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� � <br /> a9-�• �.os�12 <br /> LIN1FO1tM COVENANTS. Barrower and Lender covenant and�g�ee Ks to!lOw�, <br /> � 1. P��t at PHwcip!�i Interes� i'�yn�e�t �nd Late Chu�es. Bottawer shall ptomptly pay when duc <br /> the principal a!'and interat on the debt evidenrtd by the Natc�nd any prtp�yment aad late�har�a due undcr tha Note. <br /> �. ���ar T�xq�d I�uaNCe. SubJect to�tpplicable l�w or to a writtea waiver by Lende��Borrowe�shall pay <br /> t�t.enckr on the d�y monthly pay�rntt��re due urtds�the Note.unti!the Note ie pi►id in full�a surt�("Funds"�6Qll#I{O <br /> one•twelfth of (��yarly uaes and asses:menta which msy attain priorlty over this Security Instrument; (b) yearly <br /> lauehdd paymmts ot ��ou�d renu on the Property, it anp; fc) yearly haza�d in�ur�nce premiums; and (da yarly <br /> mort�a�e iosurance pnmium�.if any.7'hese items ue callod"escraw items."Lender may estimate the Funds du�on the <br /> b�sisofcun�ent datau�d r+easoeabkatimata of futuroacmw items. <br /> The Funds alall be held ia an institution the deposits or�ccounts of whieh ue insured or guaranteed by a federal or <br /> state�Sency(includin=Lender if l.ender is such an institution). Lendor shatl�pply the Funds to pay Ihe escrow items. <br /> l.ender may not chane fot holdin6 and applyin�t1�e Funds,aaamR��ang the account or vuifying the escrow items. unless <br /> I.ender pays Bomo�er interat on the F��nds and ap�licable Ia�v�mib Lender to make such a charse. Borrow.e�and <br /> Leaskr may a�rec in w�ririaa that intercst clull be paid on tht�unds. Unless an aarament is made or spplicats'ie law <br /> requira interat to be paid,I.endet shall not be required to�y Borrow�er any intereat or eunings on the Funds.Lender <br /> �hal1�ive to BorroMer.�vilhou!chuge.a�annwl accountina of t�?e Funds showin6 crodits and debits to the Funds a�d the <br /> purpose for which ach debit to U�e Fuwd�was made.The Funds a�e pledged u additional security for the sums sec�ared by <br /> this Security lnstrument. � <br /> If the amount of the�'aands held b�r Lerid�r.3�c�ether�vith the fi�ture m�tbly p�ymeats of Funds payable prior to . • <br /> thr�due dates of the aotow►irtam�,sM�ll t�ca�d tbrx+ma�unt required to psy ehc�scrow ittms when duG�hc ea�cas shall ba, � � <br /> at B�br�o�rer's option.eitbem��mmptly repaiti to Bvta'zirver or credited to Bonc�e�er on monthly payments of Funds. It the <br /> amo�nt of the Funds l�dd by Lender ia aeae a�ficia��to pay che esc+raw ite.n Rl�en due,Horrowe�fhsll psy to Len�er any <br /> aawuat acoa,urg zo make up the deGcier���in one or more paymrn3s u requlred by�.ender. ' � <br /> Upon p�yizient in fnll of all sums securai by this Security Instrumea�s;Le�der shdl promptly reiund to Bonaau <br /> ucy iFand�6�b�Lmder l�£under paragraph 19 tl�e Property is sa2d or arquii+ed by Lender,Lender s4oaqJ apply,no later . <br /> t�immafistely�prior to t,�`ae aale of ihe Praperty or its acquisitnon by L.andsr;any Funds hold by Lrnder at the time.of , ' <br />, �pplicatian�s:xa�e�dit a�unst the sums se�osred by this Security la�svraamen� � . , <br /> 3. A/�'i�atio�o�Pi��eab. �Taftas appiicable la�►provida othervv�ae.all psymbnts receivod by l.cndeo urider � • �'r <br />. ��raphs 1 anc3 2 stwll0� �i�d:8rsi,to lat�ctr�a��due nnder the Noe�sa�� prepaymen��haeg�s dut under ihe � � <br /> NotG amounb p��under paragaph 2;fourth�to interat dur.and f�sat,to princip�l due. � ��? <br /> 4. C�ar�e�IJe�t. 8omower shall pay�11 taxd.asseasments.chu6a,flna and impositions attdbutable to the 1 � -� <br /> Property Mhich may attain priority,over this Security Instrument� and leasehold Paymenta or 6round rents, if any. i.�- <br /> 8omo�rer sLall pay theae obl�aations in the manner provided in paragnph Z,or if not paid in that m�nner.Borrower sh�ll <br /> � ��::`..��.:i wi:iiis�.�.{Zw���':L��i.r pv�.vii vw'v�i �w.j�iNi�t.wif�'vw�.i i��i.'���'�SLr.�Yi3��5:.^.::Sy::.^.�..o�'^.w�':«:::1L�::�L�.�.�..^.:Q::.^.�..�. . .. . . <br /> to be p�id under tha parajraph.lf BorroMer makd thae payments directly. Borrower sha11 promptly furnish to Lrnder <br /> rxdpts evidenchns the p�yments. • <br /> Borrrnver shdl promptly dischsr�e any lien ahich has priority over this Security Instrument unlas Borrower:(a) � <br /> a�rea in�vritina to the paymeat af the obGaatan secured by tl�e lien in s manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contats in gaod <br /> faith the lien by�or defmds aaainst rnforoement of tHe lien in.le�l proceedinas Mhich in the Lender's opinion operate to • <br /> prevent the rnforcemrnt of the lim ar forteiture of any part of the Pmperty;or(c)s�cnra from the holder of the lien an <br /> a�t utisfactory to Lender aubordin�tina thc]irn to this Security In:trumeni. li Lender determina that any put of � <br /> the Propeny is:ubjxt to a lirn which msy attain priority over this Socurity lnstrumrnt, Lrnder may give BoKrower s <br /> notice idaitifyin6 the lien.Borrower shall aatisfy the tim or take one or more of the actions set torth�bove within t0 days <br /> of the sivina of notia. <br /> 5. H�s�ri I�anwce. Bortower shall kap the improvemrnts now eaistins or heratter erected on the Property <br /> insured asainst loss by fire.hsurds included rrithin the term"ea�trnded covera�e"and any other huuds for which Lender <br /> requira insunnce. This iesuranoe shall be maintained in the amonnu and for the periods that Lender requires. The �`-` <br /> inwrance carrier providing the insuranoe shall be chosen by Borrow�a subject to Lender's approval which shall not be ' �'�- <br /> unt+wonably wnthheld. :��:, <br /> A!!insunmx poGcid and renewals shall be acceptabk to Lenda antl shall include s standard mortgage ciause. ` �` <br /> L,ender thall have the riaht to hotd the policia and renewals.If Lrnder roquira,Honower shdl promptly give to Lender � <br /> all rooeipta of paid premiums u�d renewal noticd,in the evmt o�fuss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insunnce �. <br /> carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of loss if na made promptly by Borrower. <br /> Unlas Lender and Borrower othenvise agoe in�vritit�a,insurance procceds shall be applied to restoration or repair <br /> of tbe Preperty dam�aed.if the restoration or repair is economically fasibk and Lender's security is not lessened. If the <br /> ratoratioce ot repair is nW ec:vnomicaliy fasibk or Lender's security�vould be lessened.the insurance proceeds ahsil be <br /> spplied to the sums iecured by this Security Instrumrnt.Mhetha or not then due,w�ith any excas paid to <br /> Hossa�ra sbandc�ses the Pro�rty,o:does noi ans�ves wilhia 30 slays a eiotix t'rosn Leada thst the iasanace carritr l�ss <br /> oQered to settk s claim.then Lender may collcet the insurance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restorc <br /> the Property or to py sums sxured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.'the 30-dsy period will begin <br /> w1�en tha notice is�ivm. • <br /> Unleu Lender and Borrower othenvise sara in�vriting,sny application of proceeds to principsl shall not eatend or <br /> po�tpone tt�e due d�te of the monthty psyments referred to ia paragmphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.If <br /> under pua�gh 19 the Property is acquired by Lender.Bonowa'a riaht to any insurance policies and proceeds raulting � <br /> trom dsmaEe to t�e Prope�ty prior to the�cquisition shall pass to Lmder to the extmt of the snms secured by this Security :--_--_ <br /> Instrumait immodi�tely pric�r to the acqui:ition. � <br /> i. Presa�atlo�aad Mdateaaece ot Propecf,�;I,q�ehoids. Bonower shaU no�dsstroy.damsge or substanti�lly , <br /> chanae the P�a�perty.�lbw the Property to deterionte or cosr�mnit wute. If this Security Instrumens is on a leasehold, , <br /> Borrmver shatDeomply with the provisioaes of the leax,ared if Borcawer acquires fa title to the Property,tht}easehoId and � <br /> ta titk ahall not merse unkss Lender aarces to the Rnsr�er in writing. . <br /> 9. Proteetio� of Lt�der's Ri�b ie the Property; Mottgage lnsurance. lf Borrower faiCs to perform the ` <br /> � covensets and a=reements contsined in this Security I�strumeas,ot there is a tegal pr�nceeding ihat may si�aificantly affect <br />�der's ri�hts m the Propeny(such u s proceeding in banfiru�tcy, probate, far condemnation or to el�force lsws or <br /> rt�ulations),then L,endet may do and pay for whatever is nceessary to protect the value of the property and Lender's rights � <br /> in the Property. l.ender's act�ons may inrlude payina sny sums secured by s I�en which has priori�y over this 5ecurity <br /> in�trument,appeann6 in court,pay�ns re�.wnsble attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make rrpa�rs.Although � <br />�dcs may take zctian undcr this patagr�ph 7,Ler,der does aut hsve to do su. ' �+�� <br /> Any�mount�d�sbursed by Lender under this paragnph 7 shall become addit�anel drbt of diormwer secutcd by this ti �• <br /> Secuney lns�rumen� Unless Borrower arid Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amoun�s chal)bcar inlerest from <br /> tha daCe �►f disbursement at the Note rate and shall tx psyrble, with �nteresl, upcm notice fram 1_ender to Bu�rc�w�er <br /> requslina psyment <br /> � <br />