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� � <br /> � �.os2�ro � 0�3�.�► <br /> � <br /> q LM�rpuM�d matpa9+Insunnca���cond�tlon� ekiny Ihe lo�n eacured by the Secutiy Instrument.DotrowK�hd pty th� <br /> ����p�t�d�p rtwY�laln th�fmunnc�h eNrc1 untp auch t►me�� th�req�kert►�n� tor Ih�Insunna t�����M�«wr�nce wtth <br /> ' ����L�'�w�tt�n a�ummt or�ppllcaDt� Ww. <br /> �. Insp��t�pp• undw ot Ns+���►rnaY rtuk�rea�anable enidee upon �nd Insp�ctlona at!he P�opeRy. le�dK sht� pN�Bortower <br /> �tl��a a�to��p�eUen ip�cByN�y nasona0tw uus�tor ihe lnepectlon. � <br /> ' !. Cond�mnatton. Th�ptoc��dt a1�ny�ward or cl�im tar d�mspe�.dkect a eons�qu�n0a1,in eonnacUon wlth Rny eond�nr <br /> ����K�kYp ol�ny p�rt ot th�PropMy,o►tor corn�yanc�In Neu ol condeau��tlon, sre he�roy sssl9ned and�ha�b�pald to <br /> l�+da. <br /> ��y�y�p���oh1 Wdns d th� Prop��proceede ah�M b��ppNed to ih�sums secund by Ihl�3�wdty InsUum�n1�whNhK <br /> : a���e du�,wNh�u►y�cctsa pdd to 8ortowat. In th� went of�pankl takk�p ot lhe PropMy.urtless BortowK+�d�b th lo�owhq <br /> �IR wrNln�,tM sumt s�au�d by thta S�curity �niUume�t shatl be reduced by Ihs amouh:�akhm�kN valw o th�opKty knm�d- <br /> ��rp�; (��th�iqV1�tt of sums s�wnd knm�di�tely bttot�th�t�ltt�p, div�ded 6Y (b) <br /> ���N�y�p,My p�e�sh�1 b�pdd to Bortower. <br /> N���.�y a��,�a by eoROw�,or N.�Itar notk�by Lender to Borrow�►lhd th�condama o8�rs to m�k� an �w��d a <br /> ����r d�t�ya� 6oRCnr�taAa to�aapond to Lende�within 90 daya after ih� d�te th� notic�Is 9hreo, Leedw b�uthaiz�i� <br /> ����ppy 1h�pro�Mdt.�t N� optla�� elthar to �esta+�tlon or ropak o1 the PropeRy or to the sums s�cured by th(s Secu�ty <br /> nwH.whMhu ar not thm du�. •th�due <br /> �qs��Myd gortowar olhavYlse�gree in wdtinp. �ny application ol proceeds to principa�ah�N not extend or poatpon <br /> • dl�d th�moMNY P�Y�u ����to In pa►a�ph 1 ��d 2 or ch�age the amount ot euct�paymants. <br /> 10. Borrow�r Not R�I�assd; Fo��bea�aneo By Lender Not a Waiver. E�tes�sion oi the tkne tor paymeM ot modilF <br /> albn d�ma�Uutbn ot th�sums seeured by this Seeudry Instrumenl granted by Lender to aay succesaor in Intaesl ol Bonower ehaM , <br /> not op�n►t�10��s�th� N�bllity ol ih� od91na1 Bortow�r or BoROwer'a aueceasors h Int�cesb LendK ahaN oot b�tpuk�d to commenc� <br /> �p���s�y�hst�ny succestor h intereat or relus�to extend time lor payment o�othenrise modiy amoAfutlon ot th�sums secured <br /> �y�g�axlly Instnxn�t by rwson ol �ny dernand made by the o�igi��l BoROwer or BoROwe�'a suceessora in Intu�st. My torbeuance <br /> �y��ti�crdsh9�ny�hl or�emedl►shaN not be�waiver o1 or preclude the exercise ol �ny d�ht or remsdy. <br /> 11. Succ�sson and Asslgns 8ound; Joint a�d Several Llabllity; Co-signe�s.The eove�snis aod�9r�na►ts e1 <br /> �hy g�vrlly I�tlrum�t�t shal bad�nd b�nefA Ih� sueeessors and�sslyns ot Lender�nd 8ortow�t. tubJecl to lh�ptovislons oi puaflraPh <br /> ��,gortow�t's oov�nants and apnementa shsl be Jok�t�nd several.My Bortower who eo•s19ns this Securiry�nslrument but dws not <br /> �c�aut�th�Not�; (sj ta ca�sl�nh9 thi�Secu�ity�nstcument only to mortgage,g�ant,and convey thal8ortowers Intaesl tn the P�opeRy <br /> undK th�t�ms oi this S�wrNy�nswnx^�. (b�K �ot personally obligated to pay the aums secured by this Seeudty Inatrument; and ; <br /> ����¢�s�h�t I.�nder tttd�MI oth�r BoROwer may e9ree lo extend,modiy.torbeu or tn�ke any accommoddlons wHh rpud to tams t <br /> p���Ky InsWn�►t a th�Note wilhoul that Bortovrer's consent. <br /> 1Q. L,oan Charp�s. 11 th� lan secur�d by this Secudty lnsuument is sub�ect to a kw whkh sets rt�xknum loan ehupes,and I . ° <br /> ��w d wnNy't�t�rprsi�d so in.. i�:t�:.«=:x z'•�=`!^"—`��!'argea coGected or to be colacted In eonaactbn wilh th�lo�n acu�d �- ,-- <br /> th�prrn�IN�d imN�•lhm� l�I �^Y�+� �n ehvy�s shaM be reduced by the Rmount necasury lo re0uet ih�ehu9�to tM p�� ��_ <br /> ��(b)�ny sums�kwdy eor�cted trom 8ortower which exceeded pe►mltted Umtts w�l be �etunded to 9ortow�.Leoder rtnY choos� f <br /> �p m�k�tMs telund by redudn�the pdncipel owed unde�the Note or by makin� �direct payment to Bortower. fl a retund reducs�prin• , <br /> dpy,�h�nduetbn wiN be kNt�d�s a paAlal Prepayme�t without any ptepayment charpe under the Nott. <br /> 13. L�QislatlOrl Aft�Cting Lettde�'s Rights. 11 enactme�� or expiraUon o1 4ppiicable law has th�sM�et of rendadnq any pra <br /> v{slon ol th�Not�or INa Searit�►t�strument unentorceabte�ccordi�g to ita tertns,Ler►de�. d Ns optton,rtMy rpuka inxned�+t�p�yment <br /> in tu1 d v sums sacurcd by thla Secud�y Inatrummt and may Ir►voke any remedies permtlted by puagraph /8.N Lender exetds��thb <br /> ppl�,L�ndK shN t�k� Ih� steps speeified h the second paragraph ol paagraph 17. <br /> 14. NOtIC�s. My notk�to 8orrower provided fo�In this Security Instrument shsp be gNen by deive�in�sibll«rt�1M^o hK address <br /> c yss m�M u e l�t s a p p i�b l� k w r e q uke�use oi another method.The notics sha11 be directed to the PropeAy <br /> garow�►d��►al�s by noUe�to Lender.My notice to Lendc� sh�ll be given by first etasa maii to LM d�r's�d d nas a t a t�d h�t�i n o r��Y <br /> �K addrqs �«+d�aslpn�taa by notice to Borrower. My notice provided tor In thts Searity Instnimmt ah�N b�deemed to h�v�beat � <br /> qN�n ta 6prronver ot Lender when qlven as provlded In this paragraph. :. <br /> 15. �iOV�1't11ft� Law; SYVe�abllity. This Security Instrume�t shaU be govemed by tedenl law�nd th�law ot lhe judsdictlon ln ;_ <br /> whkh tM PropMy is buted. In the evenl ihet any provislon or clause oi this Security Instrumenf o� lhe Nole tonAlCls+Nith�PP��e <br /> kw�weh oonlNG sM1�ot�ttec1 othet provisions of this Security instrument ot the Note which cen be gtven etlect wri�hout the conlGclin9 <br /> proytsbn.To thls and the prorlslon� ollhis Security Insln�ment end ihe No1e a�e declared to be severable. <br /> 16. BOROW��'� COpY• B�O1iYK shail be glven one coniormed copy oi Ihe Note and ot lhis Secudy Instrument. <br /> 17. Transt�r of th� P�oporty or � 8eneficial Interes! in Borrower. II au or u►y part ot ths Property or any intaest <br /> �n X y spb pr tnnaterted(or fl� beneGciel Initrost fn Bortower is sold or transterred and Borrower Is not a natural perao�)without len• <br /> dsr's prlot v+rfil�n consad• �e�d�m°Y�al its option,require immediate peyment in tuN ot eN sums secured by ihls Seauity Mst�ument. <br /> Mow�r�r,this epiton sh�l nol D� uc�rcis�d by tander H axerclsa ts prohib�ed 6y lederat kw as ol th�dat�of this S�wdh InaVuman� <br /> 8 Ut►dw ex�ds�s thls option. Lender shaq give Bortower nollce ol acceleration.The notic�ah�q provide �perlod ol ao�s s��th�ti '� <br /> d�ya kom th�d�t�ths notks is dellvHed or mailed within whlch Ihe Bortower must pay �N sums secured by ihb Ssduily <br /> gortpyvK t�b to p�y these sums prior lo the e�iratton ol thls pe�fod, Lender may Invoke any remedies permilted by this SecurNy Uslru- <br /> mwN u,Alhoul fuAhw notk�or dert+rnd on Bonower. <br /> 18. Bor�aw�r's Rlght to Relnstate. I! Bonower meets certain conditiona.Borrvwet ah�q hav�ihe�iy�t��e�W�y sp� <br /> p�this S�curNy InsUument disconlinued at any time prlor to the eariier ol: (a) 5 days (or such oti►er tyerfod s��pp �` o'. d __ _�_____ <br /> b;nMsUt�nw►t)De�ore sate ol the P�opMy pursuant to any power o1 sate contained k►lhls Securi fnslrument; or (b1 ry 1� 9' . <br /> ����}�S�qx1ry tnstrument.Those conditions are that 8oaower: (a)pays Lender �II aum�whlch ihen would be due under this . <br /> g�y Inslnxrnnt�nd th�Nol� htd no aculer�tlon occurted; (b) eures any delauri o1 �ny other eov�nant or�qrNm�n�s: ��)MY��N <br /> �tpmsq inwrrb N�nlo�d�9�h����Y�nstniment,Inciuding,but not Bmited to, rasonabl� dtomeys'lea�;�n0 f�tak�a such�cUon <br /> p L�nd�r rtwy r�asonably ssQuk�to�ssure thii tho tien o!Ihis Securiry InsWment, Lender'a dghts i�lhe P�opsrty ana 8ortower's ob8� <br /> �1{on to p�y tums t�eured by thl�S�cudry ln�trumen!shall continue untll�nqed. Upon relnstotemmt by 8orrow�,lhis S�cudty imitru• �y' <br /> cu S � ��� <br /> L �n�n��rtd�h�pp�ypn� s�eure0 hereby sh�N remaln fully tHective as il no accelerallon had ocaned. However,thls�1ght to reinstate <br /> shal not appfy N th� us�of eeceler�tlon under peragraph 13 or 17. �' <br /> , <br /> t r � <br /> w�_ <br /> f Y <br /> h. � <br /> � ' � <br /> ('0 a0 �4f� � I� <br /> 019?►?.C71(UIIEL) OT+JG�AUS)1 . <br /> � <br />