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- � � . <br /> � <br /> a9-�' 10621 � <br /> r� 1P Lender sequjra! monj�je insunnce u�condltion oP makina the loan�ecured by this Security ln�ttument. <br /> i . Horra�ver ih�ll p�y tbee preminms raquired to m�intain the in�urance in etfect until�uch tim�a ihs requinmmt for the <br /> � imurance terminata in accurdance with Hon�owcr's and Lender'�rvrittcn ajrament or applicabie la�. <br /> t. i�ctio�. Lender or its a�ent m�y make rawon�ble entrla upon and inspectlons of the Prope�ty. Lender <br /> �tull dre Horaa«�er n�vtia�t the time oPor pc�Qr to�n inspection apeci�►inj reuonable cawe foc the irupection. <br /> 9. C�ieas�Rio�. The proceaf�a�any��vard or cl�im for d�maja�diract ar can�qutntial�in conaoction with <br /> �ny oaddema�tion or other ukinr oi�ny part of thc Property, or for conveyance in lieu af condemnation.ue hereby <br /> a�ned u�d thall be paid to La�der. <br /> IA t1u event d'�totat ukin j of tbe Property. tl�e pra�eed�ah�ll be appliai to the sunu secura!by thls Seourlty <br /> I�atruauae,w+hether or not tAea due,�vitn any eacai psid to BorroNer.In the event of a p�crisl takinj of the Property. <br /> twl�Horro�ver and Lande�otl�erMl�e aaree ia�►rlti�y.tLe�um��ecured by thi�Security I�t shaU be reduoed by <br /> tLe amouAt of the praoeed�multlpHed by tse folb�vin�trsction:(�)the total amount of the wms secured imn�ediauly <br /> betae t6e tatiia�.divlded by(b)the fidr muket v�1ue of the Property immedi�tely before the tticin�.Any b�lt�nce shaU be <br /> paid to BonoMer. � <br /> If tLe Property is abandonad by Borro�er�or if.�tter notice by Lender to Borrower that the ooademror otfere to <br /> m�ice m a�vaM arsettk s claim for dams�.Borro�rer fails to rwpond to Lender aithin 30 diya aftet the date tha notioe is <br /> �ivea,LRnder is autlwrized to colkct and�pply the proceeds,at ita option�either to rator�tion or repdr of the P�operty or <br /> to the�aat�ecur�ed by th�Seowity Iastrument.Mhether e�r not tlua due. <br /> Ql�L�der u�d Borro�rer otha�►iu a�nee in�rit�Aa.any appUcstion of�oceeds to principai shdl not extand or . . <br /> po�tpaane the due date of the m�ia�JY P�Ymeats rd'erred tv�an P�+t�Phs l and 2 c�cbanae the aa�ount of auch psyments. ,:; <br /> I0. Hotrow�r No! Reler�d; Forliesz�ace Hy I.e�der No1�H�at�. Eatension of the time for payment or � � <br /> ; modi6cation of amoaeiutian of the sum��+ured by thia Securlty Instrument granted by Ixnder to any successor in;., , , <br /> inta+at of Bomo�ve�s�sll not opetate to r�eteir9r the liability of the original Borrowtr ot Horrower•s succasso�in interat., . � ' � <br /> Lhtder sh�ll not be t+equirad to c�mmencr procxedin�s s�tinst any sueeasor ir+ir�terest or refuse to eactend time for � �. � � � <br /> ; payma�t or othenvix tnodify aasartiz�don of the sums tecured by this 5xurlty Inam�mtnt by rauan of any demand made � . <br /> � bytbeod�l Horcaver or Borroxer's suooen�ots in interat.Any fotba�rance by Lender in eaercising any riaht or rer+aedy <br /> , �2W1 not 6e a�aierar of or praoi�de the exerci�e of aay d jbt or remedy. <br /> 11. St�n�o�u�A�pr Hatrdt Joist a�d Ss�etil Latiilit�Oa�ipuri. '1'he wvenanu and a�r�emenu of .- <br /> t1w Securlty Is�trumeat shW bind snd berxllt the�ucceaon�nd auipu of Lender and Borrower.subject to the provis�ons ; <br /> of pan�aph 1�.Borrower'�ooveau►u and a jreaueaU�hall be jolnt and uvenl.My Borrower who co-si�ns this Security � <br /> LutruaKnt but das not ea�eaute tlue Note:(a)i�co-�ipdn�tbi�Security In:trument only to mort�a�e,pxnt trid convey � • <br /> t�u Horro�►er'�intereu in the Property under the teret�of tbis Security Instnimmt;(b)is aa peaontlly obUpted to psy � -- <br /> the�ums�ecurad by this Security Iastrument;and(c)��raa that I.ender u�d any other Horro�va m�►y ap+ee to eata�d, '- <br /> en0airy.foebitt ot tWice 1u►y aoWrnufodstian��vitb reprd W the terer»of'tHii Security Instrumeat or tl�e Note aitAout � <br /> thtt BOrnoNer't Confeet. <br /> 12. Lo�C1�rp�. If the lo�ri secured by this Secwity Initrument is wbjeCt to s lsw w�hich seu etu�cimum loan <br /> clur�a. �nd that ls� u Ans11y Iaterpx+eted �o thu the inurat or other lo�n char�a coUected or to be collected in <br /> connection�ritb the lo�ea�ceed the permitted llmiu� then, (a)any wch lan ehu�e shall be reduoed by the smount <br /> eeoeMary to reduoe thr charje to the pa�mitted limit;as�d(b)sny wm�arady oollxted from Borrower w►hich eaceeded <br /> permitted limits w+iU be e+eti�nded to Borro�ver. Lender eaay cboae to mafce thi�reflutd by teducin�the pttncipal owed <br /> undez ttu Note or by makinj a dirxt pyment to Borrower.If a ret�ad reduca principsl.the reductiori wrill be treated u a <br /> partial prepaymeat witbout any prep�y�neat char=e nnder the Nota. <br /> 13. Iw�lsdtlo� Afbetl� Iw�i�r'i Ri�b. If enactma�t or explration of applicabk laas has the e}fect of <br /> rendertn�any provlsion of the Note or this Security Irutrummt unenforceable accordin�to iu terma.Lender�st its option. = <br /> may require immediate payaua�t in fu11 of�11 sums secured by tha Security Instrnment and msy invoke aay remedies . _ <br /> pa�mitted by parspaDh 19.If I.ender exercisa tbis option�Lender shall take the steps apecified in the Kcond paragraph of = <br /> parajnpb 17. �!"' <br /> 14. NotkN. Any nodce to BorroMer pnovided for in thi�Security Instrument ahsll be�ivea by delivering it or by � <br /> m�ilin�it by }!nt claa mail unleu applicabk 1sM requira we of tnother method. The notipe ahsll be directed to the ���, <br /> PropeRy Addras or uiy other addras Borrower daip�sta by notice to Lender.Any notia to Lender shall be given by � �� <br /> llnt clw mail to Lender's�ddras suted ber�ein or any other addra�Lender daianatea by notice to Borrower.Any notict <br /> provided�'or in thi�Security Instr�ent shall be damed to have been�iven to Borrower or Lender when�iven u provided <br /> in thi�parynpb. <br /> 13. G��rais�Lw;Se�erabllity. This Secwity Instrumeat shvl be�overned by federd law aad the l�w of the <br /> juri�dietioa in Mhich the Property is lxated.ln the evei►t that any provision or clsuse of this Security Instrument or the <br /> NMe cAnlficts with applicable law.aucb con!lict�hall not aa'xt other provisions of this Security lnstrument or the Note <br /> rvhi�b cat�be pvea e�xt without the cansict�n�provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the <br /> Note ue dectared to be severabls. � <br /> 16. BorrowK'�Coly. BorroMer shall be pven one coaformed copy of the Note snd of this Sesurity Instrument. <br /> 11. Trt�du ot the Peo�ty o�s He�eAetal Iat�rat te Borrower. If dl or any part of the Property or any <br /> interqt in it is sold or tnnsfarred(or if s beneficial interat in Borrower ia sold or transferred snd Borrower is not a natual <br /> pet�on)�rithout Lender's ptior arritten con�ent�Lender may,at its option,require immediate psyment in full of s11 sums <br /> secured by this Sxurity Instrnment. However.this option shall not be exerciaed by Lender if exerciae is prohibited by <br /> federai la�as of the date of this Security Instrument. <br /> If Lender exacises thi:option�Lender�hsil pve Hotrower notice of accderation.The notice shall provide a period ' - -- -� <br /> ofnot leu than 30 days from tbe date the notice is delivered or m�iled aithin whicA Honower maist p�y all sums secured by � <br /> th�s Security Imt�ment.If Horro+ver hib to pay these sums prior to t&e expintion of this paio�l,Lender may invoke at�gr <br /> ranedia permittad by this Seourity In�trument without further norice or demand on Borrower. ' <br /> 1�.Boreow�'�Ai�Yt to Rbs�tttte. If Sorro�rer eneets certain conditiens,Borrower shall have the right to have � <br /> rntorcement of this 5ecurity Enscrument discontlnued at�y time prior to the arlibr of:(�)5 diys(or such ather period u � • <br /> applicabk law nuy specify for rsinsutement)bcfore saie of she Property pursuant to�ls�y pawcr of aale contained in this Y <br /> Security Instrumrnt;or(b)entry of a judjtecezu enforcia�this Security lnstrument.Those cor.�iitions are th�t Borrower: <br /> L (�)p�ys Lender a31 sums which then wou4d be due under this Security lnstrument and thc Note had no acctleration <br /> occurred; (b)cures any default of any other covenants or �raments; (c) pays all ezpensa incurred in enforcing this '�� <br /> Seeurity Instrument�includin�.but nat limited to, rasor,able attomeys' fees; and(d)ta�Ces such �ction ss I.ender msy <br /> tasonably roquire to aswte that the lien of this Security ]nstrument, Lender's rights in the Prnperty and Borrower's <br /> obliption Ro pay the sums secuted by this Security Insttument shall continue unch�nged. Upon reinsut�mer�t by � � <br />�s Srcurity Instrument�nd the obligetions secured hereby shall remain fuUy effective ns if no acceleratian had <br /> occurred.However,this ri�ht to reinsute shall not apply�n thr case of accelersuon under paragr�phs 13 or 17. <br /> � <br />