.�� h �i�:�:e� V`!��'l ��� T 1 � Z ��� 15 ti ! F• .1 ii •!r 1 . �I� : . •i..!rj.'-i
<br /> ����t pa�.� �- y�� .,� _�EYk-}3'!<il ���. i 11�a�iJ� �yA�it .�Pf.t J.Y1 i..�: (i �.��.. i�. t, , _ ��;":"� � �ts��isi�
<br /> 4 r' u�.
<br /> !' r .&�hiV.,-:t?�rj�l .�tti��F�'+�:�±`� } � �f .i � �T � �� .... .wati., r�rl:w+ �e •--
<br /> ' �� t fL'; �}r S�14' s ,i,..t,�;,: ,,,�. q - �,
<br /> .;5��?,� ..�i �l�. �:�'',j ��/ryif�iyy�lpiM4ANi�:1 .. '�
<br /> • .r�'d.i� �", , -�r
<br /> J•-
<br /> . . .-���Nyw.�.. .. � "__ •
<br /> r���
<br /> . ,�r ._'_r�_=_
<br /> ,. - - . ._.-- 90--10'7359 �-_--
<br /> ,. .;:.s•�a�,-_ � �•, ' As w�d in ihk 3�axpY i��'sUvrKnt. '..rcretsri.. mr�e the 8ecretery ef1 HouelnQ and Urb�n QwNopm�nl a hls a hK dNlpnM. - - -
<br /> '. �r.�•ivv, �,:�;y, Mat �y 1nWWnmt�Insund by Ih�S�crelaY v�„�und uncNr proyr�ma whbh r�quk��dvanc� p�ym�nt ol th��ntk�morly�pw
<br /> .. Inw�np�prwN��n, 11 t1et�8�awity Inatrummt Is a wn Insur�d undor �Woptim whkh did not requk� �dr�ne�payment of Ih��nllr�
<br /> ' ,� mo�tp�y�k�sirrea prw'r�Nue, thm Mch moalhN WY�^t�h���Iso NGud��tlher. ()�n Inq�Mmanl ol th�umwl m�rtq�p� Inswsna
<br /> „ ���:-----
<br /> , `;i�• pnn�Nun to b�p�kf by Und�r to th� 8�a�tary.or(l��monlhy charpe inele�d o1� moAq�qe Inwr�nca prernium II Ihb 8ecurity ; ,:y�__
<br /> • n :1•,., :�' _
<br /> n Instrum�nt N hNd by ih�S�uaUry. Each monthly{nstaWmnt ol 1M moAy�ge Insuranee praNum ehap be In�n amounl ttuHk.lent lu „
<br /> .. "'o •. . • ��Mt�th�lul anrwd morty�W M��u�ra premium wNh Lend�on� monlh pdor to Ihe d�ta Ihe luq�nnud mortqape Inwr�nco ,.,- :��`?�"1�--��
<br /> .;�r �t' � prernMim Is du�to th� S�ae1�ry. a N lh��Saw�ity Instrumenl is held by Ihe 3eereUry, awch monlhy ehsrpa shap b�in an�mount ___
<br /> i `,,;;.�a;a;�.���, �c, �qwl to ona4wMllh ot on�huf percent of tM outst�ndk�p prk�cip+d brlvnce duo on Iho Noto. =�-__=--' -
<br /> , .,,•,r.y,rx: � ,4'. �.��_-- --_--^-�--.
<br /> •���.';,. N Bonowe►tendwa to Under ihe tup p�yment o1�U aums sacurad Uy thla Sacudty Insvumant, Borrower's aecounl s1uM be credited �
<br /> :�-�.�_.;.,
<br /> , . wih tM p�W�nrt�alnfn�for aq Inst�qmenta la itema(a1, (b) �nd (o) �nd any moAqaqe inauranca premium instdlmont Ihrl lender ,,,.,.;,T._��;.�t:j5�:�;,:._
<br /> - :..,,. , ' Iw�s not p�r,wn�obliy�t�d q pay to ihe Savatary. and Lende►shaN promptly retund�ny oxcets fund�to Bwrower. Immecll�tdy prlor to � - =�
<br /> ' � ���ur�e�a W lh�Prt�p�ly or fls acqulsNlon by Lender,Bo►rowers occouM ahaN ba creditad with�ny bel�nce remNninp 1or ell � -
<br /> . 11'Ii1w111NntS 10f i1Y111�(�). (b)�M��r) �fni�-v..i�..�----��
<br /> . 3.Appllcdion of Pay�ants. Ni p�ymeMa under paragraphs 1 and 2 sM1 bQ�pPMed by Lender�s foYOws: r���''---�- ��^s
<br /> •�. ,. . . Firat to the mnor9aq� Ina�+ranee Pre�nM�m to be pald by Lender lo the SecrQlary or lo�he momhy chuge by Ihe Secretary -.;------
<br /> ' �f inste�d o}the monfl:�lY niatps�e inaurance premlum,unless Bortowe pafd the entire moAqeqe Insuronae premium whee this SecurUy '`+`,;, -
<br /> • :,5'+!J'"►�*� Inatrwa+ent vras aipned: ��`��,..
<br /> t asse�unents,leasehold paYments w 9round rents.and Ne, Aood And other harard msupnce � -��--�
<br /> �r:l ��`�, SOCOnd,ro �ny W�es� sPeclal �i1.��.�
<br /> '�.�r> ---
<br /> ,i.l"•,...;f,s.t: ' p�++,ms�as raqdred: 'mrti.�-- - ..
<br /> '"�r�,�ti:t�.�,��;,;r,� Thlyd,to Interat due under the Note; . " �^�
<br /> ;n��t�<<�:�;;1:' Fou�th,to ao�aAfzatlon o11he pdncfpal of the Note;
<br /> �� �,r��;,�':,;:
<br /> �„!.�(�i.i�)�r' . I iti_:,-.
<br />._ �C,.,�,.�.,, , i , Fiith,to late charQes due under the Note. •
<br /> r,.;. :�tii,f.J�4. , ,
<br /> �• '�`....,(4•ti ry„ �.. ' .�`,�::.
<br /> � . ., �;:„,y?.ti;'' , 4. Flro. Flaod and �DIR�+or Haza►d (nsu�anCe. E�rtower shall lnsure all Impro�emeMa on the Properly,whether now in � r�, �
<br /> .r�.f1;.t,j� , 4 �. ,�,..; �. v i
<br /> Y .'•,, exlatence or subaequently erected, ayalnal any hazards, casualtiea, and conUngencies,Including fire, 1or which Lender re ukes "e.'�.' ,,�e���
<br /> � '��t, Inauqncs. Thla Insutance shaA be maintalned in the amounls end 1ar tho perloJs thot Lender requkes. BaRCwer shall also Inaure all .t. �r,}�'
<br /> ,;r�fi:!;;',
<br /> Improvem�nls on the P�operty,whether now In e�stenca or subsequenty�ected.�galnat loss by Aoods tr t!^�extent requlred by Ihe .-,,f.�,_�,
<br /> • gecretary. Ap Inwranee ah�Q bo carrled wlth companlea approved Dy Lender. The Insurance pollcles and any renewtls ahaN be held by K�
<br /> ` Lende►�nd ahaU hdud� lo�a �ayab�e clause� M tavar o1,and In a lam acceptable to, Lender. ��:,, ,.•��>' __
<br /> �. �,, s:re-,,:_
<br /> �� In th�eve�t o1 loaa.BoROwer shall glve Lender Immedlale notice by mail. Lender may mate
<br /> p�ool ol losa il not made pr�mptty by � . ' �, �'
<br /> --T-�-- Bortower. Each Insurance eompnrry concm��ed{s hereby authorized and dhecled tm m�ke paymenl lor such loas direclN io Lender. e __.;_.
<br /> � '1, i �"'"
<br /> ,y��.,:,�;;,; '. Inslead ol to BoROwer and tfl lender�olnty. All or eny pen ol Ihe insura�ue proceeds may be applled by lender,al Ita oplMn, e�ther `�{�:'.�
<br /> �: (a)to lhe reducUon of th�Indebt�dness under the Note and Ihls Secu�lty Instrument.first to any deRnquent amounts applled In the order , � ;,,,.>;
<br /> !°� '� � In parapaph 3, and then lo prepayment of prineipal,or(b)�o t°e restaation or repair o1 Ine damaged propeny. My ep�licatbn al the ,;r '
<br /> . �� praceeda to Ihe p►lnclprl nhaq not extend or poslpene the due dale o11he monthy paymenls whleh are referted lo In Paragraph 2. or � �••�;l�'
<br /> ;;.��;:�,
<br /> c • cha�ye the emoun! of aueh paymen�s. My excoss Insurance prxeeds over an amount required lo pay a�outstanding Indebtednese � �.
<br /> ' � under the Note and thls Securiry Inslrument shap be pald to the entiry legatiy entitled thereto. �.;;:
<br /> (n the event of lo►ecbaure of Ihla 3ecurity Inalrument or other tronsler of Illle lo the Properly thal exlingulshe3 the fndobtedness, aA �
<br /> ' tiyht,tlUe and Interost oi Bonower In and lo Insurence pollcles in face shull pass to Ihe purcheser.
<br /> , , 5. Praaoroatlon and Mai�tenance of the Property. Leaselaolds. eonowor sn�n nat comma weste or dostroy,
<br /> damaye a suhatantiaMy change the Property or albw Ihe Property lo deteriorate,uasonable wear and tear excepted. Lender may
<br /> Inapect the property M the p�operiy Is vocanl or ebandonctd or ihe ban is in defaull. Lender may leke reaso�able actlon to prolect enG �. .�
<br /> . ' preaene such wcant or�bandoned property. If this Security Instrument Is on a leasehdd. 8orrower shatl compy w�lh t�,e provisions + ,��"�.
<br /> , � .
<br /> � ol the lease. 11 Bartower acquirss lee tltle to the Properly,the leaaehdd and lee litle ahatl not be me►9ed uNesa Lender a�rees to the .�
<br /> •.� , • •,,
<br /> ' merqer In writing. .;ti.�����
<br /> � 6. Char�e� 40 6arrowor and Protociion of LendQr's Rights in the Proporty. Barrawer sneli pay au �•.,�, .
<br /> gpyemmental w mun'ciWl cherges,fines ond impositlons Ihat are not Included In Paragraph 2. Barower sha0 pay Ihese obA9atfans on
<br /> �•�" . tlme dlreetly to the tnlity wh�h Is owed the payment. II lailure to pay would adversely aflecl Lunder's Interesl In Ihe Proaem/, upon
<br /> Lender's r�ueat 6crtower ahatl promplly lumish to Lender recelpls evidencinq lhese payments.
<br /> � r.. , ���
<br /> • If Bortower '1�7s to make these payments or Ihe payments requlred d� ��q�aph 2, or fails to peAcrm any olhe► covenants and
<br /> eyreements corla�ned In �hls Seturity Instrumenl.or there Is a leqal proceed��that may signi(icanlly a�ecl Lendw's righls in I�e ti .
<br /> � propeAy (sueh a8 a prxeeding�rt bank�uplty. (w condemnat�on or to e��lerte laws or regulalionsl. Ihen Lender may do and pay
<br /> � whatever Is �eCees�ry to prolect :he value of the PropeAy and lendcr's dghts�n thcr Property. �cluding payment ol taxes. hazard
<br /> � � � ' ' insurane�and otP.�er itema mentioned In Paragraph 2. • .
<br /> � ' ; Any amsWr.tts�fsburaed by Lender under ih�s�arograw� ahau become a�ndd�t�onal debt ot Bot�Cv�m• and be secured by ims
<br /> ; Security IoeWrnct�2. These amounts shall bear m!ere91 fiom 1re atate ol tl�sbursemenl. at the Note rate. antS at Ihe optlon ol Lender. sha:
<br /> • . • be+mn+e�F.ilNy due rnd payxbte. •
<br /> ' � �, Cpti��1111at{p11. The proceeds ot any award o�c1a�m tor damages. d�r«t:: consequent�al, m cortnecRan wRh any
<br /> condernna6on a ether taking ol any part ot the Property_ ar 1or con,eyance M p�ace o�condemnat�on.are hereby ass�gned anC�na� ',
<br /> � Dt paid to Llndd'to the extent ol the full amaunr of the mdebfednes3 that r.�ma�n;unpa�d u�dcr Ihc Note anA th�s Setunty Instrument
<br /> . lendet sh� apply aueh proceeds to tnt�Cducfi0n of th��nd2hh?tlm�55 un4�er me Note and Ih�s Secunty Instrument. 6rsr m an�
<br /> . delnGUlnt �maunt8 app4ed in the order Orov�ded m Parag�aph �.and Ihen Io prepaymenl ol prinapal Any appl�c�t�on of thr.�rocceds
<br /> � to tht pnneipal shall not exlend or postpo�e tne due date ot Ihe uionthly payments,wn�cn are re�erred �o m rarac�pn e.or c�.�nqe
<br /> the amount of sueh paymeMS. My ercess preceeds over an amounl reqw�ed lo pay ail uulslandmg mdebtedness under the Note a^a
<br /> � this Setu�+ty Inatrument shtll be paid ta IhQ entdy legally entdled thaeto
<br /> � 8. FQ9i. Lender maY coaect lees and charges aulhorized by the Secretary
<br /> 8. (irounds for Accoloratinn of Dvbt.
<br /> (a) Dafault. Lender msy. except as lim�ted by regulalions�ssued by th� Secrehry m th� case ol paymenl delaults. rrqi.ne
<br /> fmmedlste payment In full ol all sums secured by Ihis Secunly Instrumrnt d
<br /> I
<br /> � . ,, . .,.,
<br /> �.�7'.r'� �LN19J1 ttn.'Uk:B
<br /> �
<br /> i �
<br />