Laserfiche WebLink � ' 1, . ' t': ' .� ���a�tF+trz ?�k�F '� i v; :� a'"'' ' ' _ '' ', }i vy i .••;u 'sr•.'..^ <br /> . .. � � � F �''L11f I/�J'P� •�•A iN�J�� ,.'� r�Lf }!) .�i.Aa�! . . .. <br /> , ����. "�" �� - - -- <br /> K.,....r ."r'.iAf +saY++`s�v,..��ti .�•.�.�r.- �-/ll',�-:«- JWd�.R�'AYL'll' <br /> �. .y._ t- .� �. �V� - " _ <br /> � r;'• • .1 �j_ _ <br /> ' -.'�.�"y'iQl�•,r.r�*�A• . <br /> � __.,:L=�.�6�..��c`-.:.:.. .., - ------ - -- � ---_- y <br /> _ - - . _.._._.�._.._. 90--�0'7359 -- <br /> _ ,:A;'��i'::.. ,� '�. m Bo�rowu d�MuNs by qWrW to pay b IuN ary ma►thN P�Y�t nquk�d by thla Secu�fry InNnurwnt pria lo or on the dua �-�— -�- <br /> �, ' �+�i�S��:°bq;µ�" dW Of t!N Ilfrd it1o111h1q WY���a a_,- --- <br /> yr�r�,;•:-w:,`�'K (I�B01rOwN d11�uM� by t�llrlp� tOr• pMbd 01 thkly d�y�. to pwlorm �ny olher oUfiyllUOn� COnt�lnad in �h61 ��_�_ .._.--- <br /> , __;,. , �.� <br /> , . �.: �t. . h� 8�ourUy Intbuntlnl. <br /> .. � : !: .:-.�� (b) $�1�Wlth011t Cl�dit App�OV�I.Lend�r shaN, q pMmitl�d by�ppliubtx I�w�nd wilh Ih� prlor �pproval ol IM <br /> . 8�o�atpy.�Mwr�Wt�payrnw�t In lu�01�Y th�sums a�and by 1hN 3�cudry Inslrumenl II: U�•�°`:�„_------- <br /> ��,.:: <br /> .,.�.ti„r:;"" ';"�.,; m N or p�t o1 th�Pro�Ay Is othrwise translwnd(olhw th�n by dwii�a decanq by th�BoRCwa,md <br /> .. t, .r�.:�...,r---r.y_. <br /> � „kt.:;�:�;;;{".: (ih TIw Prap«ty b not oaouplsd by Ihs purclweK a prantee�s hla or her pra�ry or secondory recldanca,or Iho purchaaer *=-�__- ---_—=_--=_-- <br /> •�;�,:;�;;�?,:g . a paMN doM w ocaupy the Praparty but hb a h�r medll b��not tu�n�pproved in�ccadsna wph Ih� nquire�r�ants � _� --- -- <br /> ,:�..t,�,�� 01 lhs S�a�ry• p� �`���:� <br /> �•'+!�^" ent in IuU.but Lender doQS Mm,�-„�.;';s,�. <br /> '�_ . �°i'; �:,,;y.. (c) No Walv�r. II dramsUnces occur th�t would Permit Lender to requke Ynmediwle PoYm � <br /> - ' _ ;,,,,,�. �°��",�.= <br /> � � ^i�;..,.: no1 r�quiro wch p+ryments.lander doet not w�Ne fla dqMt wNh respect to subsequeet ae�la. , <br /> . � �.� °.``,!`��''; (�) R�uIANons of HIJD Secrotary.In m�ny ara�mstonaa reyu+�tbns hwed by tha Seueury wui wm�t R.ender'a <br /> a�;�:.::— <br /> ..., ., <br /> . �.....,.. . .. <br /> .,... <br /> . � , "`.. �, dphts,in 1M ps�of PaYRNnt da�ufls,to requke Nnmadfab paymait h fu1 and torecbse N not paid.Thb 3ecurfry Inetrummt •� � '.''�i i.ii� <br /> Lans ot lhe Secretary. • "�i <br /> • does rai wthaiu�eradon a lwedoaure il nW permitt�d by repula� - <br /> i°: . <br /> �tu��x�1+� <br /> 1 0. R��1 n�t�t, B o rt o w e r h�6+�i q h t t o b e r a(n a l a t e d i 1 L e n d e r h as �e quked irmrKCfiate pa yment in fuY because o1 �..,,..,.: ,t <br /> . L�L.i �.i��d.� <br /> � Bortowds Nilur�to p�y an amcu+►E du$+roder Ihs Nota o►Ihia S�wrtq�'matrument.Thls dghl�pptks even aRer laecbsure proceed�ngs _ <br /> "�� ' ''' �ro inat�ut�d. To ninat�t� ihe Security Insbumen t. Borrower e h ai:t e n d K I n a l um p sum�H amoums requind to bring Barower'a <br /> : :•� �.� _ . <br /> ' � " aaount curtent hcNMing. 1� 1?�e eutenllhe�r ere obGqaUona oi Bottmve► under this Security Insirument. larecJosure costn ond � <br /> �n..� �,'. . re�spn�bts�nd wataPa�y attomeys' }eea and e�e�s^s prope�fy asaodated w8h ihe torectosure proceedn�. Upon relnslatemenl by . �� <br /> �.. , , Bortowar.thle Sw�riry Iroatrument and ihe oW1y�Uona l�nat H aecurea al�aU remain In eHect aa U Lender had not required knmediate �„�, � ,� <br /> ,:''",� , . payment in IuN. However, Lender Is n�t requked to permit rein5'.atement H: (i) Lender has accepled relnstatement a(ler the � ,. ,r--- <br /> ,`...:i`, . I''"3ii;. , �eema�t ol (oredosuro praceect�r.ys wllhin two yeara Immedialety precediny Ihe commeaPement oi a cunent loreclosurQ .. <br />?;..�:, proeeedinp, (I� reNiet�tanent wip predude foreclosuro on diNe►enl yrounda in Ihe tuture.or(9i) �einsutement wUl adversely Yflect ihe ',�;+��,g;f:�,�!'� <br />: � pdority of thQ G�n en�ted by ihis 3ecurity Inatrument. a�'S'. <br /> - Y� �I�;� <br /> �.�;s�r_�_r_to�:.�:�..� <br /> •• 11. Bo►rawor Not Rolaa�d; Pabearanca 9y Landor Not a Waive�. E�tension of Ihe Ilme ol payment or '•�'�'�sT�7��,-. <br /> � ,:•..�„.:,.` . <br /> ;:;'„ . ,,r���_.•,:�.s:'Q <br /> � mpddqtlon o1 amoNzatlon ol the sums secured by thla 3ecurity Instrumenl yranted by Lender ta any succeasor in Intereal of Bortowe► �^ <br /> ��. ;�'. shaN not opente to rNe�u th�pabNlty oi ihe origind Bonoww a Bor�ower'a aucceasor in Inte►ast Lender ahaW nm be requked lo ;�*�- <br /> . � ��,�� �� �, ,. earwmnoe proc�edin4s �yainat�ny auccessor in interest or retuse to extend time for psymenl ar oineiwlae modily amoAlzaUon of the ,',, k � _ ` <br /> �:,w.W+.=� "...�' `• ,r.��? +;=m�w_. <br /> ';,� ,.�,;�_�.i sums Ncured by ihis Seauity Insirument by reason ot any demAnd made by ihe oNginel 8orrower or Borrowc�is auccessora (n � , � <br /> . .� ���, , r Inixeet. My to�be�rance by LenOer In�teraainq any ri q h i or�un a►i iy s h a tt n a i b e a w aPicr o! or=s teclude the exe�d?se oi �ny dght '4� -r�•� -°--°: <br /> . ' :•{,��'f, x�;i�-:k;y:4.»��,- <br /> .'.s:. . ,.,`�:` ���, ' . �1 . <br /> 1� , ..6_!.._ <br /> .. i. <br /> . �';.�l,,'.. SIl'::. . <br /> ' .'�r�1�1.... ��..1 , .1. ; . � . <br /> ;.� • . .. 12. Sueaasson and Asaigns Bound; Joint a�d Sova►ral Liability; CaSigaers. The cove�anls and agreemenis , <br /> ,, .�" ' �•�•' �" ' ,tv e� thfa Sacwiry Inetrument ahaA bind and bene(it the successors ar.:f asalgna d Lender and Bcrrawer, sub�ect to ihe provis+or.s ol ' .'•,�,,' "-a.'�'..'4� <br /> • _�,,,'.' • � ,;.;.-.,.. •. �;• <br /> .. ' .I�� ;,��"'r°,.'- , Paraqnph 8.b. Bortower's covenanls snd agreemenis shall he(olnt and several. My Borrower who co•signs ihis Secudry Insirument • <br /> ��1 :�.:• , but does not exeeute tho Note: (a)Is co•signinq ihis Security Instrument only to moAgage, grant end convey Ihat Borrower's inlerest in ` <br /> ' � ' tha Propa1y under ihe terma ol ihis Securiry Inst�ument: (b) Is not personelly obligaled to pay 1he sums secured by Ihis 3ecuriry <br /> °'�' � Inatrumeni:�nd(e)�y►ee�ihat Lender end any other Bortower may agree to extend, mod�y,lorbe�r or make any ecwmmodaUons wilh �. � ;:;y, <br /> ';� • npud to iha tam d ihla Sacurity InsWment a the Note wnhoul Iha�t 8orrower's consent. �` `'. <br /> A1�1... <br /> , � i�i: • <br /> � ' � 1 3. NOtICYl. M y notiCe to Bortower provided for in ihis Security Instrumer►l shall be given by delHering it or by maNing il by ::}'��i� <br /> ,` �'y,;. • - " Rrot claas maW unless applkable law requires use oi unother method. The notice shall be directed to ihe P roperty A d dress or a n y , �.',, _ , �� , <br /> ,�;, ••�t,t�y'a• other �ddreaa Bortower dQSiqn�te�by notice lo Lender. My notiee to Len der s ha u b e g i v e n b y 8 r s t d a s s m e�l t o L e n d e r's r".� :'�y,�'�.�,+5_ <br /> • ' ,f;�. {�' addre�a stated hKeln a�ny a d t keas len der d e s i g n a t e s b y n�t.c a'.: B a r ower. M y nollce provided ior in Ihla 3ecurily Inslrumenl 1 i'.•;.��, , 5i• <br /> '. ..,f�;;i; . slu��be ct�emad to h�w been yiven to Bortowe�w Lender when giv�:°as provlded in Ihis paragraph. '�� . ���••''��:•.�,` <br /> : �', � . � '. �;;l c', , <br /> � ��`i � � 14. �ovorning Law; 3everaWlity. This Security Insirument shall be govemed by Federal law and ihe law ol Iho <br /> , '�'�' Juds�etion in which the Property is lacated. In Ihe event Ihat any provlsion or clause ol this Securily Inatrumenl or the Note conflicls <br /> .;� wllh appOc�ble Irw,suCh e0nllict ehafl noi aHect other provisions o1 ihh Security InsUument or Iha Note which can be given eBect <br /> ' � {ti�. withoul th�conNdlnp provislon. To 1his end Ihe provislons ot th,s S=_curity Instnimenl end the Nole are declored to be sevcrehle. <br /> '� 'r_::.:t � <br /> � •�:���;�� •�� 15. BOROWY�'9 COpy. BoROwer ahall be gaen ane co:�'t:rmed capy of this Secunry Inslrumenl. <br /> �;�'' • , � . �,,. <br /> . , �� ,,� . . <br /> „ , �.'�•.:� . � . • 16.Asslpnme�t of Ronts. Bortowe�uncondltlonally asslgns and translers to Lender all Ihe rents and revenues ol the . <br /> !"' ��' ^ Property. Borrower eWhaizes Lender or Lender's agenls ta coUect the rents and revenues end herehy direets each tenant o1 Ihe <br /> 'r ., ,.�j; .,. , <br /> , �•; , Proparly to p�y th9 renta to Lender ar Cenders agents. However.�t+a to Lender's notice to Bortower ol BoROwer's breach ot any "' <br /> � ` covenata�ar eyreement b the 3ecunty Instrument. Bortower shaq ccllect and receive all rents and revenues ol the Properiy as tvslee , <br /> • •�•��n for tha benebt of Lender and BoROwer. Thls asslgnmenl ol rents constitules an absolute esslgnment and not eo assirnr^ent for <br /> ,1,4�.'.t . . <br /> '�. �, .S . ' • addllbnal 6eeurily only. <br /> • ���.�.,'�:q,�,. If Lertder qives noUce ol breach to Bortower: (a) ail renss rece�ved by 8or►ower shall be held by Borrawer as trustee tu bene6l , <br /> , i;,: ,:;' of Lencte•� be aPPlled to the ao��s securad by the Secur�. �r�.'finenl; (b)Lender shall be entllled to cotlect and r.ex2+•�e a11 <br /> ',._ ,:�'�j � ot the rcr�s oi the Wope�ty:and (c; en:.':enant o11he PropcYtp s^�. cay aB rents due a�d unpa�d to lender or Lenders a�enl on <br /> � Lender's w�ilten demnd to Ihe tenanc <br /> Borrower has nol executed any ptior asslgn�x�-'of lhe rents and has not and w�u not perlorm any act th�t would prevent Lender <br /> kom ex�rdsln9 Hs riQhts under Iha Par�graph 16 <br /> lenda shap not be rcq�+med to enter upon. take control of a�mmntem Ihe Property belore or a4er grvmg nahce o� b�each lo • <br />.. ��.......M An..� �Iw��f�� nl I.YIf<Ghl�IIl11 <br /> - � '-__ _.. -.... � 80rtOw�.HOW@VCf.llf�dp Ot�jLLNC�i�1y apparrteo reGeivi+rtwy w iu ai diry i.'�c �I�E7G :�o......... ._.��►.�--� - - .- _ . <br /> cure or waive any deiauR or Invalidate any otAer nght or remedy ol Lc�nder. Thfs essfgnmcnt ol renls of the Property snall term�natc <br /> � when the debt secured by the Sewnry Ustrument�s paid in full <br /> � 17. Foroclosura Proc�dur�. Yf LQndQr requir�s immediate payment irt f�sfl a�rrder Paragraph 9. <br /> � Londor may Invoka the pow�er o1 sal� and aay other remedies permit�ed 6y �pplleal�lQ Iaw. Lender <br /> ' shall ba ontitlod to collect a{I exp�rtses Fr�currad En pursui�g the remedies providect In this paragraph <br /> 17. including. but not IimftQd to, r��sonabt� morneys' fees and costs of tifle evide-nea. <br /> If tho power of sale is invoked. TrustQU �hafl record a notice of default in each county in which <br /> vaqr �<•�s <br /> � �r.�r5 c n�oe/9ot +�oloa�e <br /> �I <br />