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:�;� � � • <br /> � � , � ,� , . �.. � . -- --- <br /> . ,. . , _ � _ . .. _ <br /> �� -.�4. — ___ _ _._. . . �. ._.------ . ... ---�---,� <br /> ...•. . �.�� • . <br /> � • � 8orrow-v �nay eure sach a dstau� and provtded tn peragreDh �8, b� caustng tha actton or proaeeda�g to bs , <br /> ' d�rrt�ss� w�h 8 ru{'np that,in LEnds�s gond tai2p+deiermnatfan,preeiudes farte►nure ot tha BorroY+refs mterest m the Propsfty or <br /> , ` ' . othsr m3tafla11mpa7meM Of the Gan ereate� by this ^secur3y Insbrurtsent or Lendafs security Ent3+esG 8orrotiYer sha!i 8tso be� � , <br /> � � dstau@ tl �artoxar.durirt8 ths taan applieattan pracess.gave maieriahy tasa or i�accurate�ntomwtEan or statsmen�s to L¢nd�r(er � � <br /> ' falled ro �rav�de Leader e��A any m32eda1 Nform3ttan) In connect�n wi2A the taen evtd�ced by the Hote. IncO�da�g, but not <br /> ' � �� I5n33d to. represenffittons eonr�n�p Bortowefs accupaney o! the Pro�srty es a princlpal res[Genee. it tti�s S�urBy � " , <br /> " ; InSDNm_�nt ls en a tea58hOfd, Hortower ShaQ comyty wilh ail Ne provislons of the tease. If BorrowBr acqu3re5 tae tRi9 to tha � <br /> ` � ProF2Ay.4he tes:eho!d end t�e te9 tit�BhaSI not�Q9 unless Lender 8graes tD the rnerger!n wrif�g. � � , <br /> 1 <br /> ' 7.P�ofec#Ion Af Len�er'� RigMa Es9 t�t0 Pr�gterty.�t eorrovrer iai:s to perform the cavertanu and asr�mes+ts <br /> — —_ ---'; co�s:�as �►� ��Ri` �• or tir�a t3 n�a�'8 t�t rraY s�nH'icently a�`.ect�der's rlgnts tn tha Proparty � S- <br /> - � (sucA as a proaeadh+g in trankruDtcy. probats.ter Condemnation or torfa3ure ar to entoree tav�s ot regul�ttons).th^n Lands,�r rtuy <br /> . da ana Ray{or wltatc:� Ls n�.^,s3sery to pro�ct Me vaWe o7 lhe Property end Lende�s r�ghts i�the Property. Leadsfs acttons <br /> _ __ � m�y hcRido CaytnB sny sums sscu*sd by a lisn which has Prfardy ovsr this Secur�+ Instrument, apPearin9 v� souR. PaY�9 .� . <br /> �B3SOnebte eHOmeys'faes and entering on th0 ProDerty to m3.'�e reDa'vs. AW�ough Lc�edpr rt[ay ffi!c9 actfon under this pEreytaph <br /> M •� 7, Lender Go�not have to do so. � <br /> - . .. • •,i qny emounts dlsbnrsad by I.cntkx unEer parsgraph 7 shai) beeoms add�Ylonal dabt of Borrovrer seeutes! by thts &eeuriiyy -- <br /> I Instrurt�r►L Unless BorroNrer und Lender a�ee to othar terms et PaYcnent,these emounts ShaO Eear interest trom thB dflta af � <br /> , . �,� disltursamftnt aY ths kots rats anb sn39 tra p8yah1a,w�h+interesY.uAcn notk:a trom Lendar to 8orrower requesti�9 p$Y�+���- _ <br /> � ; B. Martgage Inaurance. If LEnckr reAuied mortgaga insurartce as a conddion of malcng the ban secured by this _— <br /> � '+` i Sequdy Instrument,Borrower shs0 pay tha premwms re�u4a�to melnta3n the mortgage hsuranca n effec►.If,for any rc�ason,the _- <br /> � mortgage insurance cov�a8e requYed tY L.ender Iapses m ceas3s to Ce in eR�t,Hnrrower shaD pay ths prem§�ms requivd to __ <br /> � ohta�n covarage sabstanttaLy equ3uairnt to the mortgage tnsurance prevfousH in eftect+ at a cost subst8ntiatty e4ulsralent to trie y�� <br /> . } cost w Bartawer of tha mortgags insurance prevtousty m efiect. frcm an eRemate mortgage insurc�r eDP� by l�nder. tf <br /> � mo insurertc� w�rerage€s not sva91ab�0.Be'rewer shail pay to L.e�der each month a sum equal to �_` <br /> � subsffintlaL�equivai�t rtgaBe <br /> onetweiftt�ot the yearly rt�ortgage insur2rto�pr�mbm being pai�by 8ar� when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to �` <br /> ,;,.� e _ <br /> he n eflact. Lend¢r will accopt,use an� cntalre these payrt�ents as a Ioss rasetva m tiau at mortgage insurance. Loss r�erve �-i�,; <br /> paym�nts msy no tong�r bs m,.�ufred,at the optton of l.endar,U mortgage insursnee carsrage(�n the amounf and tor tha period <br /> :':;;i � .. that lsndar BRutes)Pmv[ded by asi nsurer approved by LEndsr again Cecomes av�r7Jrta and�ohtalnad. Bcrrower shal pay �.,;,_ <br /> ' �- tha prem��uired to rna�r+tah rrtar�C.�e insurartce u�eftect. or to provtde a Wss r�,.a�ve.uM,1 tha requiement for mortgege r:,: <br /> e� <br /> �• i' e�sucanca ends in sccordance w3h any em%�-n sgreement between Bortower and Lendet or appQcabte Lw. _•- <br /> � ''$ 8. IRE;l8C1I011.Lender or�s a�t.rnay malce reasonable enuf�upan and in�peCtlonS o!ttte C�ty�ty. Let►der She9 gtte <br /> �.-` <br /> Borrawar notice at the tbrse of or pricr to�hspection spaciNirtg reasonabie cavse tar the inspectton. �;--_ <br /> 90. CORdCYflI1�iLQ3t. The proceeds of any 8war0 or ctarti for damages,direct or consequeist�at,m conn3cticn wRh any <br /> ' Condernnatbn or other takir.� at any parY ot the Prosatp. or tor eomieysnce tn lieu of condertinatfon. ete he�rebY�.vc;ned end �''` <br /> �_-= <br /> t•-- <br /> . shail be patd to Lender. �s <br /> , • In the evaat of a total teking at �s��rapeny, :.°a proceeds shall be apDlled to the sums socured by this Secnrtiy �_ <br /> Instrumsnt,tvhather or not then due,w?±� ��excess G-d to Bonow�. In the event of a parttal tekR9 of tha Proparty in vfiicl'► _ <br /> r:;<:t;,. � �� tha faY maAcet value af tfr3 Property i�ernea"ata,y be'.csa ria takng ts eGuaf to or greater than the amourtt ot tfie sums secured <br /> ;��:�.,�:. ?' by thls Securiill Instrurr�¢�f t�diatey trstore the �:a�g. unless Baaower en� Le�d� otharwtse agree in wrfS�:g, G'�e sums <br /> � i);��'�t, � secured by this Seeun'iSr lrr.�r.:.r�en!shetl be reduaed bq trte amount o4 the proceeda mu1L`Alled by tha to0owinp frection: (a)the <br /> >./,...f�. �, <br /> ' �'� ���` total emaunt of the sutrs a�z:�ad tmme�y betore the talcing. d�ided by(b)the tai martcet vaMre of tha Property hUriediatey <br /> �. beipre Eha t�king.My ba'�,.�re shaD he�i�t�n 8ortowar.ln the event of a P�I��g��a Property n whlch the fah marlcet - <br /> '' vaLa of tha PropeAy arsmed�tory bato:��9��':ae�8 ts tess than trta amounl of the sums secured tnrrtediate.y betore the mkirg, <br /> � - untass Bortowar and Lertd� oth�nnrtss a„--ae in wrc'3-3 ar unfess appQCeble law othe�wLse provides� tha proaeeds shaJ bo <br /> � . ' � eyyGed ta the sums seCUCa:f by thLs Seeurity InsW�r.e^��wtasther or not the sums ere then dua <br /> • If tha Property ls abandoned by Borrower. ar ff, �rr�-�T�Uce by Lender to Borrower that the condecnnor of�t[s�saice an <br /> � awatd or saltle a cialm tor damagos,Barrower tails to r�spond to lender wclhin 30 days after the Qate the n;;,;r.�s i� ghren, <br /> � ' �� tendet is auihorf�d to eotteci and apyty the procesds,at Rs optton,e;thar to restoratbn or repalr of tha Ptoperiy �r to the __ <br /> . � • sums secured by this Securny Instrument, wheth2r or not then due. <br /> •'��'>'� Unfess Lendet end BorPawer otharvv(se sgree tn vrriitnB. anY ePPikauan of procoeds to prirtclpal shsll nof e�dertd or <br /> _�,, .,, <br /> �c�s4�'-�:. <br /> ,•},,;r.,,;. ponpon�the dae Eate ot ihe montnty payrtu,mts referred to b parsgrayhs 1 and 2 or chunge the emount o suc pa�� . <br /> ����`�`�:��:� . .' 11. Borrorrer Nae 5�etea�ed; Forbearanee By Lender Not e Waikr.�.E�ertsbn ot the tYne tar payrt�ent or <br /> -.'ws'4)�„<S: • -�. � <br /> :�:i r� rtmdileatian of amorttraUon of the sums secured by this Secufity Insuument granted t-r Isc�nder to any successor h htarast o <br /> . 8artowar sha(I not aperata to wlease�•a 1�bUiry o?the original Bortower or Bortowers sucaessa�s h inte�es4 Lendar sh�'i not <br /> . : � � • .,.F�� be required to cflmmenco praceed�y� ::� any successar In hterest or retuse to exter►d tNre [ar payrtsent ot othawiss <br /> ti� <br /> �.,i;:., mod'ry amoRlaUon of the sums seeure� t:;tnis Secar3y instrument by reasan of ara�+r�uaand made yy the ori�inal Borrower or <br /> .,•.�;,,,, �:.�� BaRO�rera succ�sors in interest. any tcroeara.:.� �r� �nder b exera�sng any r;3�+t •_r rert�edy sRa.7 rtot be a �r�.ber of or <br /> ..:,:�'cj;:�i,':. .,� � <br /> .:{ • prec4de the mcer�k,e ot any right or�eme�r. <br /> ::i�;.rS;.•. ,,,i <br /> •,_.v:���•. ;;; ; 12. S��ceaaora end Asslgna Bovnd; �_nt a�¢d �eral LlabHity; o-stgners.Tne cc:�anu ans <br /> =• �.,��', ,•;. ' agreerncnL^.aF 4his Security Insfrument s•:.:�5 bad end banefit tho suea�FU::rs and assigrts of Lender and Berrower,subjeot to tne <br /> . •• . provlsarss at �aregreph t7. Bonovrers ca.rtmants and eSreert►ents s'a-�b�e IoM end several. My aarrower w10 co-sipn�thl; <br /> ;,';�±n!'.'.� '� Securny InsUUrnent but does not e�cecute 4ne I�tota: (a)is co-signh8 thfs Sec+udyr In�Lrument onry to mortgepe,prant and comrey _ <br /> � <br /> ;�n;;��.�,_ � !ftflt BOti0w8fs intetCSY �tha PropeRy under the terms of this Secur�y Inshumenk 1�:) Is rtot perconally ob6gatfld to pay tho <br /> � ' : sunu sacurad by thu �"au:•�r.ty msm,rnEr,r, an4(c)egrees that Lsnder and enY c'�t*�r Borrower m2y a�ee to e�QOnd,mad3y, _ <br /> .i � fofiear or make any accommodaUans c�?'Y`re$ard to the tertns of this Securiry InsVUment ar the Nlote without th3t Borrowars = <br /> . .�. con 3 �� ��g� ���s Iccr• :�cured by this Secur�y In�trument is subject to e law wtibh seta maxtnum ban � <br /> ; eh9fp�s.and that�aw fs fialry Iniwpreted to that 4.`.e i-:3reat or olhar ban charge>co[beted ar to be co�ected in conneeUon �.._ <br /> '��. � wPJi th�Wan mcceed t:���w:�n3ted t1m:�s. then: (a)azti7 lax:h ioan charge shall be�adu�ed by the amount aecessary to reduce - <br /> '-`�'�:;,. <br /> •-�• tA�Ch,�rg9 to th3 pem'ipc�: Um� and (D)flny su:t3 aUtady co!'scte�from BotrCr:�r w�leA exCeeded Rortn9ted far.:ts w�J be ��. <br /> ��'`'���� � re!w�tu Dorrawar. Lc;Q�r rruy choaso to make thi�re5,rtd by re�rcing th�prirtc�paf ow�unEx tha Nota or by m�icing a ��,: <br /> ' direct psyrr�nt to Bnnower. It a rofun�reduces pr'e�clpal,th� rcd�cticn wi9 bo traatad fl9 a psti3:.�OreDaYment without any � <br /> prap&yment Charg�under th�NoYO. ��:" <br /> 1�. NOUC88.My no2lCO to Borrower pravided tor tn ihis S¢euiRy Instrument�hr:�tr�pr,an Dy delivernp g a by mafling n ��,=._ <br /> by frst class mait unies:.o�a'dcabla law re9uira�use at�othsr method. The rtotice shall be directed to the PropeRy AdQrer�s ifi_�` <br /> �.i,. <br /> � a�eny ather edQress Bartor�er �si�nat�by noticc�to Lcnd.r. My noUce to Lender sh�A bfl gY�en by first �elass rtri9 to @;;_ <br /> l�Qsr's adQra,s Stated herein or any other adQress Lcnder dss�ates by rtatko to @orrowar. Arty not3cs ptavidsd tor in th;s <br /> � . ' � + S�curi2�,�Instrument shall Eo d�ms�to have lsren giuen to Borrower or Len6er when given as praut�ed b th�paragraPi�• <br /> � � 1�. Governing Lsw; S�verebllity.Thh :ecurAyr In51n+mQnt shall 6u gov8med by ted9�8f Pdw end th0 faw ot th9 <br /> , � , juryd'�n in whkh tha Pra�erty Is locai9d. In tho Erront that tlny provision or cLwse ot thi3 SE�CUr1ty InsWmeni ot tt�E No'.a <br /> cOnf.�vrkh appficable taw. saCh eonflict sha�not afteet olher provlsions of this Secur3y Instrumertl at the NOfa whiah can Ee <br /> . • g3ien eifect wiihoul ths eonf:ictirg prov�ion.To this ond tha provtsbns o1 tAts Securdy tnstruraent and ths Note are docL3m9 to <br /> • ' 0a ss�ferable. <br /> 1f3.60T�OWET'LS COpy.Borraxsr shaD bs g:ven onp conforme8 capy at thr3 No2B and of this 3ecuriiy(nstrument <br /> . l <br /> _ _ .. �rr. !: - <br />.,.� ' G13tELfJ.O(��691 Ptg03015 <br /> � Z�11�� �d�99 <br /> _ . <br /> _ . ; ���� .� <br /> , — _ <br />