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<br /> Ti1e Funds shall be held in an institution a+hose deposits are inwred by a federal agency, instrumenwlity, or entiry �
<br /> (inclu�ing Lender,if Lender is such an institutionl ur in any Federal Home L.oan Bank.Lender shali apply the Funds to pay the _
<br /> � Escrow Items.Lend.r may Kut charge Bnrrmser for holdin�and applyin�the Ft►rtds,annually analyzing the escmw account.or _
<br /> ' . ' verifying the Eszrow Etcros.unless Lender pays�orrower interest on the Fund�ared appli�ble la�v permits l.ender to cnake sucb `
<br /> • . , a charge.Ho�cever,Lex�der�uy require Borrower to pay a one-dme charge far an independent real estate tax reposting service
<br /> usr.d by Lender in rnnnertion �vith this loan. unlcss applica5le la�v provides otherwise. Ualess an agreement is made ar �
<br /> ' ,'t � appliqble la�v requires interest to be p�ud.i.ender shall not be r�quired to pay Barro�ver any interest or eamings on the Fumts- —
<br /> �oiro�ver and Lender may agree in w�tuig.however, that inter�t shall be pa�d on the Funds. l.ender shall give to Borrowcr.
<br /> � � withflut charge, sin annual accaunting of the Furtds. �howin�crediu a�td debits to the Funds and the pv�ose far which exh _
<br /> • ' debit[o the Funsis was r�tade.The Funds are pledFed as additionai scxurity for ali sums secured by this Securiry Insttument. _
<br /> � '�r If the Funds held by[xnder exe2ed the a►�nunts permined to be held by applicable la�v�I.ender shall account to Bonnwer _
<br /> � .,�;,� for the ezcess Furtds in accordance with ihe requirements of applicable laa. If the amount of ihe Funds held by L.ender at any �
<br /> : ��' -t time is trot suffcciecrt to�ray the Esrraw kems when due.Lender u�y so noiify Borrower in writing,and, in such case Borru�•er _
<br /> � �"--'"�" shall pay to[xnder the amount necessary co malce up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in Ro more tha� _
<br /> � � �: t�Yelve monthly payments,at Lender's sale discrerion.
<br /> ` . : � Ugon paymeat in full of afl sums securad by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund co Borrawer any jfl
<br /> + Fuc�is hetd by Lender.If,under paragraph 21.Ler.der shall acquire or selt the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> _ _.'`:�' of the F,operty. sfiali apPtY an}r Fctnds hetd tsy Lznder at th�rime a€�cµ�isition ur sale as a cr�it against the snms secured�by p
<br /> --i
<br /> � this Scxurity tnstrumen�.
<br /> � all payrtients received by Lender under paragraphs�
<br /> • 3.Applirat�on of Payments•U�less applicable law provides othenvise.
<br /> ` � 1 aud 2 shali be applied:first,to any prepayment charges duz under the IVote:secostd.w amounts payable under paragraph 2;�
<br /> � � third.to interest due:founh.to prinripal due:ami la�t.to any late charges due under the Note. 1�
<br /> �::.'."- 4.Ctrarges;Lteas.Borrocver shall pay all taxes.assessn'-enu.charges• fines and►a�Fasidons attributable to the Property �
<br /> which may attain priority over this Security Inswment, and teasehold payrnents or gnu�rents, if any. Borro�Yer shall pay
<br /> , • these abligations in the manner pmvided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Lb,:arower shall pa�them on time directly
<br /> � to the persan owed payment Sorrower shall promptly fumish to Lender al!r.atices of zruoanu to b.°F+aid under this patagraph-
<br /> ' if Borrower makes these pa}mtents diterily.Borrower shalt promptly fum:s�Lo Lender receipts evid:aang the paymenu.
<br /> ' Borrowet shall pramptly discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Security&astcument uniess Borro�ver.(a�agrees in
<br /> � ' - �vriting to th$payment of the obfigation secured by the lien in a manner acxeptable w L�r.der.(b)contests in go�t faith the lien
<br /> � ' by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, tegaf proceedings which in the i�nder s op'mion operate t�r prevent the
<br /> ' � ' enforcement of tltz lien;or(c)secnres from the holder of the lien an ag�eement satisfacwry to L�en�.�.:-subordinating tlie lien to
<br /> -<-r- •-.. •:� th�s gec�rity Insuunrnt.If Lender determines that any part of the Progu'ty is subject to a lien ufri�may attain priority over
<br />: .,....,.. .�
<br /> - - . _ this gecurity Instmment.Lender may give Borrower a aotice identifying ttie lien.Borrower shall s�sfj+the lien or take one or
<br />�-� � �r ' more of the aciions set forth above within 10 days af the giving of norice.
<br /> . • ' - 5. Narrs^d or Prope�ty Insuiaace• Borrowe�' S� �A �� »P�vemenu acw existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> .°J.�.` '� �'�� Ptoperty insu�3 against loss by fire. hazards included within the term "extended am���age" atul any other hazards.including
<br />''�"�=-"`''��' floods or flasui'�.for which l.ender tequires insurance.This insurattce�'�all tre mai�:ained in the amounts and for the periods
<br /> "''�`� �'�'�� that L.ender r��ns. The insurance�er providing the insu�ance sh:�1i'i:e choseu by Borrower sibject to Lender's approval
<br /> __='�L`�r�.�h, which shall n���e unreazonably withheld. If Borrower fails to mair.:,�tr..,�verage descritred aba:e. Lender may, at L.end�s's
<br /> �st.,r;fr,+£„j�, aption,obtain coverage to protect Lender's righu in thE Property ir.aca:�=�ance witb 9ar.3graph 7.
<br />����'?�:�-`�� Ali insurance policies and renewals shall be acczpt�'�to Lender and shall i��aie a standazd mortgage��se. Lender
<br /> ""-r':Ji'���•'j'�
<br /> s2�:1 have the right ta hold the policies and renewals.If Ler,der requires.Borrower shall promptly give to Lender a1!receiPts o
<br /> ''-'-����_�+�-�.��� paid premiums and renewal notices.in the event uf loss,Borroiver shall give prompt nouce to the msucance carrier and Lender.
<br /> -�; ;� Lender may rm�e proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. ;
<br /> Unless Ir.tr,�er and Borrowcr othenvise agree m wn�ng,insurance proceeds shall be appDia3'::+'�toration ot�epair of t!F_
<br /> ^ property damaaad,if the restar�tion or repair is economicaily feasible and Lender's security ts not�:�ssened.If We restoration a;
<br /> •Y�'�;�':.�.�:� repa�r is Roi economically feasib!e or I..Qnder s security wwld be lessened,the insura.nce proceeds shall be appliod to the sums
<br /> •�-a�v,i:�''' securad by this Security Instrument, w[tether or noi then due, aith any excess paid to Borco�ver. if Bcrrower abandons the
<br /> ��:;�.:`,��,� :�� proFerty,or d�es not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered�jsteyttle a cip�,the�
<br /> --_.__�;�� Lender may v.:.;ect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the procee�s to repair or ratore the Pro or to s�r..r '
<br /> --- ---- seivmd by t!*±s�curity Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-d4y period wip begin when the notice�s given.
<br /> -�,,,;�� Unless r..ender and Borrower otherwise agree in wr�tin�, any application of proa�eds to principal shall not eatend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the�nonthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 os chan�e the amovnt of the paymenu. If
<br /> - - under paragraph 21 the Ptn}+erty is acquired by Lender.Bortower's right to any insurx�►ce policies and p�s resulting from
<br /> _�--x��:� damage to thc i'7'operry prior to the acquisition shall Qass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> ='#i� immediately���:r to the acquisition.
<br /> _____-_
<br />