'- - . _ '.:- - - - �_ _::__��:f?�a�`''�`... . . ': _.
<br /> � T:«
<br /> � �.. , '�,� ' ,. � ' � -- " - . �.
<br /> .. 4 G'�II ..�'� . �• .� . t • � � . .< � ,•�1 � ` .�.,o� ';'���ai�.�rt44,�+*ti" �°'� .�.._.�e..�_-4�.��,_..
<br /> _ . � � t.�Zp�U,.�'���'�f�r =b:' .t�
<br /> � � 'i:.,a -'..-+.�-;v. _-+yr-.?o. .t• , _
<br /> . , � a7.T��sfer of lthe Ptopesty or a Beacfl�Ial dnte�est in Baft+uc�er.If all or any part of the PropertY or any interest in it • _
<br /> is sold or transferred(ar`f S�en�nE�nder ma�y t at Bs pi nn Srequ re irnnf�d'ra�te paY�nt�ne��� of ail sums pecured by chis —
<br /> "� t.ender s prior written
<br /> • ; Sgcurity Insnument. Ho�vever,this opiion shail not be exercised 6y[.ender if exercise is prohibited by federal iatv as of the date + __
<br /> of this SQCUrity Instrument.
<br /> � � [f Lender exercises this opdon.Lender shail give�orrower natice of ic:�leratian.ThQ noLCe shal�prov�d 5 �byf��s �
<br /> •� less than 3U days from the datc the aotice is delivered or mailed w�thin ahish Borrower must pay �
<br />,.�..; 3�curity Instrumcnt. If Borrou•rr fail�to pay these sums prior to ths e�piration of this period.L.eader may invoke siay remedi�.c �` c
<br /> ,�; pemutte8 by this S��urity[mtrusi�ent�t€utth€�nntice or demand on Borrowcr.
<br /> 1�. Bflseoca'es's Rl�hi to Reinsiate. If Borrotver meets certain rnndidons. Borrotvtr shsEt traee t� ri°,hi �a �Ye P
<br /> , s,�. - enforcement of this &ECUrity [nstrumeni discantinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)S�dae s of sale conta4ncd n�this �
<br /> app3icable tarl may sFeci€]+ for reinseatement?��fare s�le of che ProgertY Fursuant tu any P � Y
<br /> Secunry Instrument:or lb)entry of a judgm�nt enfotcing this S�urity Insuumc�nt•'fitose cor�ditions are that 8�nrro'Ne*:la)pays
<br /> `"�" Lender all sums which then woutd be due under this Secnrity Instrument uad the Note as if no azcelerztion had accurred:(b) � _
<br /> t�,� cures any defautt of any other coven�►u or aareemenu;{c)pays all expenses►�u*red ip e�f°n�n�ttus Seau►ty,Insuumen�.
<br /> -- iacluding,but not limited ta.reasonable attomeys' fe�s:�nd(d)��S�d Borro er s ob1 gti n toP Y�'�5�secured by
<br /> that the lien of this 5eturity Instrument.Lender's rights in the Pro rry
<br />.uz'� this Secuha�� Instrument shail continue unchanged• Upon reinstatement by Borrower, tfiis Se�-uriry Ir.sau-^-'�en; �d t1�e
<br /> obligariuns securad hereby shall remain fu11y effe�tive as if no acceleration had occurred• Hovrever, this rigP.t tn reinstate shall
<br /> - not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br />`==�� 19. Sale of Note; �Change oi a.a�n S�rv�c�• Tf'e Note or a partial imerest in the Note (together aic.� this S�uriry
<br /> Instruiu�nt)may be sold Qne ar�nore ames without priar norice to Borrower.A sale may result in a chanLe in t�e endtY(knot{+n
<br />-,===� �.s the"Loan SQrvicer")that coUects mond►lY payRttnts due nnder the Note and this Security InsUument.There also may be one
<br />=�;�� or tnore changes of the Loan Servicer unce4ated to a sale of th hN 4 aisove and agpf b�le law�The otice�lcel stxte the Qc�me and
<br /> - given written notice of ttte change in accordan�a+id►Parab"�P
<br /> ��� �dress of the new Loan Servicer and the addrzss to which payments shauld Ise made. The aatice witl also cor_tain any other
<br /><"� r�form�xicn requir�by:�plicable law.
<br />`�-�� Z(�. �rdoa�5;�5�stances,Borro�ver shall not rause or permit the pre�'�rE, use. disposal. stor�ge. nr re,tease o any
<br /> -��� g�a� a�i;,�stances on or in the Fropercy Ba;rower shall nat do. nor allaw anyone else to do, znitt'�3 affe�nn; the
<br />= sptora�e on K e ProPertY of smallnquantid of Hazard us SubsPr�eo�edltha are g eral yl r�og��1 be�aF�'�Pria�� Urma!
<br /> --= msidential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br />°'� Borrower shall prompdy give Lender wntten notice of any investigation.ctaim,demand,lawsuit or c�rrfes action�}+any
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or pvivate party involving the Property and any Harardous Substance or�nvironmental I.aw
<br /> ±-:-;� of which Borrower has ati.`tual knor�'tedge• If BoTrower ipms, or is notified by any go�er�unental or regulawry authDritY,that
<br /> — any removal or other remediadon of auy Hr�zardous Substaace affecting the Propeny is necessa�5'•B°nowea shall promptlY take
<br /> all neces.sarY rencadi�l actions in accord.;ace with Environmental Iaw.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20, �L�'a�ard°�Substances"are d►oss substances defined as toxic or haTardous substances by
<br /> Environmental 1-aw+and �x following sub5tances: gasflline. kerosene, other ftimmable or toaic petroi2vr.►pradacis. toxic
<br /> _ pesticides and herbieide_.,:olatile solvenu,materiats eontaining asbestos or foec�:del�Yde,and radioacuve matsri�s����
<br /> __ tt►is para��apb 20, °Environmental I��v" measss federal laws and laws of tE:�jurisdiction where the ProFerty '
<br /> --- retate ta n��,th,�a.fery ur environmer_:u1 protecuan.
<br /> hc?���E�IVIFORM COVENANTS.�orinwer and Lender fuc�"a.�-.cavenant and agree as follows:
<br /> tl.�.sceleratlon;Remedies.Lender sLall�1ve�atic�e to�.�ower prior to aoceleratIon following Bozro�aer'�I�►:�:ach
<br /> a b CT r�iess
<br /> of any csm+enant or agreement tn thfs S�c��;' ��m�°t (but not prIor to acceleration under +��p�e d�fault; �
<br /> upplicable law provldes otheswisej.'['he aattcc�7r�specify. (a)the default;(b)the actian r�quire�l:
<br /> (c)a daLe, not less than 3(1 days from the dafe tltte uonce is glven to Borrower,bY which the defaudi must be aiced;and
<br /> (d)that f:�:lure ta cure the defuuFe on or befflrr 2he date speci�e noti e shalfuather t�nform Bfl�o�r of thehrF�sttfl
<br /> ---= secured by thLs Secudty Instrumc:�c,znd sale oP Rhe Properly
<br /> refnstate after ucceleration and the.�ht ta �r::g a cou�as�an to �ssert the non�xistence of a defanli or aay et�er
<br /> defease of Bosower t�acceleration and s�c=.1T Che defauit is rtoi cun�d an or before the datP sp�ified tn tlae norice,
<br /> Lender, at its oplton, may require immed�[wt.��xc�nent in full of all gwn,c,�ured bY thts Se���3 I�°��T �th�ut
<br /> fnriher demand and may invoke the power af���de and acdY other remedtr�itr�adtted by appitcable t�w.Lende�r shalD be �
<br /> entiiled txr.volleci all expenses isuurred in paisc°�;�:�e re���prnvide��m bsls ps�raKraPh 21,[�scl�dinS,6ut aot limited
<br /> to,re�tntrlbte attorneys'fces and costs of UtlP ev?$es:ce.
<br /> If the power of sale is invoked,Trustee sh-�1�r�cor�,���tIee of��xvlt in e�tit Ht b3c t��Bo�rran�s��nd to
<br /> property is lacated and shall mail copies af susfl:notIce in the manner gr.c�tbed by app ve nbldc notice
<br /> the oiher persons prescribed by appllca6le law.•Q�Rer the time requlred L.����piicable law,Tnutcae�ItuZl Si P
<br /> of sale Ro the persons and in the mannEr pnsa:�ed by applicable luw.Y�stee,wtthoat decna�d o��orrower,shall scll
<br /> �h¢Property at public auctton w the higha�6idder at the Nme and place und unde�t����Qdq��oi�any p�rcel nf the
<br /> sale tn one ar mom pzrcels and in any orde�z Trastee dcterniincs.Trustee maY W Pa
<br /> property by puhllc annonnceraent at the time and place of uny prevtnasly scheduled sale. I.�nder or tis designee may
<br /> purchase the Property at s►ny sale. '
<br /> form:i�28 9190 �
<br /> vcyo 5 0+a
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