Lcnder',��u.�n�mu) u�rluJr p:�>�nE an} .um.�c�urcd h� a I�rs:••hc�h ha�rn�,nt} �,•rr �h�.Jcrunt�
<br /> � Instrumrnl.•rp{+earm{t �n c���tt.�+a}�ng rea�unuMe atlornec�'Ier�and rnlrnnE�m ��i:r 1'n��rny�u m.�i.r r���:c. ,Uthnu�th
<br /> l.ender ma}ia0,�dc�i�,n under�hi.par•rgraph'.1 cndcr d�x.n�+t ha�r tr d��.n.
<br /> Anc�annur,ts���hurticd hy I.endrt unJcr Ih�,paraFraph�•hall tx��nnr.�J.::sirciel JcHr ° N��r..�w�r.�curcP ub tlu�
<br /> � Seruntc Inctrumen�.l'nl��+fM�ra�ae�rnJ I endrr agrrc��,rthcr tcrm.��t�p:��mr� r.it-<�.r.,�-;.,,�•r�.b.�I:►+r�r inlcrc.t fmm
<br /> , i Ihe dalc af d�hbur�crt�cnt �r tlk� O�n� r.ur und �hcJl tk (+.�)�Mc. ��nh unrrr�� .:r� �� •�, r�.•.: �� O<•r,i;r i,� linr�����rr
<br /> � reque.rtmg paymenl.
<br /> I
<br /> -- �
<br /> . ' �i
<br /> j _. - - --- - - ---- - --- --- � - --
<br />