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<br /> . � �. substanaally eqnivaFant mortga�e insuiance co�erage is trot available.Borrower sha11 pay to Lender each month a sum e�ual to �
<br /> ' ,� otte-nvelfth af the yearly mort�a�e insuranse premium treing paid by Bonnwer�vhen the insurance covetage lapsed or�eascd to =
<br /> he in�4'fect. Lender will xcept,use flnd retain these payments a1 a loss reseM1•e in lieu of mnrtgage insurance. 1-ass rzsQrve __
<br /> � .�: ' pay�nants may rto lonoer 6e req�tired,at the optinn oF Lender,if mongagc insurancc a�vetace lin thc amount and for the period _
<br /> �n
<br /> . . _ t}�at Lct:der rcquiresi provided hy nn insurcr�+preveci hy Lertder ugain bernmes nr•:ulabte:utd iti ob2ained.&�rro�rer shall O�Y —
<br /> the premiums requir'ed eo maintain mv:t�aDe insurance in effect,or ta provide a to..rc�ene,until thc requimment for�nort�age —
<br /> insurance ertds in eccordan�witPs any wntten agreement bct���n Bnrroa�er and l.,tndcr ur anpficabte iaw.
<br /> , �, • 9.laspection. Lender or i[s a�ent may m:d:e rEatin�table entries upr�n and in�pcctions��f'the Fmperry. Lcnder�haU�i�•e
<br /> � �• @orrower notiee at the a►ne of ar prior to:u��nspection sperifying tcasanable rausc fur dic inaprctiun. _
<br /> ' 10.Condemceation. The prexeeds of any atsard or ct��m far damzges.discct nr��mey�iential, in�nnnccti�+n �vith y�y
<br /> ' condemnation or othQr taking of any part aF thc Pmperty�.or for conveyam�e in lieu of condemnatian,:ue hereby:usigns3d altd _-
<br /> , .Y f shall e::paid to l.ertder. —
<br /> ' � !n the event of a total taking of the Froperty.che prosecd+sFiall be applied to tht sums secured by thic Secariry Tmtrument,
<br /> _ �� � whether or not then due. �vith any excesr puid co Bumnssr. In che event of a p3rti;il taking of th� Prupetty in�vhich the fair =
<br /> ,,s��,�,y,�,� market value of the Praperty immediately betore the taking is equai to or greater than thc amuunt��f th:susns sQCtued by this Y
<br /> r Se+�urity Instrurrtent immediately before th:taking,unletis Borrou�et and l.ender other�oi�e agree in writing,the sums secured by
<br /> ' this Security Irs�trument shall bt reduced by the amount of the proceads multiplied by the foll�iving Ersstion: la) t1i, total�
<br /> � ,� � • �� amount of the sums s�cured'emcnediately before the takin�.divided by(b)the fair markct value af the Property immediatety�
<br /> =_ �- - bsfo�e the taking. Any b;�a�wr: shaSt E�pai�to Borrower. �n ti�ev� af a partial talcing of the Pmpeny in which the fa�r
<br /> , f�, market value of the Property immediately ts�fore the taking is less th�n th:amoimt of th�sums secured imm�diatety befora the
<br /> . f t � taking. anless Borrower aad Lender aihenvise a;ree in wricing or unless appiicable law othenvise provides, the proceeds shall Q
<br />. be appfied to the sums s�ured by this S�urity Inswment whether or rtat the surns ure then d¢e.
<br /> " ' If the Property is ab2ndnned by Borrotiv�er,or if.after aotice by Lender to BasroK�er that the condemnur uffers w make an
<br /> ' award ar s:ttle a claim for daanages. Borrawer fails to respond tu Lender within 30 days after the date the norice is given,
<br />'. ` Lender is authorized to callect and apply the praceeds,at its optie�.either to restoration or repair of the ProFerty ar to thz sums O
<br /> • securerl by this Securiry Instnunent,whether or aot then due.
<br /> ' Unless I.ender aud Borrotiver othernise agree in �witing, any appt:ratian of proceads to princ'rpal shall Rot extead or
<br /> `y'. � postpone the due date of the monthly payments refemed to in puagraphs 1 and 2 or change the antount oP such paymen4s.
<br />• ' .�:::�::.! 11.Borruv�er Nci Released;E�rbearance By Leuder Na�a Waiver.Ext�nsion of the dme for payment or modification _
<br />- '� � ' of amort'uation of th2 sumy secured�}this Security Instru�ent�ted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> , - -W-Ir not opeiate w release tPce�iab�lity ef tis original Borro�ver ar ti��n•er s suaressots in interest.Lender shail not be reqt�ired to
<br /> , " wmmence proc�ings�.i�3 anY�.�ssor in intezest or refusx to extend time for paytnent or othetwise rnodify antortization
<br /> of the sums serured [�? �:s Sacuaay Iasuu�e�`.y reason of any deman� made by the original Bortn�rer or Bairowei s
<br />�`:�' � successors in intea��.'�,•forbeara.^�by Leu�r in exercising any nght er remedy shall nai be a waiver c�f or p�lade the
<br /> � �• :'.;.° exercise of any right c�:emedy.
<br />�'�a'•�°��'fn ., T.S.Successors aad Assigns�aad;Joint and Several Liability; Co-sigaels. The covenanu and agreernent�of th�s
<br /> � ,,,�
<br /> •` ;ti" " SecuriL�;rr_strument shall bind and benefit the successots and assibms of L.eader and Barrawer, subjec� eo the Qrav�fons a
<br /> _.r:�;�,�:,:,„`• Paragrap;� 17. Borro�:•=r's covenants and agreements shall be joint ana sevenl. Any Borrower who co-signs tt�a3 `'�urity
<br />- '�• t.-�s.... . Instrument but does n�ea�ec�►te the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security lnstrument only to nwr3gage.�cant and convey that
<br />�=��.:�:. r,*:
<br /> - BorroKer's interest in the Pra under the terms of this Serurity Instrciment:(b)is not persanalSy o�;�c:�to pay the sums
<br /> -'" :"'':'�'� secun�i!r;this Security Inswment:and(c)a�es that Lender aud any other Borrower may agree to extera?.modify,fa�fi�sr or
<br /> _ i.t"�� ' make an_F:sr'.rammodauans�vith re�"d to ths ternu of this Sec�^�l; Instrument or the Not��.ithout that Borrowei s cer.�n'nt.
<br /> °`--�"r�� �3„�r;,an Cha�es.If the loan securad by this Securit}itt�air:.�ent is subjed to a�+.e�fiich sets maximum ioa[c�.i�arg�s.
<br />'`7�'�`�'�'�` • and th�t!_:�is tir.alty interpreied so that the interest or otf:er leun`charges collecied or to�e colletted in conneciion with the
<br /> ��_'"'��'�� toan excaad tiie rer�:it:��limiu,then:(a)any sach loan charge shali be red�ceil by the amount necessary to reduce tfte chazge
<br /> s_T 5.�:�`'� to ttte permitt�t L�*ii.: �(b)anY sums already:a1i_`�cted ftom @orrower t�i�_�a`.excceded permitted li�s�,swill be refunde�to
<br /> -- -__ -
<br />