. . -R,..�.-�.z.
<br /> .v e iWdb'��i: r,�'_,.;_L'"Y..�.;,a...,.R.....�._.........___ ..__.__.. _ ,
<br /> • ��. .:x� -ifi:4a'� - -
<br /> . ::��
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<br /> � ��..a+:., v.,;�. .
<br /> ,.I��� �,�:w � . - ". --
<br /> �� ���- �--�
<br /> .. �.:��,.�r,,. , __ _
<br /> '1
<br /> -,,:.;.�... ���;� 90--- 10'7426 - =--
<br /> ,.
<br /> — -- �,.. , i+f81�•UNiFOpMCovEi:�►ri'i'S.P�ras�:raadLendertunhrrenvenant�nd�gree�follows: '� �. ..__ -__-_° --.�-
<br /> ,,,,�. 19. Aatientlo�i Reaedk�. i.aia sWU Qlr� �otiee to RwTOw�r /Mor to�ecekntloo folbwl�t Boerowa�'n �
<br /> ;,,,�"�?�,.";�'. ,. ,.'
<br /> rrwe�ot��cot�sL or a�ee�ert iw tr43�earlq l�tn�t fbat we pNa ta Kcelendo�a�iar Piura�Na 1��d!7
<br /> . , �;�.;,�. �{�y�llarlt law W'o�W�s otYerwi�el.71��otice tluli�c[fys(s)tYa dehulti(bl tMe aetlo�nqu[nd to ew�tM
<br /> ' � - ithdtt lcl s d�tr.�ot Iw Nw 3/1{�yt Aro�tl�data tM iwticy b td�es to Borrow��.by wMic�tre d�t�Wt wwt b�c�ndi �
<br /> � ,!' •� . a�/(�l tWt hiliue W eree t�e retalt w or b�foro tM d�t��clfbd 1�tM aotia m�y rault I�scceleration of tM su� �,;,-_---
<br /> , , -��
<br /> . , � . .•:, surn/�r Mls Suv1tY t�W+��t�ai �M d tM Pro�ty.Tkt�otice�6d1 tuMMer i�tor�Borrowsr ot eYe�t a ---
<br /> , , , . -----
<br /> , : :•�:� •. .:,; reln�te alter�cceleradoe ud Ihe ri�Mt ro brb��conrt�ctio� co aaert ehe aon�exlseesce ot a der�ult or uy
<br /> - ----,-.; _,..
<br /> ` ddew of Borrowsr to�cakr�Ho�sad�ale.It t1e det�ult b wt cnnA oa or beforc the drie cpecl8ed fa tlie aatice,Lc r �- - �-- ._- _
<br /> .,, _
<br /> � � � . u iq o/tfo�ouy rtqaire imwo�late p�ywe�t Ip MII of dl wwr recured py thb Security lastrua�tat witUout turtber � �F�=!
<br /> dea�a�i nd�uY ia�olce the ou�er ot s�le ad�aY otYer re�aedia P�nained by sppllcab9.�inclu�ia�. but�oot liaiited to. ���. - --
<br /> fl- '. . coUect all expeiva iacnrnd ta pnrsulnp the re�dia Pro�ided h thh p�ura�aP �._ ? . •,":.:�w . .
<br /> rasow6le�ttor�ey�'tea wd ca�p ot Ntle a�idaca —` __
<br /> � • � • It tbe power ot swie b iaroked�T�tee thall rocord�noHce of dehult la ach couaty in whic6 wy p�rt ot t6e �.��,�..�_:
<br /> property Ir loeated�ud�b�ll mdl rnpfa of web aottce la t6e m�uaer pnscribed by�pPlidble law to Bonower a�d to tMe --r.�--:�:.�.,� -
<br /> u
<br /> • oU�er persono pre�cribcd by�ppllaible I�w.Atter tbe dme�eaufred by�pplicaWe I�w.Trustee sbsll ai�e public aotic�ot �a�• : _:���;�w
<br /> .•.:•,:..;
<br /> � �W tYe�ersoa�uid in the m�naar prcscribed by�pplicable I�w.Trwta,withaut demwd oa Borrower.�ull�ell tYe ,
<br /> :.....,::..�:..
<br /> pr�e��t pM►�t�C�nedon to the biQltal bidde��t the Nme�nd place�ad under the terms desiRnated In t6e aodce of sde la ;.:,
<br /> ' �� .we or woro p�rcel��ad ta any o►der Tructee determina.Trustee miy ponpune�ale ot all or Any pucel o/the PropertY by �' ��� .
<br /> .� :' �,l•` pdblic aanawee�t�1 tNe Hme md plwce of u�y pre�iously scheduled We. Leader or its desip�+ee a�aY P��� •w�,ua:•:::--
<br /> ... , i'd.•�+'t �1,� � .._ s—�--
<br /> �tl'i�'��'� ��y"� �'pplftyatf[Iqiflt. '+ ,. : =4
<br /> :1,.'.i1:w�;:
<br /> � '�•���'� �,• . Uoon re�eipt d���u�ot tAe prine bld.Tru�tee shdl deli�er to the pure6afer Trustee's deed ton�eyiaQ tbe ' �.1i����
<br /> • . �rL•:.�4•: ,�i, p ;.-....�F��;3�•�
<br /> ax�"'`�� ` '•• Property.The recitrls in the Tnutee's deed slull be primr tacie eddeace of the truth ot the statemenq mrde Wenin. '�'�"'-
<br /> .,};'�'.",•.:. 't�1c� ,, . ____.---
<br /> . ,. : �' ���h,1 Trwtee sh�ll apply the proceeds of the ssle in the tollowing order:lal to dl e:penses of the sale.iacludiaQ,but aot Iimlted .,r`._
<br /> � � 3� to,Troftee'r tea w pennitted by�ppllca6le law�nd�e.rsonable�ttorneys'(eex(bl to all sums secu�ed by thu Sscurity �• #� �-.;�
<br /> . '�, " '��;T10ii�;13.•:.
<br /> ` +.:•, �� i�ttruoeaa u�d(c1 wy etcas to tbe per�oo or persons legslly enHtled to it. ;��'�-
<br /> '��f'{f'• � - ' 20. Lender tn Pot�s�Ion.Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonmont of[he Propeny. Lender(in �� . � _-
<br /> ' i;,;�,`�� .
<br /> ,:;�;•�, ,`;•�.� peraon,by agent or by judieially appointed rrceiver)shall 6e entitled to enter upon, take possasion of and manage the '.'',.�,,�_
<br /> ;'` �" ' � PropeRy and to collec�thr ronts oP the Propeny including those past due. Any ren�s colle�ted by Lender o�thx rcceiver
<br /> • -•,;<< t� �,;,`;i shalt be appf9ed Rnt tc�payment of che emis of management of the Propeny and collection ot'rents,mcluding,but not �' �'` ~
<br /> . l�
<br /> '• �1��;"!;�:j•;•;`}'!�Y���:r� limited to.recei�er's fees,premiums on nce�ver's bonds and resson�ble attorneys'Pees,and then�o the 9ums seeured by ,,;�,,..Ra,
<br /> ,<<�,t�,,:;,v,-
<br /> (�,:�.;;�.�.,r,�. . rl, thisSecurity lnstrumrcnt. • ���,�;:..
<br /> � ��•'•'�:�';'� '�'?���:'r;� 21.Recon�eYa�e.Upon payment oP all sums secured by this Securit�ln��TUm�nt,Lendtr shalt request Trustee to
<br /> .�•:........ ..:.�,.
<br /> `';;'��;i.�,,,:,,�` __. ,,,_: rtxanvty ihc P:a�xKy snd sha!!surr�nde►thic Secunry Instrument and ull notcw e��ide�rmg debt secured by ehis Security ,
<br /> .°,,��„ 1 � ,.,•� Instrument ta Trustee.Trustee shaU reconvey the Property without war�anty�nd without charRe to the peraon or persons r� ���
<br /> S:l�,,. ., f , " •
<br /> ,;•1�,,, �,,�4;,, le�ally entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordanen ccKts. _ _
<br /> ���•.��,,,, . .
<br /> ` �.�:;�r��• .. � 22.Subtitute Tnwta.Lender,et its option,may from time io nme remove Trustee and appomt a succasor trustee � , ,',�;;{,':�'--;
<br /> �'�t� ,'. � ' toany Trustee appointed fiereunder by an i�istrument rec.uded in the county in which th�s Secunty Instrument is recorded. ., .
<br /> < i�:','•.:;';J�,,,�. , '. �.. , .
<br /> ��;:. ; :;�. ;• � �'ithout conveyance of the�roperty.the successor�cwsiee ehall succeed to al1 t�a uile,power and duties conferced upon • , : '� '
<br /> �, . ,:;�'�
<br /> . � tii:'.'.}•;.1•;,",�{.; �. Trtnta hcrein and by applicable law. � '`•',`;��:.
<br /> �•�:"•��`''' ;"'���" • 23.lFequest for Notice9.Borrower requests tfia�copies of the notices of dePault and sale bc sent to Borrower's ' . '':��•'':'
<br /> '��':L?ti,1'�). , k;t:,,: , ,
<br /> � �� ;;,,,•,�: 1 address which is the Property Address. ',
<br /> '[ �'�'�r`�� �'� 24.Rider�to tht�Seeu�lty Instrument.If one or moro nders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with
<br /> ,•�: ..�� � �his Securiry[nstrument,the cnvenants and agreements of each such nder shall t►�mcorporatcd mto and shall amend and � ; ;
<br /> ":•""` supplement the covenants and agreements of this Secunty Instrumen� as if the nder(s) werc a part of th�s Secunty "
<br /> � " Instrumenl.[Check applicuble boa(es)J � , '
<br /> a _ ❑ Adjustable Rote Rider ['. Condominium Ridet ` 2-4 Family Rider ._ J,'� ^ . •
<br /> ;... .
<br /> •,i�•. ,
<br /> '• �1`� ❑ Graduated Pay�nent Rider '-' Plamx� Unit Development R�der �;. �'�+
<br /> ;i�''a,: ` 7:
<br /> ,�,,.
<br /> .' •.ti;�� ,;.,�;�;->c5, �Other(sl ISPce�fYl ACKN0I►LEDGEMENT �.,
<br /> ' .F,ti;. •F..a{�. ., ' ,`�� ::...,
<br /> ti,� �.�� ,. •,,� �, BY SIGNING BELOw. Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants con�amed in thi: Security �,,•
<br /> •`�'''�'�'''`•' Inatrumrnt and in Any rideKs)eaecuted b�Borrower and recorded with�t.
<br /> •.���
<br /> �':i.� • , :. �py�.
<br /> !�{ly,.'k, .. . .../�1 � � ...� ' . ................ .(.�'� ' , , . � �.
<br /> ......................................................... ..... .... .. ........... • fL� cZ'AI. .�. -80noM� �
<br /> � •
<br /> .,
<br /> ..... DAPiYEL J. PETERSEN .
<br /> ;, -
<br /> . . .. �G�1L.�ti.s.. ~ '��=�;.G."�,..............
<br /> . , . `�......:�.. ._�. ..... ._..cs��
<br /> .. ' ........................................................... . . 13�NN1E R. �'�:.'��ERSEN �� . .
<br /> ;
<br /> � STATE OF NEBRASkA. HALL ��,������ ��'
<br /> On this lg� �iu> ot D�����,GR . lyqp . hett�r� uit. �hr undrnignrd, a voiary Pubh. '
<br /> dulycommissioned and yualifirJ t'ur.aiJ�ouo�y,rer�unall>camr DANIE� J. PETERSEN AND BONtiIE R. PE'['ERSEK
<br /> (HUSB�aYd3 AND WIFE) ,tu me known co b e t he '
<br /> identical personl+l Nhoce name�.l are �ub�,rihed tn the ����e�����nc m,trurneot and a�wnouledged the erecutioo
<br /> � the�tof l0 be ��IR ���lur.tar� .i.• .�ad d_rd.
<br /> .. .. . .,.a. ...., .tio
<br /> , wnness my nana and no�ar�ai+tJl JC VR:atiD 15LANll. N�6KA51t�3 "' """""' • "'
<br /> ,, . '� date afores��d.
<br /> My Cumrnis�ion r�pirr�: �'� � , , �
<br /> �. �i: ��:�.�t. >- ...',! . •..r..,�... ... . ..
<br /> '����M� \,�.�r� Puhl�.
<br /> ��
<br /> c+r�+Tw�s.w+�m+a ItE•U�E�Si ' �K aFc c������ i ����i
<br /> rr a..4.�.w?��f�
<br /> a .
<br /> ' The undercigned is the holder�•t ihr IIiH���I ni�ti� �C�U<<'P ub 1�11� �)Ct�1�N I tll�t. SJI�I nO1C��r n��re., mge�her
<br /> w�th all other�ndebledne«<rcured h> thi. 1)ce.1 ot rru.�,h.►�n c��n�.+�J m iull Y��u ar�herrh� d�rr��ed u��arnel.aid
<br /> OOft O� 00[Cti:lll� lhl� l�eed�N �IU�t,uhl.h .ffC�ICh�CtCd h�•�Ch�, .ftld I��r���al�a�,���IhnUl Ndff3I1R, all 1hr e•�ate
<br /> now held by you under �h�• nCCt� ��� Tfll�l I�t 1�11` �h'I•i+ll .�1 �`Cf���tl� �t•fd��� C'llhl�C� tf1CIC1��
<br /> • Uelt'
<br />