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<br /> � � If Lendc� requirod monaaQe insurnna u�condition of making the lostn secured by thi:Security lnstrumrnt. , �_�"�- •;
<br /> ,_.s;ieai�n,
<br /> ' Borrower shall psy the premiums raquired to maln��►in the intuance in eRect until such tima as the requirert�ent Por the -.
<br /> in�urmce termin�ta in accordance aith Bortower'��nd l.ender's written aQreement or�pplicable law. .
<br /> 8. laspectloo. Lender ar its a�mt mRy mpke reasonRble entries upon and inapeations of the Property. Lender ,�y:;,��__ _ •-
<br /> �haU pve Borrower notice u the time of or priar to en inipxtion specifyiog rwwns►bie couse for the incpection. .�,r:,�y��,=-.:_-- - '-
<br /> 9, CoM{ema�doa. The proceed:of�ny award ar cl�im for d�mages.dirat or consequentul,in connection with : ;�s�t:-';►�r!:.;��:�r.
<br /> �ny condemn�tion or othe�aking of any ps�n of the Property.or for convey�nce in lieu of condemna�ioe,are hercby ...,fcy,�,�y;���_
<br /> �, asi�ned and ahd!be paid to I.ender. "�'"�`!���'�
<br /> ' ' In the eve�t of a toul taking of the PropeRy, the proceeds shwll be applied to the sums securcd by thii Secur�ry � .•�L-`. •`.."'�'{'�,:.
<br /> � Instrument,whether or not then due,with any eacess paid to Bacower. In the event of a panial taking of Ihe Property,
<br /> yaless Horcover aad Lender otherwise agree in writing,tEie sunexs secured by t6is Security Instrument shwll be reduced by
<br /> �he a�nu�unt ofi tbe pcacoeds multiplied by the fo�8o+ring firaction:(a)the totat arnount of the sums secured immediuely ,�
<br /> � 6efore ti�e�a{cipg�divic8ed by(b)the foir muket va0ue of thc Property imm�edeaceCy�before the taking.Any b�IRnce shdl be �
<br /> p,;d a eorm�re�. �` �
<br /> if tde pno�perly is aWindoned by Horrow�r,or if,�fRer notice by Lender to Bonower that the condemnor oflers to �
<br /> make�award or settle a claim for damages,Borrower fails to res�rnd to Lender within 30 dz,a c a6ter the dete the notice ia ��
<br /> :given,lxnder is auWorized to collect and apply the proceeds,�t oes c�+tion,either to restoratiom���eepair of the Propeny o� ,
<br /> „ .' to the iums secured by this Security Instrument.whether or aot QB�en due. '"-"�"'�'
<br /> � , � :.�'��''>`•' Unkss Lendcr and Borrower otherwise agra in writing,any applicat�on of proceeds ta+q+�i�a�ipu6 yiaa7:not exlend or ,�,., '
<br /> �>�;`;:'' • postpone the due d�te oP the monthly paymenu referred to in{�aragraphs I and 2 ar changr ihe araa��unz of smch payments. . � ! �''t���"
<br /> �'�.����'�. ` ' . , �,.1' :"'� ,- ...r"tiy
<br /> ' ,r.�:.;;•,�,�:� 10. Borrower Not Relea�ed; Fwbannce Hy Lender �lot • W�lver. Extens�a�n of the tic�e for payment or •��. ���
<br /> �.. ,.
<br /> �'.:;,;�t•';'�'';�:,.�'.�'', modi8cation of amortization of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrumen� granted hy Lrnder a�o p�y successor in ';,.� ,:•, . .,, �. .�.��Y';:_
<br /> ; ��,�`+� iaterat of Borrower shall�ot oper�te to release the�iabifity of the origina!Fd�rr�wer or Borrower's successors in interest. ,,, �.�+r<
<br /> Lender sh�ll not be rcquired to commence proceedings agamst any succntor m inlerest or refuse to ratend time for � , ,�.��;
<br /> payment or otherwise modiPy amoRization of the sums secured by t'hisSecuritylnstrument by reason of any demand made : , ;S
<br /> by tfie original Borrower or Borroaar's successors ia ia'terrst•A ny farbearance by Lender�n exercising any right or remedy , , . , ,, • .
<br /> �hall not be a waiver of or preclude the eaercise of any right or remedy. . , .
<br /> il. Succpwrs�nd Arti�Bound;Jnint u+d Severp! Liability;Casigner�. The covenants and agrcements of
<br /> this Securlty Instrument sholl bind and benefit the successors and essigns of L�nder aod Borrower,subjecl to the provisions
<br /> of pan►graph 17.Borrower's covenants and agreements shal!be joint and sever3l. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security :i'�, . ,
<br /> Instrur+nent Dut does not execute the Aia�:(a)is cu�nigni�;,�this Snurity lnsirur�rnt only to mortgagr.gten�an�convey
<br /> • that Borrower's interest in the Property under the ttrms of this Stcurity Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay � •
<br /> '��'�• Ihe sums securaf by this Security[nstrumrnt and(c)agrees that Lende�and any other Bc�rrower may agree to extend.
<br /> . � madify,forbear or m3ke u�y accommodations wiih regard to the terms of tfiis Secun�y Instrument or the Note without ,
<br /> �
<br /> ''•,;".;'' ;;;�; thatBorrower'sconsent. , '
<br /> � � 12, LoAn Ch�rQes. IPthe loan secured b�1'his Secunty Instrument issubject to a law which sets maximum loan _
<br /> •; � '�'`''��� ' chargts, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other I.�an charges collected or lo be collected in ,
<br /> � � � '�E connection with the loan �aceed the permitted limits,then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br /> « " ' aeeessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and (b)any sums already collected from Borrower which ezceecied
<br /> ;���� "' permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refunJ by reducing the principal owed
<br /> • undu the Note or by malcing a direct paymmt to Borrower.lf a refund rcduces pnnc�pal.the reducuon will be treated as a ,
<br /> parti�l prepayment wrthout any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> , ; ' ' 13. LeQisl�doa AMeeting Lender's Rigbts. If enactment or expiraci��n of appGruble laws has the efl'ect of
<br /> '. ' ' rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Instru ment unenforceable arcordmg to u�terms,Lender,at its opuon,
<br /> '.�i; . may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by thiti Securrty In.trumenl and may�nvake any remedies
<br /> '• � permitted by paragraph 19.lf Lender exercises this option,Lender shall take the steps cpecified m thc second paragraph of _
<br /> . , ��•�. paragraph 17. '
<br /> - 14. Notiea. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument+hall be given by delivenng it or by
<br /> maiGng il by 8rst class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The not�ce shall be directed 10 the
<br /> Property Address or any other address Borrower designates 4+}�natice to Lender.Any n��uce to Lender shall be given by
<br /> •,cl Rest class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other addras Lender des�gnates by n�t�ce to Borrower.Any notice
<br /> � provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed�c+have been gi�•en to Borrower or Lender when given as provided
<br /> " ' in this paragmph.
<br /> � " DS. C.�eraing i.aw;Severability. This Security Inst rument�hall be gooerned by federal law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located.ln the event that any provision or clause nf th�+Secunty Instrument or the
<br /> • • Note conflicts with applicable law•,such conflict shall not aN'ect other prov���unti of this Secunty Instrument or the Note
<br /> which can be given efl'ect without the conflict�nR prov�s�on.To this end the pmvuion.ot'thi�Serunty Instrument and the
<br /> Note aredeclared to be uverable.
<br /> lb, Borrower's Copy. BotT�wer s'hall he g�ven c�nc r�nformed ro��•nf the Note and<�f this Secunty Instrument.
<br /> D7. Tnnsfer ot the Propentq ar a Heneficinl Interest In Borrower. [f all ur uny� part of the Property or uny
<br /> intetesn in ii is sold or transferrec���or�f a t�eneficial intere�t�n Honower i��old ur transferred and Borrower ix not a na�ural
<br /> � persor��j without Len�ltr's prior wnnen cong�nt.Lender may.at ns��ptirr reyu�re immediate payment�n fuU of all surns
<br /> secured by this Sec�rit} Instrument. How•e.er. th�±opuc�n shall n�� br a�erci,eC r. Lender►f exerc�se is prohibited by
<br /> .:f� federal law as of the�ase af this Secunty Instrumen:
<br /> lf Lender exercises this opl�on.Gender shall g�ve Rorrnwer nntire ot;�::r�tra�inn '�he nnuce shall provide a per+nd
<br /> � of n�� le-,s than 30 days from the date the noace�s del�vered or rnailed w�thm wh�cfi Horrna�rr must pay all cums securtC by
<br /> i this Sera�nty lnstrument. If 8orr�w�er fails to pay these su ms{�nor lo thr eRTirat�un r f rh:+;�ncx1.Lender may invoke aey
<br /> _ 1 ....n..i�.t.,rr�,�rrHf hv�hic 5ecuntv Instrument w�thout(urther notice��r demanc3 on borrower.
<br /> � 18.Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If 8orrower IT�ee��cC�lalh�uRd1lN�tls, F��rrc�wer�hall have the nght�o have
<br /> enforcement of this Secunty Instrument disrnnunued at any ume pnnr ta thr rarher uf (a)S days I��r such olher penad�s
<br /> apphcable law may spec�fy for rem�tatementl before tiale �f the 1'roperty punuant to am•power of tiale cirota�ned�n th�s
<br /> Secunty Instrument:or(bl eatry of a�ud�ment enforcm�x�h►ti Serunt>• Imtrument Thuse cond�tionti are Ihat Hnrtower:
<br /> (e)pays Lender all sums wh�ch then w•ould be due under th�+Serunt� Imirument und the Note had no acceleration
<br /> occurred: fbl curcs any default of any other covenantti ur agreement�. ��� pay�all expense� mcurred in rnforcmg th�s
<br /> Secunty Ins�rument. mcludmg. but not I�mned to, reasonoble attorne�•�'Ices. and Id1 tnketi�urh aruon a� Lender may
<br /> � reason�bly reqwrc to assure �h�c the hen of th�s Secunty Instrument, Lender'+nghts m the Property and Ekxrower's
<br /> olb6g�aon to pay the sums seeured by this Secunty [nstrument .haU rom�nue unchunged. l'�n rems�atement by
<br /> Bonower,this Secunty Instrument and the obl�gat�ons secured hereby,hall remnm full�•efleruve a+d no accelerat�on had
<br /> � occurred.However,this nght to rcinstate shall not apply�n the case of accderauon under paragrnphs 13 or 17
<br />