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� � <br /> ��� 1Q��7Q `, . <br /> UNiPOfiM COVENAPIr9. Borrow�r�nd l�nder covenanl�nd��ee �e toNow�: 0�31 a1 • <br /> 1. Paym�nt of P�Incip�l �nd int�r�st; Pnp�ym�nt a�d Lat� ChsrO��. Borrowa shaM prompUy pay wh�n clu�ih• <br /> prho�l of��d kttK�st on th�d�b1 �vldertced by ihe Not��nd sny prepsyment snd I�ta chstpcs dua undar th�Not�. <br /> 2. Fu�ds far Tax�� and in�ur�nc�. SubJ�cl to applicabl� (�w or to�wdtl�n wak�r by l�ndw, 8«roww�t�ao p�y to��na�r <br /> on!h�O�y montAty+paym�nts ar�du�undcr�A� Note,u�til ths Note is paid In (uN, �:um("Funds'� �qual to onMwNHh of: (a) ywry <br /> (' Wws�nd�:s�t�m�tai which m�y�In pr4oriry ova lhts S�cwtry Mstrumrnt� (b)!►e+td11 Iwt�l►tdd MY�h or pround t�nb af M�Ptop� <br /> � �rA►. N N►d; (o) Y+WtY ha�d inwnnc�prerraums;�nd(dl YadY mortW�in�uwnc�pr�nlums.M any.Th�R�m� W�ca1Nd"acrow <br /> �+nr."UndK nwy atlm�t�tM Fund� due on thz essls ai ewrrer►t dsta and ieasar.Dla e�ii��t�a ai Wtun rscrow N�na. <br /> TM Fund� sIW b� hMd b an Mstkutlon th�deposits or accounis of whkh an In�ured or qwrant�ed by a 1�d�n1 or atat�a�ncy <br /> (Indudnp Undu M L�ndK b tuch�n insUtut(on). UndK ah�tl�ppy the Funda to pay th��saow Rem�, l�ndK rtwy nM ehat�lor hold- <br /> hy�nd appyk�p th�Funds,�n�ty�tLt�the aecou�4 or verityhQ th�escraw Itema,unk» Lenda►p�y� 8ortow�►ht�at on th�Fw�da and <br /> �PPk�M�► P�� Lmdr to m�k�such a cha�Qe. Bortowar�nd L�nder nwy apra in w�itinp th�1 IniKKt �hd b�patd on th�Funds. <br /> lh�M�s�n�prarxi�nl b rtrd�or �ppk,abl�kw rpuiry intercst to a p�ld. 4�nd�r ahw �ot b�requk�d to pay BoRawK any intwp�a <br /> rrnwtp�oe tha Fund�. l�ndK shN �hr�to Borrowr.wNhout chu�a,an annuv accountinp ot th�Fu�ds showY�o cndits�nd d�bitt to <br /> th�Funda�nd tM pwpos�b►wMch Mch d�bN to th�Funds w�� mada�'h�Funds w pi�d�d as addNio�al s�audy ior th�suna s� <br /> ax�d bY MN 3�'�itY IMtrwn�n� <br /> N tM artwu�M ot th�Funds hNd by Und�r,to�ethK with Ih�tutun monihy p�yments ol Fued� pay�bl�prior to 1h�dw dd«a th� <br /> �sa�cw N�� ahV �ocp�d 1A��ma+nt r�qulnd to pay th�aaow ItMn�wh�n du�. th� �xass sh�N b�.at Borrow�r's opNon.Nthw <br /> promptly npaid to 8onoww a a�dk�d to Bortower on monthy paymenta o1 Funda. N lhe�mount of the Fu�ds h�ld by L�nder b nol <br /> wlAd�nt to p�y th��sctow p�ms wh�n dus. Botrower ahaN pay to La�de�any amouot neceasary to m�ke up tM ddlcl�ncy h on�pr <br /> mon prym�nts 1� ��quY�d by l�ndn. <br /> �Mf�N In 1W M a1 wm�s�axw!by thh Sacurity Instrument. L�nder ahaN prompqy�e11�nd to 8ortow�r any Funds hNd by <br /> L��dr.N aid�r par�aaph 1�th�Propwty b sotd or acq�e�by Leoder,Lender sAar�pply, no I�ter than Mrt�at <br /> of 1h�Ropwty or Itt toqubRion by Land�r, any Funda held Oy Lender at the tkne o1 �P�to th��N <br /> ����'��� appOcaUon as a aedit��fntt th�sums��euad by <br /> 9. wppllCatlo�l o�Psyrtl�nts. UNesa�ppNcabb I�w provides otAawiss,a1 p�ymeets rocelyed by Lendw undK pawpraphs 1 <br /> and 2 ah�l b��ppMd: tat,to rt�c�wyts dw under ths Note; aecond,to prepaymant char�ea du�und�r 1R�NW�; iNM,to amounts <br /> • D�y�bM und�►pn�r�ph�tw�th,to fntarest due; �nd kst,to pdncipal due. <br /> 4. C11�r�� IJ�t1�. BortvwK�hal pay d tucea,assessmenta, ch�rges,1Pnes and knpositlona d�ibu4bN to th�Prop�rty whkh <br /> �+�Y��P��y owr thls Seau!!y Inatrurt�.aaR,and laaselsald payments or ground rent�. B my. 8ortow�r sha� p�y tha�ob/p�tio�s in ,;� <br /> th�mMm�t Prarided U Wwaaaph 2.or il not p�id h th�t rt�nner. 6orrower shaM pay ihem on tims dir�ctly to th�pwson ow�d p�yme�t. <br /> Bort'oww sh�1 promptly MNsh to th�lendet aA aoUces oi�mounts to 6e pald undu this parapraph. H Borroww mvcy th�s�p�yrtient� � <br /> ditrdl�l.8ortowu shY prompty fumfah to L�ndar nc�ipls evldencin9 the payments. � "::'' <br /> ._.: <br /> Ba►oww Md Pr'ompdy dsclwgs any Nn which ha�prlodty over thfs Security Inst�urtHnt unless Baroww: (af a¢�q b ankif�to <br /> �M:�n�w�ni v:in�c'vig�aon s�wno i�r�h��n In a mufnr acc�pt�bN to L�ndw; (b)cont�sts h pood t�ilA th�Mn by�or cwtands �1.�_ <br /> sp�i^at�nbratnmt of 1h�Nn b. Ipal procebin�a which in the lender'a opinion oparate to pravent lh�antorc�n�nt ol th�Nn or lof - <br /> Nitun o1 any paA ol th�PropNt�r. or (c) secures irom the holder ot the pen �n ageement satlsiactory to lender wbordnath�th�N�n to ' <br /> thb Securky InsUummt. N Lender datartr�ines Uut any part of the PropaAy Is aubJGCt to a Men wh�h may attdn prlorily eyr thia g�q��ity <br /> InstnxrNnl.Lertd�r nwy�lv�BoROwer�notice identi(yir►g the lien. Bortowa ahaN satisty tht Wen or taka on�or mon of the actlons te1 <br /> foRh abo+n withh/0 day� oi th� �rhy of notice. ' <br /> 5. Hwrd InfUranC�. Bortower shaN keep the knprovements now exlsttn�or hereafter encted on 1h� pirepeAy(nwre��y�1 <br /> bss bY At�.ha�rds hduded wkhin the tam"extended coveraye"and aoy other hazards for whbh Lender�aquk�s insuranc�.Thb h- <br /> wiana shd b�m�hWned in th��nounts and tor the pe�iods that Lende� reQukea. The insurance caaier providinp th�hwranc�shal <br /> b�ohos�f by 8arow�r wbJ�c!to L�nd�r'�approval which thaN�ot be unreaaon�by withhdd. <br /> M Insuano�po�dts�nd nMwds OhaN b��Ceeptabl� to the Lender�nd shaN h�cluds a afandud moR�ps qws�. l.�nd�r sNa�haw <br /> 1M tlpM to hold the polci�s and nn�vr�ts.H Lendar�equke�, 8orrow�r sh�M promptly qlv�to Und�r ar r�cNpts ot pdd pnr►�tunw and �-"' <br /> n�wr notl�s. M tM weM of los�, Barowar thsN pi+n prompt notk�to the hsunna carti�►and L�nder. Lend�r may m�k�prool W � ' <br /> loss 11 not tn�d�P��P�N bY 8orraw�►. �.,y <br /> lMNts Lmd�and Borrowa oth«vrb��se N wdtk�p. tnauanc� pcoaeda ah�N be applisd to rosWntlon or apair of th�Pn��rry - <br /> d��0�d.M tM r�ton�tbn ar ropai►is �conardcMy Iea:ibte�nd Lender'a aeaidty is not te�aened. li th�rostaatlon or npak la not�ca� <br /> o.ndoY�l IMabl�or Undw's s�curity wou{d be lessentd,the Maunnce proceeda �haN be appWed to tha�ums s�cund by thb 3«xuity � <br /> les�xn��whethw or not then dus,with �ny excess pald to Borrower. It Bortower ab�ndons the P�roperty, or does not�nswer wlthin 90 <br /> d�a nolic��rom Lendar that th�insuranc�cartier haa ofte�ed to sefile�daim,then Lender may coNect the hsurane�proc�da. L� <br /> m�y us�th�procwds to repdr or restae the Rop�y or to pay sums �ecured by this Security Instrument, whether or eot then due,Th� <br /> 9ad�Y P�bd w�b�yh whan lh� noUw is given. <br /> IM�Nss l�and 8orrower oNenvisa earee h wriUnp. any appNcallor�of proceeJs to principal shad not �d�nd or postpon�th�du� <br /> dUt a�^wntMY qYm�q tMamO to h parapraph 1 �nd 2 a change the amount ot ihe paymenta. if undar pua�taph 18 ths Property <br /> a�oquind bY L�ndu, 8arower's �iphf to any lnsurance popdes�nd proceeds resuhinp trom damage to ths PropeRy prfor to the acquis- <br /> Mion sh�1 p�ss to Lendar to the extent of the aums by this Security Insirument knmediatety pdor to ihe acquiaition. <br /> Q• Pr�s�rvation snd Ma1nt�11s1tC• O! Property; Leaseholds.BoROwer shatl not destroy, damtge or substantltNy chanya <br /> th�Proprrty.Yow th�Propeny to detadonte or commit waste. li this Secudty Instrument I�on a leasehotd, @ortow�r ahaM cornply wlth <br /> th�Provlsbns ol th�Naa�, and fl Barower acquires tee CNe to the PropeAy. the le�aehold�nd tee tiite ahaN no1 mer9t unisss ih� Lender <br /> egas to th�rr��x h wrkhp. -----_- -_ -- <br /> 7. Prohctiot� of L,�nd�Ps Riphts in tha P�operty; Mortgag� Inauranc�. It 8orrow�r taNs to peAorm th�coy�nant� ' <br /> an0+p►�rt�n�s conWned b t�b Securtty inatrument,or then is� leg�l proceediny that m�y atgniflantly affect !h�L�nd�r'a ri�ht in ths ' <br /> Pnop�rty(sucfi p a proe.e�reg'In bmWuptcy, probate, fa condemnation or to entorce lawa or regutaftona), ihen L�nde►m�y do and pay <br /> ta whatw�r a n�e�swy to prot�cl th�vaiue ol the Propdry and Lender'a�ights in !he Property. Len�er's actlona may Induds payinq any � <br /> wrm hcu►fd by��n whfch h�s prlotiry ov�r this Security Instrument,appeartng 1n eouA, p�yirtQ reaaon�ble attomerys' lees�nd entering � <br /> ��F►aP�h���ropain.Allhou�h Lender may take action under paragraph 7. Lender does not have !o do ao. � <br /> My artfounts asbun�d by lmdlr und�r partpraph 7 sAaA become�ddiUanal debt o}Bortower aecured by th�Security Instrument. , <br /> tMMss 8ortow�r�nd l�nder a�res to olha terma of peymenL thes�emounts shall bear interesl trom date ef Qis�irsement st the Note '�' <br /> ht��nd shal b�p�y�bl�,u�n notke trom�en6er to Borrower re uessin r` <br /> 4 9 Payment. � <br /> if! <br /> �. w � <br /> Q1p?►t.CT1�01M) 0306000511 Paqc 7�,1• �� 1-,�-�_t� <br /> � <br />