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. `� .. . . , , <br /> .�. <br /> . , . �: <br /> � , . • ,. <br /> . , -__�... . ,'.� . ' . .. . . '' ---- - '. . `` _�...._.' � . <br /> � 17. Tra��aYer of tha ProAe�ty or a �eneflcia9 Intr_r�s8 In �arrower. It ap ot flrty part Of th9 Prapp,rty or <br /> " eny int�t In it is soSd ot trans[arrzd(or tl a Dsr.2f�ta1 in�rest in Boreower ts so�d or vanstertod ant!Ba�rower is not a rt,�wral � <br /> � • . parson)�v�Thovt Lender'S prtot wrt'iten can�eni,i:m�dsr may,ei Rs aptan,requ�e tmrttediate payrttent in h�U ot 8U sums Securad Oy � ' <br /> . thi� Security tnstrument Kowever, th� op8ar+sn�rtpt Qs exercised by Lendor it ex�rci�a ls prohbaed by taderat L�w as ot Ns � <br /> . � date of th�So-scurdyr Instrurr,ent �"'' <br /> , { II tenQer aceretses th!s optton,Lertd¢r sh37 gva Horrorrer not(ce o1 acceteratlon. The notiee shall provtde a pertod of not � <br /> � � � fess tAan 3D days from the d�ts the notica la 4�.UareO or matied wfthln whicA Bortower must pay a11 sum5 secured by tAls � <br /> S2cur�y InsflumsnL If Borrawer t3iis to OsY �=�sums pdor to tha�'vaUon of this Rer1o0, Lender may �voke eny remedi�s � <br /> - ----= � �DY�i�tu�Y�c�ttrtit[�ROfi�ar ttsa�►d on BOrtO�. � , <br /> . ! 18. BarrowaYa FidgP+t to Retnstaie. I1 Borrovrer rttc3ts Cett96► Conddtons, Bofrovier sAall �ava tha right t0 Aeve . <br /> enforcemsn! o!this Seeutity Instnarsent d�contirvl:d at any turte pr!ot to th9 eadier ot (a) 5 days (or sueh othsr psriod es <br /> - i apPt;cab�iaw may speeGy tEr r�inststemant)b:toro saSe of the ProAertyr Pursuani to any power of sala contair.ed fn tt��s S9cunly -. <br /> . � _' :1 snsuum�x or(b�entry at a Judatrtsnt entorc�ng tDS�ur�Zy InsGurtsent Those cond�tens are that Borrouv&r: (a)pays Lender aU � � <br /> _.. . � Sums whkh then v�eu'd bo duo _nt:c�►thLs See�.'7:y Instrument an�th9 Nots as ff no&eeele�rattan had aecurted: (b)eures MY . <br /> � � defau�ot anY othar ca�nslnt cr�men4s:(e)0�e0 e�ens� h�curred in entorcirtg this Secur3y Instrument,c[etudnp.but . 3 <br /> � " `-� - -� not Cm3ed to,reasonaha ata:r++rsry8'f�es;and(d)�sach act3on ss tender may�ea�onabh requlre ro assure th3t tns tien ot • ,'.-�= <br /> i this Seq�r�y tn5trurtssnt, LenCars rigAts in th9 Prap3rty end Borrowefs abligatton to pay tha sums seeured by this Secu�yr 'f::ra': <br /> Instrument shau continue anctun�d- Upon reins�.t�rssent by BoJrower, this Securtly lnsWment 8nd the ObCgettoas SecutOd _��%r= <br /> , hereby Sha.7 remaa►futly�ectiv:!sn�no $�aerati�n had Gecurted. 4iowever,this►ight to cetnsffite ShBlt not appy in tRe case 7 L��- <br /> i --_ <br /> • '. ; of 8cceteratkn urtdet psrhqraFt� �T. - <br /> . . � 18. 581� 04 Note; ChSt�g� of Loan S�nrtcet. 7he Nots ar a a v��� �+terest e� tt�e Nots (to�ther w�n tn� --__ <br /> ' SecurdY tnshurnent)mar to seta a:rr ar mcro ta�es Kr3heut artor notiGe to eorrav,�.a sale may resuQ tn a enange in ths ent�Ty �•�:=`:� <br /> ."` • � i (Icnown as the'Loan Ssnrice��ut caUects montA.y Psyments due under the Na�and this Securny Instrurt�enL There 3�o may `�'�; <br /> . , .,. <br /> - be er.a or more chenges ot tP� La�.n SenriC�u-:eated to a sale of Ne R� tf tAere fs a changs ot th9 Loan Setvwer. • <br /> • . Bar-a�arn-w01 be gTven wr3tan nrrri,��f tha ch�in aeco�dancQ ar�paragre�l� !�abova and appGCabl�taw. The natica�r�D �`::-. <br /> � � ;� s�ra;`•.�aam3 and 8ddt�ss ot;��re�s Lcan SzY�er and tha a�ds�ss to which�ayrttents should ba maGe. 'Itre notite wiU a�o - <br /> ;• � '`� coc�YSC-any other htarrt�at!ort raqu5a!4�ayp�b 1�•y. _ _. <br /> � 20. HBZSid�u�°'sL�D�"ttCes.eononv�sr..'�not cause or penna tt��c�ence,use, d' re�ease ot €'"`- <br /> � � •$ � eny Hasardous Su��.�cas ors cr in the Proplrf. Horrawer sriaU no! do,nor cJicc�anyone eLss to do,sr�yti`ag attflct�g tha 4r`-: <br /> Property Mat is in vioation ot s�ry Envtronr-�ntJ L�-w. The preeedin8 two sentences shaU�ot eppry to the presence, use,or :i_:°- <br /> storega on the ProgErty o!smA1i qiwr?3ies ot Hamrdous Substartces that are generafy reccgr.� to be appropriate to nom�al ',��:- <br /> . - �� residmtE�l usss ertd�Tatn�nnrtce ci�:Prop�ty. ,?�s <br /> Borrowar shaa I��A"Jl' 6+�3 lendzr wr�Sfln notice of any invasiigation. cia�n. deman0, (awsuft Or other actton by eny �`=_- <br /> ; � gavemm9nial or regulatory e�{on.r�.or prFiato psrty mvahrtng the Proyartyr and any H,:zardous Substance or Emironma�l IAw of = -- <br /> � whxh Botroitrer hes eGLtcil kis4vi4iHge. R Borro•r�sr feams. or is neCd�ed by eny gavemmen�!cr regufatory fluthorhyr, that any <br /> . �;� reJ^�� or other remedatio� o� any Hamrdous SubsTanoe aHeeting Property is necessazy, i3arrovrer ShaU promptty t�.tm ar <br /> r.�s�y remed�l acUOns �sccaM3rsce wiih Env�ronmsntal Lar�� <br /> C+3 u5sd in this pa�h �'H3�erdnu3 Svb5L3ntes'ers�ir�substEnces defnad as t�or damrdDi:s su:.�^�$r.�f <br /> " � Environrm�tal Law artd ths fatiavrtrtg su�,ten�: g3�o'�ne. i:amsene, othw* f(ammable or toxtc pstroEC+�^ �:-��let3, :�u - <br /> ' $ psstkides end hecblci4es,vc(��io so5re�, mabrt�t� contefiing asbastos or t:.��hyde,and radioaative m�ta�a:s. As useC In <br /> ` „ f � pIIro�aph 20, 'EnvfronmentIIl 4i+ii"msacss f2d�f1 laws and taws of the�u'n�:�v� whera the PropeRy �S bcated that refab tz <br /> : {��: he8lth,sat81Y ot enudtortrtt9T�tIIl�7[�tdtlfctn. <br /> :��. <br /> �w�� NON-UNIFOAM C01f��W.�RS.Borrovre�an�tsnder further covenant end a-ree as touows: <br /> `' • � . �: 21. Accelera2la�; Remedi�s�. Lendar shall gtve not�� ss� Borrower prior to accelera�ion <br /> , tollow�ng 6orrower's bm.ach at eny covenant or agreem_�rr. irr 4his Seeurity letatrume� (but rtd! <br /> � �: pr�ar to acceleratinn e�nder pareg�aph 17 untess applicab,� �,v provtdea otherwise�. The rto�ce <br /> aha[I apeeify: (a)tHn d�'tault; @) the action requtrert t� cure the detaul� (c)e date. rtot leas�en <br /> �� 30 days trom the daZa Llie rtotice ta given Eo Barrravvr.+�r,by which the detault muat be eared; anx� <br /> � ' (d)tl�at faifuP� tm clfra !he deta+ult on or betore s3:e date +�ecifled in the notice �ay rosult[n <br /> �' . aeceteratlpn ag Sitt�taama secured by tistr�Security tna�rumecr�t�uad aale o!ffie Pr�¢�rt,y�'�ha notice <br /> � � aAatl turther te�tacr�a f3oacaxres o! tha �1�ttZ to reinstate after r��eleratl�n �.�d the a�i��lL•tn 6Hng a <br /> . court action to a�rf. tinm con-existence of e defauti or any other c�mtense of Borrow�r t� <br /> ��� acceleration arer� s�tv. [� tls�: detault Is not cured on or betore tho date specifl�d in the notiee, <br /> � � Lender at ita a�tiam mayv eeCaire immediate payment in tull ot all aums aecured by this Security _ <br /> "�� � Instrutnent vrithtiat ti�fFher demand and may tnvoke the power of aale and any other remedies — _ <br /> � ' ' p�rmitted by applir�{� law. Len�ler shall tre en!(Ued to colteet a11 expensea irtaurred tn pn�suirtg =- <br /> - � �. ;. tC�e remedies prot.tic+d in thin pmegra�h 21, te�cfr�ding� but rtot limited to, rensana6le attore�c�� _ <br /> . t�es and cosis ot U�lu ev�denae. '-. <br /> It the poenrer o1 �$ ts invaked, Tr.r��t�e �7�a[� �ecord a e�otice ot detautt U ench ca;�c�t� fr� �'`=- <br /> � which any p�r°t: a4 4hn Property io ta�d and shall mail eapies ot such notice inn Cree rnar.a�r <br /> � � � " preaCrlbed by �t�63s�i$ lew to Borro�wer nrtd to ttte oUter peroons Rrescri6ed �y a�y[icable la�r. ��,- <br /> � _ �` After the Ume �e�aira9 by eppll��Ble law, T�atee shail ghre pubtic rtotico of aale t�tho�araacr.a <br /> � � . an� in the marme� p�oacet�ed b�appilcabte Iaw.Trustee�without demand on Borrower, shafil ae11 - <br /> � � the Property at put�lln aucE��n to 1he highest btdder et the tlmo and place end und@r the terms ��� <br /> � deafgrtated fn tiia P1aUce oi salu in one or more parcels artd In any or�er Tro�uice determines. ��. . <br /> �. �= � Truatee may Ra�ann safe of a11 cr any parcef ot the R�mRerty by public announcemant at the � �= <br /> ;:?:. <br /> � , Umo and pince ot �y prev:au�7y e�cheduted aa".c. Lertde� or its deafgnoe may purchase f�o <br /> � Pr�{terty at any aa9�. <br /> . I��ton reeelpt r�! psym�nt mf the prtce �i�. Tru�o aAall deliver to the purct�aaer Tradatae's • <br /> � deed conveyirtg t1�� Propa�y.TBiQ recitala In the Truatee's �eed shaDt ba prime tscie evidertce ot <br /> . �_ the traoth of the �+a?emontt� mn�o thcrein. T�aastee shali appty the prosaeda ot the aale in the ; <br /> , tailo�+rins ore9er: (n) te a�8 cssto and ex,pertscs of exerctaing the pawer of aate. end tha sale, <br /> irtatutltng the psy�reEnt of th�+Truatee'�teea ac�etly incuned�not to exceed thcee <br /> __ sb ot the prdnctpal amoant of the . <br /> �ote at f�ha time of the d�c[aration of detautt�and reasonabte ettorrtey's tees as permltted by taw; <br /> (b)to ail su�a seraared by this�tcurity Inabai►nent; and (c)nny exceaa S4 the p�roon oi parsona <br /> � ) Iegntty entiued go iL . <br />_ , � �e- *����.� �.,._ <br />_. . - � .� ff3�9 I�rc�l Papo a of 5 � '. <br /> ° ������ �I���9 <br /> _ � � 1 a:,�� <br /> � � ��� � � <br />