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<br /> ` TOGETHER WITH all the improvements aow or hereafter e�on the property,and all easemenu,appurtenances.and
<br /> � fixtures now or hereafYer a patt of the groperty. Ali replacements and addiaons shall also be cavered by this Security —
<br />• � ��• Instrument.All of t➢te fomgoing is refetred eo in th�c Security Instrument as the"Properry." �
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Horrower is Iavrfully seis�d oi the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and (�
<br /> ` '��� com•ey the Property and that the Property is un.encu.*nbered,except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warranu and will �
<br /> :� defend getterally the title to the Propxrty against all cIaims and demands,subject to any encumbrauc.es of record. � _
<br /> � THIS S�CLTRTfY INSIRUM�NT combi�.es uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants with limiied � -
<br /> � variations by jurisdiction to consdtute s uniform secttrity instrument coveriag real progerty. - �
<br /> :r.•� UIVIFORM C01�ENANTS.Borrower and L.er.+der covenant and aA*ree as follows: �
<br />_��� 1. Fayaneui at Principal and Int�rest; I'rc�ym�t aazd La4e Charges. Borrower shaDl promptiy pay �hen due thc h� �
<br /> -��t princigal of and intemsi on the dsbt evidenced by tke Note and any prepayment a�id late charges due under tne Note.
<br />° -� � 2. Fuads tos Taces and Insvra�se.5ubjea to applicable law or to u written waiver by i.ender, Borrower shalt pay to
<br /> L�nder an the d3y monthly payments are due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearl:�xes _
<br /> and ass;,ssmenu which may attain priority over dus�eauity Instrument as a lien on the Property:(b)yearly Ee-ss:hold payznents
<br /> ' .' or gtound renu on the Property.if any:(c)yeariy i�-.�i or pmperty insurazcce giemiums:(d)Yearly fload'_.-sua-�..�ce pramiums,
<br /> �.:�w �
<br />_-=�� if any: (e)yearly mortgage insurance pre�iums.if a.=�;and(fl any sums payable by Borrower to Lender, u.acoordance wi
<br />"�µ ttce provisians of paragraph 8, in lieu Qu`.e payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These ir�s are called"Escro�v I►�ems."
<br />'-��=r Lxnder may, at any time, collect and hold Fur.ds in an amount rtot to exoeed tEe maaisnun: �ount a le^�u,r for a f��lly
<br /> "�'�` • z�,:...-te� mett�age lQa�u�};re;��ire for Bo:rov�er's esemw accaum under the°.��a Real Estate Settleme__.1?-�.,cxdures.�:t of
<br />'-�:�� ��'4 a5��.a.ed�m t3m.e�•:.�me. 12 U.S.C.Secti�:y 2601 et seq. ("RE�:A'�,�nless another law that:�p�1:es co t�e fiunds
<br />'_,,-,.�"°'��-�i�� s�u a i.�ssar.�ount.ig sa, ;xnder may. ai any dr�e, ec��t a���.,3 Fur.3s in an amonnt nat to exce�?�r�::asset�unt.
<br /> --`---�" izr.der mau r�simate the amount of F�.^�+s due o�t.e��=is c`�nreat data and reasonable�-�.ates of exgenditures c-f�-ture
<br /> s
<br /> "�`� �cro�v Items or otherv�ise in accordanca�ith aF��w:�:e law.
<br />,��i�� The Funds shall t�a hetd in an institvrion t6�deposits are insured by a fefleral agency, instrumentality. or entity
<br />'�� (including Lender.if L.endar is suc6 an institution)�;r i�a�iy Federal Home I.oan Bank.Lender sha11 appfy yne Furtds to pay thQ
<br /> - Escrotv Items.Lertder muy not charge Bartower for rtolding and applying the Funds,annua!!y analyzing t`e�s..'row account.or
<br />::.��� vedfyin�the Escrow Item°,,unless Lender pays Borrawer interest on the Funds and applicabte taw permits Lender to make such
<br /> -- a charge.Hawever.Lendet may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent rea!estate tax reportir�service
<br />__ uscd by L.ender in �onnectian with this loan, unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an agre�metrt is made or
<br />..=-�� sipplicable law requiras intarest to be paid.Lender shall not be required to pay Borrowsr any interest or eamings on ttte Funds.
<br /> - Borro4ver and I.ender mag c�gree in writing, hov�e�rr,�at interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give W Borrower,
<br /> � without clL�r;;a,an azmual accounting m7•?*e Fu...�, sh��ving cx�lits and drbits to the Funds and the purpose fot wtuch each
<br /> debit to th��unds was mnde.The Fur.is a.-a p_ed�;as ac3i�cn�1 s�cnrity for all sums secured by this Security Instrt:._-�ani.
<br /> - If tt��Funds held isy 4w.nder excee�t'�:acw�arrts pemzi:�eri 2o b�held by applicable law.L.ender shall Zccount to bsrrower
<br /> :�°•;"�$ �or th� excess Funsls in ucoordance wi�h t':e n��.:iremenn of applicable law. If the amnunt of the Funds h:�',d�by Lender at any
<br /> tim;is r.ot sufficient tm puy the Escrovl'.2�..-s w:�'n due.I..ender ma7 so notify$orrower in writing,uid.��h case Barcower
<br /> srall pa}�t�� ,Lender the amount necwsary t�matco up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the defccie:..�y in no more than
<br /> tweh'e monthly payments,ut Lende^'s sal�discretion.
<br /> Upon paymene i��lf. �`all su:rs secured hy this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Bonower any
<br /> ,�ands held by Lender. �F;�an��r p�agcaph 21,L�;�dsr shall acquire or sell the Property,l.ender,prior tn�the acqnisition or sale
<br /> of ih: Properry,stiall::.}�SG�y�a:.y Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit aga:_�.�t�ha sums secured ay
<br /> chis Sec�.riry Instrumer.t.
<br /> 3.Aw�:Icatian of 1'�.l��tr.er_s.Gnless App".:at��law provis3e c�-��envise.a11 payments r�iti•zd by L.ender under paragmphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applie�: �:�t, to s:;v prepay�:.cr.:chacgzs due under 4he Note;second,to a�o:nts paya�lc under paragraph 2; •
<br /> third,to Interest due:Foum':c,t�prir.ripat�::e;4*�i lasG to any[ate charges due under the Nd.e.
<br /> 4.Charges; Llen�.f�c:rower shall pay a1;taxes,.a�s.ssmenu, charges, fines and impositions attri'��x:able to the Property
<br /> which m�y attain priaci':j o�er zh:s�srity Instn:m:n�, and leasehald payments or gronnd *enu, if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> these obligations in the munn�r F-:o+c'.00s'.n paragmph 2,or if rent paid in that manner,}3orrower shall pay them on dme dtrectly
<br /> to the person owed paymar,.. -G^.:��:.��r�w�all promptly furnish to Lender ali noticzs of amc;mts w be paid under this garagrnph.
<br /> If 8ortnwcr makes ihese�r�}-.r<ts directly.Barrovler shall promFtly fumish to I.�ader recei�Ls evidencing the payments.
<br /> Borrawer sh�ll pn:mp^��dischatge any lien►fi�ich has priority over this 5es�°rity Instrument unless Bflrrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> wridn�to the payment of the obli�ation secured h�+the lien in a manner flccepkfi9�to Ixn�.r;(b)contests in gvod faith the lien
<br /> by,or d:.snds ags�inst enforcement c.`the lien in, legal prar.eedingc which in the I.e�•.�zr� �pinion operate to pr�:.;,,�< <he
<br /> enforcem:n: of the lien:or(c)secures from tRe hotder of the lien un agreement sadsfactory 'a i:er.der subordinating the'1;en to
<br />-- thls Seeurity [nstrum:nt. if Lender determines that any part of'the Pcoperty is subject to a I:en which��.y attain priority over
<br /> thls S�cvrity I�trumcnt,Len�:r muy give 8orrov�er a notice tdentifying the lien. Borrower shall satls�.-the lien or take one or
<br /> mare oi th�aGions set fortb aUove within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> _ Farm 3028 9/90
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